List Of GITMO Detainees That Returned To Terrorism


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Lists of former Guantanamo Bay detainees alleged to have returned to terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

ts of alleged returnees
2006 list
2007 list
nameOn July 2007
Press Release
DispositionCitizenshipCountry of
92Said Mohammed Alim ShahYesKilledAfghanistanAfghanistan
203Ravil Shafeyavich GumarovNoArrestRussiaRussia
69Khaatamul Anbiya bin Daleel ul Khyayraat aka "Donkey Master"YesArrestRussiaRussia
220Abdallah Saleh Ali Al AjmiNoKilledKuwaitIraq[13]
294Mohammed MizouzNoArrestMoroccoMorocco
297Ibrahim Shafir SenNoArrestTurkeyTurkey
363Shai Jahn GhafoorYesKilledAfghanistanAfghanistan
587[14]Mohammed Yusif YaqubYesKilledAfghanistanAfghanistan
587[14]Ibrahim Bin ShakaranNoArrestMoroccoMorocco
633Mohammed Nayim FarouqYesAt LargeAfghanistanAfghanistan
674Timur Ravilich IshmuratNoArrestRussiaRussia
930Mohammed IsmailYesCaptureAfghanistanAfghanistan
2008 list
Names of Guantanamo captives who are alleged to have "returned to the battlefield"
363Maulvi Abdul Ghaffar AKA Shai Jahn Ghafoor
  • Had been a senior Taliban military leader prior to capture.
  • Allegedly captured in Afghanistan in December 2001, was one of the twenty-three prisoners released from Camp Delta in late January 2004. After his release, he joined the remnants of the Taliban and was killed in a gunfight on September 26, 2004.[1][1][15][16][17][18]
  • The official list of Guantanamo captives included two men with the same name, who remained in custody years after Maulvi Abdul Ghaffar had been reported to have been released, and killed in combat.[6]
92Abdullah Mehsud
  • Reportedly captured in Afghanistan in December 2001 after surrendering to Abdul Rashid Dostum.
  • That he was ever been captured, and sent to Guantanamo has been challenged.[5]
  • Allegedly masterminded the kidnapping of two Chinese engineers in Pakistan's South Waziristan region.
  • Allegedly returning to his position as an Al-Qaeda field commander.[16] One of the Chinese engineers died during a rescue mission, the other was rescued.[2]
  • Mehsud also claimed responsibility for the bombing at Islamabad's Marriott Hotel in October 2004. The blast injured seven people, including a U.S. diplomat, two Italians and the Pakistani prime minister's chief security officer. Mehsud was subsequently reported to have been killed in combat.
203Ravil Shafeyavich Gumarov
  • Reported to have had military training in Chechnya.[19]
  • Convicted of bombing a natural gas pipeline on May 9, 2006.[20]
  • Sentenced to 13 years.[21]
69Khaatamul Anbiya bin Daleel ul Khyayraat aka "Donkey Master"
  • Was known for putting severed donkey heads on his victims.[22]
294Mohammed Bin Ahmad Mizouz
  • One of the first 200 captives to be repatriated.[23][24]
  • Reported seeing guards urinate on the Koran.[24]
  • Reported being tortured while in US custody, reported that all the techniques used in Abu Ghraib were first used on captives like him in Bagram.[24]
  • Convicted in September 2007 of recruiting fighters to send to Iraq.[21]
297Ibrahim Shafir Sen
367Mohammed Yusif Yaqub
Mullah Shahzada

  • Reports of the release, return to the battlefield, and subsequent death in combat of Mullah Shahzada, while reported in the press, is always attributed to unnamed insiders.[26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][28][32]
  • The official list of Guantanamo captives included a man the same name, Haji Shahzada who remained in custody years after the stories that Mullah Shahzada had been reported to have been released, and killed in combat. Haji Shahzada was one of the 38 captives whose Combatant Status Review Tribunal determined they had not been an enemy combatant in the first place.
  • On Monday, May 14, 2007, Pentagon officials, for the first time, tied the reports that "Mullah Shahzada" had returned to the battlefield to the name of one of the captives on the official list of Guantanamo captives, Mohammed Yusif Yaqub.[8] According to Reuters summary of their testimony:
"Released May 8, 2003, he assumed control of Taliban operations in Southern Afghanistan and died fighting U.S. forces on May 7, 2004."
587Ibrahim Bin Shakaran
The Defense Intelligence Agency asserted Ibrahim Bin Shakaran had "returned to terrorism". The DIA reported:

930Mohammed Ismail
  • First identified as a former captive who had returned to the battlefield in Testimony before Congress on Monday May 14, 2007.[8] According to Reuters summary of their testimony:
"Released from Guantanamo in early 2004, he was recaptured four months later in May while participating in an attack on U.S. forces near Kandahar. When captured, Ismail carried a letter confirming his status as a Taliban member in good standing."
582Abdul Rahman Noor
  • First identified as a former captive who had returned to the battlefield in Testimony before Congress on Monday May 14, 2007.[8] According to Reuters summary of their testimony:
"Released in July 2003, he has since participated in fighting against U.S. forces near Kandahar. After his release, he was identified as the man described in an October 7, 2001, interview with Al Jazeera television as the "deputy defense minister of the Taliban."
633Mohammed Nayim Farouq
  • First identified as a former captive who had returned to the battlefield in Testimony before Congress on Monday, May 14, 2007.[8] According to Reuters summary of their testimony:
Released from U.S. custody in July 2003, he quickly renewed his association with Taliban and al Qaeda members and has since become "reinvolved in anti-coalition militant activity."
930Mohammed Ismail Agha
  • Reports have circulated that one of the three children who was held for a year and a half, in Camp Iguana, and released on January 28, 2004, was subsequently captured, or subsequently killed in combat — accounts vary.[28]
  • As with "Mullah Shahzada" this information is attributed to unnamed insiders.
  • Accounts of when he was captured, or killed, vary.
  • Oliver North claimed that the released child was "Mullah Shahzada".[32] North claimed that "Mullah Shahzada" was killed in combat weeks after his release. Mullah is an honorary title, meaning "educated man". However the only schooling the three children held in Camp Iguana ever received was the lessons they received at the camp.[34][35][36] North's account that a released child from Camp Iguana was killed in combat, weeks after his release, is at odds with the accounts of the journalists who interviewed the children during the months following their release.
2009 reports
Department of Defense spokesmen claimed in January 2009 that at least 61 former captives had returned to the fight. But they did not publish any of the men's names.

Saudi list
On February 3, 2009, the government of Saudi Arabia published a list of 85 most wanted suspected terrorists that included two former Guantanamo captives who had appeared in an alarming video, and nine other former captives.

BBC report
On February 18, 2009, the BBC News reported that UK officials had told them that an Afghan former captive repatriated in the Spring of 2008 had risen to a high-ranking position in the Taliban, in Pakistan, following his return. The BBC reports they had been told his name was Mullah Abdul Kayum Sakir. The USA did not list any captives with names close to Abdul Kayum Sakir. The five captives repatriated on April 30, 2008, are: Nasrullah, Esmatulla, Rahmatullah Sangaryar, Sahib Rohullah Wakil, and Abdullah Mohammad Khan.

Department of Defense
In March 2009, U.S. officials revealed that Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul (detainee #8) is now leading the Taliban's operations in southern Afghanistan.[37][38]

The May 2009 "one in seven" claims
On May 21, 2009, Elizabeth Bumiller, writing in the New York Times, reported that they had secured access to an unreleased Pentagon report that asserted "one in seven" former captives "are engaged in terrorism or militant activity."[39][40][41] According to the New York Times Pentagon officials had asserted 74 former captives had returned to terrorism, and had named 29 individuals. But, by May 21, 2009, the New York Times chose to publish only 15 of those 29 names because they couldn't correlate the names on the recent Pentagon lists with the earlier official lists of captives' names.

On June 6, 2009 Clark Hoyt, whose byline lists him as the New York Times "public editor" wrote an apology to the New York Times readers for Bumiller's article.[42][43][44][45]

Fifteen former captives as reported by the New York Times[40]
8Abdullah Gulam Rasoul2007-12-12Afghanistan
  • In 2007 he was transferred to the American wing of the Pul-e-Charkhi prison.[46]
  • British officials believed Rasoul became the Taliban's operations commander in southern Afghanistan soon after his release and blamed him for masterminding an increase in roadside attacks against British and American troops.[46]
  • The New York Times reported that Rasoul led a December 2008-January 2009 delegation to the Pakistani Taliban to convince them to refocus their efforts away from the Pakistani government and towards the American-led forces in Afghanistan.[47]
23Isa Khan[40]2004-09-17Pakistan
25Majeed Abdullah al Joudi[40]2007-02-20Saudi Arabia
67Abd al Razaq Abdallah Hamid Ibrahim al Sharikh[40]2007-09-05Saudi Arabia
82Rasul Kudayev2004-02-27Russia
  • Was an athlete who fled persecution in Russia when he was a teenager.
  • Was captured in 2006 following an attack on Russian government facilities in October 2005.[48][49][50][51][52]
  • His family reports that his stay in Afghanistan and Guantanamo had left him with serious health problems, and that he was at home, under his mother's care, at the time of the attack.
154Mazin Salih Musaid al Awfi[40]2007-07-15Saudi Arabia
159Abdullah al Noaimi2005-11-04Bahrain
  • Knew the three men who died in the camp on June 10, 2006.[54] He expressed skepticism about the official version, and questioned the credibility of the allegations against them.
  • In October 2008 Saudi authorities apprehended and detained al Noaimi when he was on a visit to Saudi Arabia.[55]
  • Saudi authorities continue to hold him—without charge.[56][57][58]
203Ravil Shafeyavich Gumarov[41] Russia
209Almasm Rabilavich Sharipov[41] Russia
211Ruslan Odijev[41] Russia
230Humud Dakhil Humud Said al Jadan[40]2007-07-15Saudi Arabia
231Abdulhadi Abdallah Ibrahim al Sharakh[40]2007-09-05Saudi Arabia
294Mohammed bin Ahmad MizouzJuly 2004Morocco
333Muhammad al Awfi2007-11-09Saudi Arabia
372Said Ali al Shihri2007-11-09Saudi Arabia
571Saad Madi Saad al Azmi2005-11-02Kuwait
  • Faced charges in Kuwait following his repatriation on November 4, 2005.[68] The charges were based on evidence supplied by the USA that he had ties to Al Wafa.[69][70] The Kuwaiti court acquitted Al Azmi.
587Ibrahim bin ShakaranJuly 2004Morocco
674Timur Ravilich Ishmurat2004-02-17Russia
  • Arrested in Russia in March 2006.[71]
798Haji Sahib Rohullah Wakil[40]2008-04-30Afghanistan
  • Member of Jama'at-ud-Da'wah Pakistan, a group created in 1985 to fight the Soviet occupation. Although designated a terrorist organization in 2008 by the State Department, it is not on any of the official U.S. watchlists as it has worked as a charity with no military wing since 1991.
  • Commander of Kunar anti-Taliban forces.
  • In 2002, represented Kunar Province in the Grand Assembly.
  • Arrested in August 2002 after an informer claimed he had helped members of al Qaida escape from Kunar. The Afghanistan government believes the head of the rival Mushwani tribe had turned Wakil in because the Mushwani tribe opposed a poppy eradication program that Wakil had begun in Kunar.
  • Released in April 2008. Upon his release Wakil met with President Hamid Karzai who apologized for his detention.
  • Currently a tribal elder representing Kunar province in the Afghanistan government.[72]
1010Nahir Shah[40]2007-11-02Afghanistan
DoD list of May 27, 2009
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Partial Listing of Former GTMO Detainees Who have Reengaged in Terrorism
On May 27, 2009 the Defense Intelligence Agency published a "fact sheet" Former Guantanamo Detainee Terrorism Trends that contained a Partial Listing of Former GTMO Detainees Who have Reengaged in Terrorism.[74] Although it was published on May 27, it bears the date April 7, 2009.

Appendix A: Partial Listing of Former GTMO Detainees Who have Reengaged in Terrorism[74]

AfghanistanMarch 2003Died fighting Afghan forcesSuspected
Shah MohammedPakistanMay 2003Killed fighting US forces in AfghanistanConfirmed

AfghanistanMay 2003Taliban commander in Afghanistan; Organized jailbreak in Kandahar; killed on 7 May 2004 fighting US forcesConfirmed
Mohammed Nayim FarouqAfghanistanJuly 2003Association with Taliban and al-Qaida; involved in anti-coalition activitySuspected
Ibrahim Shafir SenTurkeyNovember 2003Leader of al-Qaida cells in Van; recruited and trained members, provided illegal weapons and facilitationConfirmed
Mohammed IsmailAfghanistanJanuary 2004Participated in an attack against US forces Taliban memberConfirmed
Abdullah D. KafkasRussiaMarch 2004Suspected involvement in an attack against a traffice police checkpoint in Nalchik in October 2005Suspected
Almasm Rabilavich SharipovRussiaMarch 2004Association with terrorist group Hezb-e-TahrirSuspected
Timur Ravilich IshmuratRussiaMarch 2004Involved in a gas line bombingConfirmed
Ruslan Anatolivich OdijevRussiaMarch 2004Participated in several terrorism acts including an October 2005 attack in the Caucasus region that killed and injured several police officersSuspected

AfghanistanMarch 2004Kidnapped two Chinese engineers; Claimed responsibility for an Islamabad hotel bombing; directed a suicide attack in April 2007 killing 31 peopleConfirmed
Ravil GumarovRussiaMarch 2004Involved in a gas line bombingConfirmed
Abdullah GhofoorAfghanistanMarch 2004Taliban commander; planning attacks on U.S. and Afghan forces; killed in a raid by Afghan security forcesSuspected
Mohammed Bin Ahmad MizouzMoroccoJuly 2004Recruiter for al-Qaida in IraqConfirmed
Ibrahim Bin ShakaranMoroccoJuly 2004Recruiter for al-Qaida in IraqConfirmed
Isa KhanPakistanSeptember 2004Association with Tehrik-i-TalibanSuspected
MuhibullahAfghanistanJuly 2005Association with the TalibanSuspected
Abdallah Saleh Ali al-AjmiKuwaitNovember 2005Conducted a suicide attack in IraqConfirmed
Abdullah Majid Al-NaimiBahrainNovember 2005Arrested in October 2008; involved in terrorist facilitation; has known associations with al-QaidaConfirmed
Saad Madhi Saad Hawash al AzmiKuwaitNovember 2005Association with al-QaidaSuspected
Majid Abdullah Lahiq al JoudiSaudi ArabiaFebruary 2007Terrorist facilitationConfirmed

Saudi ArabiaJuly 2007Leadership figure in al-Qaida in Arabian PeninsulaConfirmed
Abd al Razzaq Abdallah Ibrahim al-SharikhSaudi ArabiaSeptember 2007Arrested in September 2008 for supporting terrorismSuspected
Abd al Hadi Abdallah Ibrahim al SharikhSaudi ArabiaSeptember 2007Arrested in September 2008 for association with terrorist members; supporting terrorismSuspected
Zahir ShahAfghanistanNovember 2007Participation in terrorist trainingConfirmed
Abu Sufyan al Azdi al-ShihriSaudi ArabiaNovember 2007Leadership figure in al-Qaida in Arabian PeninsulaConfirmed
Abdullah Gulam RasoulAfghanistanDecember 2007Taliban military commander for Afghanistan; Organizaed an assault on U.S. military aircraft in AfghanistanSuspected
Hajji Sahib Rohullah WakilAfghanistanApril 2008Association with terrorist groupsSuspected
We need to shoot people who have strange sounding last names, in case they might commit a crime.
Isn't it just wonderful! Not. I hear between 20 and 30 are fighting with isis.
The worst part, is that they were purposely made into MONSTERS for this ISIS creation. They were created as mind controlled zombies by an MK-Ultra type brainwashing program to go completely insane.

Like Dr. Frankenstein creating a monster that went out of control, we have created monsters that have now been unleashed on an unsuspecting world. All record of this have largely been hidden from the public. The real crime isn't so much their release, but the fact that we scrambled their brains, and then released them.

Where once they were a little fanatical, NOW, they are suicidal, willing to go into crowded areas and willing to commit all manner of heinous acts, completely willing to sacrifice themselves for a supposed cause because of feeling of hopelessness and despair.

Usually, before their capture, despite MSM propaganda, very few Islamic militants outside of the desperate Palestinian suicide bomber was willing to go suicidal.

But since the Iraq war, there has been a definite up tick in Mk Ultra activity to motivate Americans to support military industrial corporate intervention.

In every instance of a suicide bomber, what they will never tell you, is the presence of psychotropic drug use by the jihadist in the past.

EXCLUSIVE: Controversial MK ULTRA Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic Waterboarding" News EXCLUSIVE Controversial MK ULTRA Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to Pharmacologic Waterboarding
Mefloquine is also known by its brand name Lariam. It was researched by the US Army in the 1970s and licensed by the Food and Drug Administration in 1989. Since its introduction, it has been directly linked to serious adverse effects, including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, confusion, hallucinations, bizarre dreams, nausea, vomiting, sores and homicidal and suicidal thoughts. It belongs to a class of drugs known as quinolines, which were part of a 1956 human experiment study to investigate "toxic cerebral states," as part of the CIA's MKULTRA mind-control program.
They were monsters before we detained them.

I guess you would also say the prison systems also create worse monsters, right?
The worst part, is that they were purposely made into MONSTERS for this ISIS creation. They were created as mind controlled zombies by an MK-Ultra type brainwashing program to go completely insane.

Like Dr. Frankenstein creating a monster that went out of control, we have created monsters that have now been unleashed on an unsuspecting world. All record of this have largely been hidden from the public. The real crime isn't so much their release, but the fact that we scrambled their brains, and then released them.

Where once they were a little fanatical, NOW, they are suicidal, willing to go into crowded areas and willing to commit all manner of heinous acts, completely willing to sacrifice themselves for a supposed cause because of feeling of hopelessness and despair.

Usually, before their capture, despite MSM propaganda, very few Islamic militants outside of the desperate Palestinian suicide bomber was willing to go suicidal.

But since the Iraq war, there has been a definite up tick in Mk Ultra activity to motivate Americans to support military industrial corporate intervention.

In every instance of a suicide bomber, what they will never tell you, is the presence of psychotropic drug use by the jihadist in the past.

EXCLUSIVE: Controversial MK ULTRA Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic Waterboarding" News EXCLUSIVE Controversial MK ULTRA Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to Pharmacologic Waterboarding
Mefloquine is also known by its brand name Lariam. It was researched by the US Army in the 1970s and licensed by the Food and Drug Administration in 1989. Since its introduction, it has been directly linked to serious adverse effects, including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, confusion, hallucinations, bizarre dreams, nausea, vomiting, sores and homicidal and suicidal thoughts. It belongs to a class of drugs known as quinolines, which were part of a 1956 human experiment study to investigate "toxic cerebral states," as part of the CIA's MKULTRA mind-control program.
They were monsters before we detained them.

I guess you would also say the prison systems also create worse monsters, right?
The worst part, is that they were purposely made into MONSTERS for this ISIS creation. They were created as mind controlled zombies by an MK-Ultra type brainwashing program to go completely insane.

Like Dr. Frankenstein creating a monster that went out of control, we have created monsters that have now been unleashed on an unsuspecting world. All record of this have largely been hidden from the public. The real crime isn't so much their release, but the fact that we scrambled their brains, and then released them.

Where once they were a little fanatical, NOW, they are suicidal, willing to go into crowded areas and willing to commit all manner of heinous acts, completely willing to sacrifice themselves for a supposed cause because of feeling of hopelessness and despair.

Usually, before their capture, despite MSM propaganda, very few Islamic militants outside of the desperate Palestinian suicide bomber was willing to go suicidal.

But since the Iraq war, there has been a definite up tick in Mk Ultra activity to motivate Americans to support military industrial corporate intervention.

In every instance of a suicide bomber, what they will never tell you, is the presence of psychotropic drug use by the jihadist in the past.

EXCLUSIVE: Controversial MK ULTRA Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic Waterboarding" News EXCLUSIVE Controversial MK ULTRA Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to Pharmacologic Waterboarding
Mefloquine is also known by its brand name Lariam. It was researched by the US Army in the 1970s and licensed by the Food and Drug Administration in 1989. Since its introduction, it has been directly linked to serious adverse effects, including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, confusion, hallucinations, bizarre dreams, nausea, vomiting, sores and homicidal and suicidal thoughts. It belongs to a class of drugs known as quinolines, which were part of a 1956 human experiment study to investigate "toxic cerebral states," as part of the CIA's MKULTRA mind-control program.

The system tells us they were freedom fighters, then it tells us they were monsters. Who am I to say. A soldier is a soldier, he defends his nation against invaders generally. Does that make him a monster? I don't remember Reagan calling them monsters. In fact, I think he compared them to the founding fathers. Were our founding fathers monsters?


The only mistake the ruling authority of Afghanistan made, was it choose the wrong allies, the CIA constructed and supported Al Queda. All it wanted was some hard PROOF that Osama bin Laden’s organization carried out the Sept. 11th attacks.

If the US had an ally accused of a heinous crime, before WE abandoned our ally, we would do the same, would we not? And as it so happens, to this day, no substantial proof has ever been offered to the leaders of the Taliban. Just a "we said so." Osama bin Laden categorically denied all involvement. Which is strange, because when ever he was associated with a terrorist action, he came clean. His MO was to only hit military targets. It was specifically against his philosophy to hit civilian targets.

But consumers of the MSM are not aware of this.

September 2001 Interview with Osama bin Laden. Categorically Denies his Involvement in 9/11
Full text of Pakistani paper's Sept 2001 "exclusive" interview

I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children, and other people.

Such a practice is forbidden ever in the course of a battle. It is the United States, which is perpetrating every maltreatment on women, children, and common people of other faiths, particularly the followers of Islam. All that is going on in Palestine for the last 11 months is sufficient to call the wrath of God upon the United States and Israel.

THIS, this is why the Taliban stood behind Osama bin Laden barring any hard evidence from D.C. Because they don't believe there is any credibility to the lies of Washington. Essentially, they are a bunch of truthers that won't allow the corrupt government in D.C. to use their land to be used to grow poppies for the heroin trade or be used to build gas pipelines for international corporations with out a sufficient cut of the profits.

Now, I'm not saying I agree or disagree with that position, you just need to be educated enough to KNOW what their position is. Does that make soldiers that are fighting for their native land "monsters?"

Or does that make YOU a victim of war propaganda?

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