Libertarian Candidate Lands Dig at Trump...


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Realize that I'm NOT jazzed by "our" choice this year.. May not support her.. But I just got an email blast from Jo Jorgensen landing her BEST punch this campaign at Trump's whine that the Commission on Political Debates (CPD) is "picking on him"....

Jorgensen to Trump: Join the club!

Libertarian for President Jo Jorgensen finds it hilarious that Trump accuses the CPD of trying to silence him

GREENVILLE, S.C.— “Join the club, President Trump,” said Dr. Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian for president in response to his claim that the Commission on Presidential debates is “trying to silence” him. “The CPD, along with its Democratic and Republican colluders – including you, have been silencing the Libertarian Party for decades. Your hypocritical criticism of your own co-conspirators is hilarious.”

The Commission on Presidential Debates consists of well-connected Democrats and Republicans who conspire every election with media elites to set debate rules that deliberately exclude alternative party competitors
Since billionaire Ross Perot was in the presidential debates in 1992, the CPD has required presidential candidates to poll an average of fifteen percent in polls by five pre-selected polling firms – a percentage that was carefully calculated to make it virtually impossible for an outsider to qualify.

Those same Democrats and Republicans allow presidential candidates to participate in primary election debates with poll numbers as low as one percent.

“Do you want to show some consistency for a change, President Trump?” asked Jorgensen. “Tell the CPD to set rules that accommodate all viable candidates for president.”

Jo Jorgensen is the only alternative-party candidate for president who is on the ballot in all fifty states, plus the District of Columbia -- in spite of rules set by Democratic and Republican lawmakers to make it very difficult to achieve this.

Think I had more faith in national campaigns back when the League of Women Voters were in charge of debates.
This is just one more insult to people's confidence in our election systems.. This election night is gonna look like 3rd world politics with all the ad hoc partisan hacking that PUTIN wishes he COULD have done...
Realize that I'm NOT jazzed by "our" choice this year.. May not support her.. But I just got an email blast from Jo Jorgensen landing her BEST punch this campaign at Trump's whine that the Commission on Political Debates (CPD) is "picking on him"....

Jorgensen to Trump: Join the club!

Libertarian for President Jo Jorgensen finds it hilarious that Trump accuses the CPD of trying to silence him

GREENVILLE, S.C.— “Join the club, President Trump,” said Dr. Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian for president in response to his claim that the Commission on Presidential debates is “trying to silence” him. “The CPD, along with its Democratic and Republican colluders – including you, have been silencing the Libertarian Party for decades. Your hypocritical criticism of your own co-conspirators is hilarious.”

The Commission on Presidential Debates consists of well-connected Democrats and Republicans who conspire every election with media elites to set debate rules that deliberately exclude alternative party competitors
Since billionaire Ross Perot was in the presidential debates in 1992, the CPD has required presidential candidates to poll an average of fifteen percent in polls by five pre-selected polling firms – a percentage that was carefully calculated to make it virtually impossible for an outsider to qualify.

Those same Democrats and Republicans allow presidential candidates to participate in primary election debates with poll numbers as low as one percent.

“Do you want to show some consistency for a change, President Trump?” asked Jorgensen. “Tell the CPD to set rules that accommodate all viable candidates for president.”

Jo Jorgensen is the only alternative-party candidate for president who is on the ballot in all fifty states, plus the District of Columbia -- in spite of rules set by Democratic and Republican lawmakers to make it very difficult to achieve this.

Think I had more faith in national campaigns back when the League of Women Voters were in charge of debates.
This is just one more insult to people's confidence in our election systems.. This election night is gonna look like 3rd world politics with all the ad hoc partisan hacking that PUTIN wishes he COULD have done...
Realize that I'm NOT jazzed by "our" choice this year.. May not support her.. But I just got an email blast from Jo Jorgensen landing her BEST punch this campaign at Trump's whine that the Commission on Political Debates (CPD) is "picking on him"....

Jorgensen to Trump: Join the club!

Libertarian for President Jo Jorgensen finds it hilarious that Trump accuses the CPD of trying to silence him

GREENVILLE, S.C.— “Join the club, President Trump,” said Dr. Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian for president in response to his claim that the Commission on Presidential debates is “trying to silence” him. “The CPD, along with its Democratic and Republican colluders – including you, have been silencing the Libertarian Party for decades. Your hypocritical criticism of your own co-conspirators is hilarious.”

The Commission on Presidential Debates consists of well-connected Democrats and Republicans who conspire every election with media elites to set debate rules that deliberately exclude alternative party competitors
Since billionaire Ross Perot was in the presidential debates in 1992, the CPD has required presidential candidates to poll an average of fifteen percent in polls by five pre-selected polling firms – a percentage that was carefully calculated to make it virtually impossible for an outsider to qualify.

Those same Democrats and Republicans allow presidential candidates to participate in primary election debates with poll numbers as low as one percent.

“Do you want to show some consistency for a change, President Trump?” asked Jorgensen. “Tell the CPD to set rules that accommodate all viable candidates for president.”

Jo Jorgensen is the only alternative-party candidate for president who is on the ballot in all fifty states, plus the District of Columbia -- in spite of rules set by Democratic and Republican lawmakers to make it very difficult to achieve this.

Think I had more faith in national campaigns back when the League of Women Voters were in charge of debates.
This is just one more insult to people's confidence in our election systems.. This election night is gonna look like 3rd world politics with all the ad hoc partisan hacking that PUTIN wishes he COULD have done...

You do realize that Kanye West and a Green Party are also on the ballot in many states. But only the Libertarians run this Triathalon of barriers that are set so high every national election to get on ALL 50 state ballots..

Some years -- like 2016 -- the primadonnas at the Lib Convention actually draft VIABLE candidates. This year not so much or this wouldn't be the 1st thread I posted in election season about "ballot choices"...

Point is -- NO ONE is impressed with the smoking ruins of an election process except MAYBE Putin.. Vladimir can only chuckle at what we allow those 2 dying, corrupt, incompetent parties to DO TO US and Congress and our confidence in voting...

You keep voting for winners.. That's why the Dems chose Joe.. He's "a winner".. The ONLY "winner" they could find with enough purple hearts from the DNC..

We're ALL LOSING quickly here. So maybe it won't be funny to you after the 1st Tuesday in November.. You KEEP THINKING that the 2 parties should be the ONLY choices.. Maybe if one commits suicide -- we'll have a ONE PARTY system... And you'll WIN even bigger.. :disbelief:
Blame Trump because it's easier than working within the system to change the rules? It ain't the libertarian party I used to know.

Tell me how you "work the system" for UNELECTED UNACCOUNTABLE party hacks to control who gets to speak at Presidential debates...

SOME of these tools aren't even hiding their party warrior bias...
So now two parties of the three agree that the commission is biased.

Matters what the AMERICAN people think when they see last minute hail mary's and former INTERNS and supporters for ONE candidate chosen as "moderators"...

ANY PARTY that busts ass to make ALL 50 state ballots SHOULD BE ON THAT STAGE.. Even the Greens and Kanye West can't do that.. What are "the winners" afraid of? That they can't square off like seniors at an assisted living PUDDING FIGHT in front of 3rd person that wants to ANSWER QUESTIONS and discuss policies.. What downer that would be huh?
So now two parties of the three agree that the commission is biased.

Matters what the AMERICAN people think when they see last minute hail mary's and former INTERNS and supporters for ONE candidate chosen as "moderators"...

ANY PARTY that busts ass to make ALL 50 state ballots SHOULD BE ON THAT STAGE.. Even the Greens and Kanye West can't do that.. What are "the winners" afraid of? That they can't square off like seniors at an assisted living PUDDING FIGHT in front of 3rd person that wants to ANSWER QUESTIONS and discuss policies.. What downer that would be huh?
Jorgensen had ONE professionally done political commercial, and I haven't seen a commercial from Trump or Biden that I have liked better.

. . . but then. . . I don't have a TEE VEE. . . I only see them before YouTube videos. :heehee:
Realize that I'm NOT jazzed by "our" choice this year.. May not support her.. But I just got an email blast from Jo Jorgensen landing her BEST punch this campaign at Trump's whine that the Commission on Political Debates (CPD) is "picking on him"....

Jorgensen to Trump: Join the club!

Libertarian for President Jo Jorgensen finds it hilarious that Trump accuses the CPD of trying to silence him

GREENVILLE, S.C.— “Join the club, President Trump,” said Dr. Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian for president in response to his claim that the Commission on Presidential debates is “trying to silence” him. “The CPD, along with its Democratic and Republican colluders – including you, have been silencing the Libertarian Party for decades. Your hypocritical criticism of your own co-conspirators is hilarious.”

The Commission on Presidential Debates consists of well-connected Democrats and Republicans who conspire every election with media elites to set debate rules that deliberately exclude alternative party competitors
Since billionaire Ross Perot was in the presidential debates in 1992, the CPD has required presidential candidates to poll an average of fifteen percent in polls by five pre-selected polling firms – a percentage that was carefully calculated to make it virtually impossible for an outsider to qualify.

Those same Democrats and Republicans allow presidential candidates to participate in primary election debates with poll numbers as low as one percent.

“Do you want to show some consistency for a change, President Trump?” asked Jorgensen. “Tell the CPD to set rules that accommodate all viable candidates for president.”

Jo Jorgensen is the only alternative-party candidate for president who is on the ballot in all fifty states, plus the District of Columbia -- in spite of rules set by Democratic and Republican lawmakers to make it very difficult to achieve this.

Think I had more faith in national campaigns back when the League of Women Voters were in charge of debates.
This is just one more insult to people's confidence in our election systems.. This election night is gonna look like 3rd world politics with all the ad hoc partisan hacking that PUTIN wishes he COULD have done...

The fact is the commission should be shit canned. The so called "republicans" are never Trumpers. But as of 6 Oct, the libertarians are only polling at 2.2% nationally, so there's no reason to waste TV time on them.

The fact is the commission should be shit canned. The so called "republicans" are never Trumpers. But as of 6 Oct, the libertarians are only polling at 2.2% nationally, so there's no reason to waste TV time on them.

I guarantee you that had Jorgensen been in that first debate after seeing that shit show Trump and Biden put on with each other she’d be polling at a hell of a lot more than 2% since she would’ve been the only adult in the room.

and considering that no president trailing their opponent as badly as Trump is has ever been reelected there really is no point in wasting time on him, is there.
President Trump destroyed Sleepy Joe in the debate despite Fake News characterizations! President Trump is a true third party candidate! I was a Libertarians 20 years ago, but I evolved to realize Trump the day he announced he was running, was going to be the best President in modern day history and he has been and will continue to be as long as we pull together and do they right thing. VOTE TRUMP/PENCE AGAIN!
The fact is the commission should be shit canned. The so called "republicans" are never Trumpers. But as of 6 Oct, the libertarians are only polling at 2.2% nationally, so there's no reason to waste TV time on them.

I guarantee you that had Jorgensen been in that first debate after seeing that shit show Trump and Biden put on with each other she’d be polling at a hell of a lot more than 2% since she would’ve been the only adult in the room.

and considering that no president trailing their opponent as badly as Trump is has ever been reelected there really is no point in wasting time on him, is there.

Yeah, and the bitch had a 98% chance of winning. Get back to me Nov 10th, we might have a decision by then.

BTW, the libertarians had 4 years to get their message out and get their polling up, they failed. Stop whining.

LOL she landed nothing, Trump doesn't even know she exists. :auiqs.jpg:

Jorgensen: Take that Trump!
Trump: Get me a coffee will ya.
Jorgensen: I'm a libertarian running for president not a waitress.
Trump: In which country?
Jorgensen: In the USA
Trump: You are a fake candidate :itsok:
Folks who think "3rd party" candidates have any relevance are delusional. Even President Trump, a Republican in terms of party, can barely do anything to unseat the Deep State. A Libertarian, or whatever, even if elected by some insane situation, will be laughed out of Washington DC.
You do realize that Kanye West and a Green Party are also on the ballot in many states. But only the Libertarians run this Triathalon of barriers that are set so high every national election to get on ALL 50 state ballots..

Some years -- like 2016 -- the primadonnas at the Lib Convention actually draft VIABLE candidates. This year not so much or this wouldn't be the 1st thread I posted in election season about "ballot choices"...

Point is -- NO ONE is impressed with the smoking ruins of an election process except MAYBE Putin.. Vladimir can only chuckle at what we allow those 2 dying, corrupt, incompetent parties to DO TO US and Congress and our confidence in voting...

You keep voting for winners.. That's why the Dems chose Joe.. He's "a winner".. The ONLY "winner" they could find with enough purple hearts from the DNC..

We're ALL LOSING quickly here. So maybe it won't be funny to you after the 1st Tuesday in November.. You KEEP THINKING that the 2 parties should be the ONLY choices.. Maybe if one commits suicide -- we'll have a ONE PARTY system... And you'll WIN even bigger.. :disbelief:

Gov. Gary Johnson may have been more experienced, when he asked who Harriet Tubman was, and didn't know what Aleppo is. I have some friends on Twitter that share everything about the Libertarian Party.
Realize that I'm NOT jazzed by "our" choice this year.. May not support her.. But I just got an email blast from Jo Jorgensen landing her BEST punch this campaign at Trump's whine that the Commission on Political Debates (CPD) is "picking on him"....

Jorgensen to Trump: Join the club!

Libertarian for President Jo Jorgensen finds it hilarious that Trump accuses the CPD of trying to silence him

GREENVILLE, S.C.— “Join the club, President Trump,” said Dr. Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian for president in response to his claim that the Commission on Presidential debates is “trying to silence” him. “The CPD, along with its Democratic and Republican colluders – including you, have been silencing the Libertarian Party for decades. Your hypocritical criticism of your own co-conspirators is hilarious.”

The Commission on Presidential Debates consists of well-connected Democrats and Republicans who conspire every election with media elites to set debate rules that deliberately exclude alternative party competitors
Since billionaire Ross Perot was in the presidential debates in 1992, the CPD has required presidential candidates to poll an average of fifteen percent in polls by five pre-selected polling firms – a percentage that was carefully calculated to make it virtually impossible for an outsider to qualify.

Those same Democrats and Republicans allow presidential candidates to participate in primary election debates with poll numbers as low as one percent.

“Do you want to show some consistency for a change, President Trump?” asked Jorgensen. “Tell the CPD to set rules that accommodate all viable candidates for president.”

Jo Jorgensen is the only alternative-party candidate for president who is on the ballot in all fifty states, plus the District of Columbia -- in spite of rules set by Democratic and Republican lawmakers to make it very difficult to achieve this.

Think I had more faith in national campaigns back when the League of Women Voters were in charge of debates.
This is just one more insult to people's confidence in our election systems.. This election night is gonna look like 3rd world politics with all the ad hoc partisan hacking that PUTIN wishes he COULD have done...

Love her for running---she is giving the dems someone else to vote for besides Biden.
Yeah, and the bitch had a 98% chance of winning. Get back to me Nov 10th, we might have a decision by then.

BTW, the libertarians had 4 years to get their message out and get their polling up, they failed. Stop whining.

Trump had four years to act like a president and not a rodeo clown, so you can stop whining about the polls and his inevitable loss.
Yeah, and the bitch had a 98% chance of winning. Get back to me Nov 10th, we might have a decision by then.

BTW, the libertarians had 4 years to get their message out and get their polling up, they failed. Stop whining.

Trump had four years to act like a president and not a rodeo clown, so you can stop whining about the polls and his inevitable loss.

Where did I mention a poll? I was talking about the statements made in the MSM and other pundits. I rarely even comment on polls, because I know the phrasing of questions can determine the outcome and the poll that asks non-leading questions is virtually nonexistent.

Realize that I'm NOT jazzed by "our" choice this year.. May not support her.. But I just got an email blast from Jo Jorgensen landing her BEST punch this campaign at Trump's whine that the Commission on Political Debates (CPD) is "picking on him"....

Jorgensen to Trump: Join the club!

Libertarian for President Jo Jorgensen finds it hilarious that Trump accuses the CPD of trying to silence him

GREENVILLE, S.C.— “Join the club, President Trump,” said Dr. Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian for president in response to his claim that the Commission on Presidential debates is “trying to silence” him. “The CPD, along with its Democratic and Republican colluders – including you, have been silencing the Libertarian Party for decades. Your hypocritical criticism of your own co-conspirators is hilarious.”

The Commission on Presidential Debates consists of well-connected Democrats and Republicans who conspire every election with media elites to set debate rules that deliberately exclude alternative party competitors
Since billionaire Ross Perot was in the presidential debates in 1992, the CPD has required presidential candidates to poll an average of fifteen percent in polls by five pre-selected polling firms – a percentage that was carefully calculated to make it virtually impossible for an outsider to qualify.

Those same Democrats and Republicans allow presidential candidates to participate in primary election debates with poll numbers as low as one percent.

“Do you want to show some consistency for a change, President Trump?” asked Jorgensen. “Tell the CPD to set rules that accommodate all viable candidates for president.”

Jo Jorgensen is the only alternative-party candidate for president who is on the ballot in all fifty states, plus the District of Columbia -- in spite of rules set by Democratic and Republican lawmakers to make it very difficult to achieve this.

Think I had more faith in national campaigns back when the League of Women Voters were in charge of debates.
This is just one more insult to people's confidence in our election systems.. This election night is gonna look like 3rd world politics with all the ad hoc partisan hacking that PUTIN wishes he COULD have done...
She's right. I saw her tweet that on twitter and someone retweeted it and I saw it.

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