Liberals And The Knowledge Gap

– A 2007 study by the Advancement Project and the Power U Center for Social Change says that for every 100 students who were suspended, 15 were Black, 7.9 were American Indian, 6.8 were Latino and 4.8 were white.

– The same study reports that the U.S. spends almost $70 billion annually on incarceration, probation and parole. This number lends itself to a 127% funding increase for incarceration between 1987-2007. Compare that to a 21% increase in funding for higher education in the same 20-year span.

Fact Sheet: How Bad Is the School-to-Prison Pipeline? | Tavis Smiley Reports | PBSView attachment 180981

Is this an attempt to defend the Obama policy??????

Tell it to the 17 dead innocents sacrificed to politically correct 'social justice' doctrine.

It sure is.

You white people, you racist whites, want to get the blacks and Hispanics in prison to fill them up. You guys are crazy racist. You just can't stand for a black or Hispanic to succeed.

"You white people, you racist whites, want to get the blacks and Hispanics in prison to fill them up. You guys are crazy racist. You just can't stand for a black or Hispanic to succeed."

I'm not white, you fool.'s juries that send criminals to prison.

If you want someone to blame, blame it on the cops who were called to his home many times, they should of wrote up a report. Whatever you are, you are a racist.

"...they should of wrote (sic) up a report."

No, they should have been able to arrest Cruz.....but the Obama policy prevented that.

" are a racist."

For edification of this moron..."racist" is defined as a conservative winning the argument with a Liberals.

What are you? What are you hiding. Are you a self hating Chinese, Jew, Christian, Black, Male, Female, whatever you prefer the closet. Yet we know where you live. I'm a Caucasian female but you already know that. Maybe you do not know who you are, maybe even confused about your sexual identity.
10. Obama’s Promise Program resulted in Nikolas Cruz not having an arrest record.

“The core of the approach is a program called PROMISE (Preventing Recidivism through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Support & Education), which substitutes counseling for criminal detention for students who break the law. According to the district website, the program is “designed to address the unique needs of students who have committed a behavioral infraction that would normally lead to a juvenile delinquency arrest and, therefore, entry into the juvenile justice system.”

The expressed goal of PROMISE is to bring about “reductions in external suspension, expulsions and arrests.” Delinquents who are diverted to the program are essentially absolved of responsibility for their actions.” https://www.realclearinvestigations...cipline_policy_and_the_parkland_shooting.html

Be very clear.....for Obama, for Liberals, for Democrats, it is not crime that is the is the color of the perpetrator's skin:

This primitive, stone-age thinking was made official Broward County policy in a Nov. 5, 2013, agreement titled "Collaborative Agreement on School Discipline."

The first "whereas" clause of the agreement states that "the use of arrests and referrals to the criminal justice system may decrease a student's chance of graduation, entering higher education, joining the military and getting a job."

The agreement's third "whereas” clause specifically cites "students of color" as victims of the old, racist policy of treating criminal behavior criminally.'"
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

How about the victim????
"Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

You set 'em up.....I knock 'em down.

So, school admin supposedly ignored warning signs. Where is the link to the Obama-era policy?[/QUOTE]

Do you know who was President in 2011, you dunce?????

a. "The [Obama] Justice Department already has sued school districts in Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi for implementing allegedly racist disciplinary policies."
Holder's Anti-Discipline Push May Threaten Students | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

b. "The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.

According to the Obama administration’s 2014 “Dear Colleague” guidance, any school district whose disciplinary measures showed “disparate impact” – meaning a disproportionately greater number of minority students are affected – is open to investigation by the Departments of Justice and Education, regardless of whether the behavior leading to the discipline is unacceptable."
Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions | Breitbart

c. "Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

d. Obama warned schools not to discipline school children, no matter their actions, if they were members of an authorized minority....meaning, the group voted Democrat.
As a result, Nikolas Cruz was given a pass....multiple passes.....and that unblemished record allowed him to avoid being identified as a possible homicidal maniac.

e. Liberals are responsible for
creating Gun Free Zones
prescribing psychotropic medicines to children
and for the moronic idea behind the "school-to-prison pipeline" policy that allowed Nikolas Cruz to remain free and obtain a weapon.

f. "The new policy resulted from an Obama administration effort begun in 2011 to keep students in school and improve racial outcomes (timeline here)..."

“Obama warned schools not to discipline school children, no matter their actions”.

Bullshit. Link to where an Obama policy specifically said schools cannot discipline school children at all, let alone “no matter their actions”.

And by the way, Cruz is a white boy, so you can save the inevitable “minority getting a pass” line.[/QUOTE]

Drop the barnyard vulgarity.....try to sound like an adult.

"Link to where an Obama policy specifically said schools cannot discipline school children at all, let alone “no matter their actions”.
Easy, peasy
Lemon squeezy

a. "The [Obama] Justice Department already has sued school districts in Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi for implementing allegedly racist disciplinary policies."
Holder's Anti-Discipline Push May Threaten Students | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

b. "The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.

According to the Obama administration’s 2014 “Dear Colleague” guidance, any school district whose disciplinary measures showed “disparate impact” – meaning a disproportionately greater number of minority students are affected – is open to investigation by the Departments of Justice and Education, regardless of whether the behavior leading to the discipline is unacceptable."
Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions | Breitbart

c. "Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

d. Obama warned schools not to discipline school children, no matter their actions, if they were members of an authorized minority....meaning, the group voted Democrat.
As a result, Nikolas Cruz was given a pass....multiple passes.....and that unblemished record allowed him to avoid being identified as a possible homicidal maniac.

e. Liberals are responsible for
creating Gun Free Zones
prescribing psychotropic medicines to children
and for the moronic idea behind the "school-to-prison pipeline" policy that allowed Nikolas Cruz to remain free and obtain a weapon.

f. "The new policy resulted from an Obama administration effort begun in 2011 to keep students in school and improve racial outcomes (timeline here)..."
What did Cruz do AS A STUDENT at the high school that he would have been otherwise arrested for if not for this supposedly lenient Obama-era policy?

"Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

You set 'em up.....I knock 'em down.

So, school admin supposedly ignored warning signs. Where is the link to the Obama-era policy?

Do you know who was President in 2011, you dunce?????

a. "The [Obama] Justice Department already has sued school districts in Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi for implementing allegedly racist disciplinary policies."
Holder's Anti-Discipline Push May Threaten Students | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

b. "The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.

According to the Obama administration’s 2014 “Dear Colleague” guidance, any school district whose disciplinary measures showed “disparate impact” – meaning a disproportionately greater number of minority students are affected – is open to investigation by the Departments of Justice and Education, regardless of whether the behavior leading to the discipline is unacceptable."
Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions | Breitbart

c. "Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

d. Obama warned schools not to discipline school children, no matter their actions, if they were members of an authorized minority....meaning, the group voted Democrat.
As a result, Nikolas Cruz was given a pass....multiple passes.....and that unblemished record allowed him to avoid being identified as a possible homicidal maniac.

e. Liberals are responsible for
creating Gun Free Zones
prescribing psychotropic medicines to children
and for the moronic idea behind the "school-to-prison pipeline" policy that allowed Nikolas Cruz to remain free and obtain a weapon.

f. "The new policy resulted from an Obama administration effort begun in 2011 to keep students in school and improve racial outcomes (timeline here)..."

“Obama warned schools not to discipline school children, no matter their actions”.

Bullshit. Link to where an Obama policy specifically said schools cannot discipline school children at all, let alone “no matter their actions”.

And by the way, Cruz is a white boy, so you can save the inevitable “minority getting a pass” line.

Drop the barnyard vulgarity.....try to sound like an adult.

"Link to where an Obama policy specifically said schools cannot discipline school children at all, let alone “no matter their actions”.
Easy, peasy
Lemon squeezy

a. "The [Obama] Justice Department already has sued school districts in Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi for implementing allegedly racist disciplinary policies."
Holder's Anti-Discipline Push May Threaten Students | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

b. "The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.

According to the Obama administration’s 2014 “Dear Colleague” guidance, any school district whose disciplinary measures showed “disparate impact” – meaning a disproportionately greater number of minority students are affected – is open to investigation by the Departments of Justice and Education, regardless of whether the behavior leading to the discipline is unacceptable."
Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions | Breitbart

c. "Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

d. Obama warned schools not to discipline school children, no matter their actions, if they were members of an authorized minority....meaning, the group voted Democrat.
As a result, Nikolas Cruz was given a pass....multiple passes.....and that unblemished record allowed him to avoid being identified as a possible homicidal maniac.

e. Liberals are responsible for
creating Gun Free Zones
prescribing psychotropic medicines to children
and for the moronic idea behind the "school-to-prison pipeline" policy that allowed Nikolas Cruz to remain free and obtain a weapon.

f. "The new policy resulted from an Obama administration effort begun in 2011 to keep students in school and improve racial outcomes (timeline here)..."

He assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."

So we are told, by whom??
Last edited:
Is this an attempt to defend the Obama policy??????

Tell it to the 17 dead innocents sacrificed to politically correct 'social justice' doctrine.

It sure is.

You white people, you racist whites, want to get the blacks and Hispanics in prison to fill them up. You guys are crazy racist. You just can't stand for a black or Hispanic to succeed.

"You white people, you racist whites, want to get the blacks and Hispanics in prison to fill them up. You guys are crazy racist. You just can't stand for a black or Hispanic to succeed."

I'm not white, you fool.'s juries that send criminals to prison.

If you want someone to blame, blame it on the cops who were called to his home many times, they should of wrote up a report. Whatever you are, you are a racist.

"...they should of wrote (sic) up a report."

No, they should have been able to arrest Cruz.....but the Obama policy prevented that.

" are a racist."

For edification of this moron..."racist" is defined as a conservative winning the argument with a Liberals.

What are you? What are you hiding. Are you a self hating Chinese, Jew, Christian, Black, Male, Female, whatever you prefer the closet. Yet we know where you live. I'm a Caucasian female but you already know that. Maybe you do not know who you are, maybe even confused about your sexual identity.

Every day, in every way, you prove how deeply stupid you are.

Today: "What are you? What are you hiding. Are you a self hating,,,,"

I know I'm not perfect....but so close it's scary.
I could shame the Seraphs with my goodness.

I often feel sorry for those who don't know me.
It sure is.

You white people, you racist whites, want to get the blacks and Hispanics in prison to fill them up. You guys are crazy racist. You just can't stand for a black or Hispanic to succeed.

"You white people, you racist whites, want to get the blacks and Hispanics in prison to fill them up. You guys are crazy racist. You just can't stand for a black or Hispanic to succeed."

I'm not white, you fool.'s juries that send criminals to prison.

If you want someone to blame, blame it on the cops who were called to his home many times, they should of wrote up a report. Whatever you are, you are a racist.

"...they should of wrote (sic) up a report."

No, they should have been able to arrest Cruz.....but the Obama policy prevented that.

" are a racist."

For edification of this moron..."racist" is defined as a conservative winning the argument with a Liberals.

What are you? What are you hiding. Are you a self hating Chinese, Jew, Christian, Black, Male, Female, whatever you prefer the closet. Yet we know where you live. I'm a Caucasian female but you already know that. Maybe you do not know who you are, maybe even confused about your sexual identity.

Every day, in every way, you prove how deeply stupid you are.

Today: "What are you? What are you hiding. Are you a self hating,,,,"

I know I'm not perfect....but so close it's scary.
I could shame the Seraphs with my goodness.

I often feel sorry for those who don't know me.

Oh by
Ann Coulter, I see. I doubt you could shame the Seraphs. So you are not white, a black jew?
Drop the barnyard vulgarity.....try to sound like an adult.

Take your own advice:

politicalchic said:
Do you know who was President in 2011, you dunce?????

politicalchic said:
"Link to where an Obama policy specifically said schools cannot discipline school children at all, let alone “no matter their actions”.
Easy, peasy
Lemon squeezy

a. "The [Obama] Justice Department already has sued school districts in Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi for implementing allegedly racist disciplinary policies."
Holder's Anti-Discipline Push May Threaten Students | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

b. "The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.

According to the Obama administration’s 2014 “Dear Colleague” guidance, any school district whose disciplinary measures showed “disparate impact” – meaning a disproportionately greater number of minority students are affected – is open to investigation by the Departments of Justice and Education, regardless of whether the behavior leading to the discipline is unacceptable."
Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions | Breitbart

c. "Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

d. Obama warned schools not to discipline school children, no matter their actions, if they were members of an authorized minority....meaning, the group voted Democrat.
As a result, Nikolas Cruz was given a pass....multiple passes.....and that unblemished record allowed him to avoid being identified as a possible homicidal maniac.

e. Liberals are responsible for
creating Gun Free Zones
prescribing psychotropic medicines to children
and for the moronic idea behind the "school-to-prison pipeline" policy that allowed Nikolas Cruz to remain free and obtain a weapon.

f. "The new policy resulted from an Obama administration effort begun in 2011 to keep students in school and improve racial outcomes (timeline here)..."

Still nothing proving that the Obama policy specifically forbid schools from disciplining students “no matter their actions”.

And once again, Cruz is a white boy.
Drop the barnyard vulgarity.....try to sound like an adult.

Take your own advice:

politicalchic said:
Do you know who was President in 2011, you dunce?????

politicalchic said:
"Link to where an Obama policy specifically said schools cannot discipline school children at all, let alone “no matter their actions”.
Easy, peasy
Lemon squeezy

a. "The [Obama] Justice Department already has sued school districts in Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi for implementing allegedly racist disciplinary policies."
Holder's Anti-Discipline Push May Threaten Students | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

b. "The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.

According to the Obama administration’s 2014 “Dear Colleague” guidance, any school district whose disciplinary measures showed “disparate impact” – meaning a disproportionately greater number of minority students are affected – is open to investigation by the Departments of Justice and Education, regardless of whether the behavior leading to the discipline is unacceptable."
Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions | Breitbart

c. "Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

d. Obama warned schools not to discipline school children, no matter their actions, if they were members of an authorized minority....meaning, the group voted Democrat.
As a result, Nikolas Cruz was given a pass....multiple passes.....and that unblemished record allowed him to avoid being identified as a possible homicidal maniac.

e. Liberals are responsible for
creating Gun Free Zones
prescribing psychotropic medicines to children
and for the moronic idea behind the "school-to-prison pipeline" policy that allowed Nikolas Cruz to remain free and obtain a weapon.

f. "The new policy resulted from an Obama administration effort begun in 2011 to keep students in school and improve racial outcomes (timeline here)..."

Still nothing proving that the Obama policy specifically forbid schools from disciplining students “no matter their actions”.

And once again, Cruz is a white boy.

indecent; obscene; lewd

You, not me.

"Still nothing proving that the Obama policy specifically forbid schools from disciplining students “no matter their actions”.

It is essential that dunces like you post clearly false statements, as they prove what I post.

Obama sued any that didn't comply.

a. "The [Obama] Justice Department already has sued school districts in Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi for implementing allegedly racist disciplinary policies."
Holder's Anti-Discipline Push May Threaten Students | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
Present Day Liberals (Progs) have discarded knowledge and reason in favor of their FEELZ.
what about the center, you know the sane ones sandwiched in between you fucking nutzies?
/——/ The Center is occupied by those who can’t make up their minds on which way to lean. They wear plaid clothes and eat Neapolitan ice cream so not to offend.

the center is made up of people who understand people disagree and know that they can't screw up governing by enacting insane radical rightwingnut policies.
/----/ What about enacting insane radical leftwingnut policies?
what about the center, you know the sane ones sandwiched in between you fucking nutzies?
/——/ The Center is occupied by those who can’t make up their minds on which way to lean. They wear plaid clothes and eat Neapolitan ice cream so not to offend.

the center is made up of people who understand people disagree and know that they can't screw up governing by enacting insane radical rightwingnut policies.
/----/ What about enacting insane radical leftwingnut policies?

Here is their response to their side 'enacting insane radical leftwingnut policies.'

I wonder how many mass shootings in schools across the US that Obama prevented with his PBIS program. Many I assume.
What an ironic OP title. DEPLORABLES are the dumbest people on earth and we see it here every day.
Each day a lib will post a fact and immediately an uniformed member of the cult will ask for a link.
Bripat and Miketx are two obvious culprits.

One comment B just made today was “ Acid Rain is a myth. “
Another I love is “ Fact checks are fake news”

Take Trump for example. His revels in his ignorance. Yesterday standing next to the Swedish Prime Minister he repeatedly lied.

The old hag punches herself in the face again.
The old hag can never post a valid thread because if she did, her whole house of cards would come tumbling down..
Drop the barnyard vulgarity.....try to sound like an adult.

Take your own advice:

politicalchic said:
Do you know who was President in 2011, you dunce?????

politicalchic said:
"Link to where an Obama policy specifically said schools cannot discipline school children at all, let alone “no matter their actions”.
Easy, peasy
Lemon squeezy

a. "The [Obama] Justice Department already has sued school districts in Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi for implementing allegedly racist disciplinary policies."
Holder's Anti-Discipline Push May Threaten Students | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

b. "The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.

According to the Obama administration’s 2014 “Dear Colleague” guidance, any school district whose disciplinary measures showed “disparate impact” – meaning a disproportionately greater number of minority students are affected – is open to investigation by the Departments of Justice and Education, regardless of whether the behavior leading to the discipline is unacceptable."
Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions | Breitbart

c. "Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

d. Obama warned schools not to discipline school children, no matter their actions, if they were members of an authorized minority....meaning, the group voted Democrat.
As a result, Nikolas Cruz was given a pass....multiple passes.....and that unblemished record allowed him to avoid being identified as a possible homicidal maniac.

e. Liberals are responsible for
creating Gun Free Zones
prescribing psychotropic medicines to children
and for the moronic idea behind the "school-to-prison pipeline" policy that allowed Nikolas Cruz to remain free and obtain a weapon.

f. "The new policy resulted from an Obama administration effort begun in 2011 to keep students in school and improve racial outcomes (timeline here)..."

Still nothing proving that the Obama policy specifically forbid schools from disciplining students “no matter their actions”.

And once again, Cruz is a white boy.
Oh, lawdy you're daft.
I wonder how many mass shootings in schools across the US that Obama prevented with his PBIS program. Many I assume.

I bet you 'wonder' about a lot of things.....clearly, 'knowing' is not your strong suit.

Let's see if I can help.

Only two changes need be authorized to fundamentally end mass shooting:

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings.

a."Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

b. "From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ‘assault weapons’ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: We’ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on “assault weapons” was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Council’s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data “did not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.” The Justice Department’s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that weren’t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review

c. … the data shows that all mass shooting are in ‘Gun Free Zones,’ and when nearly all mass shooters are on prescribed psychotropic drugs…..
“At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

It is important to note the … cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public. To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatry-ist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been taking—though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatrist’s “care”.

Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published.

There have been 22 international drug regulatory warnings issued on psychiatric drugs causing violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis, and other violent type reactions. These warnings have been issued in the United States, European Union, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.”
Columbine | CCHR International

Now......why wouldn't Hussein Obama know this??????
1.I have said this before: if those on the Left knew as much as we on the Right, they’d be on the Right, too.
If you know all the pertinent facts, and you’re honest, your conclusions will be conservative.

This thread will prove it.

2.I saw Mark Glaze, former executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, on Tucker Carlson’s show, discussing the school shootings.
Glaze made all of the well-known arguments for gun control….and then Carlson asked him if he thought the Promise Program contributed to the horrifying incident.

He said he was unaware of the program, had never heard of it.
Just like most Liberals/Democrats.

This anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Bill of Rights spokesperson, unaware of the single greatest contributor to Nikolas Cruz’s ability to slaughter 17 human beings.

3. If you are a Democrat, a Liberal, a gun-control supporter….I’m betting that you are, also, unaware.
And I’ll bet that you are unaware of the fact that the actions of Barack Obama played a far greater role in the massacre than the NRA.
It's a fact.

4. Here's how that happened.
While puzzling over why black students had a graduation rate of only 61 percent compared to 81 percent for white students, it was determined that it was largely because of their arrest rates.
Another fact was revealed: “black students made up two-thirds of all suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year despite comprising only 40 percent of the student body.”
Obama Program May Have Helped Nikolas Cruz Slip Through the Cracks

5. Using the usual Liberal divining rod, and looking for ways to correct the behavior that led to suspensions and arrests,…. These deep thinkers deduced that it must be racial bias leading to the arrests.

6. Using the power, status and treasury of government….”President Obama’s program rewarded local governments with grants if they kept school arrests down.’

7.Get it?

Schools no longer suspended miscreants, and police….like the Broward Sheriff’s Department, no longer arrested those eligible.
Nikolas Cruz committed numerous acts that made him eligible for suspension and arrest…in a sane world.

But he wasn’t arrested, because of the Obama program.

You didn’t know this….did you?

Did you know that The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

It's funny, because I use facts, I use statistics, I make an argument and back it up with sources, and what do I get from the right?

Insults half the time.

Yeah, you pretend that all liberals know nothing and people who just make stuff up (they call it believing) are always right.

1.I have said this before: if those on the Left knew as much as we on the Right, they’d be on the Right, too.
If you know all the pertinent facts, and you’re honest, your conclusions will be conservative.

This thread will prove it.

2.I saw Mark Glaze, former executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, on Tucker Carlson’s show, discussing the school shootings.
Glaze made all of the well-known arguments for gun control….and then Carlson asked him if he thought the Promise Programcontributed to the horrifying incident.

He said he was unaware of the program, had never heard of it.
Just like most Liberals/Democrats.

This anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Bill of Rights spokesperson, unaware of the single greatest contributor to Nikolas Cruz’s ability to slaughter 17 human beings.

3. If you are a Democrat, a Liberal, a gun-control supporter….I’m betting that you are, also, unaware.
And I’ll bet that you are unaware of the fact that the actions of Barack Obama played a far greater role in the massacre than the NRA.
It's a fact.

4. Here's how that happened.
While puzzling over why black students had a graduation rate of only 61 percent compared to 81 percent for white students, it was determined that it was largely because of their arrest rates.
Another fact was revealed: “black students made up two-thirds of all suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year despite comprising only 40 percent of the student body.”
Obama Program May Have Helped Nikolas Cruz Slip Through the Cracks

5. Using the usual Liberal divining rod, and looking for ways to correct the behavior that led to suspensions and arrests,…. These deep thinkers deduced that it must be racial bias leading to the arrests.

6. Using the power, status and treasury of government….”President Obama’s program rewarded local governments with grants if they kept school arrests down.’

7.Get it?

Schools no longer suspended miscreants, and police….like the Broward Sheriff’s Department, no longer arrested those eligible.
Nikolas Cruz committed numerous acts that made him eligible for suspension and arrest…in a sane world.

But he wasn’t arrested, because of the Obama program.

You didn’t know this….did you?
No, smart people don’t bother with alternative facts but I thank you for you revealing your racist bent.
What an ironic OP title. DEPLORABLES are the dumbest people on earth and we see it here every day.
Each day a lib will post a fact and immediately an uniformed member of the cult will ask for a link.
Bripat and Miketx are two obvious culprits.

One comment B just made today was “ Acid Rain is a myth. “
Another I love is “ Fact checks are fake news”

Take Trump for example. His revels in his ignorance. Yesterday standing next to the Swedish Prime Minister he repeatedly lied.

The old hag punches herself in the face again.

Sooooo.....while it brought you're unable to respond to any of this:

2.I saw Mark Glaze, former executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, on Tucker Carlson’s show, discussing the school shootings.
Glaze made all of the well-known arguments for gun control….and then Carlson asked him if he thought the Promise Programcontributed to the horrifying incident.

He said he was unaware of the program, had never heard of it.
Just like most Liberals/Democrats.

This anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Bill of Rights spokesperson, unaware of the single greatest contributor to Nikolas Cruz’s ability to slaughter 17 human beings.

3. If you are a Democrat, a Liberal, a gun-control supporter….I’m betting that you are, also, unaware.
And I’ll bet that you are unaware of the fact that the actions of Barack Obama played a far greater role in the massacre than the NRA.
It's a fact.

4. Here's how that happened.
While puzzling over why black students had a graduation rate of only 61 percent compared to 81 percent for white students, it was determined that it was largely because of their arrest rates.
Another fact was revealed: “black students made up two-thirds of all suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year despite comprising only 40 percent of the student body.”
Obama Program May Have Helped Nikolas Cruz Slip Through the Cracks

5. Using the usual Liberal divining rod, and looking for ways to correct the behavior that led to suspensions and arrests,…. These deep thinkers deduced that it must be racial bias leading to the arrests.

6. Using the power, status and treasury of government….”President Obama’s program rewarded local governments with grants if they kept school arrests down.’

7.Get it?

Schools no longer suspended miscreants, and police….like the Broward Sheriff’s Department, no longer arrested those eligible.
Nikolas Cruz committed numerous acts that made him eligible for suspension and arrest…in a sane world.

But he wasn’t arrested, because of the Obama program.

You didn’t know this….did you?

It appears that you are simply a few short hours out of the primordial ooze.
What an ironic OP title. DEPLORABLES are the dumbest people on earth and we see it here every day.
Each day a lib will post a fact and immediately an uniformed member of the cult will ask for a link.
Bripat and Miketx are two obvious culprits.

One comment B just made today was “ Acid Rain is a myth. “
Another I love is “ Fact checks are fake news”

Take Trump for example. His revels in his ignorance. Yesterday standing next to the Swedish Prime Minister he repeatedly lied.

The old hag punches herself in the face again.

Excellent observation
I wonder how many mass shootings in schools across the US that Obama prevented with his PBIS program. Many I assume.

I bet you 'wonder' about a lot of things.....clearly, 'knowing' is not your strong suit.

Let's see if I can help.

Only two changes need be authorized to fundamentally end mass shooting:

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings.

a."Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

b. "From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ‘assault weapons’ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: We’ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on “assault weapons” was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Council’s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data “did not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.” The Justice Department’s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that weren’t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review

c. … the data shows that all mass shooting are in ‘Gun Free Zones,’ and when nearly all mass shooters are on prescribed psychotropic drugs…..
“At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

It is important to note the … cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public. To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatry-ist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been taking—though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatrist’s “care”.

Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published.

There have been 22 international drug regulatory warnings issued on psychiatric drugs causing violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis, and other violent type reactions. These warnings have been issued in the United States, European Union, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.”
Columbine | CCHR International

Now......why wouldn't Hussein Obama know this??????
View attachment 181003
I wonder how many mass shootings in schools across the US that Obama prevented with his PBIS program. Many I assume.

I bet you 'wonder' about a lot of things.....clearly, 'knowing' is not your strong suit.

Let's see if I can help.

Only two changes need be authorized to fundamentally end mass shooting:

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings.

a."Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

b. "From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ‘assault weapons’ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: We’ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on “assault weapons” was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Council’s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data “did not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.” The Justice Department’s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that weren’t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review

c. … the data shows that all mass shooting are in ‘Gun Free Zones,’ and when nearly all mass shooters are on prescribed psychotropic drugs…..
“At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

It is important to note the … cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public. To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatry-ist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been taking—though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatrist’s “care”.

Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published.

There have been 22 international drug regulatory warnings issued on psychiatric drugs causing violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis, and other violent type reactions. These warnings have been issued in the United States, European Union, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.”
Columbine | CCHR International

Now......why wouldn't Hussein Obama know this??????

I bet you 'wonder' about a lot of things.....clearly, 'knowing' is not your strong suit.

Let's see if I can help.

Only two changes need be authorized to fundamentally end mass shooting:

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings.

a."Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

b. "From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ‘assault weapons’ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: We’ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on “assault weapons” was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Council’s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data “did not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.” The Justice Department’s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that weren’t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review

c. … the data shows that all mass shooting are in ‘Gun Free Zones,’ and when nearly all mass shooters are on prescribed psychotropic drugs…..
“At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

It is important to note the … cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public. To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatry-ist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been taking—though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatrist’s “care”.

Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published.

There have been 22 international drug regulatory warnings issued on psychiatric drugs causing violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis, and other violent type reactions. These warnings have been issued in the United States, European Union, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.”
Columbine | CCHR International

Now......why wouldn't Hussein Obama know this??????[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

Do you know the difference between Planned Parenthood and the NRA?

One sells arms, and the other is the NRA.

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