Lies of a "Black" Former President


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Former President Barack Hussein Obama, in his eulogy of John Lewis mentioned the ongoing fight against, "...those who are doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting."

Of course, he is not talking about "people," he is talking about Black Democrats, and those who are doing their best [my word] to discourage Black people from voting. I call BULLSHIT. Who are these people who are discouraging Blacks from voting? Where are they? What are they doing? They must be utter failures, because Black people are voting in numbers greater than ever. I cannot even imagine an American Black person saying, "Oh, I don't think I'll vote this year...I'm just so discouraged."

In fact, the President's political opponents want to ENCOURAGE Black people to vote - to vote for the person who did more in three years to advance their interests in the United States than anyone since Abraham Lincoln, rather than a political hack who has accomplished nothing for anyone but his sons in nearly half a century sucking at the Government's teat.

But there IS a movement on the Left to discourage people from voting. What else would you suppose about the constant publication of bogus and nearly meaningless polls showing that Our Beloved President doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the election? They are not news. They are not relevant. They have been shown historically not only to be pointless, but to be WRONG (HRC had a greater lead over Trump at this time in 2016 than Biden has now). And yet day after day, Trump supporters are bombarded with "news" stories telling us how our votes for Trump will be futile and wasted. That's actually what it means to be "discouraged."

So what are we to make of the most brilliant man ever to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when he promises to continue to fight people and forces that do not exist? Could it be that he is just one more lying Democrat political hack? SAY IT ISN'T SO!
Who are these people who are discouraging Blacks from voting?

Those who shut down polls and numbers of voting booths in minority neighborhoods
Those who discourage extended voting
Those who demand unnecessary identification

Former President Barack Hussein Obama, in his eulogy of John Lewis mentioned the ongoing fight against, "...those who are doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting."

Of course, he is not talking about "people," he is talking about Black Democrats, and those who are doing their best [my word] to discourage Black people from voting. I call BULLSHIT. Who are these people who are discouraging Blacks from voting? Where are they? What are they doing? They must be utter failures, because Black people are voting in numbers greater than ever. I cannot even imagine an American Black person saying, "Oh, I don't think I'll vote this year...I'm just so discouraged."

In fact, the President's political opponents want to ENCOURAGE Black people to vote - to vote for the person who did more in three years to advance their interests in the United States than anyone since Abraham Lincoln, rather than a political hack who has accomplished nothing for anyone but his sons in nearly half a century sucking at the Government's teat.

But there IS a movement on the Left to discourage people from voting. What else would you suppose about the constant publication of bogus and nearly meaningless polls showing that Our Beloved President doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the election? They are not news. They are not relevant. They have been shown historically not only to be pointless, but to be WRONG (HRC had a greater lead over Trump at this time in 2016 than Biden has now). And yet day after day, Trump supporters are bombarded with "news" stories telling us how our votes for Trump will be futile and wasted. That's actually what it means to be "discouraged."

So what are we to make of the most brilliant man ever to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when he promises to continue to fight people and forces that do not exist? Could it be that he is just one more lying Democrat political hack? SAY IT ISN'T SO!
Michelle said she was very disappointed in black females who didnt go out and vote for the sick, loud mouthed, bitch who kept falling down, in 2016. Why was that? Why should black people be FORCED to vote for some rich white bitch? Or now a very old, forgetful, groper of women and children white guy?
Former President Barack Hussein Obama, in his eulogy of John Lewis mentioned the ongoing fight against, "...those who are doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting."

Of course, he is not talking about "people," he is talking about Black Democrats, and those who are doing their best [my word] to discourage Black people from voting. I call BULLSHIT. Who are these people who are discouraging Blacks from voting? Where are they? What are they doing? They must be utter failures, because Black people are voting in numbers greater than ever. I cannot even imagine an American Black person saying, "Oh, I don't think I'll vote this year...I'm just so discouraged."

In fact, the President's political opponents want to ENCOURAGE Black people to vote - to vote for the person who did more in three years to advance their interests in the United States than anyone since Abraham Lincoln, rather than a political hack who has accomplished nothing for anyone but his sons in nearly half a century sucking at the Government's teat.

But there IS a movement on the Left to discourage people from voting. What else would you suppose about the constant publication of bogus and nearly meaningless polls showing that Our Beloved President doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the election? They are not news. They are not relevant. They have been shown historically not only to be pointless, but to be WRONG (HRC had a greater lead over Trump at this time in 2016 than Biden has now). And yet day after day, Trump supporters are bombarded with "news" stories telling us how our votes for Trump will be futile and wasted. That's actually what it means to be "discouraged."

So what are we to make of the most brilliant man ever to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when he promises to continue to fight people and forces that do not exist? Could it be that he is just one more lying Democrat political hack? SAY IT ISN'T SO!
who wants a retarded ex president(obama) a FUNERAL talking politics? what a fucking asshole...a funeral is just pay respect, not to politicize a fucked up democratic party...personally i would of railed the asshole...any response obama? i didnt think so you sick basterd
Former President Barack Hussein Obama, in his eulogy of John Lewis mentioned the ongoing fight against, "...those who are doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting."

Of course, he is not talking about "people," he is talking about Black Democrats, and those who are doing their best [my word] to discourage Black people from voting. I call BULLSHIT. Who are these people who are discouraging Blacks from voting? Where are they? What are they doing? They must be utter failures, because Black people are voting in numbers greater than ever. I cannot even imagine an American Black person saying, "Oh, I don't think I'll vote this year...I'm just so discouraged."

In fact, the President's political opponents want to ENCOURAGE Black people to vote - to vote for the person who did more in three years to advance their interests in the United States than anyone since Abraham Lincoln, rather than a political hack who has accomplished nothing for anyone but his sons in nearly half a century sucking at the Government's teat.

But there IS a movement on the Left to discourage people from voting. What else would you suppose about the constant publication of bogus and nearly meaningless polls showing that Our Beloved President doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the election? They are not news. They are not relevant. They have been shown historically not only to be pointless, but to be WRONG (HRC had a greater lead over Trump at this time in 2016 than Biden has now). And yet day after day, Trump supporters are bombarded with "news" stories telling us how our votes for Trump will be futile and wasted. That's actually what it means to be "discouraged."

So what are we to make of the most brilliant man ever to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when he promises to continue to fight people and forces that do not exist? Could it be that he is just one more lying Democrat political hack? SAY IT ISN'T SO!
who wants a retarded ex president(obama) a FUNERAL talking politics? what a fucking asshole...a funeral is just pay respect, not to politicize a fucked up democratic party...personally i would of railed the asshole...any response obama? i didnt think so you sick basterd

B. Hussein O is hardly a "retard" here. After he made his political proclamation, the "mourners" gave him a standing O. The man knows his base, and delivers what they expect.
Former President Barack Hussein Obama, in his eulogy of John Lewis mentioned the ongoing fight against, "...those who are doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting."

Of course, he is not talking about "people," he is talking about Black Democrats, and those who are doing their best [my word] to discourage Black people from voting. I call BULLSHIT. Who are these people who are discouraging Blacks from voting? Where are they? What are they doing? They must be utter failures, because Black people are voting in numbers greater than ever. I cannot even imagine an American Black person saying, "Oh, I don't think I'll vote this year...I'm just so discouraged."

In fact, the President's political opponents want to ENCOURAGE Black people to vote - to vote for the person who did more in three years to advance their interests in the United States than anyone since Abraham Lincoln, rather than a political hack who has accomplished nothing for anyone but his sons in nearly half a century sucking at the Government's teat.

But there IS a movement on the Left to discourage people from voting. What else would you suppose about the constant publication of bogus and nearly meaningless polls showing that Our Beloved President doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the election? They are not news. They are not relevant. They have been shown historically not only to be pointless, but to be WRONG (HRC had a greater lead over Trump at this time in 2016 than Biden has now). And yet day after day, Trump supporters are bombarded with "news" stories telling us how our votes for Trump will be futile and wasted. That's actually what it means to be "discouraged."

So what are we to make of the most brilliant man ever to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when he promises to continue to fight people and forces that do not exist? Could it be that he is just one more lying Democrat political hack? SAY IT ISN'T SO!

Desperation setting in huh? You're trying to make a non-existent point but then you come back to giving Hillary vs Trump? That was 2016. 2020 ain't that year. Unless you've been hiding under a rock, the right wing has been using voter suppression methods against people of color for decades. Just look at the Georgia governors race in 2018 for a fine example. Why do you think Trump and Republicans are in a complete flap about mail-in voting? (which has been used successfully for decades). Because it's one of the big tools that eliminate voter suppression. You can't disenfranchise a whole bloc of voters because you know they probably won't vote for your candidate.

No one is telling you your vote for Trump is futile and wasted. Sorry, I don't see any news stories anywhere stating this. You are free to vote for whomever you'd like in this country. People are just pointing out that he's unpopular, down in the polls, and likely to lose this year.
Those who shut down polls and numbers of voting booths in minority neighborhoods
Those who discourage extended voting
Those who demand unnecessary identification

View attachment 369420
It is not unecessary to demand identification. In fact, the ID that Republicans are calling for isn't nearly enough. All it does it shows that you are you. It doesn't show that you are a CITIZEN, and therefore legally ENTITLED/ELIGIBLE to vote.

THAT (proof of US CITIZENSHIP) is what is sorely needed to keep the Democrats #1 cheating MO from happening > Millions of illegal aliens voting. And of course abolish mail voting, where aliens already deported could vote from their home countries, outside the US.
who wants a retarded ex president(obama) a FUNERAL talking politics? what a fucking asshole...a funeral is just pay respect

John Lewis risked his life at the March in Selma to protest for voting rights.

President Obama was pointing out that those rights are now in jeopardy.
Why do you think Trump and Republicans are in a complete flap about mail-in voting? (which has been used successfully for decades). Because it's one of the big tools that eliminate voter suppression. You can't disenfranchise a whole bloc of voters because you know they probably won't vote for your candidate.Why do you think Trump and Republicans are in a complete flap about mail-in voting? (which has been used successfully for decades). Because it's one of the big tools that eliminate voter suppression.
Why do you think Trump and Republicans are in a complete flap about mail-in voting? (which has been used successfully for decades). Because it's one of the big tools that eliminate voter suppression FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, whose illegal voted are supposed to be suppressed, but they're not.

They can even vote from their home countries (ex Mexico), after they've been deported.

Yes you CAN "disenfranchise a whole bloc of voters" (ILLEGAL ALIENS), by requiring PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP), currently (and amazingly) not required in any of the 50 states,
Those who shut down polls and numbers of voting booths in minority neighborhoods
Those who discourage extended voting
Those who demand unnecessary identification

View attachment 369420
It is not unecessary to demand identification. In fact, the ID that Republicans are calling for isn't nearly enough. All it does it shows that you are you. It doesn't show that you are a CITIZEN, and therefore legally ENTITLED/ELIGIBLE to vote.

THAT (proof of US CITIZENSHIP) is what is sorely needed to keep the Democrats #1 cheating MO from happening > Millions of illegal aliens voting. And of course abolish mail voting, where aliens already deported could vote from their home countries, outside the US.

Non-citizens are not eligible to vote. Period. No millions of illegal aliens are voting. This is a right wing bullshit deflection.
If you can provide ANY proof that you are a US Citizen and you reside in the state and town you are voting in, you should be able to vote. Regardless of whether you are registered or not.
And that means, if you can't get to a polling place, you get mailed a ballot ahead of time. Not purged from the rolls because Republicans and conservatives have decided they're going
to rig the game.
No one is telling you your vote for Trump is futile and wasted. Sorry, I don't see any news stories anywhere stating this. You are free to vote for whomever you'd like in this country. People are just pointing out that he's unpopular, down in the polls, and likely to lose this year.

The Lame Stream Media has been telling the people this since Trump disembarked from the Golden Escalator 5 years ago.

Sure, Donald J. Trump might lose to simple minded, senile Uncle Joe Biden. But it doesn't mean that resisting the Biden Regime isn't important.
John Lewis risked his life at the March in Selma to protest for voting rights.

President Obama was pointing out that those rights are now in jeopardy.
The right of illegal aliens to vote (MILLIONS of them) isn't in jeopardy. I still don't see any PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP requirement being enacted, or even proposed, and I really wonder why not.
No one is telling you your vote for Trump is futile and wasted. Sorry, I don't see any news stories anywhere stating this. You are free to vote for whomever you'd like in this country. People are just pointing out that he's unpopular, down in the polls, and likely to lose this year.

The Lame Stream Media has been telling the people this since Trump disembarked from the Golden Escalator 5 years ago.

Sure, Donald J. Trump might lose to simple minded, senile Uncle Joe Biden. But it doesn't mean that resisting the Biden Regime isn't important.

No they haven't. They've just pointed out what everyone who is rational and sane can see. He's a liar, a cheat, a fraud, and incompetent. This isn't news.
Trump is going to lose because he's unpopular. A blown response to a pandemic that's killed 152K+ and resulted in 30-50 million unemployed might do that.
who wants a retarded ex president(obama) a FUNERAL talking politics? what a fucking asshole...a funeral is just pay respect

John Lewis risked his life at the March in Selma to protest for voting rights.

President Obama was pointing out that those rights are now in jeopardy.

John Lewis had an Intra-Party scuffle with his fellow liberals on the Pettus Bridge. Most Americans weren't very interested in the differences the two groups of liberals had, much like there wasn't that much interest when Liberal Stalin ordered an ice pick to the head of his fellow Liberal Trotsky in Mexico.
Former President Barack Hussein Obama, in his eulogy of John Lewis mentioned the ongoing fight against, "...those who are doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting."

Of course, he is not talking about "people," he is talking about Black Democrats, and those who are doing their best [my word] to discourage Black people from voting. I call BULLSHIT. Who are these people who are discouraging Blacks from voting? Where are they? What are they doing? They must be utter failures, because Black people are voting in numbers greater than ever. I cannot even imagine an American Black person saying, "Oh, I don't think I'll vote this year...I'm just so discouraged."

In fact, the President's political opponents want to ENCOURAGE Black people to vote - to vote for the person who did more in three years to advance their interests in the United States than anyone since Abraham Lincoln, rather than a political hack who has accomplished nothing for anyone but his sons in nearly half a century sucking at the Government's teat.

But there IS a movement on the Left to discourage people from voting. What else would you suppose about the constant publication of bogus and nearly meaningless polls showing that Our Beloved President doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the election? They are not news. They are not relevant. They have been shown historically not only to be pointless, but to be WRONG (HRC had a greater lead over Trump at this time in 2016 than Biden has now). And yet day after day, Trump supporters are bombarded with "news" stories telling us how our votes for Trump will be futile and wasted. That's actually what it means to be "discouraged."

So what are we to make of the most brilliant man ever to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when he promises to continue to fight people and forces that do not exist? Could it be that he is just one more lying Democrat political hack? SAY IT ISN'T SO!

Desperation setting in huh? You're trying to make a non-existent point but then you come back to giving Hillary vs Trump? That was 2016. 2020 ain't that year. Unless you've been hiding under a rock, the right wing has been using voter suppression methods against people of color for decades. Just look at the Georgia governors race in 2018 for a fine example. Why do you think Trump and Republicans are in a complete flap about mail-in voting? (which has been used successfully for decades). Because it's one of the big tools that eliminate voter suppression. You can't disenfranchise a whole bloc of voters because you know they probably won't vote for your candidate.

No one is telling you your vote for Trump is futile and wasted. Sorry, I don't see any news stories anywhere stating this. You are free to vote for whomever you'd like in this country. People are just pointing out that he's unpopular, down in the polls, and likely to lose this year.
"People" are pointing that out, Jack? Or is it the liberals that control the media these days that are pushing that narrative? The media is bombarding the air waves with just that message. They're telling the country that Trump can't win because THEY say he can't! It's exactly what they said when Trump ran against Hillary Clinton. Liberals control social media. Liberals control Google, Facebook and Twitter. They now have the ability to filter what the American people hear and see and they are using that ability to censure the messages of anyone they don't like politically.
No one is telling you your vote for Trump is futile and wasted. Sorry, I don't see any news stories anywhere stating this. You are free to vote for whomever you'd like in this country. People are just pointing out that he's unpopular, down in the polls, and likely to lose this year.

The Lame Stream Media has been telling the people this since Trump disembarked from the Golden Escalator 5 years ago.

Sure, Donald J. Trump might lose to simple minded, senile Uncle Joe Biden. But it doesn't mean that resisting the Biden Regime isn't important.

No they haven't. They've just pointed out what everyone who is rational and sane can see. He's a liar, a cheat, a fraud, and incompetent. This isn't news.
Trump is going to lose because he's unpopular. A blown response to a pandemic that's killed 152K+ and resulted in 30-50 million unemployed might do that.

Why do you trust Sleepy Joe, a man who is certified as daft, to lead the Free World?

President Trump is hardly perfect, but the pandemic isn't his fault, and he is infinitely more capable of the Patriarch of the Biden Klan.
Why do you trust Sleepy Joe, a man who is certified as daft, to lead the Free World?

President Trump is hardly perfect, but the pandemic isn't his fault, and he is infinitely more capable of the Patriarch of the Biden Klan.
Democrats are blind, programmed ROBOTS. That's what we're up against. Look at the blacks who are killing people because they support Trump - when Trump has done more for Blacks than any president since Lincoln.

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