Liz Cheney delivers another gut punch to Donald

Trump has a history of building the border wall. How much border wall is Biden building?
Lenny celebrate IT'S


The Confederate flag made it deeper into Washington on 1/6/21 than it did during the Civil War
r/pics - The Confederate flag made it deeper into Washington on 1/6/21 than it did during the Civil War
Lenny celebrate IT'S


The Confederate flag made it deeper into Washington on 1/6/21 than it did during the Civil War
r/pics - The Confederate flag made it deeper into Washington on 1/6/21 than it did during the Civil War
What are you gona do when you finally wake up and smell the coffee.
That the FBI was involved.Plus Black Ops,Even some form of Special
forces just for the day.Tucker Carlson showed video a day or two after a
Judge gave the order that parts of the 14,ooo hrs of video that was caoptured
must be released to the Public.Pelosi and her bunch of Traitors up till the summer
were tickled pink they dint have to prove anything by showing clips of January 6th.
Pelosi still believes she has no responsibility to do,say or prove anything if
she doesn't feel like it.Which of course the rotten to the core Speaker proves
every week.
Carlson showed some of the footage a judge ordered released.
It showed a group of Americans walking around { some carrying little flags }
and just admiring the place as if in a Museum.
Then the footage of the side entrance that was barricaded and broken out.
Those in that footage were dressed as if Black Ops.Probably were.
Like the way 12 undercover FBI Infiltrators helped sponsor and groom the
men who we were told plotted to Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer.
Think WACO. Think Janet Reno.Think how Slick Willy { Bill Clinton }
wasn't man enough to call the shots.He forced all responsibility for WACO
onto the shoulders of AG Janet Reno.
I wonder if the Nazi Pelousy Clown Show Commission will find out why Trump offered to send the National Guard to surround the Capital days before 1/6 if he was planning to send his goons down there to take over the country with zip ties and a toy gallows.
I wonder if the Nazi Pelousy Clown Show Commission will find out why Trump offered to send the National Guard to surround the Capital days before 1/6 if he was planning to send his goons down there to take over the country with zip ties and a toy gallows.

Wasn't it HAL9000 { - 2001 : A Space Odyssey - } who said :
" I am putting myself to the fullest possible use,which is all I think
any conscious entity can ever hope to do. "
So that's where Obama stole his - Hope and Change - slogan.
I nude it had to be from somwheres.


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