Liberal hate & intolerance

You forgot to mention respect for property...

Or photoshop....
1st post
I don't think that the a-hole should have been fired for expressing his gayness. I think his company was waiting for some reason to fire him and this was as good as any. I am not sure if he will appeal his firing to the Fudge Packers Union.

Man, he was ultra queer, wasn't he? This guy is the epitome of gay. He not only loses his job, but now his wife finds out his deep, dark secret. Bad day for this flaming homo...

I think he may find employment pole dancing.
Where would the right be without photoshop?
Just look at the majority of their avatars on here.

That's much better, I had to berate another liberal poster for actually posting lies instead of the BS innuendo that liberals so love to do. You have proved positively of what I postulated thanks.

So who did the photo shop? The LA Times or CBS? Now we know CBS can't be trusted but the LA Times? Which one?
5th post
Umm this is about the 4th thread on this.
Try and keep up.

Well, unlike you liberals, I have job so I can't spend ALL day on USMB reading threads. There are not enough hours in the day for working people to read each thread. Must be nice though to live off the government (through money taken against the will of hard working conservatives) so you can stay home and not miss a single thing on USMB though, uh?
Naah I would rather be working, but just staying above ground is getting harder and harder.

Had to go on disability so I could get Medicare because no one would insure a terminal man. That old pre-existing condition thingy.

Did not need the money for living on from SS. And of course i had paid in around 200k to SS over the years...

So you acknowledge that you're home on USMB all day while I'm working. So perhaps you could cut me some slack for not knowing every thread created?

In a free and diverse nation that welcomes everyone's beliefs, views, orientation, and treats them all equally! Democracy is such a hateful thing, tbh.

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Republicans don't like their discrimination criticized. They feel they are being "discriminated" against.
Republicans don't like their discrimination criticized. They feel they are being "discriminated" against.

Our record is alittle better than democrats.......the party of lynching....come on boys lets go round up some negros for the KKK members Robert Byrd and Harry Truman

redean you make it too easy, some people know the truth and disregard the liberal propaganda ;)
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The right tries to silence people they don't like as well.

Like Bill Maher.

You may be right on this - but I've never heard of it. Which conservatives have tried to silence Bill Maher?

Just for the record, all the conservatives I know LOVE keeping people like Bill Maher on the airwaves because they bury the liberal cause with stupidity, hate, violent rhetoric, etc. The hateful things Bill Maher has said has done more for the conservative cause than anything Glenn Beck could ever do.

Are you kidding??? Beck has done everything but set a liberal on fire!!!
15th post
The right tries to silence people they don't like as well.

Like Bill Maher.

You may be right on this - but I've never heard of it. Which conservatives have tried to silence Bill Maher?

Just for the record, all the conservatives I know LOVE keeping people like Bill Maher on the airwaves because they bury the liberal cause with stupidity, hate, violent rhetoric, etc. The hateful things Bill Maher has said has done more for the conservative cause than anything Glenn Beck could ever do.

Are you kidding??? Beck has done everything but set a liberal on fire!!!

Shhhhhh... in Rott's world, Beck is a voice of sense and reason. Completely ignore the fact Faux News fired him for being too crazy. .
Liberalism is not a suicide pact.

The tolerance you seek from liberalism (tolerance of you haters) isn't something you ought to expect liberals to grant.
Umm this is about the 4th thread on this.
Try and keep up.

Beck is their master, the right wingers are mindless sheep.

Plenty of mindless sheep on both ends of the spectrum.

Plenty of bigotry on both ends of the spectrum.

Plenty of intolerance on both ends of the spectrum.

American public debate has deteriorated into who can scream the loudest, who can make the most absurd hyperbolic claims, who can spin & divert the best, who is the most narcissistic.

Which is precisely why the ship is sinking and everyone is standing around pointing the finger at someone else.

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