Zone1 Life Support


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
It's amazing how far doctors and nurses can bring someone back from the brink of death.
They can take someone comatose, all organs shutting down and get them somewhat coherent and talking.

What level of care is where you cut off the life Support?

Feeding tubes?
IV (when they can't drink)

Breathing and heart is kinda a given....but then these also keep a patient from being coherent and talking.

Where's the line for you?
It's amazing how far doctors and nurses can bring someone back from the brink of death.
They can take someone comatose, all organs shutting down and get them somewhat coherent and talking.

What level of care is where you cut off the life Support?

Feeding tubes?
IV (when they can't drink)

Breathing and heart is kinda a given....but then these also keep a patient from being coherent and talking.

Where's the line for you?
Personally: The moment my quality of life diminishes to the point where I need machines or a team of doctors and nurses to keep me alive is the moment I want to go to sleep and not wake up. I don't want to be a vegetable with a bunch of tubes poking out of me, nor do I want to linger in the corner of some old folk's home “living” on 25 pills while drooling all over myself. That's not living!!!
It's amazing how far doctors and nurses can bring someone back from the brink of death.
They can take someone comatose, all organs shutting down and get them somewhat coherent and talking.

What level of care is where you cut off the life Support?

Feeding tubes?
IV (when they can't drink)

Breathing and heart is kinda a given....but then these also keep a patient from being coherent and talking.

Where's the line for you?

There's a therapist/psychologist affiliated with the Ramsey group on YT, Dr. John Delony. I watched a video of his just yesterday that broke my heart--a wife of many years whose husband had a bike injury with a traumatic brain injury. Spent months in the hospital, then in rehab and then at home. She was catheterizing him at home, feeding tubes, everything. He has lost all short term memory. He can sorta remember things from like 10 years ago.

After a time she put him in a home, then she and their 8 children (Mormon) decided to put him in hospice, but he's still hanging on. She wants to know from the therapist should she get a divorce. The woman is simply at the end of her rope.

I don't know the answer to your question but I do know that sometimes those life-saved measures go too far, IMO. That's no quality of life.
There's a therapist/psychologist affiliated with the Ramsey group on YT, Dr. John Delony. I watched a video of his just yesterday that broke my heart--a wife of many years whose husband had a bike injury with a traumatic brain injury. Spent months in the hospital, then in rehab and then at home. She was catheterizing him at home, feeding tubes, everything. He has lost all short term memory. He can sorta remember things from like 10 years ago.

After a time she put him in a home, then she and their 8 children (Mormon) decided to put him in hospice, but he's still hanging on. She wants to know from the therapist should she get a divorce. The woman is simply at the end of her rope.

I don't know the answer to your question but I do know that sometimes those life-saved measures go too far, IMO. That's no quality of life.
A divorce would be the way for her to go, it's often recommended to spouses who have semi-invalid partners that refuse to check-out.

My living will calls for no extraordinary measures to prolong life and designates family members to determine that.

Whatever you do don't leave it up to the medical profession to decide for you.....They like money you know.
It's amazing how far doctors and nurses can bring someone back from the brink of death.
They can take someone comatose, all organs shutting down and get them somewhat coherent and talking.

What level of care is where you cut off the life Support?

Feeding tubes?
IV (when they can't drink)

Breathing and heart is kinda a given....but then these also keep a patient from being coherent and talking.

Where's the line for you?
Brain function is the line.
I nearly died back last September. Bowel blockage from a tumor as big as a grapefruit. I've responded well to treatment and I'm probably going to be alright. Of course I've given much thought to what if things go bad. I watched my mom die a slow miserable death from the same cancer I have now. Not going out that way. I am a pretty resolute guy, there is no way to keep me here after I decide to leave.
One of the other kernels in the mix is the emotional support that you give to your family and friends. It doesn't matter how much you want to trivialize it you can mean more to them than you realize.
I nearly died back last September. Bowel blockage from a tumor as big as a grapefruit. I've responded well to treatment and I'm probably going to be alright. Of course I've given much thought to what if things go bad. I watched my mom die a slow miserable death from the same cancer I have now. Not going out that way. I am a pretty resolute guy, there is no way to keep me here after I decide to leave.
treatment can do so much more for people than they could just a few yrs ago .. hopefully you will get better .

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