List of Republicans who Voted NAY for Wall Funding Here

And the (8) Republicans who voted NAY will hear from me today. I encourage you to contact them as well. When looking at their districts, it appears on face value they mostly are in areas where Illegals reside. Notably, Will Hurd from the 23rd District Texas..... right down on the border...


H.R. 695: Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 -- House Vote #472 -- Dec 20, 2018


R- David Valado CA 21st (202) 225-4695

R- Ken Buck CO 4th (202) 225-4676

R- Carlos Cubelo FL 26th (202) 225-2778

R- Illeana Ros Lehtinen FL 27th (202) 225-3931

R- Justin Amash MI 3rd (202) 225-3831

R- Fred Upton MI 6th (202) 225-3761

R- Eric Paulsen MN 3rd (202) 225-3761

R- Will Hurd TX 23rd (202) 225-4511

You should call them and give them a THANK YOU
. Walls don't work, and they didn't believe that wasting billions of tax payer dollars was worth the Republican house show that they put on while exiting the back door. This bill is dead on arrival in the Senate anyway. 5.7 billion dollars toward a WALL is the equivalent of throwing a tea spoon of water on a bonfire. The WORTHLESS wall will cost 47 billion dollars.


240 of these were found in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more that they haven't found.

Democrats are on board for more border security--but they want to use high tech to do it--as recommended by border security agents & experts. We'll see if the Ass Clown goes along with it or not?

Here is a 2-1/2 minute video of why a wall won't work.


Did someone say bring in the clowns?

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