Liberals strike again goodbye "Easter Bunny" it's now the "Spring Bunny"


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And please stop saying "Easter Eggs", it's now "Spring Spheres".

Ever just want to choke the nearest liberal you can reach ?

Easter Bunny, events renamed 'spring' to avoid offending anyone

By Lona O'Connor

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

In Boynton Beach, they are still bucking a national trend that is reducing the Easter Bunny to a "Spring Bunny" and Easter eggs to "spring spheres."

The city's senior center is hosting an Easter show and an Easter bonnet contest on Thursday . The senior center is expecting about 120 people for its popular festivities.

But by next year, even that might be gone.

"We'll probably be changing soon," said Ann Foster, a recreation specialist at the Boynton Beach Senior Center. "I've heard there is a lot of controversy. Now people say, 'holiday party' and 'holiday show.' I don't know where we're going with all this."

The quiet de-Easterization of the bunny seems to have surfaced about six years ago, in shopping malls and some cities. The Boca Raton Town Center mall sponsors a "Bunny Bash Extravaganza" and the "Spring Bunny" has been visiting the Gardens Mall for years.

Blessedly, the White House continues to call its annual event the "Easter Egg Roll."

This spring, in a new low for political correctitude, a private school in Seattle renamed Easter eggs "spring spheres" and Seattle's parks department removed the word Easter from all of its advertised egg hunts. And in the new animated movie "Hop," the main character is known only as "E.B."

Jensen Beach sidestepped the EB controversy years before it even arose.

"We've always called it the spring celebration or the winter carnival," said city recreation leader Lauren Mihalik . "We've just always been on the safe side."

At Jensen Beach's Spring Celebration on Friday, there will be 5,000 eggs and -- gasp! -- an Easter Bunny.

"Well, that's what he is," said Mihalik. "I don't know what else you'd call him. Mr. Bunny?"

In Delray Beach, it's called the "annual egg hunt."

"Of course, we never want to offend anybody, but honestly we haven't even thought about it. And nobody has called to complain," said Danielle Beardsley, the city's marketing and special events coordinator.

Palm Beach County Schools scheduled a "spring holiday" on Friday, which just happens to be Good Friday.

Further complicating matters is the fact that all this is much ado about a holiday that the pagans invented.

The very name Easter -- the holiest of holy days for Christians -- has unmistakable pagan roots.

Babylonians colored eggs and hunted for them, 2,000 years before Christ.

There was also the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre, often portrayed with a rabbit by her side. Eostre appeared in spring and her magical rabbit helped her to renew the earth by hiding eggs, symbolizing fertility and new life, in the grass.

By the time the Christians absorbed the pagan symbols, the Easter egg, with its chick pecking its way out, began to symbolize Christ breaking out of the tomb in resurrection.

Both the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs were later recycled by greeting-card and candy sellers.

For Episcopal priest Mary Ellen Cassini, the drift from "Easter eggs" to "spring eggs" might be a positive step toward separating the solemnity of Easter from its more sugary commercial aspects.

"We have to be careful not to make Easter a Hallmark moment," said Cassini, chaplain at St. Andrew's School in Boca Raton. "One time I heard someone say that you wouldn't see John the Baptist on a greeting card."

Easter Bunny, events renamed 'spring' to avoid offending anyone |
I can appreciate those seniors enjoying a holiday that can celebrate them managing to live another year as opposed to them carousing around the nursing home in their walkers hunting colored eggs that they can't eat.
Here's actually the current story I meant to post.

County Renames Easter Bunny as ‘Spring Bunny’ in Parks’ Egg Hunt Promotion

San Diego County parks have set four Easter egg hunts, but are keeping the affairs secular by renaming the featured hopper the “Spring Bunny.”

Events over the next two weeks will feature different activities at each location. Some feature face painting and others pancake breakfasts.

Eggs hunts are set at four county parks. Image courtesy of County News Center“But the constants at all of them will be a chance to meet the Spring Bunny and lots of eggs – thousands of them!” says the county, whose news release doesn’t use the word Easter.

Last year’s release*also avoided any religious references.

“Spring has sprung and all our parks are bursting with color,” says County Parks Director Brian Albright. “Don’t miss out on this opportunity for a fun family outing.”

A county spokeswoman said Spring Bunny is not a new term locally.

Why Spring Bunny?

“Sign of the times,” said Michael Workman, county communications director. “It’s the prudent course of action. Our goal has always been to include all in the communities we serve.”

County Renames Easter Bunny as 'Spring Bunny' in Parks' Egg Hunt Promotion | Times of San Diego
Welcome to liberal Palm Beach county cities. Doesn't surprise me , sadly. Let's see if they dare change Hanukkah or Kwanzaa events to generic names. Only Christian holidays... None should be changed.
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And please stop saying "Easter Eggs", it's now "Spring Spheres".

Ever just want to choke the nearest liberal you can reach ?

Easter Bunny, events renamed 'spring' to avoid offending anyone

By Lona O'Connor

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

In Boynton Beach, they are still bucking a national trend that is reducing the Easter Bunny to a "Spring Bunny" and Easter eggs to "spring spheres."

The city's senior center is hosting an Easter show and an Easter bonnet contest on Thursday . The senior center is expecting about 120 people for its popular festivities.

But by next year, even that might be gone.

"We'll probably be changing soon," said Ann Foster, a recreation specialist at the Boynton Beach Senior Center. "I've heard there is a lot of controversy. Now people say, 'holiday party' and 'holiday show.' I don't know where we're going with all this."

The quiet de-Easterization of the bunny seems to have surfaced about six years ago, in shopping malls and some cities. The Boca Raton Town Center mall sponsors a "Bunny Bash Extravaganza" and the "Spring Bunny" has been visiting the Gardens Mall for years.

Blessedly, the White House continues to call its annual event the "Easter Egg Roll."

This spring, in a new low for political correctitude, a private school in Seattle renamed Easter eggs "spring spheres" and Seattle's parks department removed the word Easter from all of its advertised egg hunts. And in the new animated movie "Hop," the main character is known only as "E.B."

Jensen Beach sidestepped the EB controversy years before it even arose.

"We've always called it the spring celebration or the winter carnival," said city recreation leader Lauren Mihalik . "We've just always been on the safe side."

At Jensen Beach's Spring Celebration on Friday, there will be 5,000 eggs and -- gasp! -- an Easter Bunny.

"Well, that's what he is," said Mihalik. "I don't know what else you'd call him. Mr. Bunny?"

In Delray Beach, it's called the "annual egg hunt."

"Of course, we never want to offend anybody, but honestly we haven't even thought about it. And nobody has called to complain," said Danielle Beardsley, the city's marketing and special events coordinator.

Palm Beach County Schools scheduled a "spring holiday" on Friday, which just happens to be Good Friday.

Further complicating matters is the fact that all this is much ado about a holiday that the pagans invented.

The very name Easter -- the holiest of holy days for Christians -- has unmistakable pagan roots.

Babylonians colored eggs and hunted for them, 2,000 years before Christ.

There was also the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre, often portrayed with a rabbit by her side. Eostre appeared in spring and her magical rabbit helped her to renew the earth by hiding eggs, symbolizing fertility and new life, in the grass.

By the time the Christians absorbed the pagan symbols, the Easter egg, with its chick pecking its way out, began to symbolize Christ breaking out of the tomb in resurrection.

Both the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs were later recycled by greeting-card and candy sellers.

For Episcopal priest Mary Ellen Cassini, the drift from "Easter eggs" to "spring eggs" might be a positive step toward separating the solemnity of Easter from its more sugary commercial aspects.

"We have to be careful not to make Easter a Hallmark moment," said Cassini, chaplain at St. Andrew's School in Boca Raton. "One time I heard someone say that you wouldn't see John the Baptist on a greeting card."

Easter Bunny, events renamed 'spring' to avoid offending anyone |

Ever just want to choke the nearest liberal you can reach ?
you have no idea how many times i have had that urge, if i ran across the liberscum in every day life as i see here i believe it would not be too hard for me to become a mass killer :lmao:

i had my EASTER EGG hunt yesterday, a stupid Gambel's quail built a nest in our Jasmine arbor about 8 feet above ground, 10 eggs fell (?) out, i put them back but that evening the hen must have thrown them out, as there were 10 eggs on the ground.
I noticed this last year. Screw political correctness, it's call the EASTER BUNNY in my house.
I thought it was the PAGAN bunny? Oh's the POOKA...


It's so confusing, trying to keep track of what the federal government will allow us to speak of, and where...
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This is what becomes of multiculturalism, wrought from Democrat demons and fucking with our immigration policies.

In 20 years there is either going to be a culture war that rivals the Civil War, or the stupid feckless White European Christians who created this nation will bend over permanently. I believe the latter more likely.
It's not "liberals" in a broad sense up to this. It is specifically the cult of LGBT for the reasons put forth in the OP of this thread:

Their actions are calculated along with their new release of redacted "religious movies" to extinguish the actual messages and core values of the christian and other faiths. Their objective is to extinguish any religion that professes that homosexuality is not the favored condition of humankind.

They are relentless. Unmanaged mentally ill people engaged in deep denial defensiveness will stop at NOTHING to extinguish any person or institution that stands to shed light on their deeply repressed issues. Facing them means a complete mental breakdown. So you can understand the zeal of the LGBT cult of which many, many members thereof have been molested as children and have horrific sections of their subconscious mind heavily walled off. It is not an exaggeration to say that from this distubed point of view, the sufferer sees the world's inspection of them as a direct threat to life and limb. In their eyes it is "kill or be killed". And so we have "the Spring Bunny"...
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Welcome to liberal Palm Beach county cities. Doesn't surprise me , sadly. Let's see if they dare change Hanukkah or Kwanzaa events to generic names. Only Christian holidays... None should be changed.

Easter isn't a Christian holiday, dimwit. It's a pagan holiday.

I'm sure this Republican has a blast.

A Pagan Republican Comes Out of the Broom Closet | Politics | Religion Dispatches


I wonder if he's hanging around Republican Christine O'Donnell, the ditziest republican witch this side of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann??
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Welcome to liberal Palm Beach county cities. Doesn't surprise me , sadly. Let's see if they dare change Hanukkah or Kwanzaa events to generic names. Only Christian holidays... None should be changed.

You know that's a good point. I bet the retired Jewish community would have a complete coronary if they changed any of their traditions.
As a kinda-sorta-Christian, I've never been too keen on the association of Easter (the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ) with either "bunnies," or eggs. My translation of the NT doesn't refer to either one of them in connection with the events of that morning, so long ago.

I'm fine with "Spring Bunny." As for "spheres," sorry, folks; an egg is not a sphere, nor is it a ball, nor is it a globe. It is an egg, and as far as I know, the only way to describe its unique, three-dimensional shape is "egg-shaped." They will need to come up with another descriptor.
As a kinda-sorta-Christian, I've never been too keen on the association of Easter (the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ) with either "bunnies," or eggs. My translation of the NT doesn't refer to either one of them in connection with the events of that morning, so long ago.

I'm fine with "Spring Bunny." As for "spheres," sorry, folks; an egg is not a sphere, nor is it a ball, nor is it a globe. It is an egg, and as far as I know, the only way to describe its unique, three-dimensional shape is "egg-shaped." They will need to come up with another descriptor.

Yeah but the thing is, the Easter Bunny has evolved into an American tradition with or without anything to do with religion.
And now it's just another tradition that is being torn down by these idiots who are MORE concerned with the feelings of a handful of loudmouths, than they are with Americans who wish to preserve our traditions.
I'm fine with "Spring Bunny." As for "spheres," sorry, folks; an egg is not a sphere, nor is it a ball, nor is it a globe. It is an egg, and as far as I know, the only way to describe its unique, three-dimensional shape is "egg-shaped." They will need to come up with another descriptor.

Liberals strike again goodbye "Easter Bunny" it's now the "Spring Bunny"
Spring Bunny? Swell! Why stop there? Let's rename all characters that have any reference to Christian holidays. We could rename Father Christmas to Father of the Bride. There's also the Ghost of Christmas Past, we could rename it to the Ghost of Frankenstein. If all this sounds silly, it's really no sillier than replacing the Easter Bunny with the Spring Bunny.

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