Liberals Will Soon Demand Litter Boxes In Rest Rooms

The left wing has become so unhinged that it's like living in an alternate dimension. Liberal cities like Chicago and Baltimore are experiencing the worst gang violence in decades with the murder rate approaching 700 and the left wants to kick North Carolina out of the freaking Union and punish Mississippi for enacting legislation that prevents freakazoid men from using the ladies room. The left has gone off the charts crazy in a couple of short years. Imagine what the Country would be like if lefties got their wish and rewrote or trashed the Constitution?
I have no idea why you think all LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans.

"....LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans."

Had I any doubts about you being a've erased them.
Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views? Only people who disapprove of such individuals adhere to one party's stance on the issue.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.
***Left wing propaganda alert***

What are your thoughts on those ME countries that execute gays for being gay and stone their women to death for being raped.

Never mind.

Let me know when you have experienced squatting in a stall next to a hairy MAN who thinks he is a woman even though it is literally impossible for a man to ever actually be a woman.

I bet you just can't wait for that FREAK to let loose next to you.

I am sure this is a big concern of yours. I am sure it is.
I have no idea why you think all LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans.

"....LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans."

Had I any doubts about you being a've erased them.
Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views? Only people who disapprove of such individuals adhere to one party's stance on the issue.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.
***Left wing propaganda alert***

What are your thoughts on those ME countries that execute gays for being gay and stone their women to death for being raped.

Never mind.

Let me know when you have experienced squatting in a stall next to a hairy MAN who thinks he is a woman even though it is literally impossible for a man to ever actually be a woman.

I bet you just can't wait for that FREAK to let loose next to you.

I am sure this is a big concern of yours. I am sure it is.
WTF? Are you drunk or just crazy?
The left wing has become so unhinged that it's like living in an alternate dimension. Liberal cities like Chicago and Baltimore are experiencing the worst gang violence in decades with the murder rate approaching 700 and the left wants to kick North Carolina out of the freaking Union and punish Mississippi for enacting legislation that prevents freakazoid men from using the ladies room. The left has gone off the charts crazy in a couple of short years. Imagine what the Country would be like if lefties got their wish and rewrote or trashed the Constitution?
I have no idea why you think all LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans.

"....LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans."

Had I any doubts about you being a've erased them.
Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views? Only people who disapprove of such individuals adhere to one party's stance on the issue.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.

So you're an "old lady" and you're OK with a guy walking in with a penis while you undress and shower? And you think most other women are OK with that too? And the ones who aren't OK with it don't have rights, just the one with the penis?

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall
I have no idea why you think all LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans.

"....LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans."

Had I any doubts about you being a've erased them.
Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views? Only people who disapprove of such individuals adhere to one party's stance on the issue.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"
Good to see you've learned better.

"But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican."
The plural of anecdote is not data.
You haven't taught me anything and I haven't changed my mind about anything, thanks.
I have no idea why you think all LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans.

"....LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans."

Had I any doubts about you being a've erased them.
Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views? Only people who disapprove of such individuals adhere to one party's stance on the issue.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.

So you're an "old lady" and you're OK with a guy walking in with a penis while you undress and shower? And you think most other women are OK with that too? And the ones who aren't OK with it don't have rights, just the one with the penis?

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall
Exactly. That's why I don't know what you guys are having such a fit over. That's how it's done. What am I missing?
"....LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans."

Had I any doubts about you being a've erased them.
Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views? Only people who disapprove of such individuals adhere to one party's stance on the issue.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.

So you're an "old lady" and you're OK with a guy walking in with a penis while you undress and shower? And you think most other women are OK with that too? And the ones who aren't OK with it don't have rights, just the one with the penis?

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall
Exactly. That's why I don't know what you guys are having such a fit over. That's how it's done. What am I missing?

I'm referring to the current political issue on the topic, the NC law. You saying you agree with the NC law?

I don't give a shit about gays and they should totally be left alone. But the left is supporting positive rights, like that they have a right to validation and perks from government and the right to go into the dressing rooms of the other sex. Positive rights are an oxymoron, you don't have the right to infringe on the rights of others
Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views? Only people who disapprove of such individuals adhere to one party's stance on the issue.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.

So you're an "old lady" and you're OK with a guy walking in with a penis while you undress and shower? And you think most other women are OK with that too? And the ones who aren't OK with it don't have rights, just the one with the penis?

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall
Exactly. That's why I don't know what you guys are having such a fit over. That's how it's done. What am I missing?

I'm referring to the current political issue on the topic, the NC law. You saying you agree with the NC law?

I don't give a shit about gays and they should totally be left alone. But the left is supporting positive rights, like that they have a right to validation and perks from government and the right to go into the dressing rooms of the other sex. Positive rights are an oxymoron, you don't have the right to infringe on the rights of others
You saying you agree with the NC law?
No. The left got involved because some people who associate with the right freaked out and tried to discriminate against them. I more agree with your statement that "they should totally be left alone." If that had been the attitude from the beginning, NONE of these idiot laws would be emerging from either side. But the left's reaction was because the right (or some therein) wanted to discriminate.
"....LGBTQ folks are lefties. From my angle, they're probably all Republicans."

Had I any doubts about you being a've erased them.
Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views? Only people who disapprove of such individuals adhere to one party's stance on the issue.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"
Good to see you've learned better.

"But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican."
The plural of anecdote is not data.
You haven't taught me anything and I haven't changed my mind about anything, thanks.
Ok, so you are ok with a man with boobs undressing in front of you in a womens locker room?

Actually, you really are not specific at all.

You are playing both sides of the fence like any typical left wing coward. In your need to be accepted by everyone and in your need to not offend anyone, you are saying you have no problem with A MAN who is confused about his gender taking a dump in a stall next you.

I guess you are IGNORING THE FACT that HE could never BE A WOMAN no matter how big the silicon implants are. No matter how far up they tuck willy into the pelvis. No matter how much THE MAN "feels" like A WOMAN, HE can never ever ever BE a WOMAN. Ever.

So, a man who is not confused about what HE is cannot take a dump next you? Or HE can? Wait, he can't?

Which is it? Can a man who is NOT CONFUSED share a bathroom in a stall next you? Or is it only the ones that only WISH they can be a woman?

You have not changed your mind? Well, like any typical left winger, you do not have a straight answer. it is two sided and therefore it is hypocritical.

Now, get a cookie from your left wing friends for not being able to have a definitive answer.
Feminists have "urinal-envy".
It bothers them that men can pee standing up, so they are busy working to end men only rest rooms.
By doing so that will mean the end of the urinal that is typically out in the open and not inside of a rest room stall.
"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.

So you're an "old lady" and you're OK with a guy walking in with a penis while you undress and shower? And you think most other women are OK with that too? And the ones who aren't OK with it don't have rights, just the one with the penis?

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall
Exactly. That's why I don't know what you guys are having such a fit over. That's how it's done. What am I missing?

I'm referring to the current political issue on the topic, the NC law. You saying you agree with the NC law?

I don't give a shit about gays and they should totally be left alone. But the left is supporting positive rights, like that they have a right to validation and perks from government and the right to go into the dressing rooms of the other sex. Positive rights are an oxymoron, you don't have the right to infringe on the rights of others
You saying you agree with the NC law?
No. The left got involved because some people who associate with the right freaked out and tried to discriminate against them. I more agree with your statement that "they should totally be left alone." If that had been the attitude from the beginning, NONE of these idiot laws would be emerging from either side. But the left's reaction was because the right (or some therein) wanted to discriminate.

Just unsubstantiated accusations and rationalizations.

There is no justification for treading on the rights of other women by forcing them to allow men into their private areas. you want a guy walking in while your daughter is changing because he claims to be a woman at heart?
It seems that becoming a Liberal means throwing common sense out the window.
Along with actual principles. Find out where the political wind is blowing, join the bandwagon, and pretend that the popular view is the right one.

Change your opinion as the wind changes. That is what it means to be politically correct. Ever meet someone that is on the politically correct side of every issue?

Biggest wastes of time on the planet.


Since the left will only see white people and blame it all on being white people, here are the Mao Zedong followers.


There is no common sense. There are no principles. There are only the bandwagon jumpers. Sheep.

Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views? Only people who disapprove of such individuals adhere to one party's stance on the issue.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"
Good to see you've learned better.

"But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican."
The plural of anecdote is not data.
You haven't taught me anything and I haven't changed my mind about anything, thanks.
Ok, so you are ok with a man with boobs undressing in front of you in a womens locker room?

Actually, you really are not specific at all.

You are playing both sides of the fence like any typical left wing coward. In your need to be accepted by everyone and in your need to not offend anyone, you are saying you have no problem with A MAN who is confused about his gender taking a dump in a stall next you.

I guess you are IGNORING THE FACT that HE could never BE A WOMAN no matter how big the silicon implants are. No matter how far up they tuck willy into the pelvis. No matter how much THE MAN "feels" like A WOMAN, HE can never ever ever BE a WOMAN. Ever.

So, a man who is not confused about what HE is cannot take a dump next you? Or HE can? Wait, he can't?

Which is it? Can a man who is NOT CONFUSED share a bathroom in a stall next you? Or is it only the ones that only WISH they can be a woman?

You have not changed your mind? Well, like any typical left winger, you do not have a straight answer. it is two sided and therefore it is hypocritical.

Now, get a cookie from your left wing friends for not being able to have a definitive answer.
It's not my habit to stare at people in the locker room and it is not my habit to jump up on the toilet to peer over the stall wall to check the REAL sex of the person in the next stall. I actually made my position quite clear; I don't give a fuck because most people use a certain amount of discretion in public restrooms and showers anyway. SO WHAT if (s)he has a penis beneath her skirt? I don't go looking at anyone's 'down there' so why should I look at his/hers? I am not confused in the least, and trying to turn this into an argument about unisex bathrooms for all is the same ridiculous theatrics that have been used time and again.
You'll have to excuse that I won't be answering any further posts from you. You have at last convinced me that your uninvited crudeness outweighs any interesting ideas you might have.
"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"

Time and again I find Liberals have no problem voicing opinions based on anything but facts.

Nate Silver’s Political Calculus

"Gay Vote Seen as Crucial in Obama’s Victory"

" voters made up 5 percent of the electorate and 77 percent of them voted for Obama" - See more at: Exit poll: Gay voters made up 5 percent of 2012 electorate

"Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates?"

Why do LGBT and minorities tend to vote for Democratic candidates? - Quora

It must be the attraction of being doesn't have to know anything.

Did I happen to mention that you appear to be a fool?
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.

"Do you really think sexual identity has anything to do with a person's political views?"
Good to see you've learned better.

"But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican."
The plural of anecdote is not data.
You haven't taught me anything and I haven't changed my mind about anything, thanks.
Ok, so you are ok with a man with boobs undressing in front of you in a womens locker room?

Actually, you really are not specific at all.

You are playing both sides of the fence like any typical left wing coward. In your need to be accepted by everyone and in your need to not offend anyone, you are saying you have no problem with A MAN who is confused about his gender taking a dump in a stall next you.

I guess you are IGNORING THE FACT that HE could never BE A WOMAN no matter how big the silicon implants are. No matter how far up they tuck willy into the pelvis. No matter how much THE MAN "feels" like A WOMAN, HE can never ever ever BE a WOMAN. Ever.

So, a man who is not confused about what HE is cannot take a dump next you? Or HE can? Wait, he can't?

Which is it? Can a man who is NOT CONFUSED share a bathroom in a stall next you? Or is it only the ones that only WISH they can be a woman?

You have not changed your mind? Well, like any typical left winger, you do not have a straight answer. it is two sided and therefore it is hypocritical.

Now, get a cookie from your left wing friends for not being able to have a definitive answer.
It's not my habit to stare at people in the locker room and it is not my habit to jump up on the toilet to peer over the stall wall to check the REAL sex of the person in the next stall. I actually made my position quite clear; I don't give a fuck because most people use a certain amount of discretion in public restrooms and showers anyway. SO WHAT if (s)he has a penis beneath her skirt? I don't go looking at anyone's 'down there' so why should I look at his/hers? I am not confused in the least, and trying to turn this into an argument about unisex bathrooms for all is the same ridiculous theatrics that have been used time and again.
You'll have to excuse that I won't be answering any further posts from you. You have at last convinced me that your uninvited crudeness outweighs any interesting ideas you might have.
I am sure you would not care if a man was using the same bathroom as you.

A man in a skirt with lipstick is as much a man as any man that has ever been born.

Regardless of how HE feels.

Now, go get your cookie. You have successfully double talked your way through this non-issue.
Yes, dear. You did. If Republicans like yourself weren't so dogmatically opposed to the LGBT lifestyle, maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to vote Democrat. But what I was thinking of was an uncle who was homosexual and very Republican. I'll bet there are a LOT of LGBT folks who are entrenched conservatives. They are people, too, you know. Republicans made a fatal mistake bringing the gay issue into the platform. You guys are going to implode for letting the fringe take over. Of course, you are part of that extremist fringe aren't you? Too bad you couldn't just start your own quirky party rather than destroying the conservative brand.

So you're an "old lady" and you're OK with a guy walking in with a penis while you undress and shower? And you think most other women are OK with that too? And the ones who aren't OK with it don't have rights, just the one with the penis?

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall
Exactly. That's why I don't know what you guys are having such a fit over. That's how it's done. What am I missing?

I'm referring to the current political issue on the topic, the NC law. You saying you agree with the NC law?

I don't give a shit about gays and they should totally be left alone. But the left is supporting positive rights, like that they have a right to validation and perks from government and the right to go into the dressing rooms of the other sex. Positive rights are an oxymoron, you don't have the right to infringe on the rights of others
You saying you agree with the NC law?
No. The left got involved because some people who associate with the right freaked out and tried to discriminate against them. I more agree with your statement that "they should totally be left alone." If that had been the attitude from the beginning, NONE of these idiot laws would be emerging from either side. But the left's reaction was because the right (or some therein) wanted to discriminate.

Just unsubstantiated accusations and rationalizations.

There is no justification for treading on the rights of other women by forcing them to allow men into their private areas. you want a guy walking in while your daughter is changing because he claims to be a woman at heart?
Just unsubstantiated accusations and rationalizations.
Horseshit. If a man THINKS he's a woman, what do you suppose he's going to do to my hypothetical daughter? If he thinks he's a woman he's going to call her honey and let her borrow his nail polish or whatever. He is probably going to be dressed as a woman and present as non-manlike as he can make himself. Someone not interested/vaguely non-observant would probably not even notice there was a "poser" in our midst. Now. This man/woman has a penis under his skirt. So he takes his shower equipment and goes into the shower stall and changes PRIVATELY. Women's rooms have all toilets in stalls with doors. What am I supposed to be freaked out about? I truly don't hear a lot of women complaining about this because they know it isn't going to happen. As I mentioned a couple days ago, a co-worker (male) lived in a co-ed dorm in college and they shared the shower facilities and THEY managed to behave like mature adults about it.
Unsubstantiated accusations and rationalizations, my ass. There is nothing in your argument except hostility against people who weren't lucky enough to be born heterosexual.
So you're an "old lady" and you're OK with a guy walking in with a penis while you undress and shower? And you think most other women are OK with that too? And the ones who aren't OK with it don't have rights, just the one with the penis?

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall

You know, if a dude doesn't want to be naked with other dudes, they can both go to the bathroom and change in a stall
Exactly. That's why I don't know what you guys are having such a fit over. That's how it's done. What am I missing?

I'm referring to the current political issue on the topic, the NC law. You saying you agree with the NC law?

I don't give a shit about gays and they should totally be left alone. But the left is supporting positive rights, like that they have a right to validation and perks from government and the right to go into the dressing rooms of the other sex. Positive rights are an oxymoron, you don't have the right to infringe on the rights of others
You saying you agree with the NC law?
No. The left got involved because some people who associate with the right freaked out and tried to discriminate against them. I more agree with your statement that "they should totally be left alone." If that had been the attitude from the beginning, NONE of these idiot laws would be emerging from either side. But the left's reaction was because the right (or some therein) wanted to discriminate.

Just unsubstantiated accusations and rationalizations.

There is no justification for treading on the rights of other women by forcing them to allow men into their private areas. you want a guy walking in while your daughter is changing because he claims to be a woman at heart?
Just unsubstantiated accusations and rationalizations.
Horseshit. If a man THINKS he's a woman, what do you suppose he's going to do to my hypothetical daughter? If he thinks he's a woman he's going to call her honey and let her borrow his nail polish or whatever. He is probably going to be dressed as a woman and present as non-manlike as he can make himself. Someone not interested/vaguely non-observant would probably not even notice there was a "poser" in our midst. Now. This man/woman has a penis under his skirt. So he takes his shower equipment and goes into the shower stall and changes PRIVATELY. Women's rooms have all toilets in stalls with doors. What am I supposed to be freaked out about? I truly don't hear a lot of women complaining about this because they know it isn't going to happen. As I mentioned a couple days ago, a co-worker (male) lived in a co-ed dorm in college and they shared the shower facilities and THEY managed to behave like mature adults about it.
Unsubstantiated accusations and rationalizations, my ass. There is nothing in your argument except hostility against people who weren't lucky enough to be born heterosexual.

Begging the question. I highlighted it to help you find it
1. So.....the Liberal Loonie (I understand that that is a redundancy) occupying the Mayor's Mansion in the Big Apple has mandated that men can use the Women's Rest Room, and women can use the Men's Rest Room.

This is hardly out of character for Liberals/Progressives, whose raison d'être is the destruction of custom and tradition....both of which have been formed in the cauldron of uncountable interactions between people.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

2. "De Blasio Mandates Bathroom Access for Transgender New Yorkers in City Buildings
“I think New York City has an obligation to lead. I think we have an obligation show that everyone should be embraced and everyone should be accepted,” Mr. de Blasio said today at a city recreation center in Chelsea. “Change comes from the grassroots. Change comes from the ground, and if people who believe in human rights don’t stand up for them, it lets those negative voices dominate.”

Mr. de Blasio signed an executive order today declaring that all city-owned buildings—schools, city offices, gyms and recreation centers like the one he visited today, some museums and public parks—that have single-sex facilities allow people to use the bathroom or locker room of the gender with which they identify. People will not be asked to show identification or otherwise prove their gender, the city said, and employees will receive training to assist them in meeting the requirements." De Blasio Mandates Bathroom Access for Transgender New Yorkers in City Buildings

The question is....'why stop there'??????

3. "Rise of the Otherkin—When Feelings Trump Biology, Anything Can Happen
Back when it was first becoming fashionable for transgenderism to be celebrated in the mainstream, critics of the trend would sometimes joke:What’s next? People choosing their race? Their age?

a. Such notions seemed ludicrous. But ... both of those have happened. Rachel Dolezalof Washington maintains that she is a black woman despite her blond hair, green eyes and her two white parents. And a Canadian 52-year-oldfather of sevendecided that he is actually a 6-year-old girl—and he was adopted by a Toronto family that lets him pretend to live as a child of that age.

4..... now we’re well past all that, with some claiming that they’re not human at all but entirely different species.

These “trans-species” individuals identify either as animals—such as cats, wolves and lions—or as mythical creatures like unicorns, mermaids, werewolves or dragons. They call themselves otherkin.

Some otherkin just identify with their creature in a “spiritual” kind of way. But others identify as the creature, and won’t be talked out of the idea that they are a non-human species. Many theories have been posited explaining how a non-human could end up inside a person, but self-proclaimed otherkin generally don’t fret too much about the “how” of their situations." Rise of the Otherkin--When Feelings Trump Biology, Anything Can Happen

Can the demand for litter boxes be far behind?

Your in depth fantasies would be better TV than Game of Thrones. That is, you know, if they weren't so batshit crazy and idiotic.
1. So.....the Liberal Loonie (I understand that that is a redundancy) occupying the Mayor's Mansion in the Big Apple has mandated that men can use the Women's Rest Room, and women can use the Men's Rest Room.

This is hardly out of character for Liberals/Progressives, whose raison d'être is the destruction of custom and tradition....both of which have been formed in the cauldron of uncountable interactions between people.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

2. "De Blasio Mandates Bathroom Access for Transgender New Yorkers in City Buildings
“I think New York City has an obligation to lead. I think we have an obligation show that everyone should be embraced and everyone should be accepted,” Mr. de Blasio said today at a city recreation center in Chelsea. “Change comes from the grassroots. Change comes from the ground, and if people who believe in human rights don’t stand up for them, it lets those negative voices dominate.”

Mr. de Blasio signed an executive order today declaring that all city-owned buildings—schools, city offices, gyms and recreation centers like the one he visited today, some museums and public parks—that have single-sex facilities allow people to use the bathroom or locker room of the gender with which they identify. People will not be asked to show identification or otherwise prove their gender, the city said, and employees will receive training to assist them in meeting the requirements." De Blasio Mandates Bathroom Access for Transgender New Yorkers in City Buildings

The question is....'why stop there'??????

3. "Rise of the Otherkin—When Feelings Trump Biology, Anything Can Happen
Back when it was first becoming fashionable for transgenderism to be celebrated in the mainstream, critics of the trend would sometimes joke:What’s next? People choosing their race? Their age?

a. Such notions seemed ludicrous. But ... both of those have happened. Rachel Dolezalof Washington maintains that she is a black woman despite her blond hair, green eyes and her two white parents. And a Canadian 52-year-oldfather of sevendecided that he is actually a 6-year-old girl—and he was adopted by a Toronto family that lets him pretend to live as a child of that age.

4..... now we’re well past all that, with some claiming that they’re not human at all but entirely different species.

These “trans-species” individuals identify either as animals—such as cats, wolves and lions—or as mythical creatures like unicorns, mermaids, werewolves or dragons. They call themselves otherkin.

Some otherkin just identify with their creature in a “spiritual” kind of way. But others identify as the creature, and won’t be talked out of the idea that they are a non-human species. Many theories have been posited explaining how a non-human could end up inside a person, but self-proclaimed otherkin generally don’t fret too much about the “how” of their situations." Rise of the Otherkin--When Feelings Trump Biology, Anything Can Happen

Can the demand for litter boxes be far behind?

Your in depth fantasies would be better TV than Game of Thrones. That is, you know, if they weren't so batshit crazy and idiotic.

Yet one more vapid post from a brain-dead Liberal.

Another day, another dolt.

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