Local independent journalist in Los Angeles dispels the rampant disinformation pouring from the right


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

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Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

About looting The governor just said the same exact thing yesterday on twatter x
You literally have stores in California closing cause they couldn't afford the thieving junkies and joggers
With barely any consequences for the thieves.
He got boned

This video is credentialed expert approved
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

"The firehose of disinformation?"

I love that line!

Is it like a firehose in Los Angeles where nothing comes out of it, because it was all held for the Smelt?
CA has three or four fewer dams because of Newsom and no one said CA ran out of water... the hydrants ran dry... because they haven't been tested regularly and the nearest dam to Malibu was emptied for repairs...
This chick is a typical CA lib addressing issues that are not in question and skipping over important facts to gas light you...
If this is an example of the attitude in LA than fuck em... rebuild your own mess that you made...
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

Everyone was competent
Dog whistles
Alright I gotta turn it off :p
I predict SF will be Maui 3.0. It has also been setup to burn.


These fires are set up and planned

Democrats = traitors
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

Why do you believe her? Because she says things you want to hear?
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

"Approximately 490,000 acre-feet of runoff each year, or roughly 437 million gallons per day, takes place in LA, Long Beach and Anaheim, or roughly 437 million gallons per day. They thought this would save their freshwater minnows like the Delta Smelt".
Tell this moron woman that CA is in a drought year this year and we could sure use the three dams full of water that Newsom ripped down and the three he was suppose to have built by now with federal dollars... where is that money Newsom?....
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

how do you know she is telling you the truth marc?...
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

She’s full of crap blaming the fires on global warming instead of liberal mismanagement
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.

Many pedos, Hollywood, Congressmen and democrats resting more peacefully tonight
Let me know when you've identified any lie she told in the video Republican.
give us break liberal....she is some lady sitting in her fucking kitchen telling you what you want to hear and you eat it up....you are a couple of thousands of miles away marc and dont know shit about California or what goes on there....just like so many other critics of the state....stick to telling us about Georgia marc........
Independent journalist Leigh McGowan, a local resident to Los Angeles California, sets the record straight against the firehose of disinformation stemming from the rightwing.

Remember: Disinformation helps no one but opportunists who profit off pain for their own power.


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