Lies of the union address

Right now, because of loopholes and shelters in the tax code, a quarter of all millionaires pay lower tax rates than millions of middle-class households. Right now, Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary.

Do we want to keep these tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans? Or do we want to keep our investments in everything else – like education and medical research; a strong military and care for our veterans? Because if we’re serious about paying down our debt, we can’t do both.

The American people know what the right choice is. So do I.


Now, you can call this class warfare all you want. But asking a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary in taxes? Most Americans would call that common sense.

White House releases full text of Obama's State of the Union speech | Detroit Free Press |

What is being left out is the fact that Mr. Buffet was taxed on his money once already... the taxes Obama is pointing out is on Buffet's investments.
Only dummies are falling for this shit.

So yeah... raise capital gains taxes and watch those same billionares say why bother investing.

Nobody turns down making money because of the tax they might face. That's one of the more consistently dumb things Republicans say.

And they're not taxing money that was already taxed. We don't tax wealth here. Only the net gain of new wealth is taxed. Another dumb thing Republicans say.
The guinea pig is smarter than you.
I've got that new show Alcatraz recorded to watch after this joke is over.

It's supposed to be about the state of our union but its not. It's about obamas wet dreams.

It's about campaigning, campaigning, campaigning.



Ahhh,,the ole' Goebelles quote, I haven''t seen that one used since the days of GWB by some Dems!
I've got that new show Alcatraz recorded to watch after this joke is over.

It's supposed to be about the state of our union but its not. It's about obamas wet dreams.

It's about campaigning, campaigning, campaigning.



Obama has been campaigning for a second term since Jan 20th 2009.

Which is amazing. Since Republicans have been trying to destroy his presidency since EVEN BEFORE he was sworn in. Funny how that works.
He repeated it without saying the word rate...Seemed deliberately dishonest to say she paid higher taxes than he did.

I seriously doubt he said that. His speech is scrubbed many times. There should be a video of it later and you can show us if he did.

It does'nt matter.... its a huge lie, and you suckers lap it up like a nasty sponge.

I don't know who you think I am, but you are quite wrong about me. I merely desire to see Obama attacked for real things. When you attack him for imaginary things, then we are all shot in the foot.

And since he is repeatedly attacked for imaginary things, I like to see evidence for any claims made. And you may notice I provide evidence for attacks I make against anyone.

And that is why I made it a point to look up the speech first thing this morning. And Valerie's ears did not deceive her:

Now, you can call this class warfare all you want. But asking a
billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary in taxes? Most
Americans would call that common sense.

As I said yesterday, the President's speech is scrubbed many times. So I am very surprised something like this would be so blatantly done.

I'm sure if he is challenged on this statement, Obama would say he meant a billionaire should pay the same rate. But here he clearly was trying to imply that Warren Buffet paid less money in taxes than his secretary.

So this is definitely a lie. A very deliberate one, considering all the fine tuning that is done to such an important speech.

This is a great catch, Valerie. Thank you.
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What is being left out is the fact that Mr. Buffet was taxed on his money once already... the taxes Obama is pointing out is on Buffet's investments.
Only dummies are falling for this shit.

So yeah... raise capital gains taxes and watch those same billionares say why bother investing.

Nobody turns down making money because of the tax they might face. That's one of the more consistently dumb things Republicans say.

And they're not taxing money that was already taxed. We don't tax wealth here. Only the net gain of new wealth is taxed. Another dumb thing Republicans say.
The guinea pig is smarter than you.

No, he's not. And what I said is exactly right; Show otherwise or shut your obnoxious cake hole.
Idiot. He was talking about "percentage". Buffet made millions and pays 15%. His secretary makes $55,000 and pays 35%. Don't tell me you see that as "fair".

His secretary makes $200,000. You aren't anywhere close to the 35% bracket if you make only $55,000. You have to make over $300,000 to be in that bracket.
His secretary makes $55,000 and pays 35%. Don't tell me you see that as "fair".

I find it very difficult to believe one of the richest men in the world pays his secretary only $55,000 a year.

Does she work part time?
Right now, because of loopholes and shelters in the tax code, a quarter of all millionaires pay lower tax rates than millions of middle-class households. Right now, Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary.

Do we want to keep these tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans? Or do we want to keep our investments in everything else – like education and medical research; a strong military and care for our veterans? Because if we’re serious about paying down our debt, we can’t do both.

The American people know what the right choice is. So do I.


Now, you can call this class warfare all you want. But asking a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary in taxes? Most Americans would call that common sense.

White House releases full text of Obama's State of the Union speech | Detroit Free Press |

What is being left out is the fact that Mr. Buffet was taxed on his money once already... the taxes Obama is pointing out is on Buffet's investments.
Only dummies are falling for this shit.

So yeah... raise capital gains taxes and watch those same billionares say why bother investing.

Nobody turns down making money because of the tax they might face. That's one of the more consistently dumb things Republicans say.

And they're not taxing money that was already taxed. We don't tax wealth here. Only the net gain of new wealth is taxed. Another dumb thing Republicans say.

We do tax income from dividends different then earned income retard which is the point.
The best thing for this nation is for the Republicans to take the Senate and the Presidency. These people can then finish America off, and we can once again realize that america only works when we have a large vibrant middle class. The changes we need are deep and fundamental, to get us off this conservative economic model that is destroying the middle.

We created the large middle class while the cons were toothless and in the minority. That will have to happen again to save america. But first, we need to let the cons destroy us, so we can start over, and relegate these treasonous bastards to the dustbin of history. FINALLY. So us liberals need to vote for these fuckers. Let them control the show, so the people will finally realize what these people are.
It's dishonest to say Buffet's secretary paid more in taxes than Warren Buffet paid. :eusa_liar:

I don't think it was the actual amount of tax he was referring too but the effective tax rate, the percentage of their income that they pay in income tax. Although He may have slipped once and called it the tax they pay.

But most people should know that.......

I thought it was his best, in-your-face SoU address.
No one said that.

How can you make something up, assign it to someone else, then call them a liar? That's sick.

The President said it in his speech tonight, numbskull...See post 17.

Now, you can call this class warfare all you want. But asking a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary in taxes? Most Americans would call that common sense.
White House releases full text of Obama's State of the Union speech | Detroit Free Press |

Idiot. He was talking about "percentage". Buffet made millions and pays 15%. His secretary makes $55,000 and pays 35%. Don't tell me you see that as "fair".

If his secretary's taxable income is 55,000 her actual tgax rate is about 18%

The first 8500 is taxed at 10%

The next 34,500 is taxed at 15%

The next 83,600 is taxed at 25 %

an on.......
What is being left out is the fact that Mr. Buffet was taxed on his money once already... the taxes Obama is pointing out is on Buffet's investments.
Only dummies are falling for this shit.

So yeah... raise capital gains taxes and watch those same billionares say why bother investing.

Nobody turns down making money because of the tax they might face. That's one of the more consistently dumb things Republicans say.

And they're not taxing money that was already taxed. We don't tax wealth here. Only the net gain of new wealth is taxed. Another dumb thing Republicans say.

We do tax income from dividends different then earned income retard which is the point.

An it is wrong to tax them at 15% across the board. Standard tax rates should apply to all income based on total income regardless of how that income was gained.

The rules changed and were set to go back to the way it was until they (ubber rich) lobbied Congress to keep the rate at 15%.

The Tax Foundation - Federal Capital Gains Tax Rates, 1988-2011

It's about campaigning, campaigning, campaigning.



Obama has been campaigning for a second term since Jan 20th 2009.

An the Republcians have been campaigning against his 2012 re-election since Aug 28 2008.

Hey DUMMY...It is the JOB of the other party to win back an elected office.
The sitting president should be doing the business of the people 24/7/365. Not worrying about his legacy, his ego or hos re-election.
Any person that does what Obama has done has no respect for the Office and should be disqualified from occupying the Office.
Things you people think are unimportant are disrespectful to the Office. Such as not wearing a suit jacket at all times while in work areas of the White House. Putting his feet on the furniture. Removing shoes while in work areas of White House. No other president since photography was invented has ever done these things.
Of course you will retort with "So what"?....
I think you and the doggie should find a hobby you both enjoy. This is no place for you.
With your every post I see an acute lack of intelligence and a past riding the short bus.
Nobody turns down making money because of the tax they might face. That's one of the more consistently dumb things Republicans say.

And they're not taxing money that was already taxed. We don't tax wealth here. Only the net gain of new wealth is taxed. Another dumb thing Republicans say.

We do tax income from dividends different then earned income retard which is the point.

An it is wrong to tax them at 15% across the board. Standard tax rates should apply to all income based on total income regardless of how that income was gained.

The rules changed and were set to go back to the way it was until they (ubber rich) lobbied Congress to keep the rate at 15%.

The Tax Foundation - Federal Capital Gains Tax Rates, 1988-2011
Right....Ok, so it's the job of government to implement double taxation?
In other words the earning were taxed at full rate once. That's all the government should be entitled to. The fact that the feds get a smaller second bite at the apple is enough.
The solution is to compel Capitol Hill to spend with fiscal responsibility instead of spending as though it had a black check.
The tax code should be scrapped. The IRS pared down to just enough people to administer the dept. The federal income tax should be a flat 15% of all earnings from employment, dividends, business, etc. Exempt the first $30k for singles, 60K for married or domestic couples. NO deductions of any kind. No children, no earned income credit no AMT, none of this nonsensical stuff that makes the tax code thousands of pages.
A 15% flat tax would significantly increase revenue and create an across the board equity.

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