LGBTs At It Again: "The Equality Act": Shoehorn to End Religious Or Any Other Objections

your incessant use of the "asshole as artificial vagina" bullshit is a false premise, most people who practice anal sex are doing it because it's not a vagina.
if you are going to lie try mixing some fact in ..

I know it bothers you. It was meant to. Subconsciously I'm sure gay men are delighted to have sex with a woman they don't get pregnant...just pregnant with HIV. Takes a little longer for the AIDS baby to arrive than 9 months; with modern medicines.

If a hetero guy insisted on using a dildo each time he got off, in whatever way fancied him, you'd instantly accuse him of being a closeted gay. Yet many "top" gays are closeted heteros without even realizing it. I once saw a "top" gay guy with his bottom and very effeminate partner prancing around like an overdone highschool girl. They were at a party. The whole time the "top" gay guy was staring at this woman's tits and eye-flirting with her. His "bottom" was getting very jealous and finally started placing his body between the two whenever the gal came into eyesight of the "top" gay.
false! it's doesn't bother me at all ..
however it hilarious to watch you yammer on endlessly about your gay fantasies.
Yep, nothing like repressed mental issues and increasing my chances of getting HIV to get me all riled up! :lmao:
Good lord. Now gays that top are 'closeted heteros without even realizing it' according to Sil. :lol:
Good lord. Now gays that top are 'closeted heteros without even realizing it' according to Sil.
Yes. They seek a hole in the business end of an effeminate male. Yes. There are closeted hetero signs in that.
Ah ... your compulsive sexual fetish for anal rape jumps out yet again. You just can't keep it in the closet, can you? No .... it's a mental disorder, and you have to put it out there in public, like the rest of the fetishist freaks who are compulsive exhibitionists.

Hey, at least he isn't into a hole in the business end of an effeminate guy and saying he's 'gay'... and then trying to equate that in the courts with "a static race of people"...
There it is ^^ "homophobes". See item #2 in the game plan outlined in the OP.

No, you are the very soul of homophobia. It's why you make up odd ass stories just so you can smear queers: Dylan Roof, Chris Mercer, and, some random college kid from Arizona are just a few of the yarns you spin to smear homos.
Good lord. Now gays that top are 'closeted heteros without even realizing it' according to Sil.
Yes. They seek a hole in the business end of an effeminate male. Yes. There are closeted hetero signs in that.

Nothing screams 'closeted hetero' like having anal sex with a dude. lol. Girl, you're off your nut.
If a man seeks a hole in the business end of another man who talks, dresses and acts like a woman, you're insisting he has no hetero tendencies.

MM...k... So much for your credibility. And you folks want to take your social movement as a "sane claim to equal rights as to that of race". Good luck! I think your issues are going to get a more closer looksie now that you started pushing demented men using women rape-victims' showers and bathrooms. Have fun with your premise on that one mdk...
You folks wouldn't be trying to kill this topic with a flame war now would you? I've reported one of you and copied the OP and links just in case. I will repost it if it gets put in a dungeon or deleted.

Free speech and this website's reputation demand that Americans get to discuss "The Equality Act" before it is rammed down our throats.

You realize that you making up pseudo-legal nonsense isn't actually a 'discussion'. Nor will it have the slightest relevance to the law nor the outcome of any court case.

You get that, right?
You folks wouldn't be trying to kill this topic with a flame war now would you? I've reported one of you and copied the OP and links just in case. I will repost it if it gets put in a dungeon or deleted.

Free speech and this website's reputation demand that Americans get to discuss "The Equality Act" before it is rammed down our throats.

You realize that you making up pseudo-legal nonsense isn't actually a 'discussion'. Nor will it have the slightest relevance to the law nor the outcome of any court case.

You get that, right?

Are you talking about a discussion of civil rights for polyamorous-orientation or homosexual-orientation? :popcorn:

Which one gets civil rights and which one doesn't...and why?
You folks wouldn't be trying to kill this topic with a flame war now would you? I've reported one of you and copied the OP and links just in case. I will repost it if it gets put in a dungeon or deleted.

Free speech and this website's reputation demand that Americans get to discuss "The Equality Act" before it is rammed down our throats.

You realize that you making up pseudo-legal nonsense isn't actually a 'discussion'. Nor will it have the slightest relevance to the law nor the outcome of any court case.

You get that, right?

Are you talking about a discussion of civil rights for polyamorous-orientation or homosexual-orientation? :popcorn:

And who says that polyamory is a sexual orientation?

There's you, citing yourself. Which has no relevance to the law or the outcome of any court ruling.

You make shit up. Its irrelevant to the law. Nothing happens.

See how that works?
And who says that polyamory is a sexual orientation?

Polygamists of course. And isn't it your cult the one that has already given a moniker to incest-orientation? "BSA" I think it is? Polygamists determine theirs is a sexual orientation the same way homosexuals do. And the same way "transgenders" determine they are the wrong gender: self-diagnosis. I think if we look hard enough in the right direction, we can find an instance or syndrome documented where say, a man is oriented towards sex with multiple females...

You think, maybe?

You forgot the rest of my quote Skylar vv Context is everything...
And who says that polyamory is a sexual orientation?

Polygamists of course.
And isn't it your cult the one that has already given a moniker to incest-orientation? "BSA" I think it is? Polygamists determine theirs is a sexual orientation the same way homosexuals do. And the same way "transgenders" determine they are the wrong gender: self-diagnosis. I think if we look hard enough in the right direction, we can find an instance or syndrome documented where say, a man is oriented towards sex with multiple females...

You think, maybe?
Says who? Remember, you'd not quoting polygamists. You're quoting yourself.

And you have no idea what you're talking about.


The word polyamory was first coined in the 1960s and literally means “many loves” in Latin.
...For polyamory to be protected by law it will first have to be considered an orientation in the way that homosexually is. If, legally speaking, it is seen as an orientation, then the reasoning goes that poly individuals would be protected by similar anti-discriminatory laws. Polyamorous relationships may be the future of love

Well it sure will be difficult to demonstrate that a male homo sapiens has an orientation towards wanting sex with more than one woman! You've got me there Skylar. :lmao:
When two men who are married to each other send in a joint tax return, or when one dies and the other receives Social Security survivor benefits, this somehow threatens Silhouette.

It amuses me to see serial adulterers like Kim Davis screeching and hollering about gays violating the bible. She will sign your marriage certificate for your fifth marriage, but won't sign one for two gays' first marriage! Because she is a bleever in the Holy Book, dadgumit! :rolleyes:

Yeah, right. And I have some waterfront property for sale.

A bible which has NOTHING to do with government cash and prizes, by the way.

All the bigot have going for them is the same argument their parents used against blacks: "We have a long legal tradition of oppressing these people that goes back centuries, dammit!"
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And who says that polyamory is a sexual orientation?

Polygamists of course.
And isn't it your cult the one that has already given a moniker to incest-orientation? "BSA" I think it is? Polygamists determine theirs is a sexual orientation the same way homosexuals do. And the same way "transgenders" determine they are the wrong gender: self-diagnosis. I think if we look hard enough in the right direction, we can find an instance or syndrome documented where say, a man is oriented towards sex with multiple females...

You think, maybe?
Says who? Remember, you'd not quoting polygamists. You're quoting yourself.

And you have no idea what you're talking about.


The word polyamory was first coined in the 1960s and literally means “many loves” in Latin.
...For polyamory to be protected by law it will first have to be considered an orientation in the way that homosexually is. If, legally speaking, it is seen as an orientation, then the reasoning goes that poly individuals would be protected by similar anti-discriminatory laws. Polyamorous relationships may be the future of love

Well it sure will be difficult to demonstrate that a male homo sapiens has an orientation towards wanting sex with more than one woman! You've got me there Skylar. :lmao:

But you're not quoting polygamists. You're quoting yourself. Your own quote affirms that polyamory isn't recognized as a sexual orientation.

So who says that polyamory is a sexual orientation? There's you citing you and....who?
Polygamy almost always means one male, multiple wives, and leads to the exploitation and abuse of women. And simple mathematics means it inevitably leads to pedophilia and inbreeding.

A pretty good case can be made that polygamy is a societal harm.

No one can make such a case for homosexuality, no matter how many posts they make about their obsession with gay anal sex.

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