Liberal rag, ThinkProgress, is butthurt over being factchecked and censored by Facebook


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Facebook accused of censorship by liberal site after Weekly Standard fact checks article

A liberal news site is seeing red after a Facebook fact checker tagged a story as false.

A writer at liberal news site ThinkProgress is outraged that Facebook has labeled an article he wrote about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as “false” based on a fact check by The Weekly Standard.

Facebook announced last year that it would work with The Weekly Standard, which describes itself as a “Weekly Conservative Magazine & Blog,” as a fact checking partner.

The ThinkProgress article in question is, “Brett Kavanaugh said he would kill Roe v. Wade last week and almost no one noticed.”

The label was applied because Kavanaugh never "said" he would “kill” Roe V. Wade as stated in the ThinkProgress headline.

Facebook demotes posts rated by its fact-checkers as “false,” which can reduce the article's distribution in Newsfeed by 80 percent...

Who factchecks the factcheckers?
I hate to sound racist…

But it’s been my experience that Asians

Are extremely smart hard working decent people….

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