Liberals see Red Today

All that happened last night is that the Republicans handed the Democrats the filibuster.

A well worn much beloved GOP tool now belongs to the Democrats.
What a great victory for the Dems.

Why, I bet Obama the Genius planned it this way.

Watch and see how much of nowhere the conservative agenda moves in the next 2 years.

I can't predict what will happen in the next two years.

But I'll tell you what's going nowhere, and that's Democrat issues.

Anyone that actually believes the American people won last night is deluding themselves. The blind GOP loyalists will celebrate in the victory, the blind Dem loyalist will moan over their defeat, and the rest of the nation will wonder if anything has truly changed. It is a crappy day regardless of the outcome if your an independent.

Yeah like voting for independents gains you anything but throwing away your vote?

I got two words for you: Ross Perot.


Yes because voting blindly for one party or the other has been such a smashing success for the nation. Endless wars, debt up to our eyeballs, expansive government, stagnate wages, crony capitalism, etc. Pardon me if I don't see this as some fresh start for the nation because we if are honest with ourselves these parties only care about feathering their own nests. I hope I am wrong mind you but if history is any judge I will be correct.

Can you tell me what voting independent accomplishes???

When is the last time an independent won anything major?

Oh that would be Jesse Ventura!

Anyone that actually believes the American people won last night is deluding themselves. The blind GOP loyalists will celebrate in the victory, the blind Dem loyalist will moan over their defeat, and the rest of the nation will wonder if anything has truly changed. It is a crappy day regardless of the outcome if your an independent.

Yeah like voting for independents gains you anything but throwing away your vote?

I got two words for you: Ross Perot.


Yes because voting blindly for one party or the other has been such a smashing success for the nation. Endless wars, debt up to our eyeballs, expansive government, stagnate wages, crony capitalism, etc. Pardon me if I don't see this as some fresh start for the nation because we if are honest with ourselves these parties only care about feathering their own nests. I hope I am wrong mind you but if history is any judge I will be correct.

Can you tell me what voting independent accomplishes???

When is the last time an independent won anything major?

Oh that would be Jesse Ventura!


It lets both parties know that we are not beholden to their nonsense, they don't automatically own our votes one way or the other. Both parties have been screwing over our nation for far too long. Garbage in, garbage out. I can feel proud in knowing that I didn't make to put a bag over my head before I voted.

So tell me, how is that voting blindly for one party or the other working out for the nation?
Anyone that actually believes the American people won last night is deluding themselves. The blind GOP loyalists will celebrate in the victory, the blind Dem loyalist will moan over their defeat, and the rest of the nation will wonder if anything has truly changed. It is a crappy day regardless of the outcome if your an independent.

Yeah like voting for independents gains you anything but throwing away your vote?

I got two words for you: Ross Perot.


Yes because voting blindly for one party or the other has been such a smashing success for the nation. Endless wars, debt up to our eyeballs, expansive government, stagnate wages, crony capitalism, etc. Pardon me if I don't see this as some fresh start for the nation because we if are honest with ourselves these parties only care about feathering their own nests. I hope I am wrong mind you but if history is any judge I will be correct.

Can you tell me what voting independent accomplishes???

When is the last time an independent won anything major?

Oh that would be Jesse Ventura!


It lets both parties know that we are not beholden to their nonsense, they don't automatically own our votes one way or the other. Both parties have been screwing over our nation for far too long. Garbage in, garbage out. I can feel proud in knowing that I didn't make to put a bag over my head before I voted.

So tell me, how is that voting blindly for one party or the other working out for the nation?

That's just stupid.

All it tells the big parities is they need not worry about you come next election time, because your vote won't matter.

Symbolism over substance is nothing at all.

And you are telling me that "symbolism" that your vote isn't "beholden" is more important than the substance that your vote never CAN mean a win.

That is just pure stupidity, wrapped in delusion.
Anyone that actually believes the American people won last night is deluding themselves. The blind GOP loyalists will celebrate in the victory, the blind Dem loyalist will moan over their defeat, and the rest of the nation will wonder if anything has truly changed. It is a crappy day regardless of the outcome if your an independent.

Yeah like voting for independents gains you anything but throwing away your vote?

I got two words for you: Ross Perot.


Yes because voting blindly for one party or the other has been such a smashing success for the nation. Endless wars, debt up to our eyeballs, expansive government, stagnate wages, crony capitalism, etc. Pardon me if I don't see this as some fresh start for the nation because we if are honest with ourselves these parties only care about feathering their own nests. I hope I am wrong mind you but if history is any judge I will be correct.

Can you tell me what voting independent accomplishes???

When is the last time an independent won anything major?

Oh that would be Jesse Ventura!


It lets both parties know that we are not beholden to their nonsense, they don't automatically own our votes one way or the other. Both parties have been screwing over our nation for far too long. Garbage in, garbage out. I can feel proud in knowing that I didn't make to put a bag over my head before I voted.

So tell me, how is that voting blindly for one party or the other working out for the nation?

That's just stupid.

All it tells the big parities is they need not worry about you come next election time, because your vote won't matter.

Symbolism over substance is nothing at all.

And you are telling me that "symbolism" that your vote isn't "beholden" is more important than the substance that your vote never CAN mean a win.

That is just pure stupidity, wrapped in delusion.

What is truly stupid is believing that substance can be found in only one party or the other and the real delusion is believing that the two party system has been working so swell for the nation. The fact that you are unable; or unwilling, to answer my question only further buttresses my point. So tell me, how is that voting blindly for one party or the other working out for the nation?
Yeah like voting for independents gains you anything but throwing away your vote?

I got two words for you: Ross Perot.


Yes because voting blindly for one party or the other has been such a smashing success for the nation. Endless wars, debt up to our eyeballs, expansive government, stagnate wages, crony capitalism, etc. Pardon me if I don't see this as some fresh start for the nation because we if are honest with ourselves these parties only care about feathering their own nests. I hope I am wrong mind you but if history is any judge I will be correct.

Can you tell me what voting independent accomplishes???

When is the last time an independent won anything major?

Oh that would be Jesse Ventura!


It lets both parties know that we are not beholden to their nonsense, they don't automatically own our votes one way or the other. Both parties have been screwing over our nation for far too long. Garbage in, garbage out. I can feel proud in knowing that I didn't make to put a bag over my head before I voted.

So tell me, how is that voting blindly for one party or the other working out for the nation?

That's just stupid.

All it tells the big parities is they need not worry about you come next election time, because your vote won't matter.

Symbolism over substance is nothing at all.

And you are telling me that "symbolism" that your vote isn't "beholden" is more important than the substance that your vote never CAN mean a win.

That is just pure stupidity, wrapped in delusion.

What is truly stupid is believing that substance can be found in only one party or the other and the real delusion is believing that the two party system has been working so swell for the nation. The fact that you are unable; or unwilling, to answer my question only further buttresses my point. So tell me, how is that voting blindly for one party or the other working out for the nation?

You are the one that is blind if you think voting for people who have no chance of EVER winning accomplishes anything.

So do you Republicans feel stupid now for claiming liberals were going to steal the election with vote fraud? Funny how all the vote fraud claims vanished when you won. Could you try to make it a little less obvious that you just made it all up? That is, less lying next time, please.

Anyways, you don't see any liberals claiming vote fraud now. As usual, consistency points and the moral high ground to the liberals.

So, the lesson we learn is that people were primarily concerned with the economy and wealth inequality issues, as confirmed by exit polls. Liberal ballot issues won all over. People wanted someone to stand up for them economically, but the Democrats were running the other way, telling everyone they could kiss the asses of billionaires just as proudly as Republicans. Democrats didn't give anyone a reason to come out and vote for them.

That is, liberals win, but there were damn few liberals among the Democrats.
Lots and LOTS of Red: :lol:

Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors

Senate Races: Elections 2014 - Live Results - Senate

Oh and this map is REALLY going to hurt:

House Races! :lol:Elections 2014 - Live Results - House


This is a resounding rejection of Obama. Remember Obama said this election was about HIS POLICIES.

Well, the American people heard that loud and clear and said they are SICK of Obama and the Democrats policies.

It's time for a real change ladies and gentlemen. Not more of the same.

That means EVERY ONE OF US will have to hold the Republicans feet to the fire or they will just squish their way through two years hoping the press won't be mean to them. We have to write, email and shout at them to stand up to Obama. They won't do it, unless we make them.
Lot's of red doesn't mean lot's of Tea Party.

Don't make the mistake of joining either side in figuring out if it's an idictment of Obama, or an indictment of congress. That is strategist narrative put out for electioneering purposes.

What the Republicans should send sensable legislation that creates middle class jobs to Obama's desk.

What Obama should do is sign it, not veto it.

The worst that could happen is Republicans sending all sorts of legislation about abortion, contraception, and gay marriage to the white house.

Send legislation that reduces taxes, and creates a more favorable business climate to unleash all that capital just waiting for a good investment IN America. and creates MIDDLE CLASS jobs, not McJobs
Yes because voting blindly for one party or the other has been such a smashing success for the nation. Endless wars, debt up to our eyeballs, expansive government, stagnate wages, crony capitalism, etc. Pardon me if I don't see this as some fresh start for the nation because we if are honest with ourselves these parties only care about feathering their own nests. I hope I am wrong mind you but if history is any judge I will be correct.

Can you tell me what voting independent accomplishes???

When is the last time an independent won anything major?

Oh that would be Jesse Ventura!


It lets both parties know that we are not beholden to their nonsense, they don't automatically own our votes one way or the other. Both parties have been screwing over our nation for far too long. Garbage in, garbage out. I can feel proud in knowing that I didn't make to put a bag over my head before I voted.

So tell me, how is that voting blindly for one party or the other working out for the nation?

That's just stupid.

All it tells the big parities is they need not worry about you come next election time, because your vote won't matter.

Symbolism over substance is nothing at all.

And you are telling me that "symbolism" that your vote isn't "beholden" is more important than the substance that your vote never CAN mean a win.

That is just pure stupidity, wrapped in delusion.

What is truly stupid is believing that substance can be found in only one party or the other and the real delusion is believing that the two party system has been working so swell for the nation. The fact that you are unable; or unwilling, to answer my question only further buttresses my point. So tell me, how is that voting blindly for one party or the other working out for the nation?

You are the one that is blind if you think voting for people who have no chance of EVER winning accomplishes anything.


And you are blind if you think simply voting for one party or the other has been successful for our nation. You know it to be true yourself which is why can keep avoiding my question. I don't expect the hyper-partisans to ever leave their party but at least I can hope more people wake up to the fact that neither party has our best interest at heart.
Lots and LOTS of Red: :lol:

Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors

Senate Races: Elections 2014 - Live Results - Senate

Oh and this map is REALLY going to hurt:

House Races! :lol:Elections 2014 - Live Results - House


This is a resounding rejection of Obama. Remember Obama said this election was about HIS POLICIES.

Well, the American people heard that loud and clear and said they are SICK of Obama and the Democrats policies.

It's time for a real change ladies and gentlemen. Not more of the same.

That means EVERY ONE OF US will have to hold the Republicans feet to the fire or they will just squish their way through two years hoping the press won't be mean to them. We have to write, email and shout at them to stand up to Obama. They won't do it, unless we make them.
Lot's of red doesn't mean lot's of Tea Party.

Don't make the mistake of joining either side in figuring out if it's an idictment of Obama, or an indictment of congress. That is strategist narrative put out for electioneering purposes.

What the Republicans should send sensable legislation that creates middle class jobs to Obama's desk.

What Obama should do is sign it, not veto it.

The worst that could happen is Republicans sending all sorts of legislation about abortion, contraception, and gay marriage to the white house.

Send legislation that reduces taxes, and creates a more favorable business climate to unleash all that capital just waiting for a good investment IN America. and creates MIDDLE CLASS jobs, not McJobs

Spot on!
Now obola needs to get out his veto pen and start vetoing everything sent to him. That will nicely prepare the nation for 2016.
Lots and LOTS of Red: :lol:

Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors

Senate Races: Elections 2014 - Live Results - Senate

Oh and this map is REALLY going to hurt:

House Races! :lol:Elections 2014 - Live Results - House


This is a resounding rejection of Obama. Remember Obama said this election was about HIS POLICIES.

Well, the American people heard that loud and clear and said they are SICK of Obama and the Democrats policies.

It's time for a real change ladies and gentlemen. Not more of the same.

That means EVERY ONE OF US will have to hold the Republicans feet to the fire or they will just squish their way through two years hoping the press won't be mean to them. We have to write, email and shout at them to stand up to Obama. They won't do it, unless we make them.
Lot's of red doesn't mean lot's of Tea Party.

Don't make the mistake of joining either side in figuring out if it's an idictment of Obama, or an indictment of congress. That is strategist narrative put out for electioneering purposes.

What the Republicans should send sensable legislation that creates middle class jobs to Obama's desk.

What Obama should do is sign it, not veto it.

The worst that could happen is Republicans sending all sorts of legislation about abortion, contraception, and gay marriage to the white house.

Send legislation that reduces taxes, and creates a more favorable business climate to unleash all that capital just waiting for a good investment IN America. and creates MIDDLE CLASS jobs, not McJobs

I love it when people wax on, on what "should" happen.

It's always a "what if" world of unicorn's farting rainbows and utopia being the natural turnout.


Obama is going to try to push his radical agenda via the executive pen.

The liberal press is going to shriek about starving children and how the government will "pay for any tax cuts" and all the usual tripe about tax cuts for the rich blah blah blah.

The Republicans will be the usual spineless squishes they are and do NOTHING in fear of angering people and ruining the chances of a liberal/moderate like Romney running in 2016.

Meanwhile the average voter like you and me is going to have to make the Republican's lives MISERABLE with emails, letters and phone calls demanding they do something. Otherwise, the won't do a damn thing.

Now THAT's reality.

So why did I vote Republican?

Because the other reality, voting Democrat, means idiots like Pelosi wanting to pass 2,000 page healthcare bills so we can find out what's in it.

Gridlock is not bad. Gridlock is good!

When those idiots are gridlocked the rest of the country can get back to business.
Lots and LOTS of Red: :lol:

Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors

Senate Races: Elections 2014 - Live Results - Senate

Oh and this map is REALLY going to hurt:

House Races! :lol:Elections 2014 - Live Results - House


This is a resounding rejection of Obama. Remember Obama said this election was about HIS POLICIES.

Well, the American people heard that loud and clear and said they are SICK of Obama and the Democrats policies.

It's time for a real change ladies and gentlemen. Not more of the same.

That means EVERY ONE OF US will have to hold the Republicans feet to the fire or they will just squish their way through two years hoping the press won't be mean to them. We have to write, email and shout at them to stand up to Obama. They won't do it, unless we make them.
Lot's of red doesn't mean lot's of Tea Party.

Don't make the mistake of joining either side in figuring out if it's an idictment of Obama, or an indictment of congress. That is strategist narrative put out for electioneering purposes.

What the Republicans should send sensable legislation that creates middle class jobs to Obama's desk.

What Obama should do is sign it, not veto it.

The worst that could happen is Republicans sending all sorts of legislation about abortion, contraception, and gay marriage to the white house.

Send legislation that reduces taxes, and creates a more favorable business climate to unleash all that capital just waiting for a good investment IN America. and creates MIDDLE CLASS jobs, not McJobs

I love it when people wax on, on what "should" happen.

It's always a "what if" world of unicorn's farting rainbows and utopia being the natural turnout.


Obama is going to try to push his radical agenda via the executive pen.

The liberal press is going to shriek about starving children and how the government will "pay for any tax cuts" and all the usual tripe about tax cuts for the rich blah blah blah.

The Republicans will be the usual spineless squishes they are and do NOTHING in fear of angering people and ruining the chances of a liberal/moderate like Romney running in 2016.

Meanwhile the average voter like you and me is going to have to make the Republican's lives MISERABLE with emails, letters and phone calls demanding they do something. Otherwise, the won't do a damn thing.

Now THAT's reality.

So why did I vote Republican?

Because the other reality, voting Democrat, means idiots like Pelosi wanting to pass 2,000 page healthcare bills so we can find out what's in it.

Gridlock is not bad. Gridlock is good!

When those idiots are gridlocked the rest of the country can get back to business.
Eh!'re probably right.
Lots and LOTS of Red: :lol:

Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors

Senate Races: Elections 2014 - Live Results - Senate

Oh and this map is REALLY going to hurt:

House Races! :lol:Elections 2014 - Live Results - House


This is a resounding rejection of Obama. Remember Obama said this election was about HIS POLICIES.

Well, the American people heard that loud and clear and said they are SICK of Obama and the Democrats policies.

It's time for a real change ladies and gentlemen. Not more of the same.

That means EVERY ONE OF US will have to hold the Republicans feet to the fire or they will just squish their way through two years hoping the press won't be mean to them. We have to write, email and shout at them to stand up to Obama. They won't do it, unless we make them.

Note blue areas are in large part also the poverty pockets, with exception of guilty lib New England.

Note, shit-for-brains, the blue areas are where all the money and power are. The big American cities and basically give you good folks out in the red areas a life.

Say thank you and STFU.
Lots and LOTS of Red: :lol:

Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors Elections 2014 - Live Results - Governors

Senate Races: Elections 2014 - Live Results - Senate

Oh and this map is REALLY going to hurt:

House Races! :lol:Elections 2014 - Live Results - House


This is a resounding rejection of Obama. Remember Obama said this election was about HIS POLICIES.

Well, the American people heard that loud and clear and said they are SICK of Obama and the Democrats policies.

It's time for a real change ladies and gentlemen. Not more of the same.

That means EVERY ONE OF US will have to hold the Republicans feet to the fire or they will just squish their way through two years hoping the press won't be mean to them. We have to write, email and shout at them to stand up to Obama. They won't do it, unless we make them.

Note blue areas are in large part also the poverty pockets, with exception of guilty lib New England.

Note, shit-for-brains, the blue areas are where all the money and power are. The big American cities and basically give you good folks out in the red areas a life.

Say thank you and STFU.

The Butthurt is strong with this one.

Here's ya go!


Feel better?


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