Liberals see Red Today

There there, hazelnut!

the blue areas are where all the money and power are. The big American cities and basically give you good folks out in the red areas a life.

Say thank you and STFU.

All the money and all the power? Really? LOL!

You should relax, sit down, count to ten.
Before you stroke out.
Not that a reduction in blood to your brain would harm you any.
So do you Republicans feel stupid now for claiming liberals were going to steal the election with vote fraud? Funny how all the vote fraud claims vanished when you won. Could you try to make it a little less obvious that you just made it all up? That is, less lying next time, please.

Anyways, you don't see any liberals claiming vote fraud now. As usual, consistency points and the moral high ground to the liberals.

So, the lesson we learn is that people were primarily concerned with the economy and wealth inequality issues, as confirmed by exit polls. Liberal ballot issues won all over. People wanted someone to stand up for them economically, but the Democrats were running the other way, telling everyone they could kiss the asses of billionaires just as proudly as Republicans. Democrats didn't give anyone a reason to come out and vote for them.

That is, liberals win, but there were damn few liberals among the Democrats.

Tell me about liberals and not claiming voter fraud, why don't you use the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections as the example of liberals and their claim of no voter fraud.
the blue areas are where all the money and power are. The big American cities and basically give you good folks out in the red areas a life.

Say thank you and STFU.

All the money and all the power? Really? LOL!

You should relax, sit down, count to ten.
Before you stroke out.
Not that a reduction in blood to your brain would harm you any.

HazelNUT would burst a seam to find out the Texas is at the top of a lot of lists for economic strength.


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