LMAO!!! Oil is NOT a "fossil fuel"!!!

Like I pointed out, those who fall for one conspiracy theory tend to fall for all of them. Hence, you see many so deniers here telling us about the abiotic oil just waiting to be found.

Except nobody can find it. Because it's apparently invisible abiotic oil. It's very similar to the invisible volcanoes that deniers say are hearing the earth. Perhaps these deniers can reveal to us the design of the magic spectacles they use to reveal all these invisible objects.
The irony here is amazing....
Never knew this was a part of the hoax!!! Who knew the whole "fossil fuel" concept was engineered reality???!!:spinner:

Does this mean you expect the amount of world-wide crude produced to keep going up? For how long?

Um, I asked you a polite question to understand your position and you responded with an off-topic Youtube clip, presumably intended as an insult. Do you have any ability to respond to questions about your position whatsoever?
The irony here is amazing....

So darkwind, are you jumping on the abiotic oil conspiracy bandwagon too, to be with so many of your denier buddies? Skook here is especially well-known for falling for every conspiracy theory to come down the pipe.

It's more or less required now for deniers to mouth conspiracy mantras about how ozone depletion was a hoax, and how DDT was harmless. I'm just wondering if "abiotic oil exists in mass quantities!" has moved up to make the official list of mandated beliefs for deniers.
The irony here is amazing....

So darkwind, are you jumping on the abiotic oil conspiracy bandwagon too, to be with so many of your denier buddies? Skook here is especially well-known for falling for every conspiracy theory to come down the pipe.

It's more or less required now for deniers to mouth conspiracy mantras about how ozone depletion was a hoax, and how DDT was harmless. I'm just wondering if "abiotic oil exists in mass quantities!" has moved up to make the official list of mandated beliefs for deniers.
I so do like it when you have nothing
The irony here is amazing....

So darkwind, are you jumping on the abiotic oil conspiracy bandwagon too, to be with so many of your denier buddies? Skook here is especially well-known for falling for every conspiracy theory to come down the pipe.

It's more or less required now for deniers to mouth conspiracy mantras about how ozone depletion was a hoax, and how DDT was harmless. I'm just wondering if "abiotic oil exists in mass quantities!" has moved up to make the official list of mandated beliefs for deniers.

It has sweetie...........operative term is "mass quantities"........which ensures losing for the AGW k00ks for a long, long, long, long time!!!

When you look at ANY projection of future energy, it shows that by 2040, renewables will STILL be at 10%. ( even Obama's EIA graph shows it clearly ) = the science isn't mattering.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Tagging people who don't embrace the established narrative as "deniers" isn't going to change that one little bit!!! And by 2040, they'll be drilling down well past 50,000 feet!!! Stoopid!!!:fu:
Globalization demands creation of artificial scarcity!!! duh.....its always about the money, except to the hopelessly duped, who by the way told us 10 years ago that solar energy would be dominating the energy landscape by 2015!!! Where are they now? At 0.2%!!!

The Myth Of Peak Oil

Social oddball people like Mamooth learned years ago to hunker down when you are made to look fucking stoopid........ignoring clear evidence becomes a way of life.:2up: Normal people call them mental cases.
The irony here is amazing....

So darkwind, are you jumping on the abiotic oil conspiracy bandwagon too, to be with so many of your denier buddies? Skook here is especially well-known for falling for every conspiracy theory to come down the pipe.

It's more or less required now for deniers to mouth conspiracy mantras about how ozone depletion was a hoax, and how DDT was harmless. I'm just wondering if "abiotic oil exists in mass quantities!" has moved up to make the official list of mandated beliefs for deniers.
Nope...I'm just amazed at your statement, given that the AGW conspiracy is what you support.
The irony here is amazing....

So darkwind, are you jumping on the abiotic oil conspiracy bandwagon too, to be with so many of your denier buddies? Skook here is especially well-known for falling for every conspiracy theory to come down the pipe.

It's more or less required now for deniers to mouth conspiracy mantras about how ozone depletion was a hoax, and how DDT was harmless. I'm just wondering if "abiotic oil exists in mass quantities!" has moved up to make the official list of mandated beliefs for deniers.
Nope...I'm just amazed at your statement, given that the AGW conspiracy is what you support.

You're talking about a feminist bulldog who is beyond miserable......most are. These people naturally embrace "causes" to be able to find some niche where they can fit in. It works for these social oddballs.
I'll be entirely honest. I want to end the oil monopoly on power because:
It poisons the air I breathe!
It enriches soul-less, avaricious oil companies that use people like toilet paper!
The pollution is necessitates is ugly!
It is unnecessary for a good life!
Renewables are enough and decentralize economic and political power, and I prefer less control!
I like choice!
I dislike ostentatious waste!
This is posted expressly to disturb apologists for the dictatorship of companies that make over a $1000 net profit per second (as Exxon does), and have even more contempt for the poor fools that defend them than they do for the rest of us.
well then you should invent something to replace it.
If the markets were truly free, who can say, maybe something would be invented. I've read my history, there have been times where it looked like things might have looked much different if it hadn't been for government interference.

The price of gas right now has EVERYTHING to do with government meddling.

Mystery Behind Dropping Oil Prices Solved: Concerted Market Manipulation
Mystery Behind Dropping Oil Prices Solved Concerted Market Manipulation Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
What does this say about global energy markets and their intertwining with various other sociopolitical issues including the debate over climate change, spikes in prices that strangulate development globally and wars waged for “humanitarian reasons” against nations that just so happen to export oil outside of markets controlled by Washington and London? It says a lot, and illustrates that many of the facades and social crusades well-meaning people have taken up leave them carrying water for one of the most perverse, destructive industries on Earth, in human history … big oil.

Hmmmm . . . The Center for Research on Globalization is obviously a leftwing propaganda organ, so why shoud anyone take anything it publishes as credible?

Fine, if you don't like that source, here is another. This is an intelligence source that is often used by Rush, Hannity, and Beck. It is an anonymous D.C. insider source. As such, I don't usually use it as a reference, though the most politically savvy follow it, for they know it contains a kernel of truth. This isn't a partisan fact of foreign policy, it really isn't. Every read Fight Club? Yeah, if you have, then you get it.

CEO Of Rosneft Compares Oil Market Manipulation Which "Doesn't Reflect Reality" To Gold Price Rigging
CEO Of Rosneft Compares Oil Market Manipulation Which Doesn t Reflect Reality To Gold Price Rigging Zero Hedge

Look at the market fundamentals and it seems prices should soon rebound to the $60 or $80 a barrel levels that would make it worth building the wells that the world needs. But if markets are distorted, and the rebound takes longer than it should, many current production projects will be mothballed — and the price will eventually climb to $90 to $110 a barrel, or higher.

In today’s distorted oil markets, prices do not reflect reality. They are driven instead by financial speculation, which outweighs the real-life factors of supply and demand. Financial markets tend to produce economic bubbles, and those bubbles tend to burst. Remember the dotcom bust and the subprime mortgage crisis? Furthermore, they are prone to manipulation. We have not forgotten the rigging of the Libor interest rate benchmark and the gold price.

The answer might seem to lie in more regulation. In fact, regulation is already excessive and makes things worse. The US has banned the export of oil for more than four decades, giving American oil refineries an unfair advantage over their European peers. The excise regime in the EU, which imposes levies on petroleum-based products, distorts oil consumption markets. Sanctions against Iran affect oil supplies and trade balances.

In the long term, sanctions against Russia endanger Europe’s security of supply. The fact that oil is taxed differently in different places further distorts the terms of trade and explains why oil markets in Europe and the US have been structured differently.

Financial bubbles, market manipulations, excessive regulation, regional disparities — so grotesque are these distortions that you might question whether there is any such thing as an oil “market” at all. There is the semblance of a market: buyers and sellers and prices. But they are performing a charade.
LMAO.........."peak oil"!!!:spinner::spinner::spinner:

Abiogenic petroleum origin
The theory of abiogenic petroleum origin states that petroleum is produced by non-biological processes deep in the Earth. This stands in contrast to the more widely held view that it is created from the fossilization of ancient organic matter. According to this theory, petroleum is formed by non-biological reactions deep in the Earth's crust. The constituent precursors of petroleum (mainly methane) are commonplace and it is possible that appropriate conditions exist for oil to be formed deep within the Earth.
Although this theory has support by a large minority of geologists in Russia, where it was intensively developed in the 1950s and 1960s, it has only recently begun to receive attention in the West, where the biogenic theory is still believed by the vast majority of petroleum geologists. Although it was originally denied that abiogenic hydrocarbons exist at all on earth, this is now admitted by Western geologists. The orthodox position now is that while abiogenic hydrocarbons exist, they are not produced in commercially significant quantities, so that essentially all hydrocarbons that are extracted for use as fuel or raw materials are biogenic.

A variation of the abiogenic theory includes alteration by microbes similar to those which form the basis of the ecology around deep hydrothermal vents.

One prediction of this theory is that other planets of the Solar system or their moons have large petroleum oceans, either from hydrocarbons present at the formation of the Solar system, or subsequent chemical reactions.

That this theory is receiving increasing attention from Western geologists is indicated by the fact that the American Association of Petroleum Geologists scheduled a conference ( fogri New AAPG Hedberg Conference in Vienna ) to meet in Vienna in July 2004 entitled "Origin of Petroleum—Biogenic and/or Abiogenic and Its Significance in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production". The conference had to be canceled, however, due to financial considerations. Instead, AAPG will be holding a one-day session on the topic at the June 2005 annual meeting in Calgary, Alberta.


= the climate crusading AGW religion >> universally duped!!!:coffee:One will notice.........they ONLY embrace THEIR science!!! Fascinating!!:tomato:

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