Liberals New Tactic To Defeat Opposition To CRT: 'If You Oppose CRT Indoctrination You're An Idiot'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
CNN accused of 'gaslighting,' portraying critics of CRT as 'idiots'

CNN accused of 'gaslighting,' portraying critics of CRT as 'idiots'

When Democrats responsible for almost every disaster / trouble we face and their surrogate media whose ratings are in the gutter start attempting to lecture Americans while calling anyone who does not agree with them 'stupid' you know they are DESPERATE...and you know you're on the right path!


Racist liberals and white guilt monkeys always use the same tactics. They claim anyone who doesn't support their sick and twisted views is either racist or stupid. No surprises here.

CRT is nothing more than indoctrination tool to create generations of stupid white guilt monkeys, its pretty pathetic.
Now where have I heard that before? I remember.

They've been calling Republicans and conservatives idiots for years. Nothing new.
MLK tactics don't work with Communists kids. They will kick your ass, and steal your signs.

What MLK are you talking about? Because it damn sure ain't Martin Luther King.
CRT is 100 percent correct. That's why you guys oppose it.
Must be working, I see quite a few here defend it or make it sound like it's no big deal.

Left, right, middle, whatever you are we should all agree this is a bad thing.

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