Libs try to infiltrate tea party to feed liberal media

Some of those photos were proven to be fake and yet here we are addressing a multitude of straw men across PAGES of posts. Address the damn point, those photos mean nothing. Some may yet be real and yet still mean NOTHING. There are just as many outrageous pics from the bush years from rallies and protests on the left. There will always be a few here and there. The VAST majority of the tea parties do not advocate such extremes. I continually hear bashing from the left about the tea parties without ANY point made to the core beliefs of the movement. That is partisan hackery at its finest. IF you disagree with what the tea party represents then address that and quit the whining about false accusations and presumptions. The left looks idiodic when they use these tactics and it is only giving those in the right more steam.

Another thing - CaliGirl has been mostly respectful in this post and has been attacked without reason. The posters here are looking more and more like morons as the personal attacks increase. Please try and look deep inside to find your humanity and use a modicum of intelligence to DEBATE instead of attack. If the right is as dumb as you say it is it would be easy. It seems to me that there are valid points you cannot refute and slamming others id the only way to defend yourself.
Interestingly enough, those signs have been seen on the news in MANY places.......

CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC..............Jon Stewart...........just to name a few.

So now you know why those outlets are losing viewership while Fox News keeps increasing.

People are smart enough to know when they are being lied to.

At least some people. Those that aren't voted for Obama.

Yo.......Teabagging Toothpick........try again. It's been proven REPEATEDLY that FAUX Noise has manipulated their newscasts and told outright bullshit.

One of which was Billo the Clown saying that nobody on his network has ever stated that the healthcare bill would put people in jail who didn't have insurance.

It doesn't by the way, but MANY (Beck, Billo the Forgetful, Hannity......) did say just that thing.

With that as a track record, why do you believe them? What's the matter, you don't have 2 synapses to rub together?

Yeah Yeah Yeah, keep on ranting, but the ratings don't lie.


And when you have any evidence for that rant, let me know.
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Some of those photos were proven to be fake and yet here we are addressing a multitude of straw men across PAGES of posts. Address the damn point, those photos mean nothing. Some may yet be real and yet still mean NOTHING. There are just as many outrageous pics from the bush years from rallies and protests on the left. There will always be a few here and there. The VAST majority of the tea parties do not advocate such extremes. I continually hear bashing from the left about the tea parties without ANY point made to the core beliefs of the movement. That is partisan hackery at its finest. IF you disagree with what the tea party represents then address that and quit the whining about false accusations and presumptions. The left looks idiodic when they use these tactics and it is only giving those in the right more steam.

Another thing - CaliGirl has been mostly respectful in this post and has been attacked without reason. The posters here are looking more and more like morons as the personal attacks increase. Please try and look deep inside to find your humanity and use a modicum of intelligence to DEBATE instead of attack. If the right is as dumb as you say it is it would be easy. It seems to me that there are valid points you cannot refute and slamming others id the only way to defend yourself.

Some of those photos were proven to be fake and yet here we are addressing a multitude of straw men across PAGES of posts. Address the damn point, those photos mean nothing. Some may yet be real and yet still mean NOTHING. There are just as many outrageous pics from the bush years from rallies and protests on the left. There will always be a few here and there. The VAST majority of the tea parties do not advocate such extremes. I continually hear bashing from the left about the tea parties without ANY point made to the core beliefs of the movement. That is partisan hackery at its finest. IF you disagree with what the tea party represents then address that and quit the whining about false accusations and presumptions. The left looks idiodic when they use these tactics and it is only giving those in the right more steam.

Another thing - CaliGirl has been mostly respectful in this post and has been attacked without reason. The posters here are looking more and more like morons as the personal attacks increase. Please try and look deep inside to find your humanity and use a modicum of intelligence to DEBATE instead of attack. If the right is as dumb as you say it is it would be easy. It seems to me that there are valid points you cannot refute and slamming others id the only way to defend yourself.

Nice................a big dumb Republican defending the GOP Whore.

What? Are you and her planning on a little cyber action later?
Some of those photos were proven to be fake and yet here we are addressing a multitude of straw men across PAGES of posts. Address the damn point, those photos mean nothing. Some may yet be real and yet still mean NOTHING. There are just as many outrageous pics from the bush years from rallies and protests on the left. There will always be a few here and there. The VAST majority of the tea parties do not advocate such extremes. I continually hear bashing from the left about the tea parties without ANY point made to the core beliefs of the movement. That is partisan hackery at its finest. IF you disagree with what the tea party represents then address that and quit the whining about false accusations and presumptions. The left looks idiodic when they use these tactics and it is only giving those in the right more steam.

Another thing - CaliGirl has been mostly respectful in this post and has been attacked without reason. The posters here are looking more and more like morons as the personal attacks increase. Please try and look deep inside to find your humanity and use a modicum of intelligence to DEBATE instead of attack. If the right is as dumb as you say it is it would be easy. It seems to me that there are valid points you cannot refute and slamming others id the only way to defend yourself.

Nice................a big dumb Republican defending the GOP Whore.

What? Are you and her planning on a little cyber action later?

This, children, is the difference between class and having no class whatsoever.

Liberals seldom do have any class, and if they do, it's usually just a facade to hide their true intentions.

In this case, he doesn't even TRY to hide his lack of class.

Have to post it again. This Youtube is for those without class.

[ame=""]YouTube - "I'm A Danger To Myself and Others"[/ame]

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Some of those photos were proven to be fake and yet here we are addressing a multitude of straw men across PAGES of posts. Address the damn point, those photos mean nothing. Some may yet be real and yet still mean NOTHING. There are just as many outrageous pics from the bush years from rallies and protests on the left. There will always be a few here and there. The VAST majority of the tea parties do not advocate such extremes. I continually hear bashing from the left about the tea parties without ANY point made to the core beliefs of the movement. That is partisan hackery at its finest. IF you disagree with what the tea party represents then address that and quit the whining about false accusations and presumptions. The left looks idiodic when they use these tactics and it is only giving those in the right more steam.

Another thing - CaliGirl has been mostly respectful in this post and has been attacked without reason. The posters here are looking more and more like morons as the personal attacks increase. Please try and look deep inside to find your humanity and use a modicum of intelligence to DEBATE instead of attack. If the right is as dumb as you say it is it would be easy. It seems to me that there are valid points you cannot refute and slamming others id the only way to defend yourself.

Nice................a big dumb Republican defending the GOP Whore.

What? Are you and her planning on a little cyber action later?

Just proves the point I was making.
Some of those photos were proven to be fake and yet here we are addressing a multitude of straw men across PAGES of posts. Address the damn point, those photos mean nothing. Some may yet be real and yet still mean NOTHING. There are just as many outrageous pics from the bush years from rallies and protests on the left. There will always be a few here and there. The VAST majority of the tea parties do not advocate such extremes. I continually hear bashing from the left about the tea parties without ANY point made to the core beliefs of the movement. That is partisan hackery at its finest. IF you disagree with what the tea party represents then address that and quit the whining about false accusations and presumptions. The left looks idiodic when they use these tactics and it is only giving those in the right more steam.

Another thing - CaliGirl has been mostly respectful in this post and has been attacked without reason. The posters here are looking more and more like morons as the personal attacks increase. Please try and look deep inside to find your humanity and use a modicum of intelligence to DEBATE instead of attack. If the right is as dumb as you say it is it would be easy. It seems to me that there are valid points you cannot refute and slamming others id the only way to defend yourself.

Nice................a big dumb Republican defending the GOP Whore.

What? Are you and her planning on a little cyber action later?

Just proves the point I was making.

You are so very right. Sad. You came off with class, and he answered with a total contrast from that class. And the sad part is, I bet it doesn't even occur to him, he made your point for you. :cuckoo:
Some of those photos were proven to be fake and yet here we are addressing a multitude of straw men across PAGES of posts. Address the damn point, those photos mean nothing. Some may yet be real and yet still mean NOTHING. There are just as many outrageous pics from the bush years from rallies and protests on the left. There will always be a few here and there. The VAST majority of the tea parties do not advocate such extremes. I continually hear bashing from the left about the tea parties without ANY point made to the core beliefs of the movement. That is partisan hackery at its finest. IF you disagree with what the tea party represents then address that and quit the whining about false accusations and presumptions. The left looks idiodic when they use these tactics and it is only giving those in the right more steam.

Another thing - CaliGirl has been mostly respectful in this post and has been attacked without reason. The posters here are looking more and more like morons as the personal attacks increase. Please try and look deep inside to find your humanity and use a modicum of intelligence to DEBATE instead of attack. If the right is as dumb as you say it is it would be easy. It seems to me that there are valid points you cannot refute and slamming others id the only way to defend yourself.

Nice................a big dumb Republican defending the GOP Whore.

What? Are you and her planning on a little cyber action later?

Thank you for illustrating the point. And NO you don't get a fee.
Nice................a big dumb Republican defending the GOP Whore.

What? Are you and her planning on a little cyber action later?

Just proves the point I was making.

You are so very right. Sad. You came off with class, and he answered with a total contrast from that class. And the sad part is, I bet it doesn't even occur to him, he made your point for you. :cuckoo:

Unless there is another California Girl on these boards, you're full of shit, because that GOP whore doesn't have ANYTHING nice to say to anyone that doesn't post Republican rhetoric.

Try again assholes.
Just proves the point I was making.

You are so very right. Sad. You came off with class, and he answered with a total contrast from that class. And the sad part is, I bet it doesn't even occur to him, he made your point for you. :cuckoo:

Unless there is another California Girl on these boards, you're full of shit, because that GOP whore doesn't have ANYTHING nice to say to anyone that doesn't post Republican rhetoric.

Try again assholes.

Translation: "I'm gunning for YOU California Girl, and I can't think of anything else to say but to further illustrate the points of others in my loser rhetoric..."
Isn't photoshop great? :clap2:

For them? Yes. It is great for them to win...because they cannot any other way. They FAIL in the arena of Ideals. They are the ones that are afraid and will do anything by hook/crook to gain power.

Call them for what they are. They are LIARS. It's that simple.

They photoshopped pictures of Condi Rice. They photoshopped pictures of Lebanon (Little Green Footballs broke that one)

They fabricated National Guard records for Bush. The Downing Street Memos turned out to be fabricated and phony.

The Yellowcake from Niger turned out to be true, Joe Wilson turned out to be false.

And then there is who outed Valerie Plame, which was NOT Karl Rove, but Richard Armitage.

Liberals couldn't fight honestly if they tried. They can't, because they are bereft of anything close to the truth. They just want power and control, and see us in the way of that.

Thus, they feel justified in ANYTHING they do to try and lie, discredit and smear. The end justifies the means with them.

You have to know this about liberals. I wish idiots on our "side" like John "reach across the aisle" McCain would figure this out.
Liberalism is completely based on lies and deception.

They can never compete based on ideas as you say.

'nuff said!

If McCain was so great, HOW COME HE LOST POLITICAL GENIUS???????

Shall we compare that to Reagan who won in a 49 state landslide in 1984????? :lol:

Eat our own my ass. The only ones trying to eat anything are the moderate MORONS in the Republican party who wish we were the Democrat party.

PSSSSSSSSSSSSSST! NEWSFLASH POLITICAL GENIOUS. That's one of the reasons McCain lost, with his buying everyone's mortgages, taxing our health insurance and being for cap and trade. WE ALREADY HAVE A DEMOCRAT PARTY.

If you give voters the choice between Democrat lite and real Democrats voters are going to vote for the real thing. Why vote for the faux Democrat if you can have the real thing?

Best candidate we ever had. BWAHAHAHAAAA! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Looking really outdid yourself with large fonts this time. It still does not make your point any more valid.

McCain won the Republican primaries in a landslide and had the nomination locked up by February. McCain also has a long and storied record in the Senate and an honorable history representing his state.
No other Republican candidate had near his credentials or support in 2008. He was your best shot and America sent him packing.
Looking at the list of stiffs being proposed as GOP frontrunners in 2012. There are still none who has the credentials or stature that McCain enjoyed in 2008.

See....I made an argument without using large fonts

McCain LOST! Credential that! :rofl:

Good point.....McCain did lose and he lost badly

He was still the best candidate the Republicans had to offer. What does that tell you about GOP chances in 2012? You still lack a candidate as qualified as McCain and the only candidate with the name recognition of McCain is Palin

I dare you to run Palin in 2012
Some of those photos were proven to be fake and yet here we are addressing a multitude of straw men across PAGES of posts. Address the damn point, those photos mean nothing. Some may yet be real and yet still mean NOTHING. There are just as many outrageous pics from the bush years from rallies and protests on the left. There will always be a few here and there. The VAST majority of the tea parties do not advocate such extremes. I continually hear bashing from the left about the tea parties without ANY point made to the core beliefs of the movement. That is partisan hackery at its finest. IF you disagree with what the tea party represents then address that and quit the whining about false accusations and presumptions. The left looks idiodic when they use these tactics and it is only giving those in the right more steam.

Another thing - CaliGirl has been mostly respectful in this post and has been attacked without reason. The posters here are looking more and more like morons as the personal attacks increase. Please try and look deep inside to find your humanity and use a modicum of intelligence to DEBATE instead of attack. If the right is as dumb as you say it is it would be easy. It seems to me that there are valid points you cannot refute and slamming others id the only way to defend yourself.

Nice................a big dumb Republican defending the GOP Whore.

What? Are you and her planning on a little cyber action later?

Just proves the point I was making.
Exactly right and it shows how liberals lack class.
Proves my point about how stupid **** Mike is.

I've voted for Bush Sr., I'd voted for Bush Jr. the FIRST time and against him the second time.

Yeah......tell me again how much of a liberal I am.........I'm an independent, it's non observant morons such as yourself that view anything that doesn't line up exactly with their narrow view as "liberal".
Proves my point about how stupid **** Mike is.

I've voted for Bush Sr., I'd voted for Bush Jr. the FIRST time and against him the second time.

Yeah......tell me again how much of a liberal I am.........I'm an independent, it's non observant morons such as yourself that view anything that doesn't line up exactly with their narrow view as "liberal".

Your posts belie this post. You are a Seminar poster.
Looking really outdid yourself with large fonts this time. It still does not make your point any more valid.

McCain won the Republican primaries in a landslide and had the nomination locked up by February. McCain also has a long and storied record in the Senate and an honorable history representing his state.
No other Republican candidate had near his credentials or support in 2008. He was your best shot and America sent him packing.
Looking at the list of stiffs being proposed as GOP frontrunners in 2012. There are still none who has the credentials or stature that McCain enjoyed in 2008.

See....I made an argument without using large fonts

McCain LOST! Credential that! :rofl:

Good point.....McCain did lose and he lost badly

He was still the best candidate the Republicans had to offer. What does that tell you about GOP chances in 2012? You still lack a candidate as qualified as McCain and the only candidate with the name recognition of McCain is Palin

I dare you to run Palin in 2012

Wrong. He wasn't. Which shows that open primaries are FLAWED.
McCain LOST! Credential that! :rofl:

Good point.....McCain did lose and he lost badly

He was still the best candidate the Republicans had to offer. What does that tell you about GOP chances in 2012? You still lack a candidate as qualified as McCain and the only candidate with the name recognition of McCain is Palin

I dare you to run Palin in 2012

Wrong. He wasn't. Which shows that open primaries are FLAWED.

McCain buried his competition on Super Tuesday and locked up the nomination by February 2008. If you don't like open primaries with actual Republicans voting...take it up with the GOP
You have the same problem in 2012. An open primary system with nothing but losers running

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