Like Washington and Jefferson, he championed liberty. Unlike the founders, he freed his slaves

You don't give a shit..and you know it..or you would use that wonderful thing called Google..and find the many books on the subject.
I just wanted more info, that is all. No need to let your head explode. I am about the biggest history buff on these boards. I was actually being sincere. But, you, must of Google your opinion and know nothing more than you want to smear our history.
I just wanted more info, that is all. No need to let your head explode. I am about the biggest history buff on these boards. I was actually being sincere. But, you, must of Google your opinion and know nothing more than you want to smear our history.
Wow! Biggest history buff eh? Yet you see prime source stuff in your face and deny see it as smear.

Jefferson, Washington--were human, and flawed. You don't like this story..of Carter..not because you think it is, after all, impeccably sourced....but rather because you feel it diminishes the mythos of our founders.
Oh well..history, Mr. Buff--at its best, is a 'let the chips fall where they will' discipline.

I suggested Google....because I suspect that you just don't really want to know. If you did, I'd think you would have come back at me with facts, instead of made-up shyte--and a claim to have read an article that you clearly had not--given your inaccurate response.

BTW..anyone can claim to be anything on the net--so I usually don't bother--just let me say that I too, am a pretty big history buff..not in your league, of USMB standards---as I have no axe to grind..other than that of rigorous intellectual honesty.

Carter did a good thing..that you want to throw shade on that..speaks more to your agenda than it does to your historical acumen.
Wow! Biggest history buff eh? Yet you see prime source stuff in your face and deny see it as smear.

Jefferson, Washington--were human, and flawed. You don't like this story..of Carter..not because you think it is, after all, impeccably sourced....but rather because you feel it diminishes the mythos of our founders.
Oh well..history, Mr. Buff--at its best, is a 'let the chips fall where they will' discipline.

I suggested Google....because I suspect that you just don't really want to know. If you did, I'd think you would have come back at me with facts, instead of made-up shyte--and a claim to have read an article that you clearly had not--given your inaccurate response.

BTW..anyone can claim to be anything on the net--so I usually don't bother--just let me say that I too, am a pretty big history buff..not in your league, of USMB standards---as I have no axe to grind..other than that of rigorous intellectual honesty.

Carter did a good thing..that you want to throw shade on that..speaks more to your agenda than it does to your historical acumen.
Wow, so much anger and a long rant. I seriously was hoping you read a book, but sadly your knowledge is only google


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Sounds like Carter did not free all his slaves and did not free 500 at one time. It is easy to do such things when one is not burdened with starting a nation and a war
Fake 'social justice warriors' are always using slavery to virtue signal against modern Republicans, Jim Crow, etc., yet can never explain why the majority of blacks still reside in the Evil racist Republican South, and the vast majority remained in the South after the Civil War, over 90%, were still there up into the early 1900's. Why did they not race up to live the Enlightened Wonderful North and Midwest? Go out West? Surely the South was a genocidal hell hole, right? lol and anybody who starts babbling about 'The Great Migration' will just make an idiot out of themselves, but go ahead and try if you feel lucky.
Sounds like Carter did not free all his slaves and did not free 500 at one time. It is easy to do such things when one is not burdened with starting a nation and a war

As mentioned before, without the cotton gin creating a huge farm labor market freeing slaves was no great selfless act; tobacco farming had ruined much of the soil in states like Virginia by the 1760's, and slavery was less economically viable. Feeding and clothing slaves cost money.
So...Jefferson and Washington talked the talk-this man walked the walk:

It was 230 years ago Sunday that Robert Carter III, the patriarch of one of the wealthiest families in Virginia, quietly walked into a Northumberland County courthouse and delivered an airtight legal document announcing his intention to free, or manumit, more than 500 slaves.
He titled it the "deed of gift." It was, by far, experts say, the largest liberation of Black people before President Abraham Lincoln signed the District of Columbia Emancipation Act and Emancipation Proclamation more than seven decades later.
On September 5, 1791, when Carter delivered his deed, slavery was an institution, a key engine of the new country's economy. But many slaveholders -- including founding fathers George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who knew Carter -- had begun to voice doubts.
That was the extent of their umbrage.
Chattel slavery was wrong, the men said, but they supposedly worried it was not practical to abolish the institution without societal and economic consequences.
"As it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other," Jefferson wrote a fellow politician almost 30 years after Carter's deed of gift.
Yet Carter had provided them a blueprint, not only for freeing their slaves but for ensuring the freedmen could sustain themselves, even prosper and integrate into society. Washington freed his slaves after death. Jefferson freed only 10 people of the hundreds he enslaved.
So, how has this great manumission remained largely unknown outside of a handful of history buffs and the growing body of descendants? There are theories.
Levy, whose books include a biography of Carter, "The First Emancipator," has another suspicion: America doesn't care -- because it's inconvenient.
"It blows an enormous hole in this legacy we're trying to balance for these founders," he said.
As Levy sees it, American history feebly attempts to level the founding fathers' fondness for freedom with their ownership of humans by uncritically parroting their assertions that there was no pragmatic way to emancipate hundreds of thousands of slaves. Slavery was a necessary evil, to hear the founders tell it.
"If Carter is the anti-Jefferson," Levy wrote in his book, "the man who did not lack the will to free his own slaves but who did lack the vision and clarity to make his love of freedom eloquent, then the Deed of Gift is the anti-Declaration of Independence, a document that makes liberty look dull but which is so absent of loopholes and contradictions that no result but liberty could prevail."

youre leaving out that jefferson and washington couldnt legally free their slaves due to the debt they had

I am sure it was a minor oversight on your part,,
Sounds like Carter did not free all his slaves and did not free 500 at one time. It is easy to do such things when one is not burdened with starting a nation and a war
Easy to do when you're not a politician and depend on your fellow slave owners for votes~

Nope, he did not free them all at the same that would have led to the very situations that you decried in an earlier post..he planned the releases..and made sure his people were ready for the free world. You see that as a bad thing?
How odd.

Yeah....when Carter started freeing slaves, you might imagine the response...he was ultimately driven from his home...and his emancipation of slaves was repeatably challenged.

Yeah...his family was not of the same mind he was..and kept some slaves..although others were freed as courts recognized the legality of Carter's legacy.

One has to wonder though....why you think somehow, that that diminishes his actions?
You, try again...LOL! Thomas J. is referenced in the article as is Washington. He talked anti-slavery..yet only freed 10 slaves out of his 600+.
Washington waited until his death to free his slaves. Neither did squat to help their ex-slaves transition into freedom. You did read the article, right?

What Carter did was did the same--on the same scale-- AFAIK. He freed 500+ what would have been seen as a huge financial loss

With no 'agenda' he freed all his a manner that could not be challenged legally, and trained and educated his ex-slaves--their descendants, as you know from reading the article--have been very successful, in large part due the start Carter gave them.

False, Washington freed all his slaves upon death and settled them on land he purchased in Ohio. He did not free most of his slaves in his lifetime because Virginia Law would not allow it.
Fake 'social justice warriors' are always using slavery to virtue signal against modern Republicans, Jim Crow, etc., yet can never explain why the majority of blacks still reside in the Evil racist Republican South, and the vast majority remained in the South after the Civil War, over 90%, were still there up into the early 1900's. Why did they not race up to live the Enlightened Wonderful North and Midwest? Go out West? Surely the South was a genocidal hell hole, right? lol and anybody who starts babbling about 'The Great Migration' will just make an idiot out of themselves, but go ahead and try if you feel lucky.
Yo dipshit, aren't you in the wrong forum?
The topic here is Carter and his freeing of 500 slaves in the late 1700's..and how no one noticed..while Jefferson and Washington..slave-owners until their deaths...get a pass on the subject..from those who don't know their history.
Any cogent comment>need I even ask?
Yo dipshit, aren't you in the wrong forum?
The topic here is Carter and his freeing of 500 slaves in the late 1700's..and how no one noticed..while Jefferson and Washington..slave-owners until their deaths...get a pass on the subject..from those who don't know their history.
Any cogent comment>need I even ask?

lol another triggered racist commie hates discussing real history; no surprise there. These tards can't stand
False, Washington freed all his slaves upon death and settled them on land he purchased in Ohio. He did not free most of his slaves in his lifetime because Virginia Law would not allow it.
Yeah...upon his is a bit more complicated than that--onlyy 1 slave was freed on his death..most became the property of his wife..and they remained in bondage for decades

BTW..I'd appreciate a link showing GW's slaves being settled in Ohio?
lol another triggered racist commie hates discussing real history; no surprise there. These tards can't stand
Not big on the whole stay on topic thing eh? Not a surprise--since you have little to say...just the usual banal insults..and nothing cogent.
Not big on the whole stay on topic thing eh?
youre leaving out that jefferson and washington couldnt legally free their slaves due to the debt they had

I am sure it was a minor oversight on your part,,
Nope..didn't think it pertinent. As they used the slaves for's clear they thought of them as property..nuff said really~
Nope..didn't think it pertinent. As they used the slaves for's clear they thought of them as property..nuff said really~
of course you didnt think it pertinent,, it would throw your whole narrative in the trash,,,

can say for sure but I heard jefferson even paid his slaves,,
Not big on the whole stay on topic thing eh? Not a surprise--since you have little to say...just the usual banal insults..and nothing cogent.

Just the usual sniveling about the facts; I understand it interrupts your Whitey Sucks! narrative and doesn't take the thread where you commies' 'Teachable Moments' are supposed to go, but too bad.

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