Liberals must come to terms with what monuments can exist and cannot


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
To me it's quite apparent the majority of leftists are uneducated. Certainly they lack critical thought. In the name of sanity, consistency and logic, which of these symbols must be dismantled to satisfy the left's new order? This is the short list:

American Indian leaders (rapped and pillaged sovereign nations, and owned slaves).
George Washington (owned slaves)
Thomas Jefferson (owned slaves)
James Madison (owned slaves)
James Monroe (owned slaves)
Andrew Jackson (owned slaves)
John Tyler (owned slaves)
Zachary Taylor (owned slaves)
Ulysses S. Grant (Owned slaves)
FDR (Held innocent Japanese in captivity and stole their assets, possibly anti-semetic)
JFK (Womanizer)
MLK (serial adulterer)
Theodore Roosevelt (perceived racist by many on the left)
Abe Lincoln (declared racist by many on the left)
Train stations (built by exploited Chinese)
King Tutankhamun (owned slaves)
Ben Franklin (owned slaves)
How about we just leave the fucking statues alone?

Not just statues. Idiot liberals want the Washington Redskins to change their name because it's racist. What dumb fucks. Washington owned slaves, so how'd the FUCK did they come to the conclusion Redskin represents racism when Washington owned slaves?

These people think with their cocks or their asses?

Spike Lee DC

Spike Lee Football Feminists
To me it's quite apparent the majority of leftists are uneducated. Certainly they lack critical thought. In the name of sanity, consistency and logic, which of these symbols must be dismantled to satisfy the left's new order? This is the short list:

American Indian leaders (rapped and pillaged sovereign nations, and owned slaves).
George Washington (owned slaves)
Thomas Jefferson (owned slaves)
James Madison (owned slaves)
James Monroe (owned slaves)
Andrew Jackson (owned slaves)
John Tyler (owned slaves)
Zachary Taylor (owned slaves)
Ulysses S. Grant (Owned slaves)
FDR (Held innocent Japanese in captivity and stole their assets, possibly anti-semetic)
JFK (Womanizer)
MLK (serial adulterer)
Theodore Roosevelt (perceived racist by many on the left)
Abe Lincoln (declared racist by many on the left)
Train stations (built by exploited Chinese)
King Tutankhamun (owned slaves)
Ben Franklin (owned slaves)
How many on your list raised their swords in treason against the United States?
The problem is liberals don't think for themselves, so surely they cannot defend themselves.

They respond emotionally and lack critical thought. They prove to be uneducated or at best prove to be educated in liberal indoctrination. Anytime you feel the need to debate a liberal, simply ask them point blank questions & provide history. You'll get crickets or they'll simply call you names. Worse yet they don't learn from it.
To me it's quite apparent the majority of leftists are uneducated. Certainly they lack critical thought. In the name of sanity, consistency and logic, which of these symbols must be dismantled to satisfy the left's new order? This is the short list:

American Indian leaders (rapped and pillaged sovereign nations, and owned slaves).
George Washington (owned slaves)
Thomas Jefferson (owned slaves)
James Madison (owned slaves)
James Monroe (owned slaves)
Andrew Jackson (owned slaves)
John Tyler (owned slaves)
Zachary Taylor (owned slaves)
Ulysses S. Grant (Owned slaves)
FDR (Held innocent Japanese in captivity and stole their assets, possibly anti-semetic)
JFK (Womanizer)
MLK (serial adulterer)
Theodore Roosevelt (perceived racist by many on the left)
Abe Lincoln (declared racist by many on the left)
Train stations (built by exploited Chinese)
King Tutankhamun (owned slaves)
Ben Franklin (owned slaves)
How many on your list raised their swords in treason against the United States?

Oh look, dumb shit declares it's not about liberal narratives, it's cuz they raised their sword against the USA. Paul Revere was a traitor. Better add him to the list.
We must change the name of Yosemite national park liberals. Get on it, be consistent:

ohhe'meti (Southern Miwok) or Yos.s.e'meti (Central Miwok) originally referred to the Indian tribe that lived in Yosemite Valley. Yosemite means literally “those who kill” (Yos, “to kill,” the modifier e, “one who,” and the plural suffix -meti). It was used by the surrounding Miwok tribes. The Yosemite people were referred to as killers by these surrounding tribes, who feared them. The Yosemite tribe, led by Chief Tenaya, were composed of renegades from multiple tribes, including Mono Paiute from the eastern Sierra. The Paiute were traditional enemies of the more-peaceful Miwok people.

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