London on Lockdown

:lol: Tar baby thread all over again.

Yea, I think you're right. No disrespect intended - cuz you know I love ya - but I think I tend to intellectualize my arguments more than many people on this forum. This is why I rarely debate on this board. I have an intellectual approach which doesn't really fit on this board.
There's nothing intellectual about the knee-jerk blame game.

It's not 'knee jerk' nor is it a 'blame game', it is simply my opinion, based on the evidence. We have a generation of kids in certain areas of the country (the UK in this instance, and mostly - apparently - in inner city environments) who clearly have no respect for society, property, people, or anything else. Why? What makes kids in certain areas act like this? Having spent quite some time working with academics - across a variety of social science issues, including education and economics - my view is that this is the result of decades of government policies. For decades the UK government has been what Americans would call 'liberal', that includes their Conservative party - which is more 'blue dog dem' than 'republican'. For decades, the British have implemented policies that - while they look good on paper - the actual impact has been incredibly harmful to individuals. Generational welfare - in certain areas - is common place. These kids have no role models to emulate. They come from families where no one has worked - for generation after generation. Their every need is met by others. Their rent is paid, their goods and services are paid, their vacations are paid, they earn nothing. That is not good for anyone. Living off other people breeds a lack of respect for anything. Therefore, they see no problem in destroying things. Because someone will replace it for them.

This is the result of that.
[ame=]‪Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
British youngsters don't like fruits & vegetables

Seems that many of the rioters and looters are kids as young as seven! That being the case, the parents of those arrested who are under 16 should be arrested and charged as well!

Personally, I'd have each and every one of them paying for the damage their little brats have caused.
Rioting is rapidly spreading across Britain's capital. There are cars being torched and overturned within sight of our balcony. It's getting worse by the day. Supermarkets are all closing to avoid being targetted by looters. And I'll echo the comment pages of all the major British news outlets: the majority of the rioter/looters/scum are ethnic minorities. The police's hands are largely tied because their boots are cemented in political correctness (blimey, that almost read like an emergency distress signal).

I'm the only gun owner in the building, for what precious little my ancient BSA 12-bore will do. Still, stiff upper lip an' all that.
You inbred fuckers need to spot the right targets. If you're gonna " get down" start at Fuckingham "palace". Instead you monkeys set cars on fire and loot liquor stores. Brilliant.
Well, this is heartwarming. Local people are coming out with brooms and garbage bags to clean up their neighborhoods.... and, they are applauding the police.
Seems that many of the rioters and looters are kids as young as seven! That being the case, the parents of those arrested who are under 16 should be arrested and charged as well!
Damn those liberals letting their kids riot!

Heck, most liberals won't even let their kids walk to the store until they are eighteen.

Seems that many of the rioters and looters are kids as young as seven! That being the case, the parents of those arrested who are under 16 should be arrested and charged as well!
Damn those liberals letting their kids riot!

Heck, most liberals won't even let their kids walk to the store until they are eighteen.


Again, their parents are not necessarily 'liberals'.... I suspect that most of their parents couldn't tell you who the Prime Minister is. They are - probably - completely disengaged in the political system. It's not about liberals, Ravi... it is about the result of liberal policies. Please try and learn the difference.
Seems that many of the rioters and looters are kids as young as seven! That being the case, the parents of those arrested who are under 16 should be arrested and charged as well!
Damn those liberals letting their kids riot!

Heck, most liberals won't even let their kids walk to the store until they are eighteen.


Lol! Are you putting words in my mouth Ravi? Must be since I've never said any such thing! My word, your sensitivity is showing like a pair of red flannel knickers! :eusa_whistle:
Gangs have been growing for years and I have seen kids saying they do not want to be in them but if they are not, then they live in fear. I have heard kids saying they make sure their parents do not know. I have seen programs on parents desperately trying to prevent their children from being involved in gangs and I have seen in the news and on other programs the tragic loss of our youth through murder.

This is what needs to be resolved. The kids joining the gangs are getting younger and younger. A lot of this is kids going after a new pair of shoes. No one who saw any hope for their future would engage in such activity.

Regardless of the criminality of those on the rampage, if we do not want to see such things repeating themselves we need to look a bit more at the genuine situation underneath it.

The cutting of youth services in the area is not an excuse to go out and loot shops. However, the younger teenagers drawn into gang activity and petty crime or looting do so in deprived areas of the inner city. Without jobs, any social or educational aspiration, the youth services were a means to distract them. Youth offenders who try to turn their back on a life on the streets are constantly hampered by prospective employers doing CRB checks. An offence can dog them for years. It is only the London mayor's scheme that seeks to employ young people regardless of their previous offending. These young people do not feel part of a society. "When the city is on fire the prime minister and mayor don't even come back from holiday," my source told me. "It just shows they don't care about us."

Before the cuts squeezed youth services, there was evidence of hope provided by social enterprise and youth-based initiatives. In deprived areas with deteriorating high-density social housing, troubled young men no longer needed to eek out a sense of identity in violent life on the streets. Violence happens in deprived areas where domestic violence, family breakdown and addiction issues are also rife. Younger boys are intimidated by teenagers and men to join gangs. The media stereotypes groups of urban teenagers as feckless thugs. This judgment and distancing only exacerbates the problem. Media attempts to blame the Tottenham riots on a network of organised thugs is the latest way to distance ourselves from the problems of this community and our young people who desperately need a voice.

London riots are not the work of organised gangs | Gavin Knight | Comment is free |
Seems that many of the rioters and looters are kids as young as seven! That being the case, the parents of those arrested who are under 16 should be arrested and charged as well!
Damn those liberals letting their kids riot!

Heck, most liberals won't even let their kids walk to the store until they are eighteen.


Lol! Are you putting words in my mouth Ravi? Must be since I've never said any such thing! My word, your sensitivity is showing like a pair of red flannel knickers! :eusa_whistle:
What do you have against knickers???
Damn those liberals letting their kids riot!

Heck, most liberals won't even let their kids walk to the store until they are eighteen.


Lol! Are you putting words in my mouth Ravi? Must be since I've never said any such thing! My word, your sensitivity is showing like a pair of red flannel knickers! :eusa_whistle:
What do you have against knickers???

Everything! I always say DOWN WITH KNICKERS!
Gangs have been growing for years and I have seen kids saying they do not want to be in them but if they are not, then they live in fear. I have heard kids saying they make sure their parents do not know. I have seen programs on parents desperately trying to prevent their children from being involved in gangs and I have seen in the news and on other programs the tragic loss of our youth through murder.

This is what needs to be resolved. The kids joining the gangs are getting younger and younger. A lot of this is kids going after a new pair of shoes. No one who saw any hope for their future would engage in such activity.

Regardless of the criminality of those on the rampage, if we do not want to see such things repeating themselves we need to look a bit more at the genuine situation underneath it.

The cutting of youth services in the area is not an excuse to go out and loot shops. However, the younger teenagers drawn into gang activity and petty crime or looting do so in deprived areas of the inner city. Without jobs, any social or educational aspiration, the youth services were a means to distract them. Youth offenders who try to turn their back on a life on the streets are constantly hampered by prospective employers doing CRB checks. An offence can dog them for years. It is only the London mayor's scheme that seeks to employ young people regardless of their previous offending. These young people do not feel part of a society. "When the city is on fire the prime minister and mayor don't even come back from holiday," my source told me. "It just shows they don't care about us."

Before the cuts squeezed youth services, there was evidence of hope provided by social enterprise and youth-based initiatives. In deprived areas with deteriorating high-density social housing, troubled young men no longer needed to eek out a sense of identity in violent life on the streets. Violence happens in deprived areas where domestic violence, family breakdown and addiction issues are also rife. Younger boys are intimidated by teenagers and men to join gangs. The media stereotypes groups of urban teenagers as feckless thugs. This judgment and distancing only exacerbates the problem. Media attempts to blame the Tottenham riots on a network of organised thugs is the latest way to distance ourselves from the problems of this community and our young people who desperately need a voice.

London riots are not the work of organised gangs | Gavin Knight | Comment is free |

I think the biggest problem is these people just don't have anything to occupy their time. While some will blame that on liberalism, in reality it is more the fault of technology and living in the city. But you can't really blame thuggish behavior on anything other than the thugs.
Gangs have been growing for years and I have seen kids saying they do not want to be in them but if they are not, then they live in fear. I have heard kids saying they make sure their parents do not know. I have seen programs on parents desperately trying to prevent their children from being involved in gangs and I have seen in the news and on other programs the tragic loss of our youth through murder.

This is what needs to be resolved. The kids joining the gangs are getting younger and younger. A lot of this is kids going after a new pair of shoes. No one who saw any hope for their future would engage in such activity.

Regardless of the criminality of those on the rampage, if we do not want to see such things repeating themselves we need to look a bit more at the genuine situation underneath it.

The cutting of youth services in the area is not an excuse to go out and loot shops. However, the younger teenagers drawn into gang activity and petty crime or looting do so in deprived areas of the inner city. Without jobs, any social or educational aspiration, the youth services were a means to distract them. Youth offenders who try to turn their back on a life on the streets are constantly hampered by prospective employers doing CRB checks. An offence can dog them for years. It is only the London mayor's scheme that seeks to employ young people regardless of their previous offending. These young people do not feel part of a society. "When the city is on fire the prime minister and mayor don't even come back from holiday," my source told me. "It just shows they don't care about us."

Before the cuts squeezed youth services, there was evidence of hope provided by social enterprise and youth-based initiatives. In deprived areas with deteriorating high-density social housing, troubled young men no longer needed to eek out a sense of identity in violent life on the streets. Violence happens in deprived areas where domestic violence, family breakdown and addiction issues are also rife. Younger boys are intimidated by teenagers and men to join gangs. The media stereotypes groups of urban teenagers as feckless thugs. This judgment and distancing only exacerbates the problem. Media attempts to blame the Tottenham riots on a network of organised thugs is the latest way to distance ourselves from the problems of this community and our young people who desperately need a voice.

London riots are not the work of organised gangs | Gavin Knight | Comment is free |

I think the biggest problem is these people just don't have anything to occupy their time. While some will blame that on liberalism, in reality it is more the fault of technology and living in the city. But you can't really blame thuggish behavior on anything other than the thugs.

The behaviour maybe but the response must come from somewhere else.
Gangs have been growing for years and I have seen kids saying they do not want to be in them but if they are not, then they live in fear. I have heard kids saying they make sure their parents do not know. I have seen programs on parents desperately trying to prevent their children from being involved in gangs and I have seen in the news and on other programs the tragic loss of our youth through murder.

This is what needs to be resolved. The kids joining the gangs are getting younger and younger. A lot of this is kids going after a new pair of shoes. No one who saw any hope for their future would engage in such activity.

Regardless of the criminality of those on the rampage, if we do not want to see such things repeating themselves we need to look a bit more at the genuine situation underneath it.

The cutting of youth services in the area is not an excuse to go out and loot shops. However, the younger teenagers drawn into gang activity and petty crime or looting do so in deprived areas of the inner city. Without jobs, any social or educational aspiration, the youth services were a means to distract them. Youth offenders who try to turn their back on a life on the streets are constantly hampered by prospective employers doing CRB checks. An offence can dog them for years. It is only the London mayor's scheme that seeks to employ young people regardless of their previous offending. These young people do not feel part of a society. "When the city is on fire the prime minister and mayor don't even come back from holiday," my source told me. "It just shows they don't care about us."

Before the cuts squeezed youth services, there was evidence of hope provided by social enterprise and youth-based initiatives. In deprived areas with deteriorating high-density social housing, troubled young men no longer needed to eek out a sense of identity in violent life on the streets. Violence happens in deprived areas where domestic violence, family breakdown and addiction issues are also rife. Younger boys are intimidated by teenagers and men to join gangs. The media stereotypes groups of urban teenagers as feckless thugs. This judgment and distancing only exacerbates the problem. Media attempts to blame the Tottenham riots on a network of organised thugs is the latest way to distance ourselves from the problems of this community and our young people who desperately need a voice.

London riots are not the work of organised gangs | Gavin Knight | Comment is free |

I think the biggest problem is these people just don't have anything to occupy their time. While some will blame that on liberalism, in reality it is more the fault of technology and living in the city. But you can't really blame thuggish behavior on anything other than the thugs.

Good point. And it is one I tried to make earlier. These kids are no way able to further their education - they have no ability or the inclination to go to university. There are not enough apprenticeships and vocational programs to get them ready for work. Most of them come from families where no one has worked, their parents (and that's if they're lucky enough to have a two parent family), their grandparents.... no one works. They get everything handed to them. Now, if you never have to earn anything - and every time you break something, someone just replaces it for you.... how the hell do you ever learn the value of things? That's not about their parents being 'liberal', it is the result of liberal policies.
Gangs have been growing for years and I have seen kids saying they do not want to be in them but if they are not, then they live in fear. I have heard kids saying they make sure their parents do not know. I have seen programs on parents desperately trying to prevent their children from being involved in gangs and I have seen in the news and on other programs the tragic loss of our youth through murder.

This is what needs to be resolved. The kids joining the gangs are getting younger and younger. A lot of this is kids going after a new pair of shoes. No one who saw any hope for their future would engage in such activity.

Regardless of the criminality of those on the rampage, if we do not want to see such things repeating themselves we need to look a bit more at the genuine situation underneath it.

The cutting of youth services in the area is not an excuse to go out and loot shops. However, the younger teenagers drawn into gang activity and petty crime or looting do so in deprived areas of the inner city. Without jobs, any social or educational aspiration, the youth services were a means to distract them. Youth offenders who try to turn their back on a life on the streets are constantly hampered by prospective employers doing CRB checks. An offence can dog them for years. It is only the London mayor's scheme that seeks to employ young people regardless of their previous offending. These young people do not feel part of a society. "When the city is on fire the prime minister and mayor don't even come back from holiday," my source told me. "It just shows they don't care about us."

Before the cuts squeezed youth services, there was evidence of hope provided by social enterprise and youth-based initiatives. In deprived areas with deteriorating high-density social housing, troubled young men no longer needed to eek out a sense of identity in violent life on the streets. Violence happens in deprived areas where domestic violence, family breakdown and addiction issues are also rife. Younger boys are intimidated by teenagers and men to join gangs. The media stereotypes groups of urban teenagers as feckless thugs. This judgment and distancing only exacerbates the problem. Media attempts to blame the Tottenham riots on a network of organised thugs is the latest way to distance ourselves from the problems of this community and our young people who desperately need a voice.

London riots are not the work of organised gangs | Gavin Knight | Comment is free |

I think the biggest problem is these people just don't have anything to occupy their time. While some will blame that on liberalism, in reality it is more the fault of technology and living in the city. But you can't really blame thuggish behavior on anything other than the thugs.

And that is why you are a brain dead dumb ass. When you give someone everything they need to live and creature comforts for GENERATIONS you breed disrespect for ownership. They are given everything they need to live and do not work and have no one in their family that has worked. They get some comforts given to them also.

They want more so they take it. They have no reason to not expect for what ever they destroy to be rebuilt. They are given it for free and have been for generations.

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