Biden Is Drowning In His Own Scandals And Policy Failures As Approval Ratings Plungs


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Biden battered by crises as president's approval plunges

- From the botched withdrawl from Afghanistan to an influx of migrants at the southern border, Biden has suffered major setbacks

"Just over eight months into office, President Biden is drowning in crises.

From immigration, to foreign policy, to the economy, to the coronavirus pandemic, the president's problems appear to be mounting."

I saw a poll this morning showing VP Kamala Harris' approval rating is higher today than President Biden's, and Harris is the Democrat who ran for President and only 2% of all Democrats wanted Harris to be President, forcing her to be the 1st Democrat candidate to drop out of the race.


Promised Allied leaders at the G7 Summit that he would not abandon their people in Afghanistan

Promised the American people he would not leave Americans and allies behind in Afghanistan

Biden and his top Military leaders wasted time on leftist extremist / Democrat ideology and agenda instead of focusing on evacuating Americans and allies from Afghanistan

  • Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin focused on forcing the military to have a down day to self-evaluate & investigate to find and expel ‘White Supremacists’ (Conservatives) from the military
  • Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley focused on forcing U.S. Military Academies and active duty military to undergo Critical Race (CRT) Theory training
President Biden ignored both CIA and Military Advisors about rapid sweep of the Taliban through Afghanistan and the Afghan Govt

13 Service members killed

HUNDREDS of Americans, Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders, and Allies Left Behind

Almost non-existent vetting process resulted in rapist, pedophiles, terrorist-associated Afghanis, and actual terrorists who are on the US Terrorist Watch List were allowed on planes and flown to the US.

  • Several of these criminals have already been arrested and charged with crimes, to include attempted pedophilia
  • Medically un-vetted Afghanis have caused outbreaks of several diseases in the UDS
Biden State Department actively took action to PREVENT independent, private citizens from rescuing Americans and allies left behind and attempted to take credit for some of the rescues.

Biden State Department is negotiating with the Taliban for the repatriation of American citizens for ransom amount.

Immediately upon wearing in to office acted to reverse every President Trump immigration policy, process, and agreement with South American nations and Mexico, agreements and processes Presidents of those nations say were working.

Immediately surrendered our U. S. sovereignty, border security, and national security by implementing an Open Border policy

President Biden’s own Immigration Czar publicly stated that the U. S. Border Patrol (USBP) cannot close our border, cannot secure our border, cannot police our border, and therefore cannot protect this country or the American people because the USBP cannot keep up with the Mexican Cartels and Coyotes who have better equipment and are better armed.

Corrupt / criminal Mexican Military have been seen / photographed / videotaped entering the US, trafficking drugs and/or protecting drug shipments.

Cartels are Coyotes are reportedly making over a million dollars a week smuggling drugs, adults, families, and unaccompanied kids.

President Biden has created the largest Drug smuggling, human trafficking, child trafficking, and sex trafficking event in US history.

Enough drugs (Fentanyl) has entered the US – the amount that has been caught, not total) to kill every American citizen.

Biden has caused the largest COVID-19 Super Spreader event in history, allowing virus-infected illegals into the US, refusing to test or treat them, exempting them from mandatory vaccines upon entry, and then trafficking them all over the country in the middle of the night and illegally dumping them in communities all over the US without informing local and state agencies they care coming.

Illegals being trafficked are also spreading other diseases all over the U.S.

Biden has caused a Humanitarian Crisis, creating a situation where parents are ‘selling’ their children to Cartels and Coyotes for them to traffic unaccompanied children to the U.S,

  • A reported 80% of these children are physically / sexually abused
  • Many are killed / left to die along the way
  • When they got / get to the U.S. they have been forced into Biden Kiddie Cages – as many as 100 children crammed into cages designed to hold no more than 20 individuals. Children have had to take turns sleeping on the floor in shifts due to over-crowding.
  • Unusable / un-drinkable water
  • Not enough food
  • Children have been physically and sexually abused in these cages because the USBP is so undermanned they cannot adequately supervise all the children in their custody.
These children have been kept in these cages for longer than legally allowed.

Children have been loaded onto and kept on busses for up to 3 days while the decision is made where to dump them in the U.S.

The Biden administration has broken their oaths of office, violated the Constitution, and broken U.S. Immigration las repeatedly, and it has and continues to blatantly LIE to anyone and everyone who asks questions, demands answers, or even wants to see for themselves what is going on.

  • The Biden administration refused to allow ANYONE to visit the camps where children were kept in kiddie cages to prevent photos of the horrible conditions in which they were force to live from getting out to the public.
  • DEMOCRAT politicians were the 1st ones to visit and smuggle photos out to the public.
When this administration’s criminal handling of their illegal open borders trafficking mission is exposed to the public and public awareness and outrage rises the Biden administration quickly moves to move illegals to new locations or release them into the US.

18,000 illegal Haitians were located under a bridge in Texas. When it caught the public’s and Congress’ attention, DHS secretary Mayorkas and the Biden administration quickly released (relocated and dumped) 12,000+ of the illegal Haitians into the US. After 18,000 illegals were reported under a Texas bridge, 3 days later the camp was completely empty Mayorkas could not answer how many there were, how many were returned to Haiti, how many exactly were released into the U.S., how many were virus-infected, or how many were treated before being released.

Illegals are being released on the ‘honor’ system, asking them to self-report and obtain a court date rather than being processed and given a court date.

VP Harris was named the Border / Illegal Immigration Czar responsible for ‘solving’ the border disaster Biden created. She was MIA before being FORCED to visit the border, and when she did she visited a location not actively engaged in dealing with the busiest trafficking areas, a ‘sterile’, non-Controversial location. VP Harris did visit South American nations and Mexico – they told her Trump had already negotiated a deal that was working and that the current disaster was President Biden’s self-created disaster. That is when VP abandoned her duties of resolving the open border disaster and left for a trip to Asia, forgetting all about the border crisis.

Biden falsely claimed to have visited the southern border, but extensive research proves he has never visit the southern border in his 50-year career.

Biden has instituted an Open Border policy that has forfeited out sovereignty, our border security, our national security, and has facilitated never-before-seen drug, human., child, and sex trafficking. While doing so, he and his administration has violated their oaths of office, the U.S. Constitution, and U. s. Immigration laws.

While President Biden has accused others of spreading ‘misinformation’, President Biden, Vice President Harris, DHS Chief Mayorkas, and others have continuously misled the American people, have flat-out lied to Americans, and has shown absolutely no ‘remorse’ for doing so, as shown when they get caught lying, misleading, and breaking laws, they simply attempt to find new ways to hide their illegal and treasonous actions.

Biden and his administration has allowed 1.5 MILLION+ illegals into the country so far this year, the most in at least 20 years.

Despite DHS Chief Mayorka’s continuously, blatantly, shamelessly lying to the American people by claiming ‘THE BORDER IS CLOSED’, the border is anything BUT closed.

Mayorkas declared that the fact that 11+ million illegals walking around the US before this year, before the Biden administration proves there is a need for US immigration Law reform…

  • That includes immediate Amnesty for those 11 Million (experts believe there real number is at least double that)
  • The Millions of illegals in the US is a demonstration of the Democratic party’s intentional violation of Constitution and Immigration law, of their commitment to facilitating an illegal invasion for DECADES, of the Democrats’ intent to change the culture – to fundamentally change the United States (as Obama promised to do)
Every time a Biden crisis receives too much attention the Biden administration will not hesitate to stoop to any low, to lie, to blame others, and to create a distraction. At the height of the Haitian illegal flow into the United States, the Democrats LIED and FALSELY accused of mounted USBP Agents of ‘WHIOPPING ILLEGALS WITH THEIR HORSE’S REINS’.

  • US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declared this crime was pathetic and needed to be punished
  • Democrat Maxine Waters called this criminal act worse than / equivalent to ‘SLAVERY’
  • VP Harris declared it to be as bad as how whites slaughtered Native Americans and took their land
  • President Biden ignored the facts already out and accused the agents of whipping illegals with their reins and vowed they would be punished. (Reminded me of how Barry called Cambridge Cope ‘racists’ before learning the 1st fact of the incident involving Obama’s racist/race-baiting college professor pal.)
The photographer publicly declared what the USBP Agents had been accused of NEVER HAPPENED. Witnesses came forward to report IT NEVER HAPPENED. Photographs and video showed what Biden lied about, what he falsely accused the USBPAs of doing NEVER HAPPENED.


Congressional Democrats are working their tails off to pass Biden’s massive spending proposals. One of the biggest currently making its way through Congress has drawn warnings from Republicans, who say it will further increase inflation.

Federal unemployment benefits extended from the previous administration’s COVID-19 response have created a massive labor shortage in the U.S., with prices of goods and services rising because of it, as well as supply chain problems.

Proposed deficit-spending of another $3.5 trillion has spurred inflation fears, with alarms being sounded by many Republicans.

Economic Experts who have gone line-by-line through this bill have listed in great detail the massive amount of unnecessary, self-serving pork spending which, they say, will add another $2 Trillion to the cost of the ‘Infrastructure’ spending bill. Only a reported 10% of the trillions of dollars go to actual ‘Infrastructure’ projects / spending. Democrats conducted a dis-information campaign by re-defining words to make many of their NON-infrastructure projects sound like infrastructure programs.

Economic experts gave warning to Americans; 1) Nancy Pelosi is claiming that this MASSIVE spending bill will not cost a dime and will pay for itself. Obama claimed his Obamacare Bill would do the same thing. It did NOT. 2) Obama rammed a massive spending bill to fund ‘shovel-ready projects’ when no such thing existed – Obama eventually had to admit this, claiming he did not know.

Democrats and the Biden Administration has usedCOVID-19 and the Delta Variant as a weapon against the American people, using Fear-Mongering, threats, fines, and shutdowns to force Americans into compliance with their Un-Constitutional and Illegal edicts, trampling Americans’ Constitutional and civil rights. .

Over 50% of minority-owned small businesses were destroyed due to the shutdowns and mandates.

Despite declaring what they were doing was ‘following the science’ and was necessary to defeat the virus, that it would take ALL of us to obey the Democrats’ / Biden’s edicts, Democrat governors, federal Democrat Politicians, and Biden and his administration have constantly been caught hypocritically violating their own edicts to the masses. Going even further, completely abandoning their ‘follow the science’ bullshit, Biden exempted federal politicians, their aides, select unions and union members, and even Hollywood elites from his COVID-19 and Delta Variant’s edicts.

Biden, Fauci, and other members of Biden’s administration have continuously lied to the American people, only to do what they said they would not do. At the very least they have flip-flopped on issues / actions again and again and again.

Biden had previously promised in December that there would not be a nationwide vaccine mandate, with his administration doubling down only two months before on the stance, saying the mandates were "not the role" of the federal government.

Fauci has been found to have lied all along, to have helped finance Gain of Function research by the CCP on this virus, and knew that it was manufactured in the Wuhan lab.

Despite the fact that the virus was manufactured and leaked by the CCP has all but definitively been proven, Biden has attacked the previous President and Americans for the pandemic rather than challenge / rebuke / attempt to hold China responsible.
How many Americans were desperately trying to convince voters that Biden was a terrible option? Even Obama refused to endorse him until he was the only Democrat choice. We all could plainly see that Biden was in severe mental decline. In other words, no one should be surprised by Biden's disasters. But too many voters went with the "anyone but Trump" strategy. And now our nation is plunging into a not better America. Half of the voters are saying "I told you so" ...the other half are trying not to hear them say that.

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