Joe Biden selling out the presidency to his brother's Florida law firm

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Barely two weeks in, and Frank is cashing in on Joe's name (and vice versa, given Joe's "10% rule").

Frank Biden's actions already testing Joe Biden's ethics claims

(CNN)President Joe Biden said at the start of his administration that family conflicts of interest would not be tolerated in his White House, but not two weeks into his presidency, his brother's actions as a part of his employment at a law firm in Florida are raising questions about how he'll implement that pledge.

Francis "Frank" Biden, the President's brother, was hired as a non-attorney, senior adviser for Berman Law Group, a Boca Raton law firm in 2018. The firm frequently touts Frank Biden's ties to the President, featuring Frank and his family connections prominently on their website, in ads and on social media.

As Frank Biden was with his brother in Washington for the inauguration last month, the firm placed a two-page "advertorial" in a local Florida newspaper emphasizing the shared values between "the two Biden brothers." With Frank Biden's image placed prominently in the center of the ad, it also mentioned the firm's lawsuit against sugar cane growers "filed against the backdrop of incoming President Joseph Biden Jr.'s commitment to environmental and social justice(.)"

Last week, the White House said that it is its policy to not let businesses imply they have Biden's support or endorsement. But they declined to comment on the record specifically about the advertisement.
Barely two weeks in, and Frank is cashing in on Joe's name (and vice versa, given Joe's "10% rule").

Frank Biden's actions already testing Joe Biden's ethics claims

(CNN)President Joe Biden said at the start of his administration that family conflicts of interest would not be tolerated in his White House, but not two weeks into his presidency, his brother's actions as a part of his employment at a law firm in Florida are raising questions about how he'll implement that pledge.

Francis "Frank" Biden, the President's brother, was hired as a non-attorney, senior adviser for Berman Law Group, a Boca Raton law firm in 2018. The firm frequently touts Frank Biden's ties to the President, featuring Frank and his family connections prominently on their website, in ads and on social media.

As Frank Biden was with his brother in Washington for the inauguration last month, the firm placed a two-page "advertorial" in a local Florida newspaper emphasizing the shared values between "the two Biden brothers." With Frank Biden's image placed prominently in the center of the ad, it also mentioned the firm's lawsuit against sugar cane growers "filed against the backdrop of incoming President Joseph Biden Jr.'s commitment to environmental and social justice(.)"

Last week, the White House said that it is its policy to not let businesses imply they have Biden's support or endorsement. But they declined to comment on the record specifically about the advertisement.

You're quoting CNN?
What's wrong with you, Trumptard?
Trump says CNN is fake news.
Barely two weeks in, and Frank is cashing in on Joe's name (and vice versa, given Joe's "10% rule").

Frank Biden's actions already testing Joe Biden's ethics claims

(CNN)President Joe Biden said at the start of his administration that family conflicts of interest would not be tolerated in his White House, but not two weeks into his presidency, his brother's actions as a part of his employment at a law firm in Florida are raising questions about how he'll implement that pledge.

Francis "Frank" Biden, the President's brother, was hired as a non-attorney, senior adviser for Berman Law Group, a Boca Raton law firm in 2018. The firm frequently touts Frank Biden's ties to the President, featuring Frank and his family connections prominently on their website, in ads and on social media.

As Frank Biden was with his brother in Washington for the inauguration last month, the firm placed a two-page "advertorial" in a local Florida newspaper emphasizing the shared values between "the two Biden brothers." With Frank Biden's image placed prominently in the center of the ad, it also mentioned the firm's lawsuit against sugar cane growers "filed against the backdrop of incoming President Joseph Biden Jr.'s commitment to environmental and social justice(.)"

Last week, the White House said that it is its policy to not let businesses imply they have Biden's support or endorsement. But they declined to comment on the record specifically about the advertisement.

You're quoting CNN?
What's wrong with you, Trumptard?
Trump says CNN is fake news.

So CNN is fake news after all, huh?

No comment on Biden selling out the White House to his brother's sleazy law firm? Yeah, I didn't think so...
Somewhere, Hunter and the rest of the Bidens are working on ways to get rich on Joe's presidency. When the GOP takes back the presidency in 2024, we'll find out all about it. What's interesting is, if the GOP also has the House the a Biden impeachment could happen. You reap what you sow, democrats.
Until the GOP starts to fight like dems do this won't even rustle a feather....dems can and have gotten away with rules for dems....but the dems stand down our military what ever the fuck that means to look for Trump supporters in their ranks....the purge has begun....and McCarthy and McConnell say nothing....
That was the whole point for Joe. Shakedown as much money as possible in as little time as possible before he becomes so obviously mentally incapable that one of his own will be forced to replace him. This is Biden's going away present. He gets to play Easter egg hunt and gather as much money for as long as he's able then be replaced by a total puppet-ignoramus.

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