Locker Room Talk


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
This is for lefty beta male soy're welcome

What is locker room talk: Well men when they are around other men, maybe 2 or more men are together
They talk about a variety of subjects.
Real men do not treat women as fragile objects on a pedastal
Much of the conversation is men talking about women
They talk about their appearance, who they would like to bang ( fuck). Some things would be upsetting to pearl clutchers
One of the things that they talk about is how much action they got from a woman and many times they use baseball as analogy:
First Base: Kissing
Second Base: Titty play
Third Base: Pussy play ( Could include grabbing)
Home: Fucking

Now most guys move their hands and see if the women is ok with it. If she protests they stop. If she lets them....JACKPOT!!!!!!
They do not involve asking for permission.or any paperwork of any kind.
The permission is how the woman responds......she will let you know

Now We have hear a video of Trump saying grab by the pussy.
A couple of things
1) He never said that HE did it ( but we all do, so.he probably did)
2) Grabbing by the pussy is called Third base, see above
3) In Hollywood, women will give it up to a.famous guy who can give them something in return, so sex is transactional....Qeinstein got away with it for so long, because you don't normally have to rape someone to get laid ,especially in his position
AND in Hollywood knew, but didn't day anything
And people in Hollywood hate Trump, so I'd he did Do that, they would say so but haven't

Today people in Hollywood would take Weinstein over Trump based on politics alone

But that is you.lesson women and Hollywood and if brought up just refer them to this post
Remember the more we can educate, the better and more manly younger men will be

PS women objective men far more than men objective women....try listen to a group.of women..youll clucth those pearls hard.

Women want this too:

This is what you do when you socialize act like a thirteen year old when sex is involved, in yer head...The word you are attempting to use is "objectify".
Joe Biden actually sexually assaulted a woman in the men's locker room, but he's a Democrat so it doesn't count. Neither does the fact that Hunter would regularly rape underage girls in foreign countries while being drugged off his rockers. Model citizens is what they are.
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Joe Biden actually sexually assaulted a woman in the locker room, but he's a Democrat so it doesn't count. Neither does the fact that Hunter would regularly rape underage girls in foreign countries while being drugged off his rockers. Model citizens is what they are.
Who's locker room? Are these crazy coed locker rooms or are separate sexes?
Nobody can stop adults who talk like 14-year-olds. However, it is illegal to touch someone, particularly their private parts, without their consent. The OP is dangerously close to implying that it is okay to do so. It isn't. It's called assault.
Nobody can stop adults who talk like 14-year-olds. However, it is illegal to touch someone, particularly their private parts, without their consent. The OP is dangerously close to implying that it is okay to do so. It isn't. It's called assault.
You have a form ready when you move to a breast or have you gotten that far?
Nobody can stop adults who talk like 14-year-olds. However, it is illegal to touch someone, particularly their private parts, without their consent. The OP is dangerously close to implying that it is okay to do so. It isn't. It's called assault.
Read it again, the woman will let you know..
if you go to the area and she blocks stop.
If she doesn't you go forward.....
and no date rape drugs are still date don't use that scenarioI
All women are to be believed? I think not.
Well during the Kavanaugh hearing that was not the position of the people we are mocking.....when a republican is charged, that is always the lefts position, but as usual there slogans are base purely on fuck those commies.

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