Liberals now talking "execution" of Trump and republicans

Anybody call for the execution of Reality Winner for Treason?

If I'm not mistaken the part where "Fuller declares that the President must be prosecuted for treason" comes before any sentence is imposed. If they are not found guilty, they go free.

We call that rule of law. As opposed to what that shooter did at the baseball practice.
if they did they are wrong at this time. she gets her trial as anyone should. due process.

these emotional outbursts are getting far to ahead of themselves and then they spend all their time trying to justify an ignorant stance.
And by "liberals", the OP means "some person that nobody ever heard of or cares about, and whose crazy idea was immediately squashed by the liberals."

In contrast, conservatives always heap praise on other conservatives who call for violence.

The two sides are very different that way. Liberals condemn violence, conservatives support it.

No one has heard about?

The shooter worked for Bernie. Are you kidding me? He wasn't some lone guy in a bunker with access to far too much foil.

He worked for Bernie.

Without using the Internet or any notes, can you name 10 Bernie staffers who were on the same level as this moron?
who worked for who is a pointless argument and a poor effort to discredit who you feel like using these things to discredit.

Makes one wonder why you brought up “The shooter worked for bernie” as some sort of way to make his views/actions popular.
when did *I* bring it up?

Mea Culpa, It was Norman
No one has heard about?

The shooter worked for Bernie. Are you kidding me? He wasn't some lone guy in a bunker with access to far too much foil.

He worked for Bernie.

Without using the Internet or any notes, can you name 10 Bernie staffers who were on the same level as this moron?
who worked for who is a pointless argument and a poor effort to discredit who you feel like using these things to discredit.

Makes one wonder why you brought up “The shooter worked for bernie” as some sort of way to make his views/actions popular.
when did *I* bring it up?

Mea Culpa, It was Norman
heh - looked like it. all good i know i've done that before.
No one has heard about?

This thread is discussing the author of the Huffpo piece, not the shooter.

As deflections go, yours was rather pathetic.

So, would you like to try again? Address the point. Why is some random dude who posted something on Huffpo that other liberals quickly condemned proof that "liberals are calling for executions"?

I can point to conservatives right on this board who have just called for the execution of all liberals. According to your logic, that means you and all conservatives support the execution of all liberals. Your logic is kind of stupid.
Yes, I brought Bernie and nothing about it is in any way irrelevant. The fact is that this guy was a hard core partisan leftist, and connected to the democrat party. What we see on the media is possibly an innocent version of what they are espousing privately. To claim no one knew him and he was some lonely loser with way too much foil is ridiculous after the connection is considered.
How about that fact?

You advocated for the murder of our democratically elected president

Execution after a trial and conviction is called punishment not murder.

Fuller however is putting the horse way before the cart, in fact the cart is on a different continent. But the fact remains, this deleted article called for a trial and if convicted, then and only then does it call for execution as punishment.

I couldn't disagree more, btw.
No one has heard about?

This thread is discussing the author of the Huffpo piece, not the shooter.

As deflections go, yours was rather pathetic.

So, would you like to try again? Address the point. Why is some random dude who posted something on Huffpo that other liberals quickly condemned proof that "liberals are calling for executions"?

I can point to conservatives right on this board who have just called for the execution of all liberals. According to your logic, that means you and all conservatives support the execution of all liberals. Your logic is kind of stupid.

Well a hard core partisan DNC member picking up the rifle and shooting at elected officials should give you a clue.

As should some of the posters on this thread who are saying he is a traitor and should be executed.
nah - this is just run of the mill violence both sides condone and do...

HuffPost Hides Article Pushing “Execution” of Trump and GOP Leadership

Shooter attempts massacre of Republicans days after HuffPo piece
Dan Lyman | - JUNE 15, 2017 568 Comments


The HuffPost has removed an article that called for President Donald Trump to be executed, along with all members of his administration and GOP leadership who are complicit in advancing his agenda centered around national security and economic prosperity.

The now-deleted piece was published on June 11 – just days before domestic terrorist James Hodgkinson attempted to massacre dozens of GOP lawmakers during an early morning baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

In the article, headlined “Impeachment Is No Longer Enough; Donald Trump Must Face Justice” HuffPo contributor David Fuller declares that the President must be prosecuted for treason and put to death if found guilty, before going on to demonstrate why he believes Trump and most of the Republican Party are indisputably guilty of treason.

“Impeachment and removal from office are only the first steps; for America to be redeemed, Donald Trump must be prosecuted for treason and — if convicted in a court of law — executed,” writes Fuller. “Donald Trump has been President of the United States for just shy of six months now. I think that most of us among the electorate knew that his presidency would be a relative disaster, but I am not sure how many among us expected the catastrophe our nation now faces.”

In the concluding paragraph, Fuller also makes his case for why the “ultimate punishment” of the President must also be exacted on more Republicans – emphasizing his desires by adding bold font to a line about execution, as demonstrated below.

“Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason,” he writes. “They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt).”

“And then — upon receiving guilty verdicts — they must all be executed under the law.”
Treason is punishable by death. Deal with it, Snowflake.

^^^ This my friends right here, is exactly what the problem is.
Facts are the problem for the right-wingers? Yes, I have noticed that before.

Facts? Donald Trump has not been convicted of treason you moron, no matter how much your murderous far left sources want to believe that. How about that fact?

You advocated for the murder of our democratically elected president, based on imaginary crime. Fuck you... this is the thought process the shooter utilized.
Ah, no.

And here comes the brilliant retort!

Completely expected from someone who says Trump should be executed.
Treason is punishable by death. Deal with it, Snowflake.

^^^ This my friends right here, is exactly what the problem is.
Facts are the problem for the right-wingers? Yes, I have noticed that before.

Facts? Donald Trump has not been convicted of treason you moron, no matter how much your murderous far left sources want to believe that. How about that fact?

You advocated for the murder of our democratically elected president, based on imaginary crime. Fuck you... this is the thought process the shooter utilized.
Ah, no.

And here comes the brilliant retort!

Completely expected from someone who says Trump should be executed.
i'll never understand why people respond to troll type posts.

if he believes this crap he's a moron and not worth talking to. if he DOES NOT believe this crap he's a moron and not worth talking to.
To claim no one knew him and he was some lonely loser with way too much foil is ridiculous after the connection is considered.

So, why don't you show us your evidence that the shooter was a "hardcore partisan DNC member". Given that BernieBros all hate the DNC, that looks like an especially insane claim on your part.

If you can't, you should apologize to everyone for making up such a story, and then remove the tinfoil.
Yes, I brought Bernie and nothing about it is in any way irrelevant. The fact is that this guy was a hard core partisan leftist, and connected to the democrat party. What we see on the media is possibly an innocent version of what they are espousing privately. To claim no one knew him and he was some lonely loser with way too much foil is ridiculous after the connection is considered.

Bernie isn’t even a democrat for one thing.

Okay, please show us the posts before Wednesday when you discussed this loser; you seem to have known about him.

If not, then kindly shut the fuck up.
Treason is punishable by death. Deal with it, Snowflake.

^^^ This my friends right here, is exactly what the problem is.
Facts are the problem for the right-wingers? Yes, I have noticed that before.

Facts? Donald Trump has not been convicted of treason you moron, no matter how much your murderous far left sources want to believe that. How about that fact?

You advocated for the murder of our democratically elected president, based on imaginary crime. Fuck you... this is the thought process the shooter utilized.
Ah, no.

And here comes the brilliant retort!

Completely expected from someone who says Trump should be executed.
An. no. (Not that I would mind as the world would be a better place).
Democrats have been dreaming of street executions since election day. At least one Democrat is turning that dream into reality. Democrats aren't horrified. This was only an appetizer. They still want the main course.
Yes, I brought Bernie and nothing about it is in any way irrelevant. The fact is that this guy was a hard core partisan leftist, and connected to the democrat party. What we see on the media is possibly an innocent version of what they are espousing privately. To claim no one knew him and he was some lonely loser with way too much foil is ridiculous after the connection is considered.

Bernie isn’t even a democrat for one thing.

Okay, please show us the posts before Wednesday when you discussed this loser; you seem to have known about him.

If not, then kindly shut the fuck up.

Bernie isn't a democrat?

Can you remind me, in which party did he run for the president?

Where the hell did I say I knew this guy personally? It was asserted that no one knew him. IE. He was some lone wolf.
Yes, I brought Bernie and nothing about it is in any way irrelevant. The fact is that this guy was a hard core partisan leftist, and connected to the democrat party. What we see on the media is possibly an innocent version of what they are espousing privately. To claim no one knew him and he was some lonely loser with way too much foil is ridiculous after the connection is considered.

Bernie isn’t even a democrat for one thing.

Okay, please show us the posts before Wednesday when you discussed this loser; you seem to have known about him.

If not, then kindly shut the fuck up.

Bernie isn't a democrat?

Can you remind me, in which party did he run for the president?

Where the hell did I say I knew this guy personally? It was asserted that no one knew him. IE. He was some lone wolf.
Trump isn't GOP. Which party did he run for?
nah - this is just run of the mill violence both sides condone and do...

HuffPost Hides Article Pushing “Execution” of Trump and GOP Leadership

Shooter attempts massacre of Republicans days after HuffPo piece
Dan Lyman | - JUNE 15, 2017 568 Comments


The HuffPost has removed an article that called for President Donald Trump to be executed, along with all members of his administration and GOP leadership who are complicit in advancing his agenda centered around national security and economic prosperity.

The now-deleted piece was published on June 11 – just days before domestic terrorist James Hodgkinson attempted to massacre dozens of GOP lawmakers during an early morning baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

In the article, headlined “Impeachment Is No Longer Enough; Donald Trump Must Face Justice” HuffPo contributor David Fuller declares that the President must be prosecuted for treason and put to death if found guilty, before going on to demonstrate why he believes Trump and most of the Republican Party are indisputably guilty of treason.

“Impeachment and removal from office are only the first steps; for America to be redeemed, Donald Trump must be prosecuted for treason and — if convicted in a court of law — executed,” writes Fuller. “Donald Trump has been President of the United States for just shy of six months now. I think that most of us among the electorate knew that his presidency would be a relative disaster, but I am not sure how many among us expected the catastrophe our nation now faces.”

In the concluding paragraph, Fuller also makes his case for why the “ultimate punishment” of the President must also be exacted on more Republicans – emphasizing his desires by adding bold font to a line about execution, as demonstrated below.

“Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason,” he writes. “They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt).”

“And then — upon receiving guilty verdicts — they must all be executed under the law.”
Treason is punishable by death. Deal with it, Snowflake.
Which means all of the amnesty supporters have to die....
nah - this is just run of the mill violence both sides condone and do...

HuffPost Hides Article Pushing “Execution” of Trump and GOP Leadership

Shooter attempts massacre of Republicans days after HuffPo piece
Dan Lyman | - JUNE 15, 2017 568 Comments


The HuffPost has removed an article that called for President Donald Trump to be executed, along with all members of his administration and GOP leadership who are complicit in advancing his agenda centered around national security and economic prosperity.

The now-deleted piece was published on June 11 – just days before domestic terrorist James Hodgkinson attempted to massacre dozens of GOP lawmakers during an early morning baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

In the article, headlined “Impeachment Is No Longer Enough; Donald Trump Must Face Justice” HuffPo contributor David Fuller declares that the President must be prosecuted for treason and put to death if found guilty, before going on to demonstrate why he believes Trump and most of the Republican Party are indisputably guilty of treason.

“Impeachment and removal from office are only the first steps; for America to be redeemed, Donald Trump must be prosecuted for treason and — if convicted in a court of law — executed,” writes Fuller. “Donald Trump has been President of the United States for just shy of six months now. I think that most of us among the electorate knew that his presidency would be a relative disaster, but I am not sure how many among us expected the catastrophe our nation now faces.”

In the concluding paragraph, Fuller also makes his case for why the “ultimate punishment” of the President must also be exacted on more Republicans – emphasizing his desires by adding bold font to a line about execution, as demonstrated below.

“Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason,” he writes. “They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt).”

“And then — upon receiving guilty verdicts — they must all be executed under the law.”

Domestic violence has always been a central part of far left rhetoric.
nah - this is just run of the mill violence both sides condone and do...

HuffPost Hides Article Pushing “Execution” of Trump and GOP Leadership

Shooter attempts massacre of Republicans days after HuffPo piece
Dan Lyman | - JUNE 15, 2017 568 Comments


The HuffPost has removed an article that called for President Donald Trump to be executed, along with all members of his administration and GOP leadership who are complicit in advancing his agenda centered around national security and economic prosperity.

The now-deleted piece was published on June 11 – just days before domestic terrorist James Hodgkinson attempted to massacre dozens of GOP lawmakers during an early morning baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

In the article, headlined “Impeachment Is No Longer Enough; Donald Trump Must Face Justice” HuffPo contributor David Fuller declares that the President must be prosecuted for treason and put to death if found guilty, before going on to demonstrate why he believes Trump and most of the Republican Party are indisputably guilty of treason.

“Impeachment and removal from office are only the first steps; for America to be redeemed, Donald Trump must be prosecuted for treason and — if convicted in a court of law — executed,” writes Fuller. “Donald Trump has been President of the United States for just shy of six months now. I think that most of us among the electorate knew that his presidency would be a relative disaster, but I am not sure how many among us expected the catastrophe our nation now faces.”

In the concluding paragraph, Fuller also makes his case for why the “ultimate punishment” of the President must also be exacted on more Republicans – emphasizing his desires by adding bold font to a line about execution, as demonstrated below.

“Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason,” he writes. “They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt).”

“And then — upon receiving guilty verdicts — they must all be executed under the law.”
Treason is punishable by death. Deal with it, Snowflake.
Which means all of the amnesty supporters have to die....
Poor Reagan. Oh wait, he's dead. And Trump just gave the Dreamers amnesty (or close enough for government work).

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