Libya To Be Governed By Sharia Law

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008

Libya is already an Islamic state and anyone thinking that a majority Muslim country will not follow Sharia is fooling themselves.

The law of Libya follows the Sharia way. Qadhafi integrated the thinking of Mohammed into the Green Book which lays down the guiding principles of the Jamahiriya, the state of the masses for the people.


Well I do :eusa_pray:
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Libya is already an Islamic state and anyone thinking that a majority Muslim country will not follow Sharia is fooling themselves.

The law of Libya follows the Sharia way. Qadhafi integrated the thinking of Mohammed into the Green Book which lays down the guiding principles of the Jamahiriya, the state of the masses for the people.

Green Book - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well I do :eusa_pray:

Pray all you like, it will do no good.

Democracy and shira are like oil and water. They are not compatible.
Muslim nations will adopt democratic principles when the Muslim people demand them. In today's world the rights of the poor, women and minorities (color, creed, ethnicity) in Western democracies will become more widely understood in Sharia ruled nations and will ferment discontent.

Of course if the New Right has their way, and our nation devolves (further) into a Plutocracy, the oppressed around the world will lose the greatest role model in history.
Muslim nations will adopt democratic principles when the Muslim people demand them. In today's world the rights of the poor, women and minorities (color, creed, ethnicity) in Western democracies will become more widely understood in Sharia ruled nations and will ferment discontent.

Of course if the New Right has their way, and our nation devolves (further) into a Plutocracy, the oppressed around the world will lose the greatest role model in history.

Torah: Proclaim Liberty Throughout The Land

Can you show us where the Quran proclaims liberty throughout the land? No, I didn't think so.
Well, the story doesn't say much so there is some small hope. However chances are that since there are tribes involved in Libya that there will be some heavy fighting between them yet..... We'll have to see how they handle it. We certainly are in no position to do anything about it one way or another............

Libya is already an Islamic state and anyone thinking that a majority Muslim country will not follow Sharia is fooling themselves.

The law of Libya follows the Sharia way. Qadhafi integrated the thinking of Mohammed into the Green Book which lays down the guiding principles of the Jamahiriya, the state of the masses for the people.

Green Book - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well I do :eusa_pray:

Pray all you like, it will do no good.

Democracy and shira are like oil and water. They are not compatible.

I do believe that modernity can come to Islam.

It came to both Judaism and Christianity. Islam needs it more. :razz:

So, let's 'give it to them'. <-- My Prayer ...
the place has been under Shiara law since about 700 AD. They are just stating the obvious.

and lets face it, the laws of the US are based on christian doctrine, because the folks who set the place up were either christians or folks who were agnostic about Christianity. It forms the basis for their thinking.

I do have hope that the people of Libya will be more interested in Democracy than religious disputes. Qaddaffi was supposedly very religious. And see where that got them.
Also, don't neglect that "christian doctrine in the 1780s was all about the divine right of kings. A small dose of democracy put paid to all that nonsense in a hurry. the same can be true of Islamic nations. If they give it a try
the place has been under Shiara law since about 700 AD. They are just stating the obvious.

and lets face it, the laws of the US are based on christian doctrine, because the folks who set the place up were either christians or folks who were agnostic about Christianity. It forms the basis for their thinking.

I do have hope that the people of Libya will be more interested in Democracy than religious disputes. Qaddaffi was supposedly very religious. And see where that got them.

Religious? Really? Why the female body guards?

Muslim nations will adopt democratic principles when the Muslim people demand them. In today's world the rights of the poor, women and minorities (color, creed, ethnicity) in Western democracies will become more widely understood in Sharia ruled nations and will ferment discontent.

Of course if the New Right has their way, and our nation devolves (further) into a Plutocracy, the oppressed around the world will lose the greatest role model in history.

Torah: Proclaim Liberty Throughout The Land

Can you show us where the Quran proclaims liberty throughout the land? No, I didn't think so.

Of course not. When did I suggest it did or didn't?
Gaddafi was a total loon.

His so called "Green Book" had zero to do with Islam.

It was just his peculiar brand of weirdo secularism he tried to force on the Libyian people.

Sort of like Chairman Mao's "Red Book" :cuckoo:
Gaddafi was a total loon.

His so called "Green Book" had zero to do with Islam.

It was just his peculiar brand of weirdo secularism he tried to force on the Libyian people.

Sort of like Chairman Mao's "Red Book" :cuckoo:

Do I remember you saying you are a wahhabi/salafi Sunni?
Gaddafi was a total loon.

His so called "Green Book" had zero to do with Islam.

It was just his peculiar brand of weirdo secularism he tried to force on the Libyian people.

Sort of like Chairman Mao's "Red Book" :cuckoo:

Do I remember you saying you are a wahhabi/salafi Sunni?

Yes, that is the "madhab" that I find closest to my personal philosophy concerning Islamic Fiqh (religious jurisprudence) :cool:
the place has been under Shiara law since about 700 AD. They are just stating the obvious.

and lets face it, the laws of the US are based on christian doctrine, because the folks who set the place up were either christians or folks who were agnostic about Christianity. It forms the basis for their thinking.

I do have hope that the people of Libya will be more interested in Democracy than religious disputes. Qaddaffi was supposedly very religious. And see where that got them.

Religious? Really? Why the female body guards?


Why not? Islam is by nature pretty misogynistic. I would guess because he felt they would be more loyal and more threatening than guys.

The man was pretty goofy. The only thing I know for sure about what went in that head is a couple bullets. Everything else is just speculation.
Libya is already an Islamic state and anyone thinking that a majority Muslim country will not follow Sharia is fooling themselves.

The law of Libya follows the Sharia way. Qadhafi integrated the thinking of Mohammed into the Green Book which lays down the guiding principles of the Jamahiriya, the state of the masses for the people.

Green Book - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well I do :eusa_pray:

Pray all you like, it will do no good.

Democracy and shira are like oil and water. They are not compatible.

I do believe that modernity can come to Islam.

It came to both Judaism and Christianity. Islam needs it more. :razz:

So, let's 'give it to them'. <-- My Prayer ...

Sure it will come.... in say about another thousand years.
Gaddafi was a total loon.

His so called "Green Book" had zero to do with Islam.

It was just his peculiar brand of weirdo secularism he tried to force on the Libyian people.

Sort of like Chairman Mao's "Red Book" :cuckoo:

Do I remember you saying you are a wahhabi/salafi Sunni?

Yes, that is the "madhab" that I find closest to my personal philosophy concerning Islamic Fiqh (religious jurisprudence) :cool:

Islamic fiqh sez it's halal to strike a disobedient Muslima. :eek:

That must hurt her, yes, islamonazi? :clap2:

islamonazi, what do you say to a Muslima with two black eyes? Nothing, you already told her, twice :lol:
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For those of you who don't understand, that means the Koran will be their "Constitution" of sorts. Good thing we supported Al Qaida there right?

It seems you don’t understand. Your ‘headline’ says noting about Al Qaida, or American support thereof.

You also post as if there’s something to be done about it.

Or is Libya next on the neo-con hit-list of nations to ‘democratize’?