Gold Member
- Dec 29, 2008
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Independent Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman says he expects to support the Democrats' health care legislation as long as any government-run insurance plan stays out of the bill.
Lieberman has been a question mark on the health care legislation for months. To win him over, Senate leaders said late Monday they were backing away from a Medicare expansion Lieberman opposed. They already had dropped a full-blown government insurance program.
Lieberman told reporters Tuesday that if the Medicare expansion and government insurance plan are gone, "I'm going to be in a position where I can say what I've wanted to say all along: that I'm ready to vote for health care reform."
Senate leaders need Lieberman's support to secure 60 votes necessary to advance the legislation in the 100-member Senate.
Lieberman Indicates Support for Health Bill - ABC News
This could be huge for the Dems. With the polls showing voters overwhelmingly oppose the health insurance bills now before Congress, Lieberman's strong opposition to some parts of the bills may have given him enough credibility with voters to get them to reconsider their opposition to these bills, a credibility Obama and the other Dem leaders clearly lack.
So if a bill passes, will the result be popularly known as Obamacare or Liebermancare? To put it another way, when this legislation causes premiums to increase, the deficit to increase, Medicare benefits to be cut and thousands of dollars of new taxes to be imposed on the 17 million to 20 million Americans who choose to pay their own medical bills will voters punish Lieberman or Obama more harshly at the polls in 2012 - assuming, of course, Obama is able to win his Party's nomination in 2012?