Liberal Commentators Having A Hard Time Downplaying The Trump Economic Boom."Yah,But"Bla Bla Bla.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:cul2: When challenged by a conservative host, and given the actual facts of the booming economy, they generally start off with, "Yahh, But",then make up their own facts about no one getting higher wages, no one is receiving any additional bonuses from the company's record profits. Many Americans are working 3 or 4 jobs just to make ends meet.
It's as if no matter how well the economy is, liberal guests, especially on Fox will already have their prepared script ready to make it look as if none of this boom is actually happening. Yah, just like when they were all gloating to how well the economic boom was happening in 2009/2010.
They hate the fact that America is doing so well. Exact opposite of what they had in mind.
They hate the fact that America is doing so well. Exact opposite of what they had in mind.
the reason we have 3 per cent unemployment is like, because, like, all US Americans are working 5 jobs, such as the Iraq, and like, such as, South Africa, and like, we need more maps to educate more US Americans !!!
It’s a big reason all the news networks bellow about “collusion” 24/7, they certainly can’t talk about the economy.
It’s a big reason all the news networks bellow about “collusion” 24/7, they certainly can’t talk about the economy.
yah, but, we still have slaves picking cotton in the south. that will be the next excuse from the loons
How well can the economy be really doing when we have to borrow $1 Trillion this year? We have already added $2 Trillion to the deficit and Trump hasn't even been in office two years.
what about what Maxine Waters has to say? has she ever brought up the economy? or just too busy keeping her wigs glued to her head?
what about what Maxine Waters has to say? has she ever brought up the economy? or just too busy keeping her wigs glued to her head?

She's the ranking member on the Financial Services Committee. When she takes over in January, you can bet she will be the one subpoening Donald Trump's taxes.
Obama owns 2017 economically, just as Bush owned 2009.

Trump has done OK so far, so let's see if he can keep it up.

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