Liberals Are Trying Hard to Tarnish Reagan’s Legacy

Ronald Reagan is thought of as one of the best Presidents of all time. That's just a fact. But of course Liberals have this need to rewrite history.

And many consider him the most overrated.......
Liberals Are Trying Hard to Tarnish Reagan's Legacy

There are several far-left agents writing letters to the editor of the local Las Vegas Sun newspaper of the government workers union sympathies. Those writers say that Reagan increased income taxes and in 8 years boosted up the national debt by almost $2 trillion. How the history gets corrupted in the recounting. First, that low-IQ bloviating gasbag Carter (you remember that “nukelar engineer”?) left the country staggering under an inflation rate of 13% and an unemployment rate of 10% (anybody remembers “the misery index” of 23% which is the sum of the two?). The prime interest rate for the best companies was 21%; the regular 30-year mortgage interest rate was 16%. Reagan cut all the income tax rates in three stages (the Democrat majorities in Congress would not let him do it in one swell swoop). After 6 years the tax receipts by the IRS doubled ending with major surpluses. The Dow Industrial Index went from 550 to 4,000. To “save” the failing savings & loan companies Carter had allowed these to engage in commercial building lending (the repeal of Glass-Stiegel Act), thus resulting in massive failure of those S&L companies; to reimburse their depositors Reagan was forced to spend $560 billion, adding that amount temporarily to the deficit. Carter also introduced the so-called Community Reinvestment Act which resulted in the crash of the housing market in 2007-2008 when pushed by the Democrat majorities under threats of huge fines and jail terms by the Frank-Dodd-Pelosi-Reid criminal combine – when some 600,000 homes were “sold” to “underserved minorities” who had no snowball’s chance in hell to ever pay for them. Later under B. Hussein Obama (our Marxist Muslim president from Kenya) both Fannie May and Freddie Mac went bankrupt and were nationalized with about $180 billion in the red – so far. Reagan’s budget proposals to the Congress were met with derision: the Democrat majority leader Tip O’Neill would come out on the steps of his building every year carrying Reagan’s budget books, and saying DOA (“dead on arrival”) would throw them into a conveniently placed garbage bin. By the end of his presidency the budget was in surplus; the inflation was below 4%; and the unemployment rate was 4.5% (normal bottom rate in boom times). That boom carried into the end of the Clinton presidency in 2000, when that impeached disbarred felon was disciplined by House leader Gingrich. Reagan’s increased military expenditures caused the fall of the Soviet Union’s slave empire in 1990-91. Also, Reagan only nullified Carter’s military reductions. And this Stalinist writer calls this a failure?

They have to lie....his tax cuts caused the longest boom in economic growth in our they have to lie about the effect of lowering taxes...otherwise people would not support their tax, spend, philosophy.......
Liberals Are Trying Hard to Tarnish Reagan's Legacy

There are several far-left agents writing letters to the editor of the local Las Vegas Sun newspaper of the government workers union sympathies. Those writers say that Reagan increased income taxes and in 8 years boosted up the national debt by almost $2 trillion. How the history gets corrupted in the recounting. First, that low-IQ bloviating gasbag Carter (you remember that “nukelar engineer”?) left the country staggering under an inflation rate of 13% and an unemployment rate of 10% (anybody remembers “the misery index” of 23% which is the sum of the two?). The prime interest rate for the best companies was 21%; the regular 30-year mortgage interest rate was 16%. Reagan cut all the income tax rates in three stages (the Democrat majorities in Congress would not let him do it in one swell swoop). After 6 years the tax receipts by the IRS doubled ending with major surpluses. The Dow Industrial Index went from 550 to 4,000. To “save” the failing savings & loan companies Carter had allowed these to engage in commercial building lending (the repeal of Glass-Stiegel Act), thus resulting in massive failure of those S&L companies; to reimburse their depositors Reagan was forced to spend $560 billion, adding that amount temporarily to the deficit. Carter also introduced the so-called Community Reinvestment Act which resulted in the crash of the housing market in 2007-2008 when pushed by the Democrat majorities under threats of huge fines and jail terms by the Frank-Dodd-Pelosi-Reid criminal combine – when some 600,000 homes were “sold” to “underserved minorities” who had no snowball’s chance in hell to ever pay for them. Later under B. Hussein Obama (our Marxist Muslim president from Kenya) both Fannie May and Freddie Mac went bankrupt and were nationalized with about $180 billion in the red – so far. Reagan’s budget proposals to the Congress were met with derision: the Democrat majority leader Tip O’Neill would come out on the steps of his building every year carrying Reagan’s budget books, and saying DOA (“dead on arrival”) would throw them into a conveniently placed garbage bin. By the end of his presidency the budget was in surplus; the inflation was below 4%; and the unemployment rate was 4.5% (normal bottom rate in boom times). That boom carried into the end of the Clinton presidency in 2000, when that impeached disbarred felon was disciplined by House leader Gingrich. Reagan’s increased military expenditures caused the fall of the Soviet Union’s slave empire in 1990-91. Also, Reagan only nullified Carter’s military reductions. And this Stalinist writer calls this a failure?

They have to lie....his tax cuts caused the longest boom in economic growth in our they have to lie about the effect of lowering taxes...otherwise people would not support their tax, spend, philosophy.......

Give me the dates of this "longest boom"......
Liberals Are Trying Hard to Tarnish Reagan's Legacy

There are several far-left agents writing letters to the editor of the local Las Vegas Sun newspaper of the government workers union sympathies. Those writers say that Reagan increased income taxes and in 8 years boosted up the national debt by almost $2 trillion. How the history gets corrupted in the recounting. First, that low-IQ bloviating gasbag Carter (you remember that “nukelar engineer”?) left the country staggering under an inflation rate of 13% and an unemployment rate of 10% (anybody remembers “the misery index” of 23% which is the sum of the two?). The prime interest rate for the best companies was 21%; the regular 30-year mortgage interest rate was 16%. Reagan cut all the income tax rates in three stages (the Democrat majorities in Congress would not let him do it in one swell swoop). After 6 years the tax receipts by the IRS doubled ending with major surpluses. The Dow Industrial Index went from 550 to 4,000. To “save” the failing savings & loan companies Carter had allowed these to engage in commercial building lending (the repeal of Glass-Stiegel Act), thus resulting in massive failure of those S&L companies; to reimburse their depositors Reagan was forced to spend $560 billion, adding that amount temporarily to the deficit. Carter also introduced the so-called Community Reinvestment Act which resulted in the crash of the housing market in 2007-2008 when pushed by the Democrat majorities under threats of huge fines and jail terms by the Frank-Dodd-Pelosi-Reid criminal combine – when some 600,000 homes were “sold” to “underserved minorities” who had no snowball’s chance in hell to ever pay for them. Later under B. Hussein Obama (our Marxist Muslim president from Kenya) both Fannie May and Freddie Mac went bankrupt and were nationalized with about $180 billion in the red – so far. Reagan’s budget proposals to the Congress were met with derision: the Democrat majority leader Tip O’Neill would come out on the steps of his building every year carrying Reagan’s budget books, and saying DOA (“dead on arrival”) would throw them into a conveniently placed garbage bin. By the end of his presidency the budget was in surplus; the inflation was below 4%; and the unemployment rate was 4.5% (normal bottom rate in boom times). That boom carried into the end of the Clinton presidency in 2000, when that impeached disbarred felon was disciplined by House leader Gingrich. Reagan’s increased military expenditures caused the fall of the Soviet Union’s slave empire in 1990-91. Also, Reagan only nullified Carter’s military reductions. And this Stalinist writer calls this a failure?

They have to lie....his tax cuts caused the longest boom in economic growth in our they have to lie about the effect of lowering taxes...otherwise people would not support their tax, spend, philosophy.......

Give me the dates of this "longest boom"......

Here you go genius........

Reagan's boom survived George H.S. Bush tax increase...and it took bill clinton two terms to bring it to an end.......

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever

From November 1982, when President Ronald Reagan's new economic program was beginning to take effect, to November 1989, 18.7 million new jobs were created. It was a world record: Never before had so many jobs been created during a comparable time period.

The new jobs covered the entire spectrum of work, and more than half of them paid more than $20,000 a year. As total employment grew to 119.5 million, the rate of unemployment fell to slightly over 5 percent, the lowest level in 15 years. Creation of wealth.

The amount of wealth produced during this seven year period was stupendous - some $30 trillion worth of goods and services. Again, it was a world record.

Never before had so much wealth been produced during a comparable period. According to a recent study, net asset values - including stocks, bonds and real estate - went up by more than $5 trillion between 1982 and 1989, an increase of roughly 50 percent.

There are other important measures. Steady economic growth. As we begin the decade of the 1990's, we are in our 86th straight month of economic growth - a new record for peacetime, five months longer than the wartime growth of World War II and only 23 months short of the wartime record set during the Vietnam War in the 1960's. Most experts now predict that it will last right through 1990, and perhaps beyond.

Income tax rates, interest rates and inflation.

Under President Reagan, top personal income tax rates were lowered dramatically, from 70 percent to 28 percent. This policy change was the prime force behind the record breaking economic expansion. Interest rates and inflation also fell sharply and, so far, have stayed comfortably low - a further indication of the power and pervasiveness of Mr. Reagan's economic policies. The stock market. Perhaps the key indicator of an economy's booms and busts is the stock market, the bottom line economic report card. And here the record has been striking. During the period from 1970 to 1982, the stock market barely moved. The Standard & Poor's index of 500 stocks inched up about 35 percent during that entire period. But starting in late 1982, just as Reaganomics began to work, the stock market took off like a giant skyrocket. Since then, the Standard & Poor's index has soared, reaching a record high of 360, almost triple what it was in 1982.

There were other consequences of the expansion. Annual Federal spending on public housing and welfare, and on Social Security, Medicare and health all increased by billions of dollars. The poverty rate has fallen steadily since 1983.

When you add up the record of the Reagan years, and the first year of President Bush - during which he has faithfully continued Mr. Reagan's economic policies - the conclusion is clear, inescapable and stunning. We have just witnessed America's Great Expansion.

The Reagan economic expansion was not perfect and we will never have one that is. The Federal budget deficits were too high and still are, too many Federal regulations lay unreformed and the trade deficit is worrisome.
Ronald Reagan is thought of as one of the best Presidents of all time. That's just a fact. But of course Liberals have this need to rewrite history.

And many consider him the most overrated.......
Our commie POS is throwing his invectives and utter criminal lies. Reagan's tax cuts produced a tremendous economic growth resulting in budget surpluses starting in 1984 and lasting through the end of Clinton's criminal rule - thanks to the careful oversight by Gingrich.
Ronald Reagan is thought of as one of the best Presidents of all time. That's just a fact. But of course Liberals have this need to rewrite history.

And many consider him the most overrated.......

People who aren't objective and have their head up their ass. list your objective criteria....

Thanks for the proof that you komrad are a racist communist lying as you breathe. Reagan's tax cuts produced 16 years of tremendous economic growth lasting to the end of Clinton' criminal presidency (well - that disbarred impeached felon was disciplined by Gingrich like a little poodle). Reagan also eliminated that gigantic Gulag known as USSR thus liberating 18 satellites. Reagan's amnesty was conditioned on our building a wall - but the communist Democrat majority never approved the funds for that.
Liberals Are Trying Hard to Tarnish Reagan's Legacy

There are several far-left agents writing letters to the editor of the local Las Vegas Sun newspaper of the government workers union sympathies. Those writers say that Reagan increased income taxes and in 8 years boosted up the national debt by almost $2 trillion. How the history gets corrupted in the recounting. First, that low-IQ bloviating gasbag Carter (you remember that “nukelar engineer”?) left the country staggering under an inflation rate of 13% and an unemployment rate of 10% (anybody remembers “the misery index” of 23% which is the sum of the two?). The prime interest rate for the best companies was 21%; the regular 30-year mortgage interest rate was 16%. Reagan cut all the income tax rates in three stages (the Democrat majorities in Congress would not let him do it in one swell swoop). After 6 years the tax receipts by the IRS doubled ending with major surpluses. The Dow Industrial Index went from 550 to 4,000. To “save” the failing savings & loan companies Carter had allowed these to engage in commercial building lending (the repeal of Glass-Stiegel Act), thus resulting in massive failure of those S&L companies; to reimburse their depositors Reagan was forced to spend $560 billion, adding that amount temporarily to the deficit. Carter also introduced the so-called Community Reinvestment Act which resulted in the crash of the housing market in 2007-2008 when pushed by the Democrat majorities under threats of huge fines and jail terms by the Frank-Dodd-Pelosi-Reid criminal combine – when some 600,000 homes were “sold” to “underserved minorities” who had no snowball’s chance in hell to ever pay for them. Later under B. Hussein Obama (our Marxist Muslim president from Kenya) both Fannie May and Freddie Mac went bankrupt and were nationalized with about $180 billion in the red – so far. Reagan’s budget proposals to the Congress were met with derision: the Democrat majority leader Tip O’Neill would come out on the steps of his building every year carrying Reagan’s budget books, and saying DOA (“dead on arrival”) would throw them into a conveniently placed garbage bin. By the end of his presidency the budget was in surplus; the inflation was below 4%; and the unemployment rate was 4.5% (normal bottom rate in boom times). That boom carried into the end of the Clinton presidency in 2000, when that impeached disbarred felon was disciplined by House leader Gingrich. Reagan’s increased military expenditures caused the fall of the Soviet Union’s slave empire in 1990-91. Also, Reagan only nullified Carter’s military reductions. And this Stalinist writer calls this a failure?

They have to lie....his tax cuts caused the longest boom in economic growth in our they have to lie about the effect of lowering taxes...otherwise people would not support their tax, spend, philosophy.......

Give me the dates of this "longest boom"......

Here you go genius........

Reagan's boom survived George H.S. Bush tax increase...and it took bill clinton two terms to bring it to an end.......

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever

From November 1982, when President Ronald Reagan's new economic program was beginning to take effect, to November 1989, 18.7 million new jobs were created. It was a world record: Never before had so many jobs been created during a comparable time period.

The new jobs covered the entire spectrum of work, and more than half of them paid more than $20,000 a year. As total employment grew to 119.5 million, the rate of unemployment fell to slightly over 5 percent, the lowest level in 15 years. Creation of wealth.

The amount of wealth produced during this seven year period was stupendous - some $30 trillion worth of goods and services. Again, it was a world record.

Never before had so much wealth been produced during a comparable period. According to a recent study, net asset values - including stocks, bonds and real estate - went up by more than $5 trillion between 1982 and 1989, an increase of roughly 50 percent.

There are other important measures. Steady economic growth. As we begin the decade of the 1990's, we are in our 86th straight month of economic growth - a new record for peacetime, five months longer than the wartime growth of World War II and only 23 months short of the wartime record set during the Vietnam War in the 1960's. Most experts now predict that it will last right through 1990, and perhaps beyond.

Income tax rates, interest rates and inflation.

Under President Reagan, top personal income tax rates were lowered dramatically, from 70 percent to 28 percent. This policy change was the prime force behind the record breaking economic expansion. Interest rates and inflation also fell sharply and, so far, have stayed comfortably low - a further indication of the power and pervasiveness of Mr. Reagan's economic policies. The stock market. Perhaps the key indicator of an economy's booms and busts is the stock market, the bottom line economic report card. And here the record has been striking. During the period from 1970 to 1982, the stock market barely moved. The Standard & Poor's index of 500 stocks inched up about 35 percent during that entire period. But starting in late 1982, just as Reaganomics began to work, the stock market took off like a giant skyrocket. Since then, the Standard & Poor's index has soared, reaching a record high of 360, almost triple what it was in 1982.

There were other consequences of the expansion. Annual Federal spending on public housing and welfare, and on Social Security, Medicare and health all increased by billions of dollars. The poverty rate has fallen steadily since 1983.

When you add up the record of the Reagan years, and the first year of President Bush - during which he has faithfully continued Mr. Reagan's economic policies - the conclusion is clear, inescapable and stunning. We have just witnessed America's Great Expansion.

The Reagan economic expansion was not perfect and we will never have one that is. The Federal budget deficits were too high and still are, too many Federal regulations lay unreformed and the trade deficit is worrisome. "Opinion piece", by a Reagan Administration flunky........dated 1990......

How does a POTUS affect interest rates?

get lost, brick.......
Ronald Reagan is thought of as one of the best Presidents of all time. That's just a fact. But of course Liberals have this need to rewrite history.

And many consider him the most overrated.......
Our commie POS is throwing his invectives and utter criminal lies. Reagan's tax cuts produced a tremendous economic growth resulting in budget surpluses starting in 1984 and lasting through the end of Clinton's criminal rule - thanks to the careful oversight by Gingrich.
resulting in budget surpluses starting in 1984

Show me "budget surpluses starting in 1984"....

Reagan entered into his presidency showing signs of dementia...........

Just saying.

We have massive problems existing because of Reagan. No one needs to tarnish him. He did that all by himself.
You must have dementia. The country did great, I was there.

WTF was great about it?
The economy and national pride. Carter years were measured with the Misery Index. I started my business in '85 serving other business, primarily, and many many new business popped up.

obama still does not comprehend that business is what fuels the economy. You can't shit on business and expect good results.

Carter gave Reagan the tool to act like a jack ass in the middle east---which he used relentlessly. He kicked the mentally ill out. His little hand picked group of people that kicked out the Nation of Risk started the whole privatization factor. He just sucked.
You're an idiot. He cut the feds out of running mental hospitals, there's nothing that says they could run them themselves, and they should. That isn't a function of federal government. Jimmy turned his back on the shah of Iran, look what that got us, the mullahs took over. That wasn't Reagan. I'm glad a dumb shit like you doesn't like him, it proves he did something good.

Yeah,the Peshawar Seven didn't happen? The hell is wrong with you?

Reagan repealed The Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 (MHSA) and did this knowing that he had asked for shit like that as a governor. AND then was shot by a mentally ill man that was just recently released from a psychiatric hospital. Again, the hell is wrong with you?

Edited for:
Brzezinski Interview | David N. Gibbs

Carter's contribution.
Last edited:
Ronald Reagan is thought of as one of the best Presidents of all time. That's just a fact. But of course Liberals have this need to rewrite history.

And many consider him the most overrated.......

People who aren't objective and have their head up their ass. list your objective criteria....

Thanks for the proof that you komrad are a racist communist lying as you breathe. Reagan's tax cuts produced 16 years of tremendous economic growth lasting to the end of Clinton' criminal presidency (well - that disbarred impeached felon was disciplined by Gingrich like a little poodle). Reagan also eliminated that gigantic Gulag known as USSR thus liberating 18 satellites. Reagan's amnesty was conditioned on our building a wall - but the communist Democrat majority never approved the funds for that.

Of the ten postwar presidents, the first President Bush brings up the rear. He ranks dead last for both GDP growth and income growth and also ballooned the deficit at a rate faster than every president but Ford.

Presidents And Prosperity - Forbes

Whom did GHW Bush follow?

Get lost. Brick....
Then you need to supply information. Otherwise you're just a troll.

Your Bold Assertion, bleated without the support of any facts or citations, doesn't rise to the level of "argument".....if you think you are equipped for that debate, proceed.
He ended the Cold War. What don't you understand about that?

It's a Bold Assertion, not an argument....

Do you know anything about "The Committee for the Present Danger" or "Team B"?

You're not equipped....
I'm familiar with the Committee ON the Present Danger but not FOR the Present Danger. What do terrorism task forces have to do with choking the Soviet economy through arms build up? Did you get your brainwashing at Howard or Morgan St?

I'm going from memory, you from a fresh trip to Google....

You should have read further.....neither were "terrorism task forces".........I suggested that you were not equipped, and you just demonstrated it.....
Neither have anything to do with choking the Soviet economy through arms buildup.
Trade in your Grambling diploma and go get educated.
Your Bold Assertion, bleated without the support of any facts or citations, doesn't rise to the level of "argument".....if you think you are equipped for that debate, proceed.
He ended the Cold War. What don't you understand about that?

It's a Bold Assertion, not an argument....

Do you know anything about "The Committee for the Present Danger" or "Team B"?

You're not equipped....
I'm familiar with the Committee ON the Present Danger but not FOR the Present Danger. What do terrorism task forces have to do with choking the Soviet economy through arms build up? Did you get your brainwashing at Howard or Morgan St?

I'm going from memory, you from a fresh trip to Google....

You should have read further.....neither were "terrorism task forces".........I suggested that you were not equipped, and you just demonstrated it.....
Neither have anything to do with choking the Soviet economy through arms buildup.
Trade in your Grambling diploma and go get educated. you have no idea.......

take a hike......
He ended the Cold War. What don't you understand about that?

It's a Bold Assertion, not an argument....

Do you know anything about "The Committee for the Present Danger" or "Team B"?

You're not equipped....
I'm familiar with the Committee ON the Present Danger but not FOR the Present Danger. What do terrorism task forces have to do with choking the Soviet economy through arms build up? Did you get your brainwashing at Howard or Morgan St?

I'm going from memory, you from a fresh trip to Google....

You should have read further.....neither were "terrorism task forces".........I suggested that you were not equipped, and you just demonstrated it.....
Neither have anything to do with choking the Soviet economy through arms buildup.
Trade in your Grambling diploma and go get educated. you have no idea.......

take a hike......
Not agreeing with your propagated history revision doesn't mean I'm mistaken.
Reagan's arms buildup choked the Soviet economy and they ultimately collapsed. Carter and lefties were still pushing for and signing bogus arms reduction treaties. Lefties and media were expecting WWIII.
Reagan was right as history empirically demonstrated. Get over it!
Reagan tarnished his own legacy. Only the rich look at his presidency with pride. Reaganomics is what killed the middle class.

I honestly don't know what you folks in the 80's were thinking. Maybe it was the cocaine or too much hair spray.
Reagan entered into his presidency showing signs of dementia...........

Just saying.

We have massive problems existing because of Reagan. No one needs to tarnish him. He did that all by himself.
A new analysis of subtle changes in former President Ronald Reagan’s speaking patterns during the 1980s suggests he had signs of dementia years before doctors diagnosed his Alzheimer’s disease in 1994.

Reagan Had Subtle Signs of Alzheimer's While in Office: Study
Reagan was guilty of breaking the first rule of accounting, balancing your books. He made it impossible for any successive president to retire their debt and created the foundation for our single most worrisome financial threat today. That is a legacy that will eventually destroy any kind word written about Ronald Reagan and justifiably so.

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