Lincoln Project Stuart Stevens: i spent 30 years attacking Dems getting Bush & McCain elected, but Dems are last best hope for USA, GOP biggest threat


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Today’s GOPis under the dangerous delusion that the difficulties of today will end with the restoration of a once glorious period in which their cause was just

Today’s GOPis under the dangerous delusion that the difficulties of today will end with the restoration of a once glorious period in which their cause was just

Thanks for posting this. I watched the whole thing. It's an hour, but I thought 16:35 to 20:25 and 33:33 to 36:32 were especially interesting.

You can certainly sense his exasperation. He only touches on it momentarily, but clearly the two main issues here were (1) they just didn't "see it", they didn't recognize how manipulated and therefore angry the base was, and (2) once Trump was nominated, the party figured he'd lose to Hillary and they could get past this ugly circus.

Little did they know. Now the monster is loose and spreading, and those who cling to whatever remains of decency in the GQP are fighting a very uphill battle.

I think the party kept the dittoheads as pets. They didn't take the rank & file seriously because they were so mal-informed, but they happily accepted their votes. That was their mistake. The rank & file were taking talk radio as gospel, and the perfect spark showed up to set this all off: A con man with no shame and no moral center.
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The business-as-usual crowd - left, right, or tweener - hate trump because he wants change and they dont
I listened to that guy for about a minute. He's so boring but yet self-absorbed, that it made my hair hurt. If this is the kind of guy whose ass you must kiss in order to get elected, no wonder we have the kind of politicians we do.
I listened to that guy for about a minute. He's so boring but yet self-absorbed, that it made my hair hurt. If this is the kind of guy whose ass you must kiss in order to get elected, no wonder we have the kind of politicians we do.
Ole Mac1958 listened to the whole spiel and probably wanted more

Along with most libs, his pucker factor is high
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Thanks for posting this. I watched the whole thing. It's an hour, but I thought 16:35 to 20:25 and 33:33 to 36:32 were especially interesting.

You can certainly sense his exasperation. He only touches on it momentarily, but clearly the two main issues here were (1) they just didn't "see it", they didn't recognize how manipulated and therefore angry the base was, and (2) once Trump was nominated, the party figured he'd lose to Hillary and they could get past this ugly circus.

Little did they know. Now the monster is loose and spreading, and those who cling to whatever remains of decency in the GQP are fighting a very uphill battle.

I think the party kept the dittoheads as pets. They didn't take the rank & file seriously because they were so mal-informed, but they happily accepted their votes. That was their mistake. The rank & file were taking talk radio as gospel, and the perfect spark showed up to set this all off: A con man with no shame and no moral center.
thank you for watching and for being civil. not many do that
Thanks for posting this. I watched the whole thing. It's an hour, but I thought 16:35 to 20:25 and 33:33 to 36:32 were especially interesting.

You can certainly sense his exasperation. He only touches on it momentarily, but clearly the two main issues here were (1) they just didn't "see it", they didn't recognize how manipulated and therefore angry the base was, and (2) once Trump was nominated, the party figured he'd lose to Hillary and they could get past this ugly circus.

Little did they know. Now the monster is loose and spreading, and those who cling to whatever remains of decency in the GQP are fighting a very uphill battle.

I think the party kept the dittoheads as pets. They didn't take the rank & file seriously because they were so mal-informed, but they happily accepted their votes. That was their mistake. The rank & file were taking talk radio as gospel, and the perfect spark showed up to set this all off: A con man with no shame and no moral center.
Just go to the stores mutha phuks! pay the bills mutha phuks! The real con going on for the last two years. Joe and his working man retorts...Hamburger is just a dollar more a pound! Mutha Phuks!
Today’s GOPis under the dangerous delusion that the difficulties of today will end with the restoration of a once glorious period in which their cause was just

Yes, we see democrats save the country every day.

In fact, the only problem is there is are two parties and not just one like in the former Soviet Union or in Cuba or North Korea.

Yes, to save democracy we need to reduce our choices down to only one party.

Well said.
Today’s GOPis under the dangerous delusion that the difficulties of today will end with the restoration of a once glorious period in which their cause was just

Stuart Stevens, every member of the Lincoln Project, and anyone who helped elect a Republican or moderate Democrat to office since the 1980s has been a vital part in the rise of right-wing extremism.

Moderate Democrats, just like Republicans, owe their congressional seats to the billionaire and corporate political contributors. The loyalty of these politicians has been bought and paid for by the billionaires and Big Business, and this has been a fact for the last five decades. Right-wing and moderate voters fear any politician that fights for the rights of workers and consumers, so enjoy the last miles of the ride to a United States dictatorship, the members of the Lincoln Project, right-wing voters, and moderate voters all contributed to ending the U.S. democracy. And they would do it all again if given the chance.

I listened to that guy for about a minute. He's so boring but yet self-absorbed, that it made my hair hurt. If this is the kind of guy whose ass you must kiss in order to get elected, no wonder we have the kind of politicians we do.

I tried too and listened to about 17 minutes in fast play speed and it didn't get any better. The thing with the never-MAGA crowd is that instead of saying we have a different vision for the republican party and explaining their vision and focus their attacks against democrats, their whole existence has become to attack TRUMP and by extensions all things MAGA.
IMO, Lincoln Projectors and Democrats are both establishment, swamp types. It's a natural reaction for them to hate the man that prevents them from ripping the taxpayer off with impunity and Trump is the only guy in my lifetime with the balls to do that.

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