Liberal Echo Chambers Are Getting Smaller

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Liberals are destroying themselves in a way Conservatives could never dream of. Yes, the moral decay was evident but just pointing out disgusting sexual perversions, drug addition, crime and their lack of personal responsibility did little to change the minds in the highly concentrated areas LIeberals live. If it did lieberals would do something about shitholes like Chicago.

As Lieberals continue to concentrate in urban plantations, they reinforce each others lack of personal responsibility. Drug addicts and criminals validate each other. Illegal aliens protect each other. Consequently the libtarded echo chamber becomes more concentrated. Moral compass is lost, accountability subsides, and the result is they never hear anyone holding them to higher standards.

Meanwhile the core of the country continues to expand with moral codes instilled through conservative values.They are not accepting illegals, crime is going down while it increases on the coasts and in the big cities. The proof of this should be clear to liberals. They've lost 1000 elected seats in the last six years.

So as the libtarded echo chamber gets smaller the country becomes better. And Trump is the result, not the cause. Lieberals did it to themselves.

Pretty funny to watch.
Then they wonder why they can't win elections

Yup, and you know what is even funnier about their misguided delusions? They rail about redistricting while they concentrate themselves even more so it will work against them. Dumb as bricks.

As their urban jungles continue to go deeper in debt the heartland is building out. Large corporations are moving to out of the shitholes because they won't pay the taxes. And the stupid idiots continue their resistance to lower taxes. Talk about voting against your own self interest.

You can always come here and watch them destroy themselves for entertainment.
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The nation still hates you, Trumpflake cowards. Crying helplessly here in your little fascist SafeSpace won't change that.

You Trumpflakes keep getting your asses handed to you in the real world. What do you plan to do about that? If your plan is only to turn up the whining here, so much the better. That makes our job of restoring American democracy much easier.
The nation still hates you, Trumpflake cowards. Crying helplessly here in your little fascist SafeSpace won't change that.

You Trumpflakes keep getting your asses handed to you in the real world. What do you plan to do about that? If your plan is only to turn up the whining here, so much the better. That makes our job of restoring American democracy much easier.

Look at you talking about the real world, it would devour you
The real world of business and customers. I love it! I get to talk with so many people who want construction done to their homes and to developers who want prices to build new developments. Then I get to do the work and see all the results and money.
tRumpettes are real fun to talk to. so are republicans. I do not even give them a price/estimate. And you can tell who they are just by the way act while talking to you.
The real world of business and customers. I love it! I get to talk with so many people who want construction done to their homes and to developers who want prices to build new developments. Then I get to do the work and see all the results and money.
tRumpettes are real fun to talk to. so are republicans. I do not even give them a price/estimate. And you can tell who they are just by the way act while talking to you.

You're a piss poor business person
How so Ricky Libtardo? Did you see how many people rejected your hatred propaganda groups.

We will never stop fighting against KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacist, White Nationalist, Alt right and racist people.
We fought 2 wars because of these people. They worse than animals.

Did you see how many high ranking republicans and others blasted and disgusted this lousy little boy president?
The real world of business and customers. I love it! I get to talk with so many people who want construction done to their homes and to developers who want prices to build new developments. Then I get to do the work and see all the results and money.
tRumpettes are real fun to talk to. so are republicans. I do not even give them a price/estimate. And you can tell who they are just by the way act while talking to you.

Sure you can, how stupid can a leftist liar be? Pretty stupid. The "deplorables put Trump in and will remove every dimsht scum we can by whatever means it takes along with the problem republichickenshits. Next I have an idea that some CEO's are going to get a message that if they don't want to help Trump make America Great again, their companies are NOT needed here!!! leftist scum are good at using the organizing skills of the communist that just left office and his financiers who want to reduce our economy to rubble so they can put a dictatorial communist regime in place, Nut their shallow little ant minds will not bring them their desired result since they are going to meet a much stronger superior force seems sooner than later. It will happen soon, BUT only if the Republicans stay strong and start supporting the TRUMP agenda and arresting crimunals when they assault and attack people or violate their rights. It worked for Martin Luther King, and it will work for Conservatives if they do the same thing.
The nation still hates you, Trumpflake cowards. Crying helplessly here in your little fascist SafeSpace won't change that.

You Trumpflakes keep getting your asses handed to you in the real world. What do you plan to do about that? If your plan is only to turn up the whining here, so much the better. That makes our job of restoring American democracy much easier.

Look at you talking about the real world, it would devour you

Truth hurts you.

This country is going the wrong direction woman.
Liberals are destroying themselves in a way Conservatives could never dream of. Yes, the moral decay was evident but just pointing out disgusting sexual perversions, drug addition, crime and their lack of personal responsibility did little to change the minds in the highly concentrated areas LIeberals live. If it did lieberals would do something about shitholes like Chicago.

As Lieberals continue to concentrate in urban plantations, they reinforce each others lack of personal responsibility. Drug addicts and criminals validate each other. Illegal aliens protect each other. Consequently the libtarded echo chamber becomes more concentrated. Moral compass is lost, accountability subsides, and the result is they never hear anyone holding them to higher standards.

Meanwhile the core of the country continues to expand with moral codes instilled through conservative values.They are not accepting illegals, crime is going down while it increases on the coasts and in the big cities. The proof of this should be clear to liberals. They've lost 1000 elected seats in the last six years.

So as the libtarded echo chamber gets smaller the country becomes better. And Trump is the result, not the cause. Lieberals did it to themselves.

Pretty funny to watch.

what on earth are you blathering about.

The real world of business and customers. I love it! I get to talk with so many people who want construction done to their homes and to developers who want prices to build new developments. Then I get to do the work and see all the results and money.
tRumpettes are real fun to talk to. so are republicans. I do not even give them a price/estimate. And you can tell who they are just by the way act while talking to you.

You're a piss poor business person
Why? because I make money and employ people?
The real world of business and customers. I love it! I get to talk with so many people who want construction done to their homes and to developers who want prices to build new developments. Then I get to do the work and see all the results and money.
tRumpettes are real fun to talk to. so are republicans. I do not even give them a price/estimate. And you can tell who they are just by the way act while talking to you.

Sure you can, how stupid can a leftist liar be? Pretty stupid. The "deplorables put Trump in and will remove every dimsht scum we can by whatever means it takes along with the problem republichickenshits. Next I have an idea that some CEO's are going to get a message that if they don't want to help Trump make America Great again, their companies are NOT needed here!!! leftist scum are good at using the organizing skills of the communist that just left office and his financiers who want to reduce our economy to rubble so they can put a dictatorial communist regime in place, Nut their shallow little ant minds will not bring them their desired result since they are going to meet a much stronger superior force seems sooner than later. It will happen soon, BUT only if the Republicans stay strong and start supporting the TRUMP agenda and arresting crimunals when they assault and attack people or violate their rights. It worked for Martin Luther King, and it will work for Conservatives if they do the same thing.
The republicans/conservatives have no viable purpose in America other than disenfranchisement. Also they are terrible workers in any aspect of employment.
The nation still hates you, Trumpflake cowards. Crying helplessly here in your little fascist SafeSpace won't change that.

You Trumpflakes keep getting your asses handed to you in the real world. What do you plan to do about that? If your plan is only to turn up the whining here, so much the better. That makes our job of restoring American democracy much easier.

We will never stop fighting against KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacist, White Nationalist, Alt right and racist people.

Fine. You and your ilk continue to lump most of mainstream America in with a tiny handful of extreme freaks, and keep wondering why you just get your asses kicked over and over and over again by those you've falsely accused of being “KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacist, White Nationalist, Alt right and racist people”. At least you'll provide some entertainment for the rest of us.
Tell that to the 40,000 people who showed up in Boston to counterprotest a handful of Nazis.

There's 700,000 people who live in Boston. Less than 6% showed to fake outrage. Thanks for the laugh buddy.

And by credible accounts, most of those were paid shills brought in from outside. The left wrong cannot even conduct a legitimate, honest protest, any more. They have to bring in outsiders, and pay them to protest, in order to create the illusion that they have any popular support.


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