Liberal Logic


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
In all seriousness, most liberals seem to believe the following:

* Letting people keep more of their own money causes deficits and recessions.

* Taking more money from people and giving it to the government leads to economic growth.

* It is an outrage to execute a murderer who was convicted by a jury of his peers and sentenced by a judge or a jury, but it's perfectly okay to kill a third-trimester baby solely for the convenience of the mother and/or the father.

* A county clerk who refuses to issue same-sex marriage licenses should be jailed, but mayors and city councils of sanctuary cities, which are openly refusing to enforce federal law, should be congratulated.

* Forcing people to join unions against their will and using their dues for political causes that those people oppose is noble, but giving state union members the option not to pay their union dues is an assault on workers' rights.

* Giving Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, hundreds of billions of dollars and allowing Iran to keep its nuclear weapon infrastructure will promote peace and stability, and not doing these things will make the world less safe.
What? The 1% is making record profits and cutting investment into our own country will surely cause a new recession.

making more tech r&d and funding science = a stronger economy. Hell, most of our higher paying jobs are within these two areas.

You're a nut.
The nut op is just a loserterian whining about how much he hates government and how much he hates investment that America has always done.
The Keystone XL is needed infrastructure, and lifting the crude export ban would be an investment in America.
Hydraulic fracturing is safe, yet Liberals hate it because they refuse to even try to learn the science behind it.
You're the freaking nutcase. :slap:
In all seriousness, most conservatives seem incapable of reasoned, logical thought, their 'arguments' invariably ending up as one type of a fallacy or another – the OP being one of many examples.
In all seriousness, most conservatives seem incapable of reasoned, logical thought, their 'arguments' invariably ending up as one type of a fallacy or another – the OP being one of many examples.

Says the guy who doesn't know one fallacy from another.
Letting people keep more of their own money causes deficits and recessions.

Fail: Straw man fallacy – liberals believe no such thing.

Taking more money from people and giving it to the government leads to economic growth.

Fail: Straw man fallacy – liberals believe no such thing.

It is an outrage to execute a murderer who was convicted by a jury of his peers and sentenced by a judge or a jury, but it's perfectly okay to kill a third-trimester baby solely for the convenience of the mother and/or the father.

Fail: False comparison fallacy – confusing criminal law with civil law, procedural due process with substantive due process.

A county clerk who refuses to issue same-sex marriage licenses should be jailed, but mayors and city councils of sanctuary cities, which are openly refusing to enforce federal law, should be congratulated.

Fail: False comparison fallacy – Kim Davis was jailed of her own free will for refusing to follow a lawful court order, in no way similar to jurisdictions allegedly in violation of immigration law.

Forcing people to join unions against their will and using their dues for political causes that those people oppose is noble, but giving state union members the option not to pay their union dues is an assault on workers' rights.

Fail: Straw man fallacy – liberals neither believe nor advocate for any such thing. This is a ridiculous lie. No one is 'forced' to join a union; moreover, federal law and state laws prohibit union dues being used as contributions to political campaigns.

Giving Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, hundreds of billions of dollars and allowing Iran to keep its nuclear weapon infrastructure will promote peace and stability, and not doing these things will make the world less safe.

Fail: Straw man fallacy – liberals neither believe nor advocate for any such thing. Iran has no “ nuclear weapon infrastructure,” consequently it's not being 'allowed' to keep anything.

The OP comprehensively fails – made up of nothing but ridiculous lies, fallacies, ignorance, and inane partisan contrivances completely devoid of fact and merit.

Given this and other posts by the OP, he's in no position to be critical of others' 'lack' of logic.
The tax payer gives far more in subsidies to American businesses.

Amounts paid to program beneficiaries rose from $28.6 billion in 2005 to $76.6 billion in 2013. This increase was due to the high unemployment rate (leading to higher SNAP participation) and the increased benefit per person with the passing of ARRA. SNAP average monthly benefits increased from $96.18 per person to $133.08 per person. Other program costs, which include the Federal share of State administrative expenses, Nutrition Education, and Employment and Training, amounted to roughly $3.7 million in 2013.[4] There were cuts into the program's budget introduced in 2014 that were estimated to save $8.6 billion over 10 years. Some of the states are looking for measures within the states to balance the cuts, so they would not affect the recipients of the federal aid program.[34]
The tax payer gives far more in subsidies to American businesses.

Amounts paid to program beneficiaries rose from $28.6 billion in 2005 to $76.6 billion in 2013. This increase was due to the high unemployment rate (leading to higher SNAP participation) and the increased benefit per person with the passing of ARRA. SNAP average monthly benefits increased from $96.18 per person to $133.08 per person. Other program costs, which include the Federal share of State administrative expenses, Nutrition Education, and Employment and Training, amounted to roughly $3.7 million in 2013.[4] There were cuts into the program's budget introduced in 2014 that were estimated to save $8.6 billion over 10 years. Some of the states are looking for measures within the states to balance the cuts, so they would not affect the recipients of the federal aid program.[34]

No...subsidizing people out of work is not subsidizing businesses. That is subsidizing the workers, especially the workers who didn't graduate from high school, had kids as unemployed teenagers, got a criminal record, and so on........paying unemployment and other benefits to unemployed workers goes to the worker.......not the business

Keep in mind, the bussiness owner is not a slave master, he does not own the workers and is not bound to take care of every aspect of the workers life....I know that is the way you leftards see it...but it isn't the reality. You and the employer are both free to accept or reject the employment contract.......

If you want brave and just admit it....the slave master could then be held liable for the health and welfare of his property.......but otherwise.....try to get past your left wing brainwashing...
Too stupid. Corporate welfare is just that. . . welfare. Subsidizing the poor and hungry is the right thing morally. Is it paternalistic, yes, in that someone else is paying it forward so that those being helped will become self sufficient.

Now the amounts shown, in relation to the overall budget, are quite small in %, so avg guy, nicely, go homofy yourself until you can tell the truth.

Libetarianism and hard right economic conservatism are the poor sort of Americanism that is rightly denounced by good Americans.
Too stupid. Corporate welfare is just that. . . welfare. Subsidizing the poor and hungry is the right thing morally. Is it paternalistic, yes, in that someone else is paying it forward so that those being helped will become self sufficient.

Now the amounts shown, in relation to the overall budget, are quite small in %, so avg guy, nicely, go homofy yourself until you can tell the truth.

Libetarianism and hard right economic conservatism are the poor sort of Americanism that is rightly denounced by good Americans.
Welfare is plunder. It's not charity. You can "subsidize" whomever you like with your own money. If you want to use my money, you're a thug.

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