Liberals Doing the Bidding of European Big Business on the GOP Tax Bill?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Why are liberals screaming about lowering the corporate income tax rate to a sane level instead of leaving it at its current insane level of 35%? Are they on the take from European big businesses, who would stand to face stiffer competition from American corporations that would no longer be saddled with the highest corporate income tax rate in the industrialized world? Is this why liberals are so opposed to helping our big companies grow and prosper?

And why do liberals always claim to want more good-paying jobs with benefits and then turn around and demonize the very entities that provide those jobs, i.e., big businesses? Most small business cannot afford to provide the good pay and benefits that big companies provide. If liberals were serious about wanting to see more good-paying, good-benefits-included American jobs, they would stop their sad demagoguery against lowering the corporate income tax rate.

If you're a liberal and you work for a big company, ask yourself this question: Will your company be more likely or less likely to give more raises, give more bonuses, open more branches, give more promotions, etc., if they are forced to continue to pay the insane corporate income tax rate of 35%?

I work for a large corporation. The owners and senior managers of my company definitely qualify as "rich." And, you know what? I wanna see my company make more money, get bigger, open up new offices, because I know that this will increase the chances that my fellow employees and I will get good raises, bonuses, and promotions.
I find the blind acceptance of Canadian Communist tactics against American businesses and your culture, particularly mind boggling.
We need corporations to stay or relocate to the US instead of leaving to reduce their tax burden. I'd even put a small Border Adjustment Tax on imported goods to help reduce the Debt and fund entitlements. The revised tax code doesn't address entitlements or the Debt. Rich folks will still hide their money overseas to avoid taxes.

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