MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

What I really see here is conservatives trying to rationalize (whether consciously or not) their faux outrage.

The truth of it is that while you do have the freedom to your opinion, people also have the right to dislike you, employers have the right to fire you, etc. based on your opinion.
So you have no link showing that he said gays should f*ck animals.


When one says to morph out, it is saying that homosexuality leads to bestiality.

i.e. gays will fuck animals

Even if you are correct in what you are saying (arguable), what he said is different from suggesting that gays should participate in bestiality.

Ohhh, I see what you're saying.

I worded it incorrectly the first time, sorry.
He suggested they should fuck animals.

It's either freedom of opinion or it's not. Make up your mind or pack your bags and flee to Somalia.


“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there,” he said. “Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”


He compared adlutery and sexual promiscuity to bestiality. And he also mentioned homosexuals.

Hmmmm...saying that homosexuality is a sin, per the bible......

VS saying someone should shit in a particular person's mouth.

Oh yeah, I see how those are EXACTLY the same!

You completely avoided my question.

Why isn't my right to a non-religious opinion protected? What makes your belief in a Great Sky Fairy so special?

Your right to non-religious opinion is protected.

However, the context of Robertson's remarks is very different from that of Bashir's or Harris-Perry's.

Robertson plays a role as a rustic fundamentalist on an entertainment channel. Because of that role he was asked a question in a magazine interview. The sentiments which sparked the current controversy were answers to questions posed to him when he was not on his show.

Bashir and Harris-Perry are/were employed by a putative news network and their remarks were part of planned on-air segments.

Consequences appropriately vary based on context.
Hmmmm...saying that homosexuality is a sin, per the bible......

VS saying someone should shit in a particular person's mouth.

Oh yeah, I see how those are EXACTLY the same!

You completely avoided my question.

Why isn't my right to a non-religious opinion protected? What makes your belief in a Great Sky Fairy so special?

Your right to non-religious opinion is protected.

However, the context of Robertson's remarks is very different from that of Bashir's or Harris-Perry's.

Robertson plays a role as a rustic fundamentalist. Because of that role he was asked a question in a magazine interview. The sentiments which sparked the current controversy were answers to questions posed to him when he was not on his show.

Bashir and Harris-Perry are/were employed by a putative news network and their remarks were part of planned on-air segments.

That's not what koshergrl is claiming, and I want her to answer this particular question.
He suggested they should fuck animals.

It's either freedom of opinion or it's not. Make up your mind or pack your bags and flee to Somalia.

Bashir said someone should shit in your mouth, sounds like your alright with it.

Actually I disagree with all of them and support the networks' decisions to fire/suspend the offenders.

It's the conservatives' hypocritical attitudes towards these opinions that I dislike.

I disagree with any network, or company, firing anyone for expressing an personal opinion. It is the self righteous twerps that think that people should pay for their speech that I have issues with.
What I really see here is conservatives trying to rationalize (whether consciously or not) their faux outrage.

The truth of it is that while you do have the freedom to your opinion, people also have the right to dislike you, employers have the right to fire you, etc. based on your opinion.

Let me clue you in on something.

I started a thread that shows exactly where I stand on this whole thing, I used it to mock the fact that the NAACP in particular, and progressives in general, didn't speak up to defend a black child who isn't old enough to walk. Every time you post your drivel, you reinforce my point.

Keep posting.
Not only do they not speak up, they actually came to this thread to insist that white people shouldn't adopt black babies.

While at the same time, in other threads, they maintain that white christian people don't offer up alternatives to minority abortion...that they refuse to *help* by emptying their pocket books and opening their homes to minority babies...

Seriously, the pukes need to get their stories straight.
Next we'll have sarhag or some other hysterical baby killer back in here insisting that Romney's baby would be better off dead.
She has now apologized.

But silence from PMSNBC. Perhaps they approved of her initial comments and now are disapproving. Or maybe they just learned something from wot happened to A&E.

Can liberals learn?

I heard she apoligized on her Twitter Account.
That's like her offering an apology while she's in the shower.

She mocks the guy on her show but does not apoligize on her show.
Pretty weak.

Melissa Harris-Perry apologizes for Mitt Romney grandchild comments -

It's like publishing a negative story in a newspaper that appears on the front page then
on Saturday offering a one line apology on page 20 below the ad for a feminine hygeine
I love seeing Leftytoons show their true colors. And it wasn't just her. Everyone at that desk participated. And for almost ten minutes. All of them should be fired.

It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party -- can't really argue with that.

I watched that show. It was a panel full of comedians going over all the stories of the past year. They poked fun at everything. But their humor was hardly malicious. They didn't call the child a "tar baby" or the types of things you would expect the Republicans to say.


And you have to admit, one child definitely "stands out". What's wrong with bringing attention to that?

Look at Tank. Now there is an honest Republican: Homosexuality, welfare, unemployment, dropouts, STD.s. obesity, fatherless children, abortion, rape, murder are not Republican values, so thats why blacks, hispanics and gays are democrats

Thank you RDean for being the token racist on the thread.

That's how he rolls.

And it wasn't just

So I'm a racist for what Tank said?

Hey, did anyone actually watch the video? Melissa called Romney's grandson "gorgeous". That bitch. How dare her.
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As much as the Democrats would like to forget about it, the Romneys have a long history fighting for Civil Rights.


George Romney got Obama born! :eusa_angel:

He has a lot to answer for!

Hey, thanks for bringing that up.

Did Mitt Romney Lie About Father Marching With MLK?

Romney claimed that his father marched with Martin Luther King.
In 1978, Mitt Romney would tell the Boston Globe that he and his father both marched with Martin Luther King.
The problem is, Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, the former governor of Michigan, never marched with Martin Luther King.
As much as the Democrats would like to forget about it, the Romneys have a long history fighting for Civil Rights.


George Romney got Obama born! :eusa_angel:

He has a lot to answer for!

Hey, thanks for bringing that up.

Did Mitt Romney Lie About Father Marching With MLK?

Romney claimed that his father marched with Martin Luther King.
In 1978, Mitt Romney would tell the Boston Globe that he and his father both marched with Martin Luther King.
The problem is, Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, the former governor of Michigan, never marched with Martin Luther King.

George Romney led a march of 10,000 people to protest racist events in Selma. He got Obama born!
Did Mr. Robertson say someone should shit in the mouth of gays?

No, he said they were going to hell.

Where they were going to be tortured for all eternity.

Which frankly, sounds a lot more malicious than anything that Bashir suggested.

You have stated over and over you don' t believe it. So why are you worried about it? You say my religion is a joke, and if you really think that way. Your going to hell, does that bother you?

I think it bothers me that fuckwads like you are so malicious that you want people tortured for all eternity for what kind of sex they have or which imaginary sky fairy they worship.

It isn't a commentary on Hell, it's a commentary on you.

Just like there was absolutely zero chance Bashir was ever going to poop in Palin's mouth, but actually saying he wanted it to happen showed him to be a bit on the malicous side.
Did Mr. Robertson say someone should shit in the mouth of gays?

No, he said they were going to hell.

Where they were going to be tortured for all eternity.

Which frankly, sounds a lot more malicious than anything that Bashir suggested.

I am pretty sure he said they wouldn't go to heaven, not that they would go to hell.

Those are kind of the only two choices on the menu....

Well, there's purgatory, which is like temporary Hell. I guess he only wants some people to be tortured for eons instead of eternity. That's so much better.

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