Lets's ask again, who won the debate?

The active duty military support Trump as being their Commander-in-Chief by a 2 to 1 majority over Clinton. The veterans groups support Trump and have endorsed him. The Border Patrol agents union has endorsed Trumps and support his building the wall and enforcing our immigration laws as does ICE who has never in history endorsed a political candidate until now and their endorsement is Donald Trump. Eighty-eight generals and flag officers and 17 Medal of Honor receiptents have endorsed Trump. Most American patriots actually do support Trump.

This just simply rips the shit out of you spinless Liberals. You can have your BLM, LGBT, and Planned Parenthood endorsements. We'll proudly take these endorsements instead.

I don't doubt this but Trump is his own worst enemy atm. He really needs to reign it in, stop taking the bait, prep!, and hit her with her lying, corruption, policy differences, etc. Will he? :dunno:
The active duty military support Trump as being their Commander-in-Chief by a 2 to 1 majority over Clinton. The veterans groups support Trump and have endorsed him. The Border Patrol agents union has endorsed Trumps and support his building the wall and enforcing our immigration laws as does ICE who has never in history endorsed a political candidate until now and their endorsement is Donald Trump. Eighty-eight generals and flag officers and 17 Medal of Honor receiptents have endorsed Trump. Most American patriots actually do support Trump.

This just simply rips the shit out of you spinless Liberals. You can have your BLM, LGBT, and Planned Parenthood endorsements. We'll proudly take these endorsements instead.

I don't doubt this but Trump is his own worst enemy atm. He really needs to reign it in, stop taking the bait, prep!, and hit her with her lying, corruption, policy differences, etc. Will he? :dunno:

I have no idea.
Trump did well the first half hour or so. He was on message and all you had to do was look at mrs bill's body language and facial expressions to see he was on point.

Then the rest of the debate happened.


Trump simply does not know when to shut his pie hole. Give an answer, be direct, be precise, yadda, yadda, yadda, then move on. Dear GOD, he just can't help himself. She dangled the carrot and he just took off after it. The Miss Universe thing? "That isn't what happened, you're lying" or "I've evolved", then pivot to her email/benghazi/policy/whatever. Pull an obama and ignore it. I don't think he's capable of doing that. Seriously.

He's like obama in that he loves to hear himself speak. When obama goes off on one of his 20 minute tangents you fall asleep and have no idea what the hell the point is that he's trying to make. When Trump goes off on one of his tangents, he's like a kid with ADD. He starts telling you one thing then fifteen other shiny thoughts pop into his very good brain and they all come tumbling out in haphazard fashion, zig zagging all over the place.

Someone tell me again how he isn't a plant so she wins?


"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."

And you will service Obastard./

He is down over ten percent in the latest estimate. Do any of you people really think Donnie won the Monday debate?

Of course if you work for him, you will be fired if you say otherwise.

One clue is look at who is blaming the ref. You don’t blame the ref if you won.

One clue is that you are traitor bitch.

Yeah…see winners don’t sound like you.
The active duty military support Trump as being their Commander-in-Chief by a 2 to 1 majority over Clinton. The veterans groups support Trump and have endorsed him. The Border Patrol agents union has endorsed Trumps and support his building the wall and enforcing our immigration laws as does ICE who has never in history endorsed a political candidate until now and their endorsement is Donald Trump. Eighty-eight generals and flag officers and 17 Medal of Honor receiptents have endorsed Trump. Most American patriots actually do support Trump.

This just simply rips the shit out of you spinless Liberals. You can have your BLM, LGBT, and Planned Parenthood endorsements. We'll proudly take these endorsements instead.

I don't doubt this but Trump is his own worst enemy atm. He really needs to reign it in, stop taking the bait, prep!, and hit her with her lying, corruption, policy differences, etc. Will he? :dunno:

No, he does not have the self control cause he is smarter than anyone else.....

He is down over ten percent in the latest estimate. Do any of you people really think Donnie won the Monday debate?

Of course if you work for him, you will be fired if you say otherwise.

One clue is look at who is blaming the ref. You don’t blame the ref if you won.

One clue is that you are traitor bitch.

One piece of evidence ^^^ is you're a misogynist asshole to dumb to write anything substantial. One piece in this case is enough.

He is down over ten percent in the latest estimate. Do any of you people really think Donnie won the Monday debate?

Of course if you work for him, you will be fired if you say otherwise.

I agree, the horse has been whipped to death. Trump at best held his own for 15 minutes or so, but after that he was Hillery's puppet. Then, here he is 4 or 5 days later still going on about a stupid Mexican and her but sex. Trump can't get over the beating he took. If he wants to win or even not be humiliated when he loses he will get over it and move on. Likely to late for that now.
Come on Einstein, I am sure trumps returns fit the letter of the law, but why won't he release them? What do they contain that he is afraid of

Maybe the returns would reveal the big check he received from Pooootin? Comrade Trump joins Nixon as being super corrupt.

surely you are not implying that HELLERY is not corrupt?
Just where is she corrupt?

In all the typical places politicians are especially where money comes in.
Whether you like her or not, she has fhe experience to run this country.

Some who gets us at 3:00 am and rants a meaningless tweet does not have even near the temperament needed. The word "unhinged" is being kind.

He is down over ten percent in the latest estimate. Do any of you people really think Donnie won the Monday debate?

Of course if you work for him, you will be fired if you say otherwise.

One clue is look at who is blaming the ref. You don’t blame the ref if you won.

One clue is that you are traitor bitch.

One piece of evidence ^^^ is you're a misogynist asshole to dumb to write anything substantial. One piece in this case is enough.
Dumfucks like you never heard that word until media faggots stuck it in your ass.
Whether you like her or not, she has fhe experience to run this country.

Some who gets us at 3:00 am and rants a meaningless tweet does not have even near the temperament needed. The word "unhinged" is being kind.

Into the ground. Mexicans, muslims, whoever, all given free shit. Fuck you traitor.

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