LGBTs At It Again: "The Equality Act": Shoehorn to End Religious Or Any Other Objections

The constitution doesn't protect fake religious beliefs .

It doesn't protect psycho sex fetishists either, but that hasn't stopped you or the other sociopaths from claiming it does.

Well the con gives us a right to privacy .

What bugs me , these fake ass Christians who ignore 95% of their religion , live in sin, have premarital sex, then have the nerve to claim the gays violate their religion?! How can you violate religious beliefs you don't even follow ??!
protections for not being discriminated against for employment, housing, access to public places, federal funding, credit, education, and jury service
Show me where homos aware being discriminated in these areas.
No, you don't get that, because you are the enemy of civil rights.

Whatever..... us normal folks are really tired of hearing from you LGBT homo freaks.

We normal folks are really tired of hearing from you anti-gay bigots.
your incessant use of the "asshole as artificial vagina" bullshit is a false premise, most people who practice anal sex are doing it because it's not a vagina.
if you are going to lie try mixing some fact in ..

I know it bothers you. It was meant to. Subconsciously I'm sure gay men are delighted to have sex with a woman they don't get pregnant...just pregnant with HIV. Takes a little longer for the AIDS baby to arrive than 9 months; with modern medicines..

What bothers me is how much you lie to intentionally harm Americans who are gay- and their children.

How much pleasure do you get in bringing harm to the children of gay couples in America? What kind of a twisted freak are you that you would enjoy harming children whose parents are gay?
A Look Inside 4 Important Goals of the LGBT Movement
A Look Inside 4 Important Goals of the LGBT Movement

Heading up ^^ this LGBT power summit was non other than Kevin Jennings, Obama's gay education czar. The same guy who signed off on teaching kids in school "anal fisting" and other homosexual-gateway techniques...more on that at the end of this post..

So, in a recent case called "Hively v Ivy Tech (2016)", the 7th circuit court of appeals found that homosexuals are not covered under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Hively v. Ivy Tech Community College, No. 3:2014cv01791 - Document 14 (N.D. Ind. 2015) This crucial decision turned the premise of all LGBT litigation on its head. What it effectively concluded was that static classes like race or gender do not equal waffling classes like behaviors.

And that's a big problem for the LGBT legal machine.

So, their solution is to try to get Congress to pass "The Equality Act". (Kim Davis, round two, writ LARGE) In this act they seek special protections for not being discriminated against for employment, housing, access to public places, federal funding, credit, education, and jury service. (sounds reasonable, right?). Exactly. That's how a shoehorn should fit.

But what they're trying to do (again) is to take what's reasonable and extrapolate legally from there. From there "because they are equal" (even though Hively v Ivy Tech says behaviors are not equal to race or gender> PREMISE DESTROYED) they will march demented men into women's restrooms, demand their dogma be taught to children in elementary schools as normal, secure no rollbacks on the illegal case Obergefell (2015), and tie Christians' or any others' hands behind their backs on all those items and more under the umbrella of "you can't discriminate against us anymore". Welcome to "The Equality Act"...But it seemed so reasonable!

So get ready. They're really pinning their hopes on this case called "Blatt vs Cabelas". This case is "the toe in the door" watch it closely:

(Same link as above) A Look Inside 4 Important Goals of the LGBT Movement
The employee, Kate Lynn Blatt, took the legal action under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which bans discrimination based on sex, and the Americans With Disabilities Act, arguing Cabela’s did not provide reasonable accommodations for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria...“And then when it came to the question of which bathroom she should use, [the supervisor] wouldn’t allow her to use the women’s restroom in the store, and instead, suggested that maybe she should go to the Dunkin’ Donuts across the street,” Wu said.

FYI Blatt is not a woman, so the pronoun "she" is incorrect. Cabelas instead was correct saying HE could not use their WOMEN'S restroom. No MD is going to take the witness stand and in seriousness insist that a biological male is actually a female to the extent that real females might be harmed by his (mis)diagnosis of this patient. Blatt is in for a shock because IMHO, the USSC is going to draw the line at the transgender nonsense because of the 17 million women rape survivors and the inevitable PTSD events that will be triggered if men who simply say they feel like a woman, can traipse into womens' showers, locker rooms and bathrooms as they please.

Furthermore, there is no definitive test for gender dysphoria besides self-reporting. And, psychiatrists and psychologists are fighting back hard, calling the situation one of misdiagnosis that shrouds more severe underlying psychological problems. Regular people respond to that saying "yeah, duh". LGBT cult members reel in shock at the mere suggestion.. I Wish I Had Been Told About Risks Before I Had Gender Surgery

The plan for "The Equality Act" is the usual fare. 1. Set up a bunch of court cases where a toe can be wedged through the door using the "poor gay" or "poor transgender" "getting picked on" routine. 2. Label anyone who resists instantly and unapologetically a bigot. 3. Hound state legislators and courts, using any means necessary to "persuade" (read: blackmail/scare) them into submission. 4. Do the same at the federal level until some circuit judge cries "Uncle". 5. Pray Hillary or Trump (Hillary is more conservative than Trump on these issues) nominate one or two more in-pocket liberal Justices and 6. Get all the democrats in Congress lined up, badger/blackmail/harass some GOP Congressionals to play along. 7. Wrap it all up at the USSC level so that the cult of LGBT is the official federal religion of which nobody, not even your 5 year old in Kindergarten, can speak out against or resist.

And really, when you boil it all down....your 5 year old Kindergartener is the end-game of all the machinations. Gotta keep that fresh meat open to new ideas.....OR ELSE! Happy "fisting" kids! Don't let your mom or dad get caught protesting your new lessons because they could go to jail or get fined so much you could lose your house!

If only behaviors were the same as race....


homosexual parents have already been taking 4 year olds to S&M 'fairs',

heterosexual parents have already been killing their 4 year olds.

Does that mean we need to suspect all heterosexual parents of planning on killing their 4 year olds?
I thought republicans were pro freedom and govt staying out of people's personal biz . Then you want to ban shit people do in their bedrooms .
Which one gets civil rights and which one doesn't...and why?

This is another example of Silhouette's basic denial of the law- and the facts.

Everyone in America has civil rights- all of us do.

All of us have civil rights- despite the efforts of Silhouette- and her fellow travellers to deny them to Americans who are homosexual.
I thought republicans were pro freedom and govt staying out of people's personal biz . Then you want to ban shit people do in their bedrooms .

That's social conservatives. Republican <> Social Conservative, they are a subset of the Republican party.

Personally I have not problem with SS Civil Marriage and support the repeal of Public Accommodation laws as a general principal applied to privately owned businesses so they can accept or refuse service at their discretion.

If I want broken records, I'll watch Katie Ledecky or Michael Phelps Olympic replays on YouTube.


I love the Olympics! I enjoyed watching the women's indoor volleyball team capture the number one seed. Woot!
One of the setters, Karly Lloyd, was my daughter's mentor when she was playing Club so cool to watch her play.
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protections for not being discriminated against for employment, housing, access to public places, federal funding, credit, education, and jury service
Show me where homos aware being discriminated in these areas.
No, you don't get that, because you are the enemy of civil rights.

Whatever..... us normal folks are really tired of hearing from you LGBT homo freaks.
If I want broken records, I'll watch Katie Ledecky or Michael Phelps Olympic replays on YouTube.


I love the Olympics! I enjoyed watching the women's indoor volleyball team capture the number one seed. Woot!
One of the setters, Karly Lloyd, was my daughter's mentor when she was playing Club so cool to watch her play.

How awesome! Christa Dietzen is from my home county. We got to cheer on the local folk. lol
Polygamy almost always means one male, multiple wives, and leads to the exploitation and abuse of women. And simple mathematics means it inevitably leads to pedophilia and inbreeding.

A pretty good case can be made that polygamy is a societal harm.

No one can make such a case for homosexuality, no matter how many posts they make about their obsession with gay anal sex.

What a bigot you are. Homosexuality almost always leads to AIDS. Feel good about that statement? I have a better case for societal harm than polyamory: stripping a child for life of either a mother or father with a binding legal contract. Can't say that about polygamist-orientation. Yet you can 100% of the time in "gay marriage".

I notice the point I made about demonstrating polyamory as a sexual orientation got a pass. So, how hard would it be to demonstrate that some men have an overwhelming urge/orientation to copulate with more than one woman? If you disagree, then define these words "sexual orientation".
Polygamy almost always means one male, multiple wives, and leads to the exploitation and abuse of women. And simple mathematics means it inevitably leads to pedophilia and inbreeding.

A pretty good case can be made that polygamy is a societal harm.

No one can make such a case for homosexuality, no matter how many posts they make about their obsession with gay anal sex.

What a bigot you are. Homosexuality almost always leads to AIDS.

Nope. AIDS is primarily a heterosexual disease. Heterosexuals also died by the millions from syphilis and gonorrhea.

Sil is being whipped stumbling and crying before the sane people on this subject.

The Cult of Sil is one person: Sil.
Polygamy almost always means one male, multiple wives, and leads to the exploitation and abuse of women. And simple mathematics means it inevitably leads to pedophilia and inbreeding.

A pretty good case can be made that polygamy is a societal harm.

No one can make such a case for homosexuality, no matter how many posts they make about their obsession with gay anal sex.

What a bigot you are. Homosexuality almost always leads to AIDS. .

What a liar you are.

Among homosexual men- the lifetime rate is about 20%- which is not 'almost always'
Among homosexual women- the rate is slightly higher than straight women.
The constitution doesn't protect fake religious beliefs .

It doesn't protect psycho sex fetishists either, but that hasn't stopped you or the other sociopaths from claiming it does.

Well the con gives us a right to privacy .

What bugs me , these fake ass Christians who ignore 95% of their religion , live in sin, have premarital sex, then have the nerve to claim the gays violate their religion?! How can you violate religious beliefs you don't even follow ??!

I'm not religious, so ask a Christian. As for some 'right to privacy', homosexuals aren't interested, they want to be in everybody's face, and access to children, so they should keep to themselves if they don't like others having a say in their sicko fetish 'self-expressions'.
The constitution doesn't protect fake religious beliefs .

It doesn't protect psycho sex fetishists either, but that hasn't stopped you or the other sociopaths from claiming it does.

Well the con gives us a right to privacy .

What bugs me , these fake ass Christians who ignore 95% of their religion , live in sin, have premarital sex, then have the nerve to claim the gays violate their religion?! How can you violate religious beliefs you don't even follow ??!

I'm not religious, so ask a Christian. As for some 'right to privacy', homosexuals aren't interested, they want to be in everybody's face, and access to children, so they should keep to themselves if they don't like others having a say in their sicko fetish 'self-expressions'.
No wonder people think you are an idiot. heterosexuals are everyone's face and want access to children. You are an idiot.
The constitution doesn't protect fake religious beliefs .

It doesn't protect psycho sex fetishists either, but that hasn't stopped you or the other sociopaths from claiming it does.

Well the con gives us a right to privacy .

What bugs me , these fake ass Christians who ignore 95% of their religion , live in sin, have premarital sex, then have the nerve to claim the gays violate their religion?! How can you violate religious beliefs you don't even follow ??!

I'm not religious, so ask a Christian. As for some 'right to privacy', homosexuals aren't interested, they want to be in everybody's face, and access to children, so they should keep to themselves if they don't like others having a say in their sicko fetish 'self-expressions'.
No wonder people think you are an idiot. heterosexuals are everyone's face and want access to children. You are an idiot.

Pipe down, Jake; you've never had sex anyway, of any kind, and don't have any stake in this.

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