Liberals don't believe they hold "opinions." They believe that they are just "right."

And Republicans don't believe in asking people what their beliefs are, far easier to decide that for them.

When you see someone do that let me know and I'll join you in rebuking them.

I'm a liberal. In the OP you claim to know what I believe without having asked me. So please proceed to rebuke yourself.

We've all seen you post, PoohPoo. We know that you DO believe exactly those things listed in the OP, so you're damned by your own past words.
When you see someone do that let me know and I'll join you in rebuking them.

I'm a liberal. In the OP you claim to know what I believe without having asked me. So please proceed to rebuke yourself.

We've all seen you post, PoohPoo. We know that you DO believe exactly those things listed in the OP, so you're damned by your own past words.

If by "know" you mean "never asked his opinion, don't care, I hate him, so he thinks what I say he thinks"

* Conservatives have a better work ethic and are much less likely to call in sick than their liberal counterparts
That's funny the only conservative room mate I've ever had left myself and my other room mate high and dry with plenty of unpaid rent and bills.

That says nothing about conservatives in general, and everything about your lousy taste in friends and acquaintances. And as we all know, birds of a feather flock together.

No, being MORE self-righteous than leftists would be impossible under the laws of physics as we currently understand them.

Yeah? How many studies have leftists published under the guise of serious social science saying how awesome they are?

Funny how Republicans only believe in two parts of social science - economics, and the part the says they are better people than everyone else.
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* Conservatives have a better work ethic and are much less likely to call in sick than their liberal counterparts
That's funny the only conservative room mate I've ever had left myself and my other room mate high and dry with plenty of unpaid rent and bills.

That says nothing about conservatives in general, and everything about your lousy taste in friends and acquaintances. And as we all know, birds of a feather flock together.

I'm not a conservative. And I've never not paid my rent or bills. So "birds of a feather" isn't really appropriate on either count. I can tell you're not really bright.
yes, and its fucking stupid.

See the problem is at one time you had people railing on and on about how Liberals where all about " It takes a village". Which any moron can figure out takes in other opinions and help in order to get things done.

Now we have the exact opposite here with your OP. You are trying to pass off the idea that liberals are narrow minded thinkers.

Where on Earth did you get the idea that the liberal concept of "it takes a village" had ANYTHING to do with differing viewpoints, or any sort of voluntary "help"?

The "village" the left is talking about is essentially a group of people all acting in lockstep with the liberal view of how things should be, and funding the liberal vision toward which they're marching through government funding.

First time I've heard of it.

Funny how righties are bigger experts on liberals viewpoints than liberals. Makes you wonder who the real commie fags are.

You are showing your ass again.

You don't even know what the 'it takes a village' reference means, and out of your ignorance, you want to pretend the rest of us are the uninformed ones?


It Takes a Village - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So tell us, 'Stupid,' what percentage of conservative giving should be factored out for 'required tithing'?


"Required tithing"? Never once in my life has my church garnished my wages for my tithes. They always waited until I VOLUNTARILY chose to write out the checks.

Sure, the various pastors over the years certainly taught that God expected it, and that it was our duty and responsibility to tithe, but they also taught that it was my duty and responsibility to just help my fellow man in general, as one assumes non-religious people are taught by other sources, such as parents, teachers, mentors, whatever.

He believed he 'was just right' about 'required tithing.'


Please name a Pew study in the link you gave me which claims liberals are less charitable than conservatives.
"Required tithing"? Never once in my life has my church garnished my wages for my tithes. They always waited until I VOLUNTARILY chose to write out the checks.

Sure, the various pastors over the years certainly taught that God expected it, and that it was our duty and responsibility to tithe, but they also taught that it was my duty and responsibility to just help my fellow man in general, as one assumes non-religious people are taught by other sources, such as parents, teachers, mentors, whatever.

He believed he 'was just right' about 'required tithing.'


Please name a Pew study in the link you gave me which claims liberals are less charitable than conservatives.

When you get your GED, you can read it for yourself!
Where on Earth did you get the idea that the liberal concept of "it takes a village" had ANYTHING to do with differing viewpoints, or any sort of voluntary "help"?

The "village" the left is talking about is essentially a group of people all acting in lockstep with the liberal view of how things should be, and funding the liberal vision toward which they're marching through government funding.

First time I've heard of it.

Funny how righties are bigger experts on liberals viewpoints than liberals. Makes you wonder who the real commie fags are.

You are showing your ass again.

You don't even know what the 'it takes a village' reference means, and out of your ignorance, you want to pretend the rest of us are the uninformed ones?


It Takes a Village - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, yeah, right, had no idea, yur so smeeart I had no idea you were a fan of Hillary.
Additionally, I believe Liberals tend to donate their time more than Conservatives.

And if you think I'm wrong, prove it.

So tell us, 'Stupid,' what percentage of conservative giving should be factored out for 'required tithing'?


"Required tithing"? Never once in my life has my church garnished my wages for my tithes. They always waited until I VOLUNTARILY chose to write out the checks.

Sure, the various pastors over the years certainly taught that God expected it, and that it was our duty and responsibility to tithe, but they also taught that it was my duty and responsibility to just help my fellow man in general, as one assumes non-religious people are taught by other sources, such as parents, teachers, mentors, whatever.

Maybe not in your church, but then again, are you a Mormon?

Tithing always comes first in Mormonism. Any member who is struggling in any way (job loss, broken down car, depression, etc) will always be counseled to pay tithing in order to receive blessings. All blessings, privileges and callings in the LDS Church are centered around tithing. Without paying a full tithe, a member cannot be a “member in good standing”.

Mormons are required by Commandment of God to pay 10% of all their GROSS income to the LDS church. This includes all income, including, employment, social security, Medicare, food stamps and trust funds and any other form of income, even including finding money on the ground.

The Church Of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints brings in an estimated 6.5 to 7.0 billion dollars a year in annual tithing revenues. The Church refuses to disclose to the public or its members how much money it receives annually and what those funds are used for. Because the LDS Church is a tax-exempt organization, it does not have to publicly disclose financial books.

In 2005 the LDS Church purchased two shopping malls in Downtown Salt Lake City for $500 million dollars. The Church plans to spend $1 to $3.5 billion dollars renovating them. In official statements from LDS Church, the Church claims that not one dollar of member tithing funds went into the deal.

Mormons are required to attend a Tithing Settlement with the Bishop each year. A member is questioned in a one-on-one interview with the Bishop to ensure the member is paying a full 10%. Those members who are not paying a full 10% loose their temple recommends and are prevented from entering the Temple.

Mormons who loose their temple recommends are in serious jeopardy of loosing their Celestial blessings. A Mormon who does not pay tithing cannot enter the temple. If a member cannot get into the temple, the member cannot learn the secret handshake, secret password, secret "new name" and special “sealings”. Without these, the member will be unable to pass Joseph Smith and the angels who guard the entrance to the Celestial Kingdom.

Mormons are commanded that tithing must come first before anything else. Utah has the highest rate of bankruptcies in the United States. Mormons often are told "I cannot pay my bills until I've paid my tithing." Mormons will even pay their tithing rather than give the money to a relative who is on the verge of eviction. Mormon published magazines (Ensign, New Era) constantly stress that tithing must always be paid.

Recently, Mormon Senator Orrin Hatch passed legislation that allowed members to pay a full tithe even while they were in bankruptcy court. (See S. 4044).

Mormons are told: "if a destitute family is faced with the decision of paying their tithing or eating, they should pay their tithing." (Lynn Robbins, General Conference, April 2005).

Mormons who have not paid tithing will be denied a temple recommend and will be considered "unworthy". However; Mormons who pay "back-tithing" (some as much as $5000 or more) are instantly found to be worthy and can receive their temple recommends back once the money has been paid. The Mormon Church uses this as an extortion method when it comes to temple marriages. Parents or family members who have not paid tithing are required to pay back tithing - sometimes in the thousands of dollars - which must be paid before a temple recommend can be issued in order to see their own children married.

Mormons are further threatened that if they do not pay a full tithe, they will be burned with fire when Jesus Christ comes again. Mormons see Tithing as "fire insurance".

The Mormon Curtain - MORMON TITHING

Because Mitt Romney's church requires it.
I'm still waiting to hear the name of the PEW study.

They are right there in the link I provided you, tard.

Read the link.

Do you need more research that proves the obvious fact that Liberals are stingy, self-centered hypocrites, or are we done?


Quick question Snippy Fire...................when did blood banks and other charitable organizations start requesting to know the political affiliations (or world views for that matter) of their donors?

I'm betting they still don't and that your bullshit accusations are just that..............

Pure Bullshit.

No, being MORE self-righteous than leftists would be impossible under the laws of physics as we currently understand them.

Really? Because the conservatives want to ban gay marriage, and the liberals want it approved.

Self righteous people tell others who don't conform to their world view that they're "wrong" and will be damned for eternity.

Liberals don't. They believe in a live and let live philosophy.
They are right there in the link I provided you, tard.

Read the link.

Do you need more research that proves the obvious fact that Liberals are stingy, self-centered hypocrites, or are we done?


Quick question Snippy Fire...................when did blood banks and other charitable organizations start requesting to know the political affiliations (or world views for that matter) of their donors?

I'm betting they still don't and that your bullshit accusations are just that..............

Pure Bullshit.

He claims there's a Pew Research study concluding liberals are less charitable than conservatives, but appears utterly incapable of attaching a name to that study.
Republicans are more self-righteous.

No, being MORE self-righteous than leftists would be impossible under the laws of physics as we currently understand them.

Really? Because the conservatives want to ban gay marriage, and the liberals want it approved.

Self righteous people tell others who don't conform to their world view that they're "wrong" and will be damned for eternity.

Liberals don't. They believe in a live and let live philosophy.

They also want to imprison women and doctors for detaching a part of the female body from itself.
The New Phrenology | The Weekly Standard

Liberals don't believe in differences of opinions or varying approaches to problems. They must be absolutely certain that they are absolutely right or their world view crumbles. This is why they say stupid shit like, "conservatives are against abortion, but they hate babies!" because to their 'minds' only an embrace of liberal views and policies can possibly coincide with caring for people. They also say shit like, "show me what Republican policies have ever done anything for X or Y minorities!" as if the liberal assumption that people must only be considered as members of an aggrieved group and not as individuals is a given, and that only liberal policies could possibly be in the best interests of anyone (this is where the "voting against your own interests" canard comes in). A liberal never loses an election because the people just tended to agree with the ideas of the other side. It's always a "failure to make the people understand our positions." Every election a liberal loses was rigged, corrupt, stolen, etc. Every election a liberal wins is an example of democracy in action. They can't help but think this way, and wouldn't change if they could. They are just right, smart, and virtuous in all things - studies show!

That's a good one.

Some idiot making broad brush generalities about liberals, accusing them of making broadbrush generalities about conservatives.

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