LGBT should be united to protect our rights

The Romans lasted thousands of years. Damn good run if you ask me.

As an empire?

Not quite. As things fluctuated from the time of conquests in 27BC the collapse of any vestige of the Empire in 1461 your looking at less than plural thousands.

I don't want to seem trivial, but the true Roman Empire collapsed in 395AD. Less than 500 years. Yeah that's a good run, but I doubt faggotry is what took them that far.

I don't believe it is what brought them down either though. That idea is stupid.

The Romans lasted thousands of years. Damn good run if you ask me.

As an empire?

Not quite. As things fluctuated from the time of conquests in 27BC the collapse of any vestige of the Empire in 1461 your looking at less than plural thousands.

I don't want to seem trivial, but the true Roman Empire collapsed in 395AD. Less than 500 years. Yeah that's a good run, but I doubt faggotry is what took them that far.

I don't believe it is what brought them down either though. That idea is stupid.

It is a stupid argument to say homosexuality brought down the Roman empire. If somebody argued that It was their acceptance of Christianity that brought them down you'd call them fucking retarded, and rightfully so. We all know the old saying about correlation versus causation.
I'm not familiar with how gay rights are in Canada, but the LGBT community doesn't have it THAT bad in America anymore. No, it's not perfect, but I think after witnessing our country's history of fighting for civil rights many people never expected everything to just be awesome all at once. Baby steps have to be made. And unfortunately sometimes terrible shit like the Matthew Shepard incident or the Birmingham church bombing have to happen before people start paying attention.
Do you support gay marrige?What's your opinion about organizations that stand against gay liberties?
What would you say to supporters of anti-gay organizations?

1- NO
2- Supportive
3- Great job. Keep up the good work

Do I get an A+?

Yeah. They were pretty awesome.

Except for that whole killing Jesus thing. That was kinda dickish on their part.

According to biblical scripture it was a "democratic" desicion...

The "people" wanted obama....

I mean Barabas....

Queers need to 'clean' up their act. It's not a very healthy lifestyle


Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals

SYDNEY, Australia, July 20, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A major study funded by the Australian government has found that homosexuals are less personally fulfilled, have more health problems, and are not as happy in their relationships as "straight" people.

In fact, the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) surveys reveal a marked difference in people's experiences based on their sexual identity. Participants are followed over time, and in-depth interviews are conducted annually with all adult members of each household.

For the first time in the study's 12-year history, respondents' sexual identity was researched as it relates to life satisfaction. The results were striking.

Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals
I support freedom in all things.

the lgbt community does not.
Why?!Tell me the reason
/----/ Fundamental Christians being forced to sell wedding cakes to gays. Yet you freaks would never consider making the same demand of a Muslim baker. And if a gay baker refused to sell a cake decorated with the saying Homosexuality is a sin, you freaks wouldn't say a word in protest.
Queers need to 'clean' up their act. It's not a very healthy lifestyle


Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals

SYDNEY, Australia, July 20, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A major study funded by the Australian government has found that homosexuals are less personally fulfilled, have more health problems, and are not as happy in their relationships as "straight" people.

In fact, the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) surveys reveal a marked difference in people's experiences based on their sexual identity. Participants are followed over time, and in-depth interviews are conducted annually with all adult members of each household.

For the first time in the study's 12-year history, respondents' sexual identity was researched as it relates to life satisfaction. The results were striking.

Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals

A professor from Melbourne's Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research attributed it to societal discrimination, but was disputed by some guy from from an organization called Americans For Truth About Homosexuality that is designated as a hate group by the SPLC. Hmmm. I wonder who is more legit? :lol:
Queers need to 'clean' up their act. It's not a very healthy lifestyle


Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals

SYDNEY, Australia, July 20, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A major study funded by the Australian government has found that homosexuals are less personally fulfilled, have more health problems, and are not as happy in their relationships as "straight" people.

In fact, the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) surveys reveal a marked difference in people's experiences based on their sexual identity. Participants are followed over time, and in-depth interviews are conducted annually with all adult members of each household.

For the first time in the study's 12-year history, respondents' sexual identity was researched as it relates to life satisfaction. The results were striking.

Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals

A professor from Melbourne's Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research attributed it to societal discrimination, but was disputed by some guy from from an organization called Americans For Truth About Homosexuality that is designated as a hate group by the SPLC. Hmmm. I wonder who is more legit? :lol:
SPLC? Really? Lol
Queers need to 'clean' up their act. It's not a very healthy lifestyle


Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals

SYDNEY, Australia, July 20, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A major study funded by the Australian government has found that homosexuals are less personally fulfilled, have more health problems, and are not as happy in their relationships as "straight" people.

In fact, the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) surveys reveal a marked difference in people's experiences based on their sexual identity. Participants are followed over time, and in-depth interviews are conducted annually with all adult members of each household.

For the first time in the study's 12-year history, respondents' sexual identity was researched as it relates to life satisfaction. The results were striking.

Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals

A professor from Melbourne's Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research attributed it to societal discrimination, but was disputed by some guy from from an organization called Americans For Truth About Homosexuality that is designated as a hate group by the SPLC. Hmmm. I wonder who is more legit? :lol:

It ain't a bunch of commies from the splc I can promise you that.

Queers need to 'clean' up their act. It's not a very healthy lifestyle


Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals

SYDNEY, Australia, July 20, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A major study funded by the Australian government has found that homosexuals are less personally fulfilled, have more health problems, and are not as happy in their relationships as "straight" people.

In fact, the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) surveys reveal a marked difference in people's experiences based on their sexual identity. Participants are followed over time, and in-depth interviews are conducted annually with all adult members of each household.

For the first time in the study's 12-year history, respondents' sexual identity was researched as it relates to life satisfaction. The results were striking.

Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals

A professor from Melbourne's Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research attributed it to societal discrimination, but was disputed by some guy from from an organization called Americans For Truth About Homosexuality that is designated as a hate group by the SPLC. Hmmm. I wonder who is more legit? :lol:
SPLC? Really? Lol

I don't care what the SPLC says about him. You can't just glance over the fact that he has zero credentials whatsoever to dispute a professor of what I imagine is a respected institute in Australia where the study was conducted. His credentials are that he has headed a couple anti-LGBT groups, and his assumptions are based on nothing scientific.
Nobody gives a shit what queers do anymore.

Leave us the fuck alone and let the AIDS virus do it's job.

How negative it is!!

What do you want? A fucking cookie?

There are so many more issues of actual relevance, but you fucking perverts are so self absorbed about your problem you just can't worry about anything else.

There are REAL problems we face as a society, and you're butthurt that not everyone exhalts your deviance.

Be yourself, have pride in who you are, then shut the fuck up and live your life like everyone else.

So rude!
Do you support gay marrige?What's your opinion about organizations that stand against gay liberties?
What would you say to supporters of anti-gay organizations?

1- NO
2- Supportive
3- Great job. Keep up the good work

Do I get an A+?


You may be very humorous, but it's not funny for me

Matthew ... c'est vous?

Do you support gay marrige?What's your opinion about organizations that stand against gay liberties?
What would you say to supporters of anti-gay organizations?

1- NO
2- Supportive
3- Great job. Keep up the good work

Do I get an A+?


You may be very humorous, but it's not funny for me

You asked (3) questions that I directly answered. Why ask them if you are only looking for answers you agree with?


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