Local independent journalist in Los Angeles dispels the rampant disinformation pouring from the right

The sad thing about such liberal Democrat "journalists" as the one in the OP and the liberal Democrats here on USMB is that they don't give a crap about the tragic loss of lives and homes in the Los Angeles area.

These are their own people, fellow liberals, fellow wokesters, fellow Democrats. But they don't care. All that they care about is putting some kind of spin on it to avoid liberal/Democrat policies taking their fair share of the blame.
Let me know when you've identified any lie she told in the video Republican.
The one about fire trucks from Oregon not being stopped after reaching california

The rumor that they failed emissions tests was false

But they were held up for testing before being allowed in

Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

Republicans are still going to ignore facts and the truth and continue to spread disinformation and lies.
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

"Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power." and Trolls for whom everything is a game

Director Brett R. Barbre is the principal of Barbre & Associates, a public affairs company specializing in lobbying, water resource strategies.

He is obviously trying/interested to make a buck out of this disaster - he is likely a Republican, since he worked for 8 years on Rep. William Dannemayer's staff.
I'll tell you the same thing I told your fellow partisan Republican friend Harry Dresden, let me know when you've identified a lie she told in the video.
marc people out here are questioning various people because there is so much crap flying around....but yet this woman in her kitchen knows whats what?...you are pretty gullible marc...she knows no more than anyone else...
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

I love how most of the supposed "independent" journalists are shills for the local incompetent governments.
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

The necessary infrastructure (pumps and pipelines) to bring water to areas was insufficient. (Area known to be fire hazardous) The reports of no water in hydrants was because of too much demand on a system built too small and never upgraded to sufficient size.

The manpower needed to fight the fire was insufficient. (Everyone warned repeatedly by firefighters) However in light of insufficient infrastructure the number of existing firefighters already overtaxed the insufficient infrastructure.

The preventative measures of brush cutting and fire breaks were never done. (Gotta love those environmentalists)

None of these facts are disputed.

$17 million in firefighting cuts were made after increases of $100 million was added to the budget.....but $3 Billion was added to the budget to spend on homeless illegal aliens. (Who started the fires)

The areas burned are homes to the wealthier citizens of LA. They will make lots of noise in the media and the problems over-addressed while the disaster in W South Carolina will be forgotten.
The necessary infrastructure (pumps and pipelines) to bring water to areas was insufficient. (Area known to be fire hazardous) The reports of no water in hydrants was because of too much demand on a system built too small and never upgraded to sufficient size.

The manpower needed to fight the fire was insufficient. (Everyone warned repeatedly by firefighters) However in light of insufficient infrastructure the number of existing firefighters already overtaxed the insufficient infrastructure.

The preventative measures of brush cutting and fire breaks were never done. (Gotta love those environmentalists)

None of these facts are disputed.

$17 million in firefighting cuts were made after increases of $100 million was added to the budget.....but $3 Billion was added to the budget to spend on homeless illegal aliens. (Who started the fires)

The areas burned are homes to the wealthier citizens of LA. They will make lots of noise in the media and the problems over-addressed while the disaster in W South Carolina will be forgotten.

Just wait until they have to navigate the layers of bureaucracy to re-build.
Director Brett R. Barbre is the principal of Barbre & Associates, a public affairs company specializing in lobbying, water resource strategies.

He is obviously trying/interested to make a buck out of this disaster - he is likely a Republican, since he worked for 8 years on Rep. William Dannemayer's staff.
And that should exclude him from expressing his opinion?

We are not going to get anything but lies from LA government officials, some of whom making 3/4 of a million dollars a year of taxpayer money

They gave a lot to lose if they cant keep their job
Only one of two things that makes sense after watching Pacific Palisades burn:
  1. California democrats are hopeless masochists and love government abusing them literally to death, or
  2. CA has been "blue" since 1988 because of MASSIVE voter fraud, including millions of illegals "Voting" to keep democrats in power
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

hahaha you got to really be some crazy nutjob to claim that fire hydrants ran dry not because there was no water.

hahah that is in fact what running dry means dumbass

keep spinning
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

Are there fires or not?

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