Libyan Rebels Will Not Extradite Lockerbie Bomber


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
well, now is the time we ask our buddies who we just helped to step up, we ask France Italy et al to withhold any new funds or freeing of funds and we freeze any Libyan funds we have on account ala Gaddaffi assets etc. unless they hand al-Megrahi over.

Q- did Obama make this one of the prerequisite's when we began this venture? If not why not, its a no brainer, if so they are going back on an agreement, did France and Italy et al agree or not?

Libyan Rebels Will Not Extradite Lockerbie Bomber
Posted Sunday, August 28th, 2011 at 7:35 pm

Libya's rebel government said Sunday it will not extradite the Libyan man convicted in the 1988 bombing of a U.S.-bound jetliner which killed 270 people when it exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland.

The Transitional National Council's justice minister told reporters in Tripoli that Abdel Baset al-Megrahi already has been tried and convicted in Scotland for bombing Pan Am flight 103. He said the rebels will not hand over Libyan citizens as former leader Moammar Gadhafi did.

Later Sunday, CNN television reported that al-Megrahi had been found in Tripoli and appeared “near death.”

Libyan Rebels Will Not Extradite Lockerbie Bomber « VOA Breaking News

and near death my ass, we've heard that one before. 2 years ago he had months left.
Pro'bly another scam...
Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi is 'in coma'
28 August 2011 - Family members told CNN Megrahi was surviving on oxygen and an intravenous drip
Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi is in a coma at his Tripoli home in Libya, it is being reported. CNN said Megrahi appeared to be "at death's door" in the care of family. He is technically on licence but his whereabouts had been unknown. Megrahi was freed from a Scottish prison in 2009 on health grounds. There have been calls for him to be returned to jail in the UK or tried in the US. But Libyan rebel leaders have said they do not intend to allow his extradition.

'Surviving on oxygen'

Abdelbaset al-Megrahi had been jailed in 2001 for the bombing of a US plane over Lockerbie, with the loss of 270 lives, before he was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer and freed. Scottish officials had tried to contact him following the rebel advance into Tripoli. Megrahi technically remains a Scottish prisoner released on licence and is obliged to remain in regular contact with East Renfrewshire Council. On Friday, the Scottish government said he had not been due to contact them for some time yet but social workers from East Renfrewshire Council had been endeavouring to contact him.

'Unhelpful speculation'

After reports Megrahi had been found, the government and council issued a statement saying they had been in contact with his family over the weekend and his licence had not been breached. "Speculation about al-Megrahi in recent days has been unhelpful, unnecessary and indeed ill-informed," they said. "As has always been said, al-Megrahi is dying of a terminal disease, and matters regarding his medical condition should really be left there," they said. "Any change in al-Megrahi's circumstances would be a matter for discussion with the National Transitional Council as the legitimate governing authority in Libya." A neighbour in Tripoli had earlier said he was whisked away by security guards last week as Gaddafi's forces crumbled.

CNN reported on Sunday that Megrahi was "comatose" and "near death... surviving on oxygen and an intravenous drip" and not eating. "We just give him oxygen, nobody gives us any advice," Megrahi's son, Khaled, told the US broadcaster. "There is no doctor. There is nobody to ask. We don't have any phone line to call anybody." CNN reporter Nic Robertson said he last saw Megrahi two years ago and described his appearance as "much iller, much sicker, his face is sunken... just a shell of the man he was". Megrahi is the only person to have been convicted in connection with the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Scotland in 1988.

'Do the math'
Thanks Mods!
I really couldn't find it anywhere else.
Near death, well I don't believe it either...but if true, perhaps that is the reason why the rebels won't extradite him?

TRIPOLI, Libya — An official with the rebel government on Sunday ruled out extraditing the former Libyan intelligence officer convicted as the mastermind of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 and released from a Scottish prison two years ago on the ground that he was near death.
The rebels’ resolve to protect the former officer may prove only briefly relevant, however. Just hours after the official spoke, CNN reported that Mr. Megrahi was near death at his villa in the capital here, broadcasting images of a frail man lying comatose in an oxygen mask. "

Got to wonder why we haven't heard he was this close to death before.
Wow, their appreciation for NATO did not last very long, how much longer until they are burning American flags in the streets?
Lybians; Thanks for the food, fuel, missles, ammo, freedom and all the other help that cost you billions so that we can democratically build a tryannical theocracy.

now fuck off you evil infedels.

Arab summer is going to be one of the worst things to ever occur.
Lybians; Thanks for the food, fuel, missles, ammo, freedom and all the other help that cost you billions so that we can democratically build a tryannical theocracy.

now fuck off you evil infedels.

Arab summer is going to be one of the worst things to ever occur.

Some things never change, if we really thought an Arab country would ever be grateful for our help we were the fuckin fools here, not them.
Lybians; Thanks for the food, fuel, missles, ammo, freedom and all the other help that cost you billions so that we can democratically build a tryannical theocracy.

now fuck off you evil infedels.

Arab summer is going to be one of the worst things to ever occur.

Some things never change, if we really thought an Arab country would ever be grateful for our help we were the fuckin fools here, not them.

When I was in Croatia there were signs all over the place telling NATO to go fuck off.


Sometimes doing the right thing is going to have to be the only reward.
Lybians; Thanks for the food, fuel, missles, ammo, freedom and all the other help that cost you billions so that we can democratically build a tryannical theocracy.

now fuck off you evil infedels.

Arab summer is going to be one of the worst things to ever occur.

Some things never change, if we really thought an Arab country would ever be grateful for our help we were the fuckin fools here, not them.

How many shame on me's are we up to?

time for the stray bomb excuse. :eusa_whistle:
Lybians; Thanks for the food, fuel, missles, ammo, freedom and all the other help that cost you billions so that we can democratically build a tryannical theocracy.

now fuck off you evil infedels.

Arab summer is going to be one of the worst things to ever occur.

Some things never change, if we really thought an Arab country would ever be grateful for our help we were the fuckin fools here, not them.

How many shame on me's are we up to?

time for the stray bomb excuse. :eusa_whistle:

Seriously the least they can do is hand this clown over, wow their appreciation lasted what a few days? at least the Kuwaitis were appreciative for a few years until they started hating us again.
The Rebels are searching house to house trying to find Quaddafi.
They found the Lockerbie bomber and went into his house and took away his medications, so he is going to die anyway.
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Question for my fellow 'boarders':

Do you think the rebels that took over are worse than Quadaffi/Kaddafi...nobody spells his name the same way twice!?

LOL-Including Peach!
Question for my fellow 'boarders':

Do you think the rebels that took over are worse than Quadaffi/Kaddafi...nobody spells his name the same way twice!?

LOL-Including Peach!

Too early to tell but the signs don't look good, they are being really racist towards the Black Africans in Libya and there are alot of Islamic extremists in their ranks that have fought against our guys in Iraq.:eek:
Question for my fellow 'boarders':

Do you think the rebels that took over are worse than Quadaffi/Kaddafi...nobody spells his name the same way twice!?

LOL-Including Peach!

Qad was a ruthless tyrant that kept his people in check once Reagan bombed the fuck outta them and made it clear that he would escalate.

He also turned a 3rd wolrd shit hole into a nice place to live, as long as you played ball.

The rebels will install a theocracy. Women will be executed left and right for being guilty of showing thier faces and being around non-related men.

Can you name a theocracy that is not a third world shit hole?
Question for my fellow 'boarders':

Do you think the rebels that took over are worse than Quadaffi/Kaddafi...nobody spells his name the same way twice!?

LOL-Including Peach!

Qad was a ruthless tyrant that kept his people in check once Reagan bombed the fuck outta them and made it clear that he would escalate.

He also turned a 3rd wolrd shit hole into a nice place to live, as long as you played ball.

The rebels will install a theocracy. Women will be executed left and right for being guilty of showing thier faces and being around non-related men.

Can you name a theocracy that is not a third world shit hole?

The safe bet is on Libya becoming a third world Islamic theocratic shithole, Egypt too.
Question for my fellow 'boarders':

Do you think the rebels that took over are worse than Quadaffi/Kaddafi...nobody spells his name the same way twice!?

LOL-Including Peach!

:lol: Sorry that was a typo.
I spell it the way it is on the Internet searches. But even in the middle east, they spell it different ways. so who really knows how it is really spelled.
Question for my fellow 'boarders':

Do you think the rebels that took over are worse than Quadaffi/Kaddafi...nobody spells his name the same way twice!?

LOL-Including Peach!

:lol: Sorry that was a typo.
I spell it the way it is on the Internet searches. But even in the middle east, they spell it different ways. so who really knows how it is really spelled.

They'll get it right on his tombstone. :eusa_angel:

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