Liberal Academics Now Advocating That US Allow 4 Billion Immigrants To Settle Here


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
Liberalism really is a practical joke that God is playing on humanity. From the New Republic:

By taking in the 60 percent of the global population who make less than the bottom five percent in the United States and paying them $5,000 per year, the U.S. and Europe would reduce global inequality by roughly a third.

We citizens of OECD countries take pride in our political and civil rights, and our generous welfare systems. Yet we maintain our high standard of living by giving no rights and trivial money to people who live outside our arbitrary borders. While we fuss over whether we should raise or lower our marginal tax rates, we ignore the plight of the most desperate people in the world.
This behavior and thinking really borders on mental illness.
Liberals have been saying this for years. Maybe this is their brains on drugs.

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