Lies Include Those Of Omission As Well As Commission.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This thread, Data Confirms: Democrats Lie About Everything, featured many of the lies Democrats and their allies tell.
But the most insidious ability of the state media is to leave out inconvenient facts.
This is one:

"Biden's Only Real Success as President Is Really Trump's

the Biden kinda/sorta presidency thus far is an unmitigated disaster. True, there are partisans out there who are so invested in hating Donald Trump that they’re willing to tell themselves otherwise but that doesn’t change reality. We call these people unwell. Harsher terms could be used, but I’m in a generous mood today. We’ll get back to referring to them as bottom-feeding participants in a moronic mass-delusion tomorrow.

Here’s a partial list of Biden disasters thus far: the Mexican border, inflation, the overnight vanishing of the peace Trump brokered in the Middle East, gas lines, and endless press reporting about his stupid dogs.

Oh yeah, what he does to the English language when he speaks in public has been pretty brutal too.

The only thing that Team Dumpster Fire can point to as a success has been the widespread rollout and administration of the COVID-19 vaccine, which has gone very well. Biden, Democrats, and their flying monkeys in the media are all doing victory laps over this but the man they love to hate reminded them that he’s the reason they’re in this position.

Tyler has the story:

“New United States COVID cases, because of the record-breaking development of the vaccine and its early purchase and distribution by the Trump Administration, has hit its lowest level in more than one year, and falling fast,” the former president said.
“I want to thank all within the Trump Administration who pushed so hard for a vaccine and got it done in less than nine months when everybody was saying it would take at least 3-5 years, and probably not happen,” Trump added. “Without the vaccine the world would be a much different place right now.”
Trump also thanked the U.S. military “for its incredible distribution and logistical planning.”
“Operation Warp Speed and our decision to purchase billions of dollars of vaccine before it was even approved, has been ‘One of the greatest miracles of the ages,’ according to many,” the former president concluded. “Thank you!”
Because the vast majority of the news media are in the tank for Dems they can lie through their teeth knowing the news media will back them up, ignore their lies or incredibly do their lying for them. Outright lies, lies of omission, twisted out of context half truths e.g. lies. These people are filth.
The only thing that Team Dumpster Fire can point to as a success has been the widespread rollout and administration of the COVID-19 vaccine
The Fed sent the vaccines but it was local governments and private companies that actually did the vaccinating.

Hell, it was private companies that came up with the vaccine. The Fed wrote the check, which they're good at doing.

It's sort of like if I cut my wife a check to pay for our party and then after she throws an amazing party, I take all the credit. LOL.
Because the vast majority of the news media are in the tank for Dems they can lie through their teeth knowing the news media will back them up, ignore their lies or incredibly do their lying for them. Outright lies, lies of omission, twisted out of context half truths e.g. lies. These people are filth.
Poor Republicans....can't ever cut a break.....:icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:
Because the vast majority of the news media are in the tank for Dems they can lie through their teeth knowing the news media will back them up, ignore their lies or incredibly do their lying for them. Outright lies, lies of omission, twisted out of context half truths e.g. lies. These people are filth.

The only way to remain on the correct side of information is to begin with the view that they lie about everything.
Because the vast majority of the news media are in the tank for Dems they can lie through their teeth knowing the news media will back them up, ignore their lies or incredibly do their lying for them. Outright lies, lies of omission, twisted out of context half truths e.g. lies. These people are filth.
Poor Republicans....can't ever cut a break.....:icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:
only when need to lie, like you retarded sheep, and then bathe in those LIES
"While the Democrats are pretending that the COVID vaccine appeared out of the clouds like Brigadoon on the morning that Biden was inaugurated, those of us dwelling on the sane side of the street remember the effort of Trump and his administration to make it a reality.

They did it while being constantly excoriated by Democrats for even saying it could be done quickly.

The press repeatedly said it was irresponsible of Trump to promise a vaccine by the end of 2020. Most of the Democrats now pretending it’s Biden’s thing were saying that any vaccine developed under Trump shouldn’t be trusted and that they wouldn’t be getting it.

Yeah, the very people now try to shame and force skeptics into getting the COVID vaccine were the original COVID anti-vaxxers.

At this rate, the lying Dems may start crediting Biden with the fall of the Soviet Union just to try and put an extra coats of lipstick on this pig of an administration.

I kid but…OK, no I don’t."
"NYTimes claimed that’d be 2036 before there would be a vaccine:

“What’s Going On in This Graph? | Estimated Time for Covid-19 Vaccine

How long will it take to produce a Covid-19 vaccine? These three graphs provide some answers. Published May 7, 2020


What’s Going On in This Graph? | Estimated Time for Covid-19 Vaccine

How long will it take to produce a Covid-19 vaccine? These three graphs provide some answers.
We all know how the left lies and how the NY Times, as team leader, lies the most.
Their reporting on the covid vaccine was comically bad and it's hard to know if
they were really that stupid or just trying to fulfill an agenda through gross over exaggeration.

Trump was laughed at for saying we could have a vaccine in record time and now Joe Biden and the
left are taking a bow for what Trump accomplished.
Sort of like the guy standing on first base who acts like he won the game when the real hero hit the home run that drove him in.

Joe will not hit his stated vaccine goals, by the way. Biden is on track to fall short of vaccinating 70% of American adults by the Fourth of July

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