Liberals/Progressives want to destroy ..not build


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The truth is most conservatives like me believe that most people IN the past were taught personal and social responsibility.

Liberals/progressives believe most people are evil and are wild animals and need to be constantly policed and punished!

Most conservatives are smarter then liberals/progressives,recognizing the most efficient government is the government that does the least governing!

Most conservatives think if children are thoroughly educated that the most efficient least costly dictum is
"do unto others as you would have others do unto you, i.e.
the "Golden Rule" !

Liberals/progressives believe the "Golden Rule" is a religious statement and therefore not something to follow.

Most conservatives know smart people build,
while most liberal/progressives like are like idiots/animals just destroy!

AND everyone should agree even idiots that for example, the cell phones these idiot/liberal/progressives use (many get them for FREE!) were not built by people that wanted to destroy as idiots/liberals/progressives
want to do! But are the CREATION of people wanting to build!

Everyone should agree the advances of civilization do not come from people who want to destroy but from people that want to improve!

Societies do not advance if the majority of people want to destroy!

Therefore if societies are to be more civilized and less animalistic it isn't done by what idiots/liberals/progressives do i.e. destroy!
The truth is most conservatives like me believe that most people IN the past were taught personal and social responsibility.

Liberals/progressives believe most people are evil and are wild animals and need to be constantly policed and punished!

Most conservatives are smarter then liberals/progressives,recognizing the most efficient government is the government that does the least governing!

Most conservatives think if children are thoroughly educated that the most efficient least costly dictum is
"do unto others as you would have others do unto you, i.e.
the "Golden Rule" !

Liberals/progressives believe the "Golden Rule" is a religious statement and therefore not something to follow.

Most conservatives know smart people build,
while most liberal/progressives like are like idiots/animals just destroy!

AND everyone should agree even idiots that for example, the cell phones these idiot/liberal/progressives use (many get them for FREE!) were not built by people that wanted to destroy as idiots/liberals/progressives
want to do! But are the CREATION of people wanting to build!

Everyone should agree the advances of civilization do not come from people who want to destroy but from people that want to improve!

Societies do not advance if the majority of people want to destroy!

Therefore if societies are to be more civilized and less animalistic it isn't done by what idiots/liberals/progressives do i.e. destroy!
Face the Facts.

The 1950s are OVER.....



Take your book of....

....and, begone!

(Cranial-constipation is no-longer the "norm".)​

if you really own up to your own responsibilities, you'd have no need to cut others down just to make YOURSELF feel better....or holier than thou....seriously!

"conservatives'" preference for bigotry/racism has ALWAYS been about the the EXCLUSION (from society/economy) of minorities; the ultimate laziness-trip.

Wait'll "conservatives'" (finally) realize The Golden Rule/Karma/common-courtesy are.....

"conservative"-HYPOCRISY is PROBLEM #1!!!!!!

if you really own up to your own responsibilities, you'd have no need to cut others down just to make YOURSELF feel better....or holier than thou....seriously!


Great response to another idiotic trolling post.

if you really own up to your own responsibilities, you'd have no need to cut others down just to make YOURSELF feel better....or holier than thou....seriously!

You should not express your feelings and observations on political message board ripe with discord......seriously.
Well the proof of my point is look at the quality of the people like you that were stung by the criticism and how they responded!
The evidence is in that liberal progressives like Mr. Shaman for example or you better yet don't really get it do you?
If you were NOT so destructive why are you attempting along with Shaman to show your negative side to the simple premise.. "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?
I didn't put any bombastic statements like you or shaman!
I simple asked why are liberals/progressives so willing to destroy and why are they so needy to have govt. intervene in their everyday lives to such an extent they now have to have Michelle tell them 'don't eat the french fries"!!!
I simple asked why are liberals/progressives so willing to destroy and why are they so needy to have govt. intervene in their everyday lives to such an extent they now have to have Michelle tell them 'don't eat the french fries"!!!
Ah, yes.....the destruction o' the Good Ol' Days.....





We're so ashamed of ourselves.....


if you really own up to your own responsibilities, you'd have no need to cut others down just to make YOURSELF feel better....or holier than thou....seriously!

You should not express your feelings and observations on political message board ripe with discord......seriously.
arguing the 'argument' on issues of discourse is the way to approach it....the silliness of name calling, and negative lable-ization(sp?) in 'bulk' of other citizens/ human beings is meritless, and truly does no's a waste of time from my experience....especially when all the bulk complaints never include ones own sides faults, even if they are the same as ones foes....again, imo.


if you really own up to your own responsibilities, you'd have no need to cut others down just to make YOURSELF feel better....or holier than thou....seriously!

You should not express your feelings and observations on political message board ripe with discord......seriously.
arguing the 'argument' on issues of discourse is the way to approach it....the silliness of name calling, and negative lable-ization(sp?) in 'bulk' of other citizens/ human beings is meritless, and truly does no's a waste of time from my experience....especially when all the bulk complaints never include ones own sides faults, even if they are the same as ones foes....again, imo.


What is even siller is knowing what you posted, yet taking a punitive side against one side (the side which does not align with your ethos of course )for doing it here.

The truth is most conservatives like me believe that most people IN the past were taught personal and social responsibility.

Liberals/progressives believe most people are evil and are wild animals and need to be constantly policed and punished!

Most conservatives are smarter then liberals/progressives,recognizing the most efficient government is the government that does the least governing!

Most conservatives think if children are thoroughly educated that the most efficient least costly dictum is
"do unto others as you would have others do unto you, i.e.
the "Golden Rule" !

Liberals/progressives believe the "Golden Rule" is a religious statement and therefore not something to follow.

Most conservatives know smart people build,
while most liberal/progressives like are like idiots/animals just destroy!

AND everyone should agree even idiots that for example, the cell phones these idiot/liberal/progressives use (many get them for FREE!) were not built by people that wanted to destroy as idiots/liberals/progressives
want to do! But are the CREATION of people wanting to build!

Everyone should agree the advances of civilization do not come from people who want to destroy but from people that want to improve!

Societies do not advance if the majority of people want to destroy!

Therefore if societies are to be more civilized and less animalistic it isn't done by what idiots/liberals/progressives do i.e. destroy!

I am a liberal and proud to call myself that because I understand the history behind the label.

Fuck you.

The elusive answer remains common sense Liberal Thinking: Simple and fair taxes, a budget that is balanced by law and then build an economy your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.

I reiterate: Fuck you and your political labeling and hate speech. You sir, are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
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I apologize if I gave the false impression I was "holier than thou"!
I am an observer though and when you step back for a second and see what the differences are between conservatives (i.e. keeping what has been built) and liberal/progressives who want to tear down.. who want to destroy.. who want more govt intervention..) I just ask which group has a greater respect for the common man?
I mean why would anyone want to tear down Wall Street. And replace with what?
Nothing by the liberal/progressives!
Yet if people like you that evidently have NO idea of what has caused the severe economy by blame it on wall street don't seem to know that the number one cause of the problem was the successful destruction of responsibility in making house payments!
Yes that simple fact that sub-prime loans guaranteed by the Federal govt. finally caught up and burst!
If subprime mortgages were never made, the problem would not have existed!
But supposedly good intentioned politicians starting with Obama in 1991 forced banks to make unsecured loans and the only way the banks could legally do it was by selling these toxic loans to the government, i.e. Fannie/Freddie!
Fannie Freddie.. said:
Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) --
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an ``effective'' federal guarantee, not the
"full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government,
Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart
said after the hearing.
That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart's Fannie, Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg

if you really own up to your own responsibilities, you'd have no need to cut others down just to make YOURSELF feel better....or holier than thou....seriously!

look at his nic, hon. you think anything he says should be taken seriously? or do you think he's another hack?


People with that much hate focused so generally are dangerous and therefore NEED to be taken seriously, lest the infection fester and kill us all.
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You should not express your feelings and observations on political message board ripe with discord......seriously.
arguing the 'argument' on issues of discourse is the way to approach it....the silliness of name calling, and negative lable-ization(sp?) in 'bulk' of other citizens/ human beings is meritless, and truly does no's a waste of time from my experience....especially when all the bulk complaints never include ones own sides faults, even if they are the same as ones foes....again, imo.


What is even siller is knowing what you posted, yet taking a punitive side against one side (the side which does not align with your ethos of course )for doing it here.

no one from the left started this thread did they? I have no problems in criticising the positions of the left, when i differ with them....i am more of a centrist, leaning left, though most 'political tests' have me as a centrist, but slightly on the right.

Generalizations are a waste of time....and name calling is definitely a waste of time, in my book! IT only distracts from legitimate diffences that need debating...

oh, and please don't take this as coming from a moderator, or as if i am forcing free speech out of the window! you both are free to continue with all the simplistc bashing that you want....

my comments are from me, as a poster...i would be posting in red ink if i were posting as a's my personal opinion.

if you really own up to your own responsibilities, you'd have no need to cut others down just to make YOURSELF feel better....or holier than thou....seriously!

You should not express your feelings and observations on political message board ripe with discord......seriously.

You should reconsider a career spreading unnecessary discord on a political message board ripe with Americans and others expressing their feelings. You guys are a big part of the problem. Either write a clean thesis to advance an idea or issue or go play in the Flame Zone.

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