Liberal Fake News Worse Than Ever


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I just heard 3 different MSM TV stations report that not only are cases of Covid-19 going up (I'm not so sure about that), but they also said the US mortality rate from Covid is going up. I am sure about that one. It's FALSE!

The US Covid rate is going DOWN (according to the CDC), and it has continually been going down since mid-April. Then, it was almost 17,000 deaths. per week. A month later it was about 9,000, in June it dropped to 4,000, and at last count (July 18), it's down to 1,513.

MSM is also sugar coating the 2 month long street crime going on in Portland, OR, speaking sweetly of the radical street thugs, and their criminal mayors, while criticizing President Trump for doing his Constitutional job. When George Floyd died, the media never stopped talking aboutit, but when Cody Holte (N. Dakota cop) died the same day, we didn't hear a peep.


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