Loneliness is a global epidemic. It's time to take it seriously


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

On This Christmas Eve what an important topic this is. If one has Jesus in their life, it helps tremendously but there are still obstacles.

Glad to see some of the leftists are acknowledging this issue. Global loneliness is the result of the poisonous BLM and radical feminist ideology. The all out attacks on western European Christian values that’s what we get. It’s even affecting traditional countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. It’s like a spreading cancer.

From the governor of California to Joe Biden to the neoconservative Republicans …they want us to give all our money to foreign countries for their wars. Like the governor of California they say

“it’s fine to get high be single just get a dog don’t have kids.” “you’re too poor to have children that’s only reserved for the elitists.”

Well why not have kids and a dog.

The way to have a return to normalcy is to respect our ancestors follow their traditions. And yes, that means also a world where women can work just like they did in the 1940s …remember the lady Francis Perkins was the secretary of labor in the 1930s. We’ve always had women in positions of power even hundreds of years ago.
I think young people today are more independent and more self reliant than earlier generations. This bodes positively for the nation. Loneliness is simply a choice. Get out into the wilderness. Find the solace in the solitude of quiet.
For the last forty frickin' years I have been running my ass off and working to raise a family and run a business, I need my solitude.

On This Christmas Eve what an important topic this is. If one has Jesus in their life, it helps tremendously but there are still obstacles.

Glad to see some of the leftists are acknowledging this issue. Global loneliness is the result of the poisonous BLM and radical feminist ideology. The all out attacks on western European Christian values that’s what we get. It’s even affecting traditional countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. It’s like a spreading cancer.

From the governor of California to Joe Biden to the neoconservative Republicans …they want us to give all our money to foreign countries for their wars. Like the governor of California they say

“it’s fine to get high be single just get a dog don’t have kids.” “you’re too poor to have children that’s only reserved for the elitists.”

Well why not have kids and a dog.

The way to have a return to normalcy is to respect our ancestors follow their traditions. And yes, that means also a world where women can work just like they did in the 1940s …remember the lady Francis Perkins was the secretary of labor in the 1930s. We’ve always had women in positions of power even hundreds of years ago.

I would miss my Grandkids but other than that it wouldn't put me out to never see another human being in person for the rest of my life.
For younger people especially the internet has made them more lonely. They are more connected than ever but they spend their lives online and seem to think random internet strangers is socializing but the reality is they insulate themselves from the real world. The internet is one of our greatest achievements but also one of the worst. Social media is a disease for a whole lot of people.

Older people probably become lonelier as our society outpaces them faster than ever as society is in a race with the devil to put young people up on a pedestal. Older people had always had a place in society up till the past 10 years which has accelerated in the past 5.

On This Christmas Eve what an important topic this is. If one has Jesus in their life, it helps tremendously but there are still obstacles.

Glad to see some of the leftists are acknowledging this issue. Global loneliness is the result of the poisonous BLM and radical feminist ideology. The all out attacks on western European Christian values that’s what we get. It’s even affecting traditional countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. It’s like a spreading cancer.

From the governor of California to Joe Biden to the neoconservative Republicans …they want us to give all our money to foreign countries for their wars. Like the governor of California they say

“it’s fine to get high be single just get a dog don’t have kids.” “you’re too poor to have children that’s only reserved for the elitists.”

Well why not have kids and a dog.

The way to have a return to normalcy is to respect our ancestors follow their traditions. And yes, that means also a world where women can work just like they did in the 1940s …remember the lady Francis Perkins was the secretary of labor in the 1930s. We’ve always had women in positions of power even hundreds of years ago.

Human condition.
For younger people especially the internet has made them more lonely. They are more connected than ever but they spend their lives online and seem to think random internet strangers is socializing but the reality is they insulate themselves from the real world. The internet is one of our greatest achievements but also one of the worst. Social media is a disease for a whole lot of people.

Older people probably become lonelier as our society outpaces them faster than ever as society is in a race with the devil to put young people up on a pedestal. Older people had always had a place in society up till the past 10 years which has accelerated in the past 5.
I have had to deal with the public since I was a kid and I still have to, I prefer to be along than try to have a relationship with fake folks.
Being able to do what you want , when you want to, and being able to choose your companjy on your terms is divine .
All I need is a superb cook who loves being a food and cleaning slave .
You need a good, fat Jewish woman!
It’s a feeling
Not up to anybody else to cure your malaise
Feelings need Way Less attention and Not More

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