Liberals are the violent ones

Those on the government side were the conservatives, called Tories.

Ah, lying. :thup:

How leftist of you.

The liberals sent them packing, in order to found a nation of liberty, based on liberalism.

Yes, I remember fondly Jefferson's address on wealth redistribution and universal health care.

You leftists are so smart, and so honest.

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington

Liberal to Washington was one who supported liberty - i.e. today's Libertarians and Republicans.

But feel free to lie, it is the leftist way.
Republicans support liberty? Not if you want an abortion, not if you want to marry your gay partner.

Try again.
I do too, especially when I think of the 500,000 righties running off to Canada so they could be
How odd you pick a fight over Loyalists and Patriots. Loyalists tended to be the wealthy or those grounded in the Monarchy, while Patriots tended to be the educated and strident believers in the Age of Enlightenment. Then there were the fence sitters who didn't want to make a commitment until they saw a clear path for the new country.

We can argue all day about those numbers and never come to an agreement about what they mean. What we do know is that Loyalists tended to be right thinkers, with wealth, land, and public recognition. Patriots could be either left or right but were predominately left thinking as reflected in the writings of the day. The fence sitters are broken up and represent women, who supported their husbands, native Americans who tended to be Loyalist for the promise of protection the Crown offered and Blacks, who were offered freedom by the Crown. There was also a group of religious people who were stridently non-violent and refused subscription. These people tend to be right thinkers.

Insulting someone by saying that someone is so stupid they have trouble breathing is nasty. So I won't insult you by saying your ancestors were punk ass traitors who sucked red cock. You can see little is gained by going down that path.

What we do know is that 80,000 Loyalists left the country when the Monarchy lost the war. They fled to Canada or went home to Great Britain.
You're either stupid or ignorant, well, or both since they're not mutually exclusive.

The founding fathers had a deep mistrust of government and a good number of them, including 4 of the first 5 presidents were slave owners. Drop the left-thinking love of big government and taxes shit.

Puhleeze, the Founders were pragmatic men interested in building a nation. The Articles of Confederation prove they were fed up with weak centralized government.
What the hell do you think the Constitution is? Left-leaning my ass.
Yeah it spells out human rights that is hardly right thinking.
The Constitution is a document that limits the powers of government. It is for this reason that it is largely ignored by left-leaning Brownshirts.

Please point out exactly where in the constitution your phrase that it limits the powers of government is seen.
Those on the government side were the conservatives, called Tories.

The liberals sent them packing, in order to found a nation of liberty, based on liberalism.
Your ignorance of history and philosophy is showing again, the American Revolutionaries were indeed liberals as in actual LIBERALS in the vein of Locke, Smith and Hobbes, not authoritarian collectivists calling themselves "liberals" (like you), the only claim the modern "liberals" have to the liberalism of the American Revolutionaries is that you are slightly more liberal than Josef Stalin.

You have absolutely no idea what the concept of individual liberty means nor do you have any idea what the founders were actually fighting for or against, hell it's amazing you folks can manage to draw breathe without your government masters giving you leave to do so and it's absolutely NO surprise that when any sort of disagreement arises you invariably resort to force (either personally or via proxy in the form of government coercion) in attempt to get your way.

... but again thanks for the laugh, keep 'em coming.
I am what you would call a "classic liberal", a garbage phrase, only I live now, not then.
Uh-Huh, sure you are and let me know when Elvis gets here ..... :rolleyes:

P.S. the term is classicAL liberal and based on your posts you don't have anything in common with 'em.
You have no idea who I am.
That's true only if what you post is a complete act that doesn't really reflect your philosophy, otherwise I know exactly who you are and what you represent.

And no understanding of liberalism.
LOL, yeah I know, it's whatever you authoritarian collectivists say it is, regardless of history, right Josef?
Liberalism has not changed, just the times in which it is applied.
I continue to see protest and every liberal protest turns violent . WHY????

The problem with the far righties, they sling all kinds of racist shit on line, spew vile bigotry on the anonymous internet... but when push comes to shove... in public...they are big pussies with penis-guns.
Naw. Libs just make shit up to feel offended.

They have a victim complex and need therapy.
Liberals are punks who pick on women and old people. The prissy little shits are overdue for a good old fashioned beating.
Ha Ha, Yours is coming.

Bring it lib, I never met a lib I couldn't foot stomp into the dirt.
I've never seen a rightie stand up for anything where violence was concerned.

Shouldn't you be working on your hey hey ho ho chants lib.
Liberals are punks who pick on women and old people. The prissy little shits are overdue for a good old fashioned beating.
Ha Ha, Yours is coming.

Bring it lib, I never met a lib I couldn't foot stomp into the dirt.
I've never seen a rightie stand up for anything where violence was concerned.

Shouldn't you be working on your hey hey ho ho chants lib.
Shouldn't you be cleaning out your Lazy Boy?
No answers, boys?

Here, I'll start you off. What does a liberal say about Free Speech?
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Full Definition of liberalism
  1. 1: the quality or state of being liberal

  2. 2a often capitalized : a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual libertyand the spiritual and ethical content of Christianityb : a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standardc : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties; specifically : such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (as those involving race, gender, or class)d capitalized : the principles and policies of a Liberal party

So Liberalism is tied to Christianity. :thup:

Those would be the Christians that you leftists hate beyond all things? :eek:

As always, you demonstrate that you're dumb as a bag of hammers.

Don't ever change, shortbus.
Liberals are punks who pick on women and old people. The prissy little shits are overdue for a good old fashioned beating.
Ha Ha, Yours is coming.

Bring it lib, I never met a lib I couldn't foot stomp into the dirt.
I've never seen a rightie stand up for anything where violence was concerned.

Shouldn't you be working on your hey hey ho ho chants lib.
Shouldn't you be cleaning out your Lazy Boy?

What's that, sorry I was shopping for a new boat what were you saying?
Ha Ha, Yours is coming.

Bring it lib, I never met a lib I couldn't foot stomp into the dirt.
I've never seen a rightie stand up for anything where violence was concerned.

Shouldn't you be working on your hey hey ho ho chants lib.
Shouldn't you be cleaning out your Lazy Boy?

What's that, sorry I was shopping for a new boat what were you saying?
I figured

Liberals are the violent ones

Not usually but we did kick British ass to get this place. Try to remember that.

LOL OMG you did not just say that. Classic liberalism of the 18th century bears no relationship to liberalism today. NONE

AND liberalism had ZERO to do with why we fought for independence anyway
Bring it lib, I never met a lib I couldn't foot stomp into the dirt.
I've never seen a rightie stand up for anything where violence was concerned.

Shouldn't you be working on your hey hey ho ho chants lib.
Shouldn't you be cleaning out your Lazy Boy?

What's that, sorry I was shopping for a new boat what were you saying?
I figured


I see your wasting water I thought you libs were all about the environment?
Liberals are the violent ones

Not usually but we did kick British ass to get this place. Try to remember that.

LOL OMG you did not just say that. Classic liberalism of the 18th century bears no relationship to liberalism today. NONE

AND liberalism had ZERO to do with why we fought for independence anyway

Its just a lie the left have been telling for the last couple of years.
Please point out exactly where in the constitution your phrase that it limits the powers of government is seen.
Take a Poli. Sci. 101 course Juanita and stop bothering me with stupid questions.

Maybe you need the course since the Constitution doesn't mention limited government. It was a right wing fabrication.

Good Lord you are uneducated. The Articles of Confederation were all about a strong central government , but were SPECIFICALLY replaced by the COTUS because our founders wanted a LIMITED federal government.

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