London on Lockdown

Sad thing is, that lunatic in Norway only faces a maximum of 21 years due to their sentencing guidelines........That's a real punishment alright!

I have many relatives in Norway who are pissed off about it.......At least some euro's are coming around to reality.

Have they not told you that he will probably get life imprisonment. Norway has a thing called 'containment' which they use in extreme cases. After the person has done their 21 years they have a review and add another 5 years on. They can do that again until he dies.

Coming round to the reality that the global anti-islam movement is dangerous and in a symbiotic relationship with radical muslims and Al Quaeda, yes,
That's not the point. They want to see a flat out sentence. Life or death. They want a clear message sent, without having to put up with the review process. They want stricter sentencing guidelines.

Norway needs to wake up. They are very vulnerable, as was proven by a simple crazy farmer who was able to pull off not one, but two huge attacks. Who was able to roam around that island and shoot whomever he pleased for a very long time, completely unchallenged by anybody........They have a huge a target on their backs. The muslims will strike for a myriad of reasons. Their alignment with the US, and not to mention the cartoon that infuriated the dirty, crazy lil' towelheaded motherfuckers.

Hey Hey now.. You for got literate.

Mark Duggan: Violence, drugs, a fatal stabbing and a most unlikely martyr | Mail Online

He is very similar to King. Duggan was not a moral individual like Rodney. King was an alcoholic stopped for DUI numerous times. Arrested a few dozen times for assault, domestic violence, larceny and robbery! Duggan was a violence drug dealer, with a history of attacking the police!

Just like King, Duggan was far from an angel and was a very immoral figure! Actually this guy was worse than King. King was a low life wife beating alcoholic. Duggan was a violence, drug-dealing, murderous gangster. He poisoned the city he grew up in and the left is of course holding this guy out like he is Martin Luther King Jr! fiance, Mark Duggan, was travelling in a minicab in North London on Thursday evening when it was stopped by officers from Scotland Yard’s Operation Trident, who specialise in fighting black-on-black gun crime.

The officers were armed with Heckler & Koch submachine guns and there was an apparent ‘exchange’ of fire. Moments later Duggan was dead.

On the streets of the Broadwater Farm estate, where Mark Duggan grew up, he was also known by another name: ‘Starrish Mark’.
It sounds like an innocent nickname; it was anything but. In fact, the word ‘Starrish’ denoted his membership of a notorious ‘crew’ called The Star Gang who strut the streets of London’s N17.
The stock-in-trade of such ‘postcode’ gangs is violence, intimidation and, more often than not, drugs.
Duggan himself, according to some residents, was a crack cocaine dealer who routinely carried a gun.

‘Duggan was paranoid about what happened to his cousin,’ said one local. ‘He had a gun to protect himself because of what happened to Kelvin.’
So much for Mark Duggan being a ‘well respected member of his community’, as he is described on a memorial website.
That respect was underpinned by fear.

The Star Gang is an offshoot of Tottenham’s ‘Man dem’ gang which has links with Jamaica’s ruthless Yardie gangsters.
Back in the late Nineties, ‘Man dem’, whose ‘territory’ included Broadwater Farm (where Duggan grew up, remember), controlled dozens of ‘crack houses’ and its psychopathic members or ‘soldiers’, as they styled themselves, were believed to be behind countless shootings, robberies, kidnappings and gangland killings.
The leader was one Mark Lambie, who police suspected was implicated in the murder of PC Keith Blakelock, hacked to death by a mob during the infamous riot on Broadwater Farm in 1985. Lambie was just 14 at the time.
He was eventually jailed for 12 years in 2002 for other gang-related crimes (which involved torturing two rivals with a hammer and an electric iron, and pouring boiling water over their genitals).
Mark Duggan: Violence, drugs, a fatal stabbing and a most unlikely martyr | Mail Online

He is very similar to King. Duggan was not a moral individual like Rodney. King was an alcoholic stopped for DUI numerous times. Arrested a few dozen times for assault, domestic violence, larceny and robbery! Duggan was a violence drug dealer, with a history of attacking the police!

Just like King, Duggan was far from an angel and was a very immoral figure! Actually this guy was worse than King. King was a low life wife beating alcoholic. Duggan was a violence, drug-dealing, murderous gangster. He poisoned the city he grew up in and the left is of course holding this guy out like he is Martin Luther King Jr! fiance, Mark Duggan, was travelling in a minicab in North London on Thursday evening when it was stopped by officers from Scotland Yard’s Operation Trident, who specialise in fighting black-on-black gun crime.

The officers were armed with Heckler & Koch submachine guns and there was an apparent ‘exchange’ of fire. Moments later Duggan was dead.

On the streets of the Broadwater Farm estate, where Mark Duggan grew up, he was also known by another name: ‘Starrish Mark’.
It sounds like an innocent nickname; it was anything but. In fact, the word ‘Starrish’ denoted his membership of a notorious ‘crew’ called The Star Gang who strut the streets of London’s N17.
The stock-in-trade of such ‘postcode’ gangs is violence, intimidation and, more often than not, drugs.
Duggan himself, according to some residents, was a crack cocaine dealer who routinely carried a gun.

‘Duggan was paranoid about what happened to his cousin,’ said one local. ‘He had a gun to protect himself because of what happened to Kelvin.’
So much for Mark Duggan being a ‘well respected member of his community’, as he is described on a memorial website.
That respect was underpinned by fear.

The Star Gang is an offshoot of Tottenham’s ‘Man dem’ gang which has links with Jamaica’s ruthless Yardie gangsters.
Back in the late Nineties, ‘Man dem’, whose ‘territory’ included Broadwater Farm (where Duggan grew up, remember), controlled dozens of ‘crack houses’ and its psychopathic members or ‘soldiers’, as they styled themselves, were believed to be behind countless shootings, robberies, kidnappings and gangland killings.
The leader was one Mark Lambie, who police suspected was implicated in the murder of PC Keith Blakelock, hacked to death by a mob during the infamous riot on Broadwater Farm in 1985. Lambie was just 14 at the time.
He was eventually jailed for 12 years in 2002 for other gang-related crimes (which involved torturing two rivals with a hammer and an electric iron, and pouring boiling water over their genitals).

This is very true.. But it doesn't change the fact the Ghook93 will always be a fucking moronic liberal.

london riots: The third night

according to the guardian:

copycat rioters rampaged through bristol today with police chiefs warning of "volatile" scenes in the city centre.

More than 150 young rioters were causing disruption in the areas of st paul's and stokes croft, the scene of rioting earlier this year amid anger over a new tesco store.

People were warned to stay clear of the city centre as police launched efforts to bring the scenes under control.

It sounds like a combination of poverty and the police having special powers, to me.


Police by the very nature of their job have special powers.
But these apparently are extra special powers. Read the link I posted.

What link? Special Police forces are non regional but have a specific mission like the British Transport Police or the Serious Organised Crime Police. Some of them are armed unlike the majority of British police. BTW the British cops can now arm themselves with a snub nosed .38 revolver if they wish. Most choose not to.
Sorry bout that,

1. Civil unrest is a Muslim mainstay, look around folks, its happening all over the middle east.
2. The Muslims are making their play for jolly old England.
3. Trust me, there are many black Muslims.
4. Could happen here, but if it does, white people will show up with guns.
5. You think I could get a few dings on my rep count for maybe being a *racist*?

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Well the police brought in armoured vehicles for the first time last night. Totally mindless thuggery going on.

Early talk on bringing in the army, curfews or water cannon have just been denied by Theresa May who says the Police will deal with this as it is a criminal matter.

On a different positive level, people have started twitting about clearing things up and getting things sorted showing the real community spirit there is in London which may have been forgotten in all this.

To bad they did not get caught in the flames and burn to death.

BBC reported that 2 of the punks stopped to beat up a witness and try to take his camera, and were caught by the cops.

Caught is not brunt to death.... to bad....

but i am glad they were caught.

450 of the little thugs have been arrested so far.

The cold light of day shows the amount of damage - it's pretty horrific. Whole rows of stores and homes have been completely destroyed. Thousands of ordinary hard working people - of a variety of ethnic backgrounds - are now homeless and have lost everything just because some little brats can't behave like civilized human beings.

If you ask me, everyone involved - including the families of these little thugs - should lose any kind of government assistance - permanently. Let them live on the fucking streets that they've destroyed.
First the University protests, now this.
Instead of putting money into "nothing" (Lybia) maybe the Brits should re-route some of that money into the more important things, I mean the money they take as credit.
BBC reported that 2 of the punks stopped to beat up a witness and try to take his camera, and were caught by the cops.

Caught is not brunt to death.... to bad....

but i am glad they were caught.

450 of the little thugs have been arrested so far.

The cold light of day shows the amount of damage - it's pretty horrific. Whole rows of stores and homes have been completely destroyed. Thousands of ordinary hard working people - of a variety of ethnic backgrounds - are now homeless and have lost everything just because some little brats can't behave like civilized human beings.

If you ask me, everyone involved - including the families of these little thugs - should lose any kind of government assistance - permanently. Let them live on the fucking streets that they've destroyed.

Deport anyone who was involved who isn't a British citizen.
This isn't racism. It's anarchy, mindless vandalism, sheer criminality and wilful violence. We are now seeing the results of bleeding heart liberalism. Those who destroyed discipline in this country and replaced it with political correctness.

...and students who believe the world owes them a free ticket.


London riots: From Hackney to Brixton Twitter and Blackberry help looters co-ordinate raids | Mail Online
Seems that many of the rioters and looters are kids as young as seven! That being the case, the parents of those arrested who are under 16 should be arrested and charged as well!

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