Local independent journalist in Los Angeles dispels the rampant disinformation pouring from the right

Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

You're video started out strong, but then devolved into talking points blaming climate change.

I appreciate independent media...and I agree with the nuanced explanations at the beginning of this video. I'm sure much of that contributed to the governmental failures that led up to this disaster. Has the video ended there, all would be well.

But here is where the plot was lost:

She says there are reports that Newsome cut 100 million dollars from California's firefighting budget, then implies this isn't true without specifically saying it isn't true. That's not objective journalism... that's a narrative framing device and propaganda tool intended to fool the listener into believing Newsome didn't actual do what is being alleged without overtly blatantly lying.

Newsome DID in fact cut $100 million dollars from fire prevention...that is not misinformation.

And the 'Newsome is spending 10 times more on Forest Management'... that doesn't tell us anything. Example: If I have one guy tasked with building the Great Wall of China, and I hire ten more people to help, there is in fact 10 times the manpower working on the project. Sounds impressive... but the project is still as pitifully undermanned compared to it's scope as it was originally. It's just another framing device.

As to "climate change"...the Santa Ana winds aren't anything new.


While this picture is from 1955, the hurricane strength Santa Ana Winds were reported as far back as 1847...


Not exactly a post industrial event.

Just another example of liberals attempting to bamboozle people into believing a very common weather event is somehow related to "anthropomorphic climate change", instead of a well known weather phenomenon.
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Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

Know nothing about her,
Sure would like too see a LOT more Journalist be independent & not owned by either party.
Your Calif haters, But you do not live there, so you are unaware that about 40% of California are REPUBLICAN.
You're video started out strong, but then devolved into talking points blaming climate change.

I appreciate independent media...and I agree with the nuanced explanations at the beginning of this video. I'm sure much of that contributed to the governmental failures that led up to this disaster. Has the video ended there, all would be well.

But here is where the plot was lost:

She says there are reports that Newsome cut 100 million dollars from California's firefighting budget, then implies this isn't true without specifically saying it isn't true. That's not objective journalism... that's a narrative framing device and propaganda tool intended to fool the listener into believing Newsome didn't actual do what is being alleged without overtly blatantly lying.

Newsome DID in fact cut $100 million dollars from fire prevention...that is not misinformation.

And the 'Newsome is spending 10 times more on Forest Management'... that doesn't tell us anything. Example: If I have one guy tasked with building the Great Wall of China, and I hire ten more people to help, there is in fact 10 times the manpower working on the project. Sounds impressive... but the project is still as pitifully undermanned compared to it's scope as it was originally. It's just another framing device.

As to "climate change"...the Santa Ana winds aren't anything new.

View attachment 1065137

While this picture is from 1955, the hurricane strength Santa Ana Winds were reported as far back as 1847...

Not exactly a post industrial event.

Just another example of liberals attempting to bamboozle people into believing a very common weather event is somehow related to "anthropomorphic climate change", instead of a well known weather phenomenon.

And the Pacific Palisades Reservoir has been drained for almost a year ... so that "January and February are the wettest months" is also bullshit.

The reservoir has been dry since February 2024... according to the L.A. Times.

"Officials said that the Santa Ynez Reservoir had been closed since about February for repairs to its cover, leaving a 117-million-gallon water storage complex empty in the heart of the Palisades for nearly a year."

(Using a Yahoo link to avoid the paywall...)

Your Calif haters, But you do not live there, so you are unaware that about 40% of California are REPUBLICAN.
The only thing about california that I absolutely hate are the totally stupid liberals running the cities and the state

Otherwise I agree with you
So you're choice 1: People in CA LOVE a government that lets whole cities burn, amiright?
Where did I state that ?? :cuckoo:

I had stated:

You lack the ability to make sense out of more then one thing

Therefore feel free now - to make sense out of your one, two or whatever number of things, beheld in your TWO no-sense statements.

Like disasters don't happen in other places.

When a hurricane hits Florida, it's just a hurricane, when wildfires hit California, it's Democrats.

Wildfires will hit out west. It's inevitable and there will be damage as a result, but California has also been mismanaging their resources for years which can amplify the fallout.

It's possible that all these things can be true. They aren't mutually exclusive.
The necessary infrastructure (pumps and pipelines) to bring water to areas was insufficient. (Area known to be fire hazardous) The reports of no water in hydrants was because of too much demand on a system built too small and never upgraded to sufficient size.

The manpower needed to fight the fire was insufficient. (Everyone warned repeatedly by firefighters) However in light of insufficient infrastructure the number of existing firefighters already overtaxed the insufficient infrastructure.

The preventative measures of brush cutting and fire breaks were never done. (Gotta love those environmentalists)

None of these facts are disputed.

$17 million in firefighting cuts were made after increases of $100 million was added to the budget.....but $3 Billion was added to the budget to spend on homeless illegal aliens. (Who started the fires)

The areas burned are homes to the wealthier citizens of LA. They will make lots of noise in the media and the problems over-addressed while the disaster in W South Carolina will be forgotten.
Is that the South Carolina where they're fighting off aid?
Like disasters don't happen in other places.

When a hurricane hits Florida, it's just a hurricane, when wildfires hit California, it's Democrats.
For this analogy to apply, a bunch of fans would have to drop to the forest floor and the state governments would have to pass a bunch of environment regulations that made it much more difficult to get rid of them. Then, when the slightest breeze blew, they would all turn on creating the hurricane.

See the difference?

Clear your forest floor, try some fire breaks and back burns. If Florida could mitigate the power and scope of hurricanes by building sand dunes along there coastline and then they didn't...we'd call them out too.

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