Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hol

A battle of words is a battle to the death? Sounds like he's calling for a lot more than just a battle of words.

You fascists are fighting to kill the free republic and the land of liberty. It is a fight to the death. If you win, human kind again slips into a dark age that will take centuries to emerge from.

We see it as freedom from far left indoctrination and the left are the social fascists.

Well, good luck with your upcoming battle to the death!!!
Personally, I can not grasp why anyone would want to make any kind of serious comment about Rush, regardless of what that clown has to say. It is kind of like asking David Duke to make a speech on "Why I am a Republican".

Did you know Duke ran as 4 types?
A Dem, A Repub, A populist and then Independent
The nut was All over the place.
A battle of words is a battle to the death? Sounds like he's calling for a lot more than just a battle of words.

You fascists are fighting to kill the free republic and the land of liberty. It is a fight to the death. If you win, human kind again slips into a dark age that will take centuries to emerge from.

We see it as freedom from far left indoctrination and the left are the social fascists.

Well, good luck with your upcoming battle to the death!!!

I guess it's a non cognitive skill. :)
It''s almost ironic when a leftie Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder an entire republican baseball team last month and lefties are whining about a Media Matters Rush Limbaugh feed. Rush made a freaking joke. The crazy angry democrat planned to murder every conservative republican congressman. See the difference? .
You know that your MessiahRushie called for the death of Americans he hates when the DittoTards try to call it a "JOKE."
Fatboy no only did not consider it a joke, when Fox and Fiends parroted it the next morning, he thanked them and then doubled down on it.
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

Limbaugh is an intelligent man, why does he work so hard to keep us divided? answer that.
He hates this great country, and as a bonus it is good for ratings.

November 19, 2007
RUSH: we in talk radio have this thing called polarization. It's not required that everybody love us.
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.
Democrats oppose Republicans. "They're the enemy!"

Hollywood makes fun of politicians including Republicans. "They're the enemy!!"

Some scientists oppose Republican plans. "They are the enemy!!!"

Some news media report negatively on Republicans. "THEY ARE ALL THE ENEMY!!!"

Some Republicans refuse to back fellow Republicans on some issues. "THEY ARE THE ENEMIES ARGLE BARGLE!!!!!!!"

Geez Louise, but does paranoia run strong in the far-right or what?
The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.

Adolf Hitler
Conservative media operates on the 'fox hole' model.

Scare 'your team' into feeling utterly terrified of 'the other' (you can name anyone you dislike as the other), and people will act like soldiers together in a fox hole. They'll be hyper scared, defensive, and against anyone that isn't in their fox hole.

Led of course by their Fox Hole, Fox News. Fake news.
I would join in this battle to the death, but I have an appointment for a dental cleaning. If I have time, I will try to hold the fort here on the board while Rush and dittos battle academia to the death.....
Conservative media operates on the 'fox hole' model.

Scare 'your team' into feeling utterly terrified of 'the other' (you can name anyone you dislike as the other), and people will act like soldiers together in a fox hole. They'll be hyper scared, defensive, and against anyone that isn't in their fox hole.

Led of course by their Fox Hole, Fox News. Fake news.

It's a good thing commie media never does that:

Here’s how many people could die every year if Obamacare is repealed
You libs are full of shit, liberals HATE conservatives don't try to deny it. Liberals have no interest whatsoever in compromising with the right, they hate our guts. Well okay fine we hate those fuckers right back its not rocket science.

Naw. We don't hate you. We assume that you will grow up some day and turn out to be MUCH less obnoxious than you were when you were teenagers.....

Damn! Once again, I seem have stumbled on to a Hillary thread, when I thought that it was about the democratic party, as the OP said in the thread title!

That happens to me a lot!

You know what happens to me a lot? When I corner a liberal and they have nothing more to say than "partisan politics" or "change the subject."

Try to follow me here: You made a reply that Democrats don't hate Republicans, and when I show you they do, you complain that it's off topic. How does that work exactly?

Try to stay on topic, Ray. Hillary is not the topic. Not only does she not hold political office, she never will.

And how much you don't hate Republicans is not the topic either. Rush Limbaugh is the topic.
As a formerly lifelong stained Democrat from a family of hard core Democrats, now that I've grown beyond that ignorant, immature stage of my life......

I'm able to comprehend Rush and yes, it's almost scary how accurate the guy is especially in his long term predictions.

It really doesn't take much to see the immense depth of corruption on the Left and realize that this nation must crush that corruption which permeates all the way through the deepest bowels of the government, throughout the unintelligence bureaucracy, and regurgitates it's insanity from the lesioned, diseased mouth of the traitorous media.
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As a formerly lifelong stained Democrat from a family of hard core Democrats, now that I've grown beyond that ignorant, immature stage of my life......

I'm able to comprehend Rush and yes, it's almost scary how accurate the guy is especially in his long term predictions.

It really doesn't take much to see the immense depth of corruption on the Left and realize that this nation must crush that corruption which permeates all the way through the deepest bowels of the government, throughout the unintelligence bureaucracy, and regurgitates it's insanity from the lesioned, diseased mouth of the traitorous media.

Sounds like you guys should send up the Bat Signal!
As a formerly lifelong stained Democrat from a family of hard core Democrats, now that I've grown beyond that ignorant, immature stage of my life......

I'm able to comprehend Rush and yes, it's almost scary how accurate the guy is especially in his long term predictions.

It really doesn't take much to see the immense depth of corruption on the Left and realize that this nation must crush that corruption which permeates all the way through the deepest bowels of the government, throughout the unintelligence bureaucracy, and regurgitates it's insanity from the lesioned, diseased mouth of the traitorous media.

Sounds like you guys should send up the Bat Signal!
Batman is definitely a conservative after all.
Personally, I can not grasp why anyone would want to make any kind of serious comment about Rush, regardless of what that clown has to say. It is kind of like asking David Duke to make a speech on "Why I am a Republican".

Is that like the speech you give on why you are a Nazi?

What we shall see is whether your desire to enslave is equal to our desire to remain free.

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